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Follow Your Dreams

Prologue Let the Dreaming Begin .............................................................................................................................. 2 Chapter 1 - The Boy from the Dream ............................................................................................................................ 3 Chapter 2 The Stewarts .............................................................................................................................................. 5 Chapter 3 Day Dreaming ............................................................................................................................................. 7 Chapter 4 The Truth ................................................................................................................................................... 9 Chapter 5 Secret....................................................................................................................................................... 11 Chapter 6 - Closer........................................................................................................................................................ 13 Chapter 7 Nightmare................................................................................................................................................ 16 Chapter 8 Bully ......................................................................................................................................................... 19 Chapter 9 Recognition.............................................................................................................................................. 22

Prologue Let the Dreaming Begin

I am waiting... Well, I was waiting, until I gave up. Obviously he wasnt coming even though he said he had to tell me something important. Now it seemed insignificant. If he wasnt here, then clearly I was wasting my time. How did I even come to trust him?! I turned away from the street corner and watched the leaves swirl around my ankles. The wind seemed to whisper to me, it forced me to stop and listen. It urged me to turn back, it controlled me and guided me knowingly back to the corner. And then he was there...! His piercing blue eyes bore down into mine and the wind ruffled his dark brown hair. I couldnt look away or even breathe. I was afraid he would leave as quickly as he had arrived. Then he moved, slowly, but gracefully and held is hand out. Then I blinked and it changed. He stood behind me and held me close to him. His breath tickled as he whispered in my ear, his words flowed faster, the wind picked up his momentum, and my eyes widened with his every word ... NO! And he was gone.

Chapter 1 - The Boy from the Dream

Buzz. A strange but familiar buzz filled my head. I knew this wasnt part of the dream but I just needed some more sleep after last night. Reluctantly, I opened my eyes to find my phone vibrating on the seat next to me. The caller ID showed Liz. I groaned, why some people have to call so early in the morning, I really dont know. What?I moaned. Carrie! Where the hell are you? Youre half an hour late... Oh crap! I grabbed my stuff and scrambled out of my car. I dashed across the car park, lugging my bag and folders with me. My best friend Liz practically lectured me non-stop while I ran to the other end of the school to get to my classroom. I even tried to cut her off thinking that would make her shut up but she rang back within 5 seconds to continue with her rant... ... And its your first day!! Get your butt in this classroom right now or I will come personally come and drag it here!! What has happened to you?! You used to be ridiculously early and then... I paused outside the door. Would you shut up now? Im right here and... Carrie? I whipped round to see Mr Hutchinson my Maths teacher, arms crossed, shaking his head at me. Oh! Err... Yes sir? I mumbled to the floor. I could still hear Liz yelling down the phone and unsuccessfully tried to muffle it with my free hand. Carrie, you know the rules about phones. Kindly turn it off and compose yourself before you enter my classroom please, he said sternly before reaching his hand out. I looked at him questioningly still fidgeting with my phone which I had still unmanaged to disconnect, and he motioned to give it to him. Unwillingly I handed it over with Liz still babbling unsuspecting of what was going to happen next. Before I knew it, Mr Hutchinson began speaking into the receiver: Liz? This is Mr Hutchinson. In future, please leave the lectures to me. Thank you. I cringed as Lizs voice stopped abruptly and he disconnected the call. He returned my phone to me. I stepped away from Mr Hutchinson and opened the classroom door, only to find Liz her face red with embarrassment and her phone in her hand. I looked around the room. The whole class were in fits of laughter! Sit down Liz. Carrie, since you were late, VERY late, you can find the last seat at the back of the room. The rest of you can quieten down now! Mr Hutchinson roared above the noise. I made my way over to my seat at the back of the class. Carrie! Watch out for him, hes a weird one! Oliver said as I walked past him. I stopped and looked around. Who are you talking about? I asked unwillingly I didnt care much for the school bully. To put it plainly, he pissed me off. That one over there. He pointed to the back of the room, apparently unaware of my aversion to be near him. His loud voice clearly carried across the room because the boy looked up. I glanced over and saw him. Him - The boy from my dream! How the hell was that even possible?! I didnt even know him, yet he was sitting just a few metres away from me. It was him, right down to his sharp blue eyes and seal brown

hair. I couldnt breathe again, just like the dream. I tried to shake the feeling off as I walked to my seat. I placed my bag under my desk and slowly sat down. He hadnt moved, or even acknowledged me. I couldnt look at him without getting a little flustered. He was staring at the desk so I just prayed he didnt notice my awkwardness. Oliver Brown? Yes sir. Who the hell was this boy? Megan Dagon? Yes sir. I wanted to know his name. No, or should I? Abbey Malls? Yes sir. I needed to know his name. Hmm...To be or not to be... Dave Packard? Yes sir. Would you get to his name already?! That is the question... Will Stewarts? Yes sir. The soft reply came from beside me. My head shot up to stare at him. Oh my god! His voice was the voice the whispering voice from my dream. This was crazy... I was crazy... Will was... perfect.

