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The British Counter-Jihad

A Series of Five Short Essays Outlining The
Reality Of Islam and Islamic Sharia Law and
the Very Serious Threat Islam Poses To Great
Britain and the British People.

Warning: Contains Graphic Evidence Detailing the

Mental and Physical Abuse of Women and Children
and the Murders of Jews, Christians, Hindus and
Buddhists. Please Do Not View When Minors Are

This Is The Brutal Truth About Islam. A Truth That

Is Being Deliberately Concealed From The British
People. It Is A Truth That MUST Be Told.

By Reconquista
Resistance: The British Counter-Jihad
Prelude: The British Intifada:
How Britain Will Become Europe's Israel


If I were to say to you that in just ten short years, Great Britain will
be in exactly the same situation IF NOT WORSE, than the state of
Israel, how would you react?

Would you dismiss me as being paranoid?

Perhaps you'd say that although there are several parallels, such a
perilous state of existence is unique because of Israel's geographical
location and the fact that it is of course, a Jewish and not a
Christian state.

Or maybe you'd ask the barman for "a glass of what Reconquista
has been drinking".

In a recent debate, a protagonist asserted that THE problem Great

Britain faces isn't Islamic jihad but the Marxists, the socialists, the
liberals, the lib/lab/con elites, the cowards, betrayers and traitors
who have sold out their own people by imposing the horrors of a
multicultural society upon the people of Great Britain.

I disagreed and was told "you need to see the bigger picture".

So the contention here is that "the big picture" is to state that the
problem is within Britain itself and that a BNP government
(something I am longing for) will solve the problem by putting an
end to the lunatic, suicidal policies of cultural Marxism by ending
mass immigration and by imposing a nationalist system of

Au contraire. Although a BNP government will be a desperately

needed dramatic improvement on the shambles of successive
corrupt and incompetent lib/lab/con administrations who have
disgraced the Houses of Parliament, this isn't quite "the big picture".
In fact, it is dangerously myopic as I will now explain.

Small Is Beautiful

The first point to make concerns geography. Take a look at a map

of the Middle East. Israel, although a modern, efficient nation, is but
a tiny part of it, about one-sixth. It is surrounded by nations who
wish to see nothing less than the total destruction of Israel.

Now take a look at the map of Europe and look at Great Britain. It's
well, it's not very big is it? And although we are an Island people
who have been saved on more than one occasion by the seas, the
distances between the white cliffs of Dover and France - about 35
miles - well, the sea will not be much of a protection in future

So let's assume the dream happens and the BNP are given the
mandate by the British people. Within 24 hours, the BNP would pull
us out of the European Union, an Islam promoting union Bat Y'eor
famously described as "Eurabia". Small but beautiful Britain, this
green and pleasant land, would then have a collection of hostile EU
nations right on its doorstep.

The Coming British Intifada

We are told that there are about 1.5 million Muslims in Great
Britain. This figure is contested as we all know, with some putting
the figure at double that. These are Muslims whose allegiance is not
to Great Britain and the British way of life but to Islam and the
Islamic way of life.

To quote the high-profile Muslim mouth-piece and fanatical jihadist

Anjem Choudhary:

"We are not British Muslims we are British-born Muslims." And then
there is the treason of a Muslim peer of the realm, Lord Ahmed,
who declared his successful attempt to prevent the visit of Dutch MP
Geert Willders to Parliament for a viewing of Wilders' film "Fitna" as
"a victory for the Muslim community". To gain victory, Ahmed, Lord
of of jihad, threatened "to mobilise an army of 10,000 Muslims" if
his demands were not accepted.

Now let us imagine the state Great Britain could well be in just ten
years from now. The demographic weapon is one of the most -if
not THE most - effective strategies deployed by Muslims to conquer
a land in "Dar al Harb", just ask the Kosovo Serbs. It is not
unreasonable to estimate that the Muslim community in Britain will
number around 8-10 million.

If we look at Israel, in 1948 the number of "Palestinian" refugees

officially recognised by UNRWA - refugees cunningly created by the
Arabs themselves - was around 500,000. They now number over 4
million. And as the years have passed and the number has risen,
there have been scores of suicide bombings and two violent
uprisings - intifadas - along with 5 jihads, the 2 most recent being
waged by terrorist organisations Hizballah in Lebanon 2006 and by
HAMAS in Gaza in 2008-9.

