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Bacalah teks berikut untuk menjawab soal nomor 31 sampai dengan nomor 35!

The way in which global warming causes many of the worlds organisms to shrink has been revealed by a new research from Queen Mary, University of London. Almost all cold-blooded organisms are affected by a phenomenon known as the temperature-size rule, which describes how individuals of the same species reach a smaller adult size when reared at warmer temperatures. However, until now, scientists have not fully understood how these size changes take place. The study was carried out using data on marine planktonic copepods. These tiny crustaceans are the main animal plankton in the worlds oceans and are important grazers of smaller plankton and a food source for larger fish, birds and marine mammals. By gathering together more than 40 years of research studying the effect of temperature on these organisms, their results show that growth rate, that is how fast mass is accumulated, and development rate, that is how fast an individual passes through its life stages, are consistently decoupled in a range of species, with development being more sensitive to temperature than growth. Dr. Andrew Hirst explains: Weve shown that growth and development increase at different rates as temperature warm. The consequences are that at warmer temperatures a species grows faster but matures even faster still, resulting in them achieving a smaller adult size. Decoupling of these rates could have important consequences for individual species and ecosystems, he added. The teams finding suggest that rates fundamental to all organisms such as mortality, reproduction and feeding, may not change in synch with one another in warming world. This could have profound implications for understanding how organisms work, and impact on entire food webs and the world ecosystems. 31. What is the writers purpose in writing the passage? (A) To inform that plankton becomes so rare due to high temperatures (B) To illustrate that lengthy research is to preserve animal plankton (C) To explain that global warming can cause organisms to shrink (D) To describe plankton as a food source for marine mammals (E) To contradict the view that global warming is destructive

32. Paragraph 1 and 2 are related in that paragraph 1 (A) talks about cold-blooded animals; paragraph 2 deals with animal plankton. (B) presents the temperature-size rule: paragraph 2 describe how it occurs. (C) states the individual species; paragraph 2 records its steady growth rate. (D) indicates the causes of global warming; paragraph 2 hints the solution. (E) explains global warming; paragraph 2 its significant impacts. 33. The word their in their results show that growth rate, (paragraph 2 line 8) refers to (A) forty years of research. (B) warm temperatures. (C) marine mammals. (D) these organisms. (E) world oceans. 34. Which of the following is relevant with the idea of global warming effects? (A) Certain sea organisms have a smaller appearance. (B) Rapid changes of weather make it hard to predict. (C) Several species of exotic plants become extinct. (D) Volcanic eruptions happen more frequently now. (E) Now people get sick more easily than in the past. 35. Regarding global warming, the writer seems to feel (A) sorry. (B) worried. (C) ignorant. (D) shock. (E) pessimistic Bacalah teks berikut untuk menjawab soal no 41 sampai dengan nomor 45! Passage A It is probable that when men first painted their faces, many thousands of years ago, it was for the purpose of frightening their enemies in the war. But there are records of women in Egypt using cosmetics more than four thousand years ago. These women not only painted their eyebrows; they also added a thick dark line under each eye, and had different kinds of paints for different seasons of the year. Women in ancient Rome used cosmetics. They used Egyptian kohl

for darkening the eyelids, powered chalk for whitening the skin, and a red coloring matter for the cheeks. A rich Roman lady spent many hours over her toilet, helped by a crowd of young slaves of many nationalities. In England it was the custom, during 17th and 18th centuries, for all ladies of fashion to paint their faces and to blacken their eyebrows. In the 19th century there was a change of taste, however, and until about the end of the century, ladies who used make-up were not accepted in high society. Today the use of cosmetics is accepted everywhere, and it is common to see woman and girls making up in public. The cosmetics industry is one of the largest in the country, and large sums of money go to the owners of beauty salons. Passage B There are three kinds of cosmetics. The first can be seen, like lipstick, eye makeup, and nail polish. The other kind is rubbed in or hidden, like hand lotion, perfume, hair dressing, and anti-perspirant. The third one is used during a treatment and is then wiped, rinsed or rubbed off. Examples are shaving cream, shampoo, mouthwash, and bathing preparations. Soap is usually not considered to be a cosmetic. Three types of ingredients, singly or in combination, are the basis of most cosmetics. Fats or oils form a base. Water or alcohol acts as the liquid. Vegetable gums and emulsifiers hold the mixture together. Color, perfumes, and preservatives are added to make cosmetic attractive and long-lasting. Face powder, for instance, is made by blending several different dry materials. Talc, a very soft material, is an important ingredient. Others include zinc oxide, chalk, and metallic stearates. These substances make the face powder spread evenly, stay on the skin, and reduce gloss. Mild perfumes are added to make the powder more pleasant to use. The Natural skin tones of face powder are made by combining wide range of colors. 41. The topic discussed in both passages is (A) several ingredients for making cosmetics. (B) cosmetics in the past and the present. (C) technology development of cosmetics. (D) kinds and uses of cosmetics. (E) history of making cosmetics. 42. Which of the following is true according to both passages? (A) People commonly put on cosmetics in public. (B) Cosmetic industry grows very rapidly now. (C) Women look more beautiful with cosmetics. (D) Men tend to utilize cosmetics nowadays.

(E) Making cosmetics is easier today. 43. Both passages are different in terms of the description of the (A) purpose. (B) reason. (C) setting. (D) focus. (E) tone. 44. The best summary for both passages would be (A) women firstly initiate the use of cosmetics to look more beautiful. (B) cosmetics which have been used for years come in different colors. (C) the habit of making up is originally from the ancient Roman Empire. (D) face powder is example of cosmetics made from mixed dry materials. (E) cosmetics are now common among people of all ages and different sexes. 45. If cosmetics were prohibited to use, the following would happen, except (A) cosmetic industries would be closed. (B) beauty salons would not be attended. (C) research in cosmetics will slow down. (D) women would appear in their natural look. (E) womens would look unattractive. `

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