Chapter 2 The Stewarts

Im on a mission. The mission is to find the man who killed my father. I saw it happen and I foolishly hid. What happened? He was shot for no reason, other than to steal his battered red Ford. Every year, I go through the same process. I relive it, in whatever way I can, even if it is just sitting in a corner and remembering it. Well that isnt a problem. I remember it to the second, as vivid as if it was happening right now... *** Two years ago, I was walking home from school. All I could hear was the endless wailing of sirens as police cars and paramedics screeched up and down the main road. Another fight probably... I walked faster. The sooner I was home, the better it would be, and the safer I would feel. Once inside my house, I collapsed on the sofa as usual. My mum was pottering around in the kitchen and called out a hello. Hi Will! Did you have a good day at school? Hey Mum. Yep, it was exactly the same as yesterday, I replied loudly then muttered under my breath. More like same old boring lessons. I heard that, said Mum with a laugh as she walked poked her head round the living room. Now, go and change before your fathers home. He said he would be home early tonight! Im cooking his favourite! I could tell she was excited. Dad always worked late so we never really got a chance to even talk to him during the week. Late last night, I had heard them arguing about it; they had been arguing more and more lately. Callum bounced down the stairs, clambered onto the sofa next to me and dumped a book in my lap. I looked down at the messy maths books, then at him. He stared at me expectantly and I stared back waiting for him to speak. Take your time, why dont you. I waited some more. Come on then. What is it? I asked after a few minutes. Help, he said, pointing at the book. I raised my eyebrows disapprovingly. Please, he huffed, finally. I looked at the sheet on fractions in his book. It was simple, easy maths but I just couldnt be bothered tonight. Wi-ill? He complained in his shrill whiny voice. I sighed exasperatedly. After half an hour of explaining how to convert a half into two quarters, he finally understood! When he was done, I wrestled him to the floor playfully and chased him round the living room. Hey! Will! He squealed with excitement when I lunged for him and narrowly missed. I followed him into the kitchen and saw him peering out from behind Mums back with a massive grin on his face. Mum glanced up. Hey there, play nice! I gave her the most innocent look I had then proceeded to catch Callum by his waist and hoist him into the air and out of the kitchen. He giggled and protested as I carried him off to his room. Dumping him on his bed and returning to the sofa, I began to relax again. I didnt budge from the sofa until at least an hour later, and by now it was 5 oclock. There was the most mouthwatering smell of lasagne wafting from the kitchen. I sighed, almost drifting off to sleep to dream about lasagnes! WILL! Mum snapped at me, brandishing a wooden spoon. I just about fell off the sofa! If you dont get upstairs now, you wont get any lasagne, and I know how much you love it. So get a move on. Now, please!

Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! I hastily apologised, skipping up the stairs two at a time. Threatening me with no lasagne was enough to get me moving! After two hours of tidying my room, doing my homework and showering I was just about ready for another nap! However, that would have to wait. I peeked through my curtains, there were still police driving up and down the road. What the hell was going on?! Ok, am I presentable now? I sighed as I slouched into the kitchen. The lasagne was steaming from the oven and I was nearly going to pinch a crispy bit when a small slap on my wrist told me that I wasnt going to get it that easily. I sighed and sat at the table, pulling a pouty mouth. Mum smiled and continued chopping the vegetables. Wheres Daddy? Callum pulled up a chair opposite me. She sighed deeply as she glanced at the clock every few seconds. He was meant to be back by now, wasnt he? I asked quietly. I... Her reply was stopped as a loud CRASH echoed outside. I rushed to the front window and here is what I saw: A car had presumably swerved and had hit another car across the road. A man was getting up from the floor; he had a gun in his hand. Policemen and police cars were charging down the road at full speed. The man limped over to the car and smashed in the window. Holding the gun to the drivers head he yelled at him to hand over the keys, or he died. For some stupid reason, the driver refused, maybe to kill time until the police arrived. But it didnt work. Without even listening to the driver, a shot echoed through the air. He dragged him out of the car and dumped his body on the ground. Before he escaped, he swiftly looked around, caught my eye and held my gaze for a split second. Then he was off. He jumped in and zoomed away down the road... in a battered red Ford. *** I had no excuse to be a coward, yet I crouched by the window with Callum quietly sobbing into my shirt, waiting for it to be over. I waited for someone to turn down the volume of the screaming that erupted from my Mums mouth as she kneeled by my Dads side. I waited for someone to silence the sirens that wailed repeatedly for hours on end. I waited for the moment when tears wouldnt stream down my face when I thought of him. But they dont stop.

Chapter 3 Day Dreaming

It has been three weeks. THREE WEEKS! Will hasnt spoken one sentence to me. Every single day, every single morning, he sits next to me. I mean, its not like I havent tried to communicate, but he just seems so lost in his thoughts and unfocused. Not that it affects his school work or stops him from being an A* student in every subject. Whenever Mr Hutchinson asks a question, however mathematically difficult, Wills hand shoots up without a moments thought and his answers are perfect..., mmm..., just like him. I was getting a bit off topic there. Anyway, like I said, I have tried to talk to him and find out more about him but he never says more than one word answers! For example, the other day: Hey Will. How are you? Fine. Completely monotonous! And a few days ago, I walked in sopping wet from the heavy rain. He looked up and looked straight back down again! What is with that?! I hate the rain, dont you? Yeah... Dude! Please! There is more to life than one syllable words!! As frustrating as it is, his unbelievable cuteness totally makes up for it. If he doesnt speak, then I am perfectly fine with staring (discreetly I hope!) at his face. Sigh... *** After 3 weeks, getting one syllable replies were depressing, so I gave up and plonked myself next to Liz on Monday morning dripping water all over the place after another storm. Without even saying hello she launched into last nights gossip. OMG! You would never have guessed what! So why even say so? You know, Max, yeah well, apparently, he said he liked me!! Switching off in 3... He is so sweet and... 2... ...funny and cute... 1... Oh would you look at that. Ive found my way back to Will! No surprise there though because literally, all the girls here, (except from Liz since shes obsessed with err... What was his name again? Matt? Mack?), are staring at him. But he doesnt seem to care; he is far, FAR away. Actually he looks a bit upset, maybe I should try talking to him again? Carrie? CARRIE! Are you even listening to me? Lizs distant voice brought me back to Earth. Carrie?! Yeah what? Carry on; you were talking about Matt... MAX! she interrupted huffily and turning away from me with an annoyed look on her face.