Perhaps the strongest Muslim communities in Great Britain at the

moment are in Bradford and Birmingham. What if these
communities continue to grow - and they will - and, following the
pattern of jihadists in "Palestine", Kosovo, India, The Lebanon,
Thailand, Iran - and many more - they start to demand autonomy?
To demand their own "Islamic State" that exists separately from
Great Britain on British soil?

I remember watching a television programme presented by one of

the parasites of the race industry, Darcus Howe, where Pakistani
Muslims in Birmingham told him in no uncertain terms:

"In twenty years time this place will be more like Islamabad than
Birmingham. It will all be ours."

(I couldn't find this programme searching the web but if anyone

reading this can help me find it I would be most grateful.)

Here's something that may surprise you: Think back 10 years. Can
you remember Islam being such a main topic of news as it is today
or that mosques and Muslims would be as common a sight as they
are right now? Because I for one had absolutely no idea whatsoever
about Islam back then, Islam simply wasn't even on my radar. Had
I been asked about Sharia Law, I'd have said "Isn't she an American
country and western singer?"

A decade ago Islam was exactly what I wished it was today: A non-
entity for me. So do you honestly think it is a figment of my
imagination to imagine violent intifadas on the streets of
Birmingham or Bradford that mirror the scenes we have witnessed
so often in the West Bank and the Gaza strip?

And remember, there has never been a state called "Palestine",

there are no such people as "Palestinians", this is all Islamic
propaganda aimed at destroying Israel. It is just a single part of the
current third global Islamic jihad that is being waged by Muslims to
turn the lands of "Dar al Harb" into "Dar al Islam".

Should this happen in Britain - and I have to state quite clearly that
as someone who has studied the history of Islamic jihad I think it
WILL happen - then this will trigger a domino effect which again will
mirror events in the Middle East.
Love Thy Neighbour

As one of the first actions by a BNP government will be to pull

Britain out of the EU dictatorship, this will immediately generate a
wave of criticism and anti-British feeling from the governments of
the various nations who remain tied to the EU and who pursue the
totalitarian single-Europe goal with zeal.

Our closest neighbours in the EU are also being enriched by vast

numbers of Muslims. Tiny Netherlands, where Dutch MP Geert
Wilders is about to be prosecuted for hate crimes because he dared
to make a film exposing the uncomfortable truth about Islam, has a
growing and restless Moroccan community. The city of Rotterdam
now has Holland's first Muslim mayor and the Dutch socialist
government appeases the Muslim community at every turn,
pressured by both the belligerent Muslim community and greedy
global capitalist Dutch corporations who place profits above the
preservation of The Netherlands and the Dutch way of life.

Little Belgium is similar to Holland. The Molenbeek village in

Brussels is now more like a Moroccan village than a Belgian one.
And just like their Dutch counterparts, the Belgian government
bends over backwards to appease their Muslims, and recently
banned a SIOE (Stop the Islamification of Europe) demonstration
scheduled for 9/11.

Things don't improve when we look at France. If anything, things

get even worse. The French are also experiencing the joys and
benefits of mass Muslim immigration, none more so than in their
capital city Paris. In "Les Banlieues", poor suburbs that have been
taken over by Algerian Muslims, outsiders walk through the area at
their peril. Police are routinely driven out by gangs of Muslim youths
with one Police chief declaring that his officers "are now fighting the
French intifada."

Each summer, the main cities of France burn as enraged Muslim

youths go on the rampage torching cars and engaging in fierce
street battles with the French Police.

The French President Sarkozy, elected on the promise to tackle

these issues has done absolutely nothing other than appease. A
staunch Europhile, he has even declared that Arabic should be the
future first language of France.

Can you see where I'm going with this? Let me ask you:
What do you think the EU and our closest neighbours will do should
there be an intifada for a separate Islamic state in Great Britain? Do
you think these nations - who could well be facing a similar situation
themselves - will be of any support to us or do you think that they
may support our enemy in the same way that they support terrorist
organisations such as HAMAS and Hizballah?