Taking my cue, I slipped back to my seat as Mr Hutchinson finally began the class. I glanced at Will and smiled in an attempt to cheer him up and surprisingly, I was rewarded by the tiniest smile. I beamed in return, thankful that he wasnt as dead inside as I thought he was. I noticed the slip on my desk as I turned my attention to Mr Hutchinson and skimmed it quickly. I groaned simultaneously with the rest of the class. A school trip? In this weather?! This is a compulsory Maths trip so no worming your way out of this one! Make sure you get your parents signature on the slip and hand it in within the next four weeks. Also they need to say whether they are coming to the Information Evening on the Thursday evening. Mum, Dad, whoever is at home... Wait, Will? Where are you going? I looked up to see Will running out of the room, tears streaming down his face. I scrambled after him; I had to know if he was ok. I dont what it was but I was out of my seat before I could even stop to think about it! It was like he pulled me after him... Carrie get back here, let me... Mr Hutchinson began. No its ok sir, just give me a minute please! I said. I didnt bother waiting for his reply; I was already out of the door.

Chapter 4 The Truth

Her smile made my day. I knew that I wasnt making the best first impression on the class and they had started to avoid me after I refused to speak to them for the first week. But Carrie was different; she hadnt quite given up on me yet. I could feel it. I was so lost in reliving that dreaded day that I blocked out the noise, the chatter and the stares. I knew she was watching me. Out of the corner of my eye I could see her frowning, deep in thought. As soon as she sat beside me, I felt better. It was her smile that did it. She practically radiated happiness when she smiled at me. And then, I smiled back. It had been a long time since I had done that but, it felt good. ...Also they need to say whether they are coming to the Information Evening next Thursday. Mum, Dad, whoever is at home... Wait, Will? Where are you going? I couldnt do it. I was so close though. It was bad enough that today was 2 years since he died but I just couldnt deal with anybody mentioning the word Dad. As soon as he said that I knew I would start crying and bawling like a baby. It was too embarrassing to do that in front of strangers. So without warning, I ran. My tears fell uncontrollably as I ran. Behind me I heard a faint conversation: Carrie get back here, let me... Mr Hutchinson began. No its ok sir, just give me a minute please! Carrie pleaded. Carrie? What was she doing!? I continued running until I burst through the doors onto the piazza. I fell on the floor in a heap shaking and crying. The rain spattered on my face, my clothes, and my skin. Slowing footsteps echoed behind me but I didnt care who saw me now. They wouldnt understand. Will? Carries voice trembled and I barely heard it over the thundering rain and the howling wind. I still couldnt stop crying and my breathing came in short raspy breaths. Will, are you all right? What happened? Leave me alone! I managed to croak turning away from her. You wont understand! I crouched down against the wall as I calmed myself. Carrie cautiously knelt next to me and reached out her hand. NO! I shouted in her face and turned away. She recoiled as if I had hit her and I instantly regretted it. She hadnt deserved that. Will please, she begged quietly. Let me try to help you, please? At least tell me whats wrong? You can trust me, I promise. I gradually turned to look at her, straight in the eye. She wouldnt hurt me or laugh at me; she actually seemed to comfort me. I just couldnt bring myself to trust her yet. Not yet, I whispered against the rain. Not yet. She sighed quietly, and took off her jacket. Crouching beside me, she wrapped it around me and herself. I looked at her closely and realised how genuine her promise was. I just needed some time. We sat there for a few minutes in silence. Just having someone near me was comforting and I felt relaxed around Carrie because she wasnt repelled by me as the rest of the class were. The rain soon subsided to a drizzle. I took a deep breath; this wasnt going to be easy.

It was my Dad I began. She looked at me, probably shocked that I had calmly said more than one word to her. I continued: He was shot 2 years ago in front of our house. Carrie let out a small gasp, and then proceeded to gently take one of my hands that were resting on my knees and squeeze it tightly. I told her the whole story and still, she never let go. At the end, we were both crying silently. Im so sorry, I had no idea, she said softly, resting her head on my shoulder. Nobody does, not really anyway, I replied. But it will all be over soon. After I find his killer, I added as an afterthought.