Now think about this: Turkey is busily agitating for full membership
of the European Union. If - make that when - this nightmare
happens, Europe will be flooded with Turkish Muslims who will all
play their part in turning the infidel lands of Europe into "Dar al

Here's another portion of food for thought: This is just a snapshot of

our closest neighbours, Belgium, The Netherlands and France. I
haven't mentioned the dire situations that exist in Norway and
Sweden nor the equally dire situations in Germany and Austria.
Even the favourite summer holiday destination of the Brits, sunny
Spain, now has serious problems with Muslim immigrants.

And for desert: France not only has a strong army and navy. It
possesses nuclear weaponry. Should France become part of Dar al

A United Front

The scenario we are discussing here concerns a demand by a

majority Muslim community in a British city, for example
Birmingham, to establish their own Islamic state. This leads to
wide-spread rioting, vicious street battles with the Police, suicide
bombing attacks, an armed struggle which a future BNP
government may seek to quell by deploying the army. A once
unthinkable situation becomes reality as The West Bank comes to

In a previous essay, Shilling for Jiahd Part Two, I outlined how the
UN has now been taken over by Islamic nations and is now playing
an active part in advancing the global jihad. Now it maybe that a
BNP government will also pull Britain out of the UN. I for one hope
so. But maybe they won't because of our veto.

But I do know this: In it or out of it, the UN will react to anything a

British government does to take action against Islamic jihadists on
British territory demanding an Islamic state in exactly the same way
it reacts to Israel's actions to defend its citizens and preserve its
Resolution after resolution will be passed against us. Could this
mean sanctions? Could this mean that the Islamic bloc will threaten
us with the oil weapon? Will the US, who even under a Republican
administration saw Condi Rice compare the sham cause of the
"Palestinians" with the struggle of the civil rights movement back in
the 1960's, be our ally or the ally of our enemies under a
Democratic - should that be Dhimmicratic? - administration led by
an Islam sympathising President Barrack HUSSEIN Obama? A
"black" President who will probably be voted in for a second term by
the large black and Hispanic communities.

Will we be forced by the UN and the world's super-powers - Russia,

China and the US - to accept a "two state" solution and to resist no
matter what from responding "disproportionately" under threat of
attack as happened to Serbia? Will the power of our veto be enough
to defend us against the Islamic bloc and its allies as they condemn
us in the same way they condemn Israel? I wouldn't bet on it.

One thing is for certain. Just as Israel and Serbia have discovered,
we British won't find any friends in the reptile swamp of the United
Nations. It is nothing more than a vehicle for Islamic despots and
dictators to impose Islam on the world, a task the UN is willingly

Made In Britain

Finally, there is one more aspect to this nightmare scenario which

Israel doesn't have to contend with but we most certainly will.

I began this essay by stating the position held by a protagonist that

THE problem Britain faces is within. Namely, from the
Marxist/socialist/liberal elites who are all responsible for the dire
straits that Great Britain is in today. These are the self-hating,
British-hating, multicultural-worshipping, pro-EU and pro-global
capitalist internationalists who have brought the peoples of the
third-world along with their retarded ideologies and cultures to the
towns and cities of Britain.

There is no more retarded an ideology than Islam. Wherever Islam

takes root, abuse, violence and death follow. It is a supremacist,
intolerant and brutal ideology that seeks to dominate and whose
believers have as their ultimate goal the will to establish Islam as
the single global religion. Indeed, Allah through his so-called
Prophet, Mohammed, commanded it.

Islam has now taken root in Britain thanks to the

Marxist/socialist/liberal fools who have placed their loyalty to their
irrational ideologies above all else and in doing so, have now placed
the British people in grave danger.

Just as Israel has its suicidal liberals - jewicidal liberals as they are
sometimes referred to - Britain also has a similar problem. Although
it can be said that liberals are well-meaning but misguided
fantasists who are pursuing a naive aim of equality that is out-of
step with the reality of human nature, there are others in our midst
who are not so well-meaning. Unlike Israel, we have committed
Marxists whose goal is to totally destroy our nation and reduce it to
a state of anarchy.

These are the traitors who will stand with the enemy and fight with
the jihadists. So not only will we be faced with naive liberals who
will, just as they do with the situation in Israel, call for Britain to
make peace and accept a "two state solution", we will be faced with
the treachery of our own people who will collaborate with Islamic
jihadists and who share the same fanatical desire to destroy Britain.

So not only do we face the prospect of a war on our own land to

save it from falling into the hands of a fanatical Islamic enemy, we
will be faced with fighting our own people.

This is the big picture of Islamic jihad, and you can now understand
why I believe that Islam is THE problem. We are truly on the cusp
of an horrific nightmare, and if the history of Islamic jihad teaches
us anything it is that it isn't a question of IF this nightmare will
happen but WHEN.

What is the famous saying regarding the lessons of history? I think

it is something like: "Those who do not learn from history are
condemned to repeat it."

We are at this moment in time, failing to learn the lessons history

teaches us about how Islamic jihad is waged and how it succeeds in
conquering the lands of "Dar al Harb" so they become "Dar al
Islam". What is happening to Israel today will for sure happen to
Britain in the not too distant future.


It is clear that if Islam continues to flourish in Great Britain then

there will be a demand from a majority Muslim community in a city
such as Birmingham, for a separate Islamic state.

The consequences of this will not be restricted to Great Britain and

it will not be an issue that can solely be dealt with by electing a
much needed BNP government. The "Big Picture" to be fully aware
of is that we not only face an Islamic enemy within our borders who
will be aided and abetted by British collaborators both well-meaning
and malicious.

We will also be confronted with Islam-appeasing EU nations who will

support our enemy and in a worst-case scenario, use military force
against us. This would be a serious threat should France fall into
Dar al Islam.

The oil-rich Arab-Islamic nations of the world will also play a very
active part during the British Intifada, and use of the oil weapon by
the Arab nations, especially Saudi Arabia who is pouring millions of
dollars worth of petro-dollars into spreading Islam around the
world, is just one way they will join the battle. The influence and
dominance the Islamic bloc wields in the viper's nest that is the UN
will lead to scores of resolutions against Britain which may include
sanctions or even a demand for a UN peace-keeping force to be

Will the US, our NATO ally come to our aid or will they seek a
peaceful "2 state solution" as they do in "Palestine" or will they stay
out of it altogether?

All of these will be helping to create an Islamic state on British soil

and when one Islamic state is established in Britain, there will be
demands for another. First it could be Birmingham, next Bradford
then Oldham.

This is how Islamic jihad is prosecuted, and this is why I assert that
THE problem we are facing here and now is Islam. And my God we
had better wake up and realise it very, very quickly or we are
doomed to a nightmare future of compliant, subservient

The question is "how do we prevent this nightmare from

happening?" and it is a question I will try to offer some answers to
in coming essays here on the Green Arrow blog.
Resistance: The British Counter-Jihad
1. The Deadly WMD That Will Defeat Islamic Jihad


Britain is now fighting a war unlike any other it has been engaged in
during its long and illustrious history. Gone forever are the days
where armies and navies faced other as clearly identifiable
combatants engaged in battle on battlefields devoid of civilians.

These are the days of asymmetric warfare, where the battlefields

are the information super-highways and the streets of British cities
teeming with combatants who walk as civilians among us and who
conceal their seething hatred of us behind a smile before self-
detonating on buses and trains. These are also the days of stealth
warfare where deception is used as an anaesthetic to fool people
into an illusory peaceful state, a state that blinds them to the
ongoing Islamisation of their own land.

Asymmetric warfare is the modern-day warfare waged by fanatical,

deceitful and corrupt enemies who flood us with an avalanche of
propaganda to brainwash an ignorant populace into accepting an
ideology whose followers are hell-bent on conquering Britain and
subjugating the British people.

Islam via Islamic jihad continues to flourish in Britain. Each passing

month sees another cowardly concession to accommodate Islamic
practices. From the mega-mosque in London that will dominate the
capital's skyline to special "halal" dietary needs of Muslim prisoners
in British jails, the growing and ever-belligerent Islamic community
makes one thing clear: Do as we say or else.