Chapter 5 Secret
I had never heard him talk so much, not to anybody! It took nearly a month to let him open up, and even then he made me promise not to tell anybody about his Dad. As I lay in my bed that night, I told myself that I need to find out more about him, about his Dad, in order for me to help him. But then, I thought, what if he doesnt want my help? Maybe I should give him some more time to adjust to his new life and for us to get to know each other a bit better. Now, I was really confused about what to do. I couldnt rid myself of the image of him crying in the rain. It was heart breaking to think that every time he saw someone elses dad or someone said the word dad, that it was too painful for him to remember that his Dad was gone. Hell, it made me want to cry just thinking about it! I became restless with the constant rain against the window and the endless trains of thought that whizzed through my brain. I fell asleep somewhere after midnight and soon enough, Will crept into my dreams... It was the same; exactly the same. Creepy or what! Who has the same dream twice? Well, me, I guess. It was the same street corner, the whole wind and leaves thing too. But then, just when I was getting bored, Wills voice became clearer and I heard this: Carrie, I need to tell you something. What? Its about my Dad... His killer... I know who it is... Yeah, so go on. Keep talking... This time I turned to face him. The wind began to pick up again. His mouth kept on moving, but no sound came out. His silent words flowed faster and faster. The wind was drowning him out! This couldnt be happening! He was so close to telling me what he had to say... I woke up panting in the dark all bothered and annoyed that the stupid wind got in the way. Hmph! Wait. Why exactly was I getting so bothered? It was just a dream. It didnt mean that Will was actually hiding something. Was he? *** I smelt bacon. Ahh, yes! That meant a good breakfast awaited me downstairs. Wait! No. That wasnt bacon... I inhaled deeply. Burning... BURNING! I swear I have never moved so fast in my life. Perhaps it was because I thought the house was burning down but it turned out that my Mum had forgotten about the bacon in the frying pan. UGH! I got up earlier than I had to for an illegitimate reason even after my sleepless night. I swiftly turned off the gas and threw the charred bacon into the bin. What a shame! I was looking forward to that. Well, you look like you have been zombified overnight, my Mum said brightly as she walked into the kitchen. You... Burned... The bacon, I said tightly. Sorry sweetie, I was going for a big breakfast but I guess you will have to stick to cereal for today! I groaned in response and proceeded to trudge back upstairs to sleep for another 5 minutes. Instead, I dragged myself into the bathroom and examined my reflection. If I looked like a zombie it meant I needed more time to get ready for school. Mum was right. There was a haystack on my head and I had panda eyes. This was going to take a while...

Half an hour later, I sat, presentable, forcing myself to swallow the paste that was actually Shreddies - Eww. I stared out of the window remembering my dream... Carrie! Youre daydreaming! Mum laughed. Oh err... yeah. Just remembered my dream thats all, I replied a little flustered. I didnt want to tell her my real dream... It seemed too personal and frankly, too strange! What was it? she asked. Err, well I dreamt that... I err... killed someone, I blurted. Why, WHY did I say that?! Oh! Mum exclaimed. She seemed taken aback but tried to laugh it off. Well, it is good to know that it was just a dream. I remember the worst thing you ever did! I thought I was a good kid! I protested. You were. But every kid has their moments. It wasnt even that bad! You just took some sweets from the newsagents and the owner made a massive fuss. I dont remember that... Have you ever done anything bad? Like really bad? I asked. Me? No never. I was perfect! Mum smiled. What about Dad? Hmm... I remember a few years back, must be 2 years ago, he got into a fight down in Kilburn. My face must have been total astonishment because my Mum hastily continued. But nothing too serious, dont worry! Dad, my Dad, was in a fight? Oh please. He works as a gardener. He is too down to earth and gentle to get into a fight! He even gives me deadly eyes when I so much as step on the grass! I said disbelievingly. Yes well, he didnt talk about it a lot, but all he said was that he tried to stop a bar fight its suffice to say it didnt turn out like he thought it would. She sighed. He came home the next morning with a black eye. Whoa. Dad got into a fight!? I tried to absorb this new piece of information. I couldnt believe it. Carrie! Mum rolled her eyes at me. Sorry, its just that Dad was in a fight! Like a proper fight! Would you just go to school already? Mum asked frustratingly. I laughed. And dont ask your Dad about this, he doesnt like to talk about it. Just dont even think about it. Ok? Yeah Ive got it. Well... that was a lie. All day, I couldnt stop thinking about it. Tuesday dragged on forever and I got so fidgety that even Will asked me if I was ok! He was still a bit quiet and only ever talked to me, which I frequently got teased for. As I walked home, I knew I had to find out more about two things: 1. The fight my Dad got into. (It was too good to be true!) 2. And Wills family. It was time to research. Google here I come!

Chapter 6 - Closer
I drove to school, my mind full to the brim of everything I had learnt this past week. First, Wills dad, and then my own dad! I reversed into a tight space and feeling proud of myself, stepped out of my car. It was sunny! Weird, right? It probably meant that it would rain soon though... I smiled to myself and my stomach suddenly clenched with anticipation; I couldnt help feeling that something good would happen today. Hey, a voice breathed in my ear. I jumped in surprise and the clenching momentarily subsided. You know if you sneak up on me again, I will punch you in the face, I teased. I spun round and lost my balance. He steadied me, chuckling at my embarrassment. I doubt you could even aim straight with your balance! he laughed. I rolled my eyes unimpressed at the comment and walked off without him. He caught up easily, still laughing at my reaction as we entered the classroom and took our seats at the back. Everyone went silent to stare at us and I put a fake smile on my face to hide how much it bothered me. I wasnt embarrassed, just annoyed that they still thought of Will as an outsider. I passed Liz, who deliberately ignored me. I sighed sadly. Now, I was feeling like an outsider too. I glanced at Will out of the corner of my eye and I could tell that he was annoyed too. I couldnt hold it in any longer... What the hell are you staring at!? I shouted angrily at them. They avoided my glare, shocked at my sudden outburst. Nothing, someone murmured. Good. Im so glad we cleared that up, I replied sarcastically and stormed off to my seat. Dumping my bag on the desk, I sat down, arms folded, fuming. Will was still standing in the middle of the room, the corners of his mouth turned up at the side into a wide grin. He came to sit beside me, still grinning like that stupid Cheshire Cat. Awkward chatter began to fill the room again and at last the weight of their stares vanished. How can you stand that? I asked. He laughed. I just pretend theyre staring at me because Im super awesome! I raised my eyebrows at his light response and couldnt help but laugh with him. His eyes were bright and full of life when he laughed. I gazed into them for a moment and almost lost myself in their bluish depths. The tips of my fingers tingled slightly as he gazed back. The bell rang sharply in my ears and I snapped out of it, embarrassed that Id gotten so lost in him. He cleared his throat awkwardly as I gathered my things and stood up to leave. We have to revise for that Chemistry test tomorrow so... Ill see you at lunch? I asked tentatively, yet still hopeful that hed say yes. Sure. Who else would I sit with! he joked uneasily. ***

The day passed excruciatingly slowly and still nothing exciting had occurred. The feeling I had had was fading away. My spirits lifted slightly when I saw Will waiting for me on a bench in the piazza. He was writing some notes and his books were spread out all over the place in an organised mess. Hey, he smiled at me as I sat down opposite him and continued writing.

Hey, I replied and got out my books. I sighed at the mountain of books that I had in front of me. Revision is stupid. He laughed and nodded in agreement. Yeah well, if it gets me good grades, Ill deal with it. I sighed again. You know what? He paused and looked up expectantly. Were not going to get all of this- I motioned to the mountain -done in an hour. Do you want to come back to mine and well finish it? Erm... Yeah ok. Thats a good idea. Ill meet you in the car park after school? he asked. Sure. *** I saw Will casually leaning against my little Fiat Punto. Ready? I asked as I unlocked the car. He nodded wordlessly and got in. I put my bag on the backseat and got in too. He still hadnt said a word. Maybe there was something on his mind, I wondered. We made little conversation and awkward silence began to fill the car. He stared out of the window. You know, whoever rides shotgun controls the radio..? I suggested in attempt to break the silence. Oh... Right. He turned the radio on and flicked the channels trying to find some good music. He settled on Capital with One Direction playing. I raised my eyebrows at him and finally got a grin out of him. Not a fan then? he enquired innocently. I shot him a look that said dont even go there. If you say youre a fan of them Ill hit you, I warned him. Oh come on, weve been through this, remember? Youre aim sucks! I shook my head at him and pulled into the driveway outside my house. I led him to the dining room and we left our bags and books there. It was the only table in the whole house that would be large enough for the both of us! I left him to set up his stuff and nipped upstairs to retrieve my laptop. I came back down to find him looking at some holiday photos from ten years ago that were on a shelf. I cringed internally at my eight year old self and was across the room before he could even turn around. No, no, no, no, no, no, no! I hurriedly steered him away from the shelf and put the photo frames face down. Are you serious? He laughed. I didnt even say anything! He protested. I gave him a look and he rolled his eyes. We began to work through the mountain of books and topics. After an hour and a half, it looked more like Snowdon than Everest, which only made me feel a tiny bit better it may be a smaller mountain but it was still a mountain. You know what we need? I thought aloud. Will looked up from his books. Cake! Cake? He asked bewildered. Yes, my friend, we are in great need of cake! This Chemistry revision is making me feel so depressed that Im resulting to comfort food. I got up and practically ran to the kitchen. I got out the ingredients and equipment speedily. Youre making cake? Will looked slightly confused. Yeah it wont take long. Here. I plonked the bag of flour in his hands. When he didnt respond, I looked up at his perplexed expression. Please tell me that you know how to make a cake? Well... No, um... not really, he answered. We just, you know, buy the cake.

Well then, youre just going to have to learn! I then proceeded to tell and show him how to make a simple cake and although we could have spent the time revising, this was way more fun! He was weighing out the flour while I stirred the mixture. Carrie? I turned to face him and was surprised by a white cloud of flour hurtling towards my face. I squeezed my eyes tightly shut and covered my face but it was too late. I opened my eyes to find myself covered in flour in my hair, on my clothes and on the floor. Oh you did not just do that, I muttered under my breath. Will was almost on the floor in silent laughter. I was not amused. I dusted myself off and handed him a cloth to clean up the mess. Oi, clean this up now. I said seriously. He took it, trying to keep a straight face, and bent over to wipe it up. While he wasnt looking, I scooped a handful of flour and sprinkled it all over his head. He slowly stood up, shaking off all the flour and looked at me in mock annoyance. We both glanced at the bowl of flour simultaneously. It all happened in slow motion. We both made a grab for the bowl; I won and threw it all over him. For a moment, I couldnt see anything but white and my heart gave a fleeting flutter. A white wall separated us and then I saw his shadow emerge and he became clearer and clearer. I spun away, eyes shut tight, to avoid another possible face full of flour but instead I felt him feel for my hand and pull me closer towards him. Again, my stomach lurched and I tried unsuccessfully within an instant to calm myself down. His lips pressed softly against mine. I felt his hand curl gently around my cheek and unconsciously, I leaned into him. Everything blurred around me and a wave of dizziness washed over me. I pulled back a little to steady myself and gather my thoughts. Will was staring at me intensely, his blue eyes expectant. But funnily enough, I found that I couldnt even string a sentence together! I... Erm... You just... What was... What was that for? I stuttered. He dropped his arms, looking embarrassed. Im sorry, I shouldnt have. I... Its... Its just that I really like you, and I thought- He blushed and looked at the floor, unwilling to finish the sentence. You do? I interrupted. He nodded wordlessly, unable to meet my gaze. Well then- I took a step towards him, my face just inches away from his. - its a good thing you do, I whispered and stretched up onto my tiptoes to kiss him.

Chapter 7 Nightmare
I still hadnt come down of my high from that evening with Will. My parents had no idea what had happened but they noticed my unusual eagerness to go to school! But whenever I thought about them, my mind immediately changed its course and I thought about my Dad... I had to find out more and soon. About a week later, I sensed my opportunity to do some private research when my parents had gone to bed, making a mental note to delete my internet history afterwards. You never know, parents can be sneaky! Plus, I didnt want my Mum to find out Id been discovering more about Dads supposed fight, even when she told me not to... I had been so frustrated the past week because I could never research anything in secret! My Mum had taken to walking in and out of my room without even knocking. (I was having serious privacy problems.) Then they always stayed up late so I couldnt do it during the night. My frustration was beginning to attract their attention so I kept it cool for a week. I smoothly slid out of my bed and peeked round my door to check that they were asleep. The evidence was clear when I distinctly heard them snoring. Finally! I had been waiting for at least 2 hours. Even though it was past midnight I was wide awake in anticipation of what I could possibly find. I opened up Google and typed Bar fight 2010 Kilburn. It should be easy, I thought, there arent that many bar fights around here. That I know of anyway. An article came up:


At 8pm this evening, innocent driver, Mr Alex Stewarts, was shot outside his home in Kilburn after a local bar fight at The Hunger. Police believed the events were connected but are now sure that Mr Stewartss killer was involved. Witnesses at the bar say that a man entered the bar. He just pulled out a gun but he seemed a bit drunk because he slurred as he spoke according to an eye witness from the bar. A hooded figure jumped on him and tried to pin him down, they ended up throwing a few punches then the figure grabbed the gun and made a run for it. The other guy chased him out. As soon as they left, sirens came down the road. Nobody seems to know who the hooded man was and there were no sightings of either man after they ran out of the pub. Not until a woman telephoned the police saying that a hooded figure was running down Mayor Lane with a gun and had gotten into a car. Mr Stewartss son Will said he saw everything because it happened outside their house. Mr Stewarts was said to be returning home from work in his red Ford Fiesta and pulled up outside his house. The figure ran to him and at gunpoint, demanded Mr Stewarts to hand over his car. After a few seconds the killer shot Mr Stewarts then proceeded to steal his car and use it as a getaway car. After a full investigation, police have not identified Mr Stewartss killer. Mr Stewartss family say he was A loving husband and father and he will be missed. Saturday 24th September 2010

And that was all I read before falling asleep... on top of my laptop... *** This was beginning to get old. It was the same dream. AGAIN! Carrie, I need to tell you something. What? Its about my Dad... His killer... I know who it is... Yeah, so go on. Keep talking... Follow me. I can show you what really happened. Will led me away from the street corner and we began to walk quickly down the road. I could hear talking and singing. It didnt make much sense to me. But as we came around the bend a bar came into view The Horse and Groom. Will brought me inside. No one noticed us at all, even when I walked into the waitress by accident; she just carried on walking without a second look. We took some seats at the bar. I looked at Will inquisitively. Wait and watch, he said patiently. It seemed like forever had passed when a man opened the door, gun first, and started spouting nonsense in a slurred voice. I realised it was the man from the article I was reading. This was getting weirder and weirder. Surely it was just my imagination? But no, sure enough, the witnesss statement played out right before my eyes. People in the bar cowered in the darkness of its corners. But suddenly, out of nowhere, the hooded man attacked him. He landed a few punches then grabbed the gun out of his hands. He darted through the door, out onto the street, swiftly followed by the drunk. Come on Carrie! Will grabbed my hand and we ran out after them. After a minute or so their footsteps faded and we were left panting in the middle of the road without a clue as to where they went. A shot rang out followed by a scream and a thump. Will took off in the direction from where it came and sure enough in an alleyway, the drunk lay there. His ragged breathing was magnified in the silence of the alley and blood had drenched his left shoulder. He must have gone this way. Will pointed to the end of the alley and we began to sprint. This is a dream, I thought, a dream! How can I get a stitch in a dream?! We came out onto a road sign posted Mayor Lane Where Wills Dad was shot. I was starting to feel sick. This was a nightmare! I heard the rev of an engine behind me. The headlamps blinded me and all of a sudden Will pulled me to the ground as the car zoomed by. Seconds later a crash echoed down the street. Will was already on his feet. I followed him as he ran towards the two cars which had crashed. We crouched behind a nearby car and watched the scene unfold. The hooded man had been running, presumably trying to get away, and the car had probably swerved to avoid hitting him. I was getting frustrated; I still hadnt managed to see his face!

The hooded man got up from the floor; he still had the gun in his hand. Behind Will and me, policemen and police cars were charging down the road at full speed. The man quickly limped over to the car that had swerved and smashed in the window with his gun. Holding the gun to the drivers head he yelled at him to hand over the keys, or he died. The driver refused. But it didnt work. Without even listening to the driver, he shot him in the chest and dragged him out of the car. Dumping his body on the ground, he jumped in and zoomed away down the road. But just before he took off, the gun man glanced around and looked in his mirrors at the police who were only 200m away. And I saw his reflection. My blood ran cold. I looked away not wanting to believe it. But the evidence was pretty clear. It was my Dad.

Chapter 8 Bully
I have a feeling, that my class is the most unwelcoming group of people that I have ever met. They dont speak to me unless absolutely necessary and ignore me otherwise. Also they stare at me whenever I enter the room and whisper behind my back. But then there is one person Carrie. She never fails to give them a dirty look that sends them shuffling down the corridor. I hadnt stopped thinking about her and could hardly believe it. Before, it was enough to just be friends, but now, to be more than that it was the dream! Somehow, news of what happened to my Dad has spread like wildfire around the whole year group. It wouldnt be long before the whole school knew about it too. But there is always one person that has to make my life worse than it already is. That one boy, Oliver Brown, really has it in for me. Whenever I walk past him he trips me up or sniggers when I enter the room. He shoves me when the teachers arent looking and when Carrie isnt with me. I havent been myself lately and I can tell that my Mum senses it. She watches me when I come home and tries to get me to talk about school. I dont want to tell her about Oliver having it in for me. He makes me feel powerless at school, and I dont want to be a wimp and run to my Mum for help. Im 18 years old. I can deal with this... Or most likely I can try and fail. Such faith I have in myself, right? *** Tingling. I feel a very strange tingling sensation. Almost as if I know something is going to happen today. I, unwillingly, roll out of bed and trudge downstairs. Theres a note on the table:

Will. Please stop by the Gardening store after school and pick up some Weed-Killer. Ill finish work late tonight... Be home around 8. Have a good day at school! Love Mum
I sighed. To be honest I would rather just stay home today and not go to school at all. Reluctantly I leave my house and catch the bus. I step off the bus and turn to see Oliver and some other boys hanging by the school entrance. I dont want to face Oliver. I shiver with apprehension as I think about him. I hesitate then see Carrie waiting for me at the sixth form entrance a few steps away from them. I instantly feel better when I see her. Why is it that I need a girl to make me feel safe? Ugh, I sigh, feeling slightly pathetic. She motions to cross over the road but when my eyes flicker in Olivers direction, she pauses for a moment. Then she walks past them, crosses the road and meets me on the other side. Come on Will, they arent going to do anything to you, Carrie says, practically dragging me across the road. I spy Oliver glancing at us and laughing with his mates. I stop suddenly. Will, seriously? Carrie gives me that look that just says I cant believe you! Would you just be a man? I give in and we begin to walk towards the door. Yeah. I mean why am I scared? He cant do anything to me... Not with all these people around. Yeah, and I should just hold that thought... I can feel them watching us as we walk past, but I let Carrie go through first, and I am just about to step inside when:

Oi, Stewarts! So close. Hey! Im talking to you loser! But not close enough. Slowly I turn around. Oliver and the rest of his group are standing a few metres away. I make my fists are tight balls to stop my hands from shaking. What do you want, Brown? I ask quietly. His face tried to muffle his surprise then turned dark and deadly. Cautiously, I stepped closer. I said, What do you want? I repeated. Everyone within a 10metre radius stiffened in anticipation. I suppose no one speaks to him like that. Not when he looks like hes going to blow. Especially not then! But I have had enough; he talks to me like Im stupid and a loser for not having a normal family. Oliver laughed. I hesitated, taken aback. It wasnt really the reaction I expected. But oh well... Ill play along. I tilted my head to the side questioningly and returned a small polite smile, then waited for him to say something. You think you can talk to me like that Stewarts? Yeah well, I shrugged. It seems ok for you to do it to everyone else. What makes you so special that you have to pick on everyone else? Huh? Do you do it for fun, Brown? Hmm...? My voice began to rise and people were starting to inch closer to us to get a better look. My face flushed as I looked around, embarrassed that I was doing this in public. But everyone was silent, eager for more. I carried on... What about me? Do you just like to torment me because I dont have a normal family; because my dad is dead?! I yelled. Its hard enough; believe me, without having you breathing down my neck every single day! So what is it? What has happened to you that makes it ok to bully the crap out of the rest of us?! Is it your family-? BAM! I staggered back clutching my face, where it was already starting to sting. Shocked, I turned back to Oliver to find him being restrained by his gang. Shut up! SHUT UP! he screamed at me. YOU DONT KNOW SHIT ABOUT MY FAMILY! He struggled against the other boys, trying to lash out at me. But thankfully they managed to drag him away and he stormed off. I stood there, my mouth hanging in disbelief of what had just happened. Then they began clapping. Everybody who was watching was cheering! Someone gave my hand a friendly squeeze and I turned to see that it was Carrie. She smiled at me, and mouthed Are you ok? gesturing to my cheek. I nodded grinning. *** Mr Hutchinson stood in front of us, arms folded. He sighed. Did you punch him Oliver? he asked bluntly. I never touched him! shouted Oliver outraged. I shook my head, rolled my eyes at him and pointed to the purple bruise around my eye and cheek. He glared at me angrily. Clearly not the case, sighed Mr Hutchinson in a bored voice.

So what are you going to do? Give me a stupid detention? Oliver said sarcastically mimicking Mr Hutchinsons voice. Well you guessed right! Youve just earned yourself detention for the rest of the term and a suspension for the rest of the week as a bonus. Congratulations! Mr Hutchinson smiled in mock happiness. I slipped out of the room, happily leaving Oliver to Mr Hutchinsons sarcasm, and met Carrie outside. She smiled as soon as she saw me and gave me a quick hug and a peck on the cheek. A little surprised, I hugged her back and chuckled when she pulled away, embarrassed - We hadnt really told anyone about us yet. So... What happened to Oliver? she asked taking my hand. The usual: lecture, sarcastic comments, detentions and suspension. Mr Hutchinson might be my favourite teacher now! I laughed. We began to make our way to the bus stop and I thought back over what he said: you dont know anything about my family. What do you know about Olivers family? He seemed well, a bit edgy when I mentioned it. Err... To be honest, not much, Carrie answered. I think his parents had some problems and split up. Im just basing that on the fact that Ive only ever seen is mum though. I know he has a little sister Poor girl, I interjected under my breath. Carrie shot me a look. Ok fine, Im sorry but have you ever had a conversation with him? Its impossible! I gestured frustratingly. Anyway, as I was saying, she continued. Ive never seen his dad... I dont think anyone knows about him. She paused and stiffened. What is it? Oh err, nothing really. I was just wondering if you knew... who it was... for your dad? she stammered out nervously. The blood rushed to my face and I felt my mouth tighten. I carefully tried to hide my anger. Uh... No, no I dont, I said quietly, not making eye contact. I had a feeling she knew if I was lying anyway. Oh ok then. Sorry Will, she mumbled. I turned away as the bus came. Its fine. Listen, Ive got to go do something for my Mum so Ill see you tomorrow, yeah? Feeling guilty that I didnt tell her the truth, I hastily left, leaving Carrie standing at the bus stop. Yet, I couldnt shake the feeling that she knew something and wasnt telling me. Well what can I say...? Im no different.

Chapter 9 Recognition
The bus was empty except for me and a little old lady that sat at the front. I allowed Carrie to occupy my thoughts as I stared out of the misty window. I still felt bad for leaving her like that; she seemed upset. I wasnt sure if it was because of me or not though Ive never been one to be perceptive. I leant my head against the cool glass and closed my eyes for a second. I slipped into a dream. That same old reoccurring nightmare... I suddenly got the feeling I was being watched and my eyes flew open. The little old lady was standing near me, her hand reaching out to touch my shoulder. You ok lad? she asked, concerned. You were screaming your head off! Erm... Sorry, I said embarrassed. I was dreaming... I think. I looked around the bus, confused. The bus had slowed down for the next stop: Avington. I jumped up and grabbed my rucksack; nearly knock the poor woman over. I hopped off the bus and groaned as I landed ankle-deep in a muddy puddle. This was really not my day... I sloshed my way over to the gardening centre and sighed with relief at the warmth that greeted me. My bag slipped off my shoulder as I let out a deep sigh. I crinkled my toes and screwed up my face in disgust at the squelching noise that they made in my soggy socks. Hitching my rucksack onto my back again, I trailed around the shop floor, looking for the weed killer. Compost, soil, flowers, flowers, MORE flowers, rakes, forks, lawnmowers, decking, swings, patio furniture, trees, big pots, little pots, medium pots, paving, fencing, seeds, seeds, seeds, sheds, greenhouses, gates, wheelbarrows, watering cans, baskets, etc. NO weed killer! Are you being serious? You are a GARDENING centre! Its as if there isnt enough emphasis on the name already! I rolled my eyes as I came back to the entrance. Off we go again... Compost, soil, flowers, flowers, MORE flowers, rakes, forks, lawnmowers, decking, swings, patio furniture, trees, big pots, little pots, medium pots, paving, fencing, seeds, seeds, seeds, sheds, greenhouses, gates, wheelbarrows, watering cans, baskets, etc. I somehow returned to the entrance... Again! This was a waste of time. I had walked around the shop at least twice and gone outside (in the rain!) but still returned empty handed. Fuming, I stormed up to an employee who was working on the shop floor. Excuse me! I said as politely as I could manage even though what I really wanted to say was OI, YOU! YEAH, YOU! He turned around, startled at my tone. I stopped dead. ... A shot echoed through the air. He stared at me with a shocked expression on his face. My jaw dropped. He dragged him out of the car and dumped his body on the ground. Can I help you? he managed eventually. Before he escaped, he swiftly looked around, caught my eye and held my gaze. Erm... I stuttered. No... Thanks... I err... I turned away and ran. Then he was off. He jumped in and zoomed away down the road... in a battered red Ford.

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