Aided and abetted by the multicultural power-hungry parasites who

depend on the Muslim-bloc vote and by their lick-spittle lackeys in
the politicised mass media who all treacherously promote Islam as
"The Religion of Peace", the British people are slowly but surely
sleepwalking towards a nightmare future of subservient dhimmitude
under Islamic rule. As the Muslim communities continue to grow,
demographics, the most effective weapon of Islamic jihad, will see
Muslims continue to make more and more demands and eventually,
Islam will become the dominant religion in once Christian Great

Unless we start to fightback, Al-Britannia is simply a question of

when, not if.
So what can we British Nationalists do to try to counter the Islamic
jihad that is now being prosecuted with zeal in our once proud
nation? Is resistance futile or is there hope for us to defeat this
supremacist, intolerant and brutal ideology that spreads via the
sword? Will we have to resort to violence and armed struggle to
defend the realm or do other peaceful but highly-effective options

These are the issues I am going to focus on in this and forthcoming


Sleepwalking To Dhimmitude

Although Islamic jihad is nothing new - it has existed since the

Islamic Prophet Mohammed's exodus to Medina in 622 - very, very
few people in Britain are aware of what jihad really is or indeed of
the history of jihad. Most will believe that Islam is a "Religion of
Peace", a religion like any other and will believe that jihad is either
a term to describe those Muslims who are extremists and who
misunderstand the "peaceful message" of Islam, or alternatively,
think jihad is a term used to describe violent terrorists who
prosecute a "holy war".

Then we have naive others whose slavish devotion to the

Multicultural ideology enslaves them in ignorance. To avoid being
decried as the dreaded "racist" their priority is to exercise tolerance
so the truth is sacrificed as they assert: "It's about violent
psychopaths who twist and distort the verses of the Qu'ran to justify
their hatred. All religions have such cranks."

Of course, there are others amongst us who know the truth but who
will still adamantly proclaim these myths as truths for their own
greed and selfish gain.

Sadly, there are also those who won't have the faintest idea or even
the slightest interest.

Ask a Muslim as to what jihad is and they will tell you with straight-
faced piety: "It is a duty for all Muslims to pursue jihad because it is
about an inner-struggle to find peace with Allah." Whilst this is
partially true, and regarded as the "higher jihad" by some Islamic
scholars, jihad is much more than a "personal struggle". The rest of
the meaning of jihad will be withheld from you, a practice referred
to as "kitman" - concealing the whole truth about Islamic doctrines
from the unbelievers.
There are even British Nationalists who do not fully understand the
nature of jihad, again believing that jihad is all about violence and
warfare. Jihad is much much more than violent warfare and it is
certainly not limited to Islamic terrorists or that ever-so common
misnomer the press always use, "Islamic extremists".

All of these misguided views stem from a simple basic fact:

There is a widespread misunderstanding of Islam in Great Britain. (I

could also say "the western world" but this is about the British

This is one very important piece of good news for British

Nationalists fighting to halt Islamic jihad. Why? Because the Achilles
heel of Islam and the biggest WMD we can deploy against the
Islamic jihad that is being waged against us, is the truth about what
Islam actually is and always has been since 622.

Islam's Dirty Little Secret

I've just given you one of the very best facts you can use to counter
the claim that Islam is a "Religion of Peace". Did you get it?

Look at the year that ends the final paragraph in the proceeding
section, 622. It is a very significant year because that is the first
year of the Islamic calendar. Many will believe that this is the year
when the Islamic Prophet Mohammed was born, others the year he
founded Islam, others the year of Mohammed's death.

None of these are true. 622 is the year when Islam changed
forever. It is the year Mohammed and his followers fled the city of
Mecca and headed for the safety of Medina. This flight is called "The
Hirja" and it is during this flight that Allah revealed the conditions of
jihad, or the "struggle" against unbelievers to establish Islam as the
dominant religion in the world. Every action that is taken to
advance Islam is an act of jihad. This means teaching Islam in our
schools, the sale of halal meat, the building of mosques, Muslim
MPs, foot-baths in public places - you get the idea - as well as acts
of terrorism, all of these are part of the Islamic jihad.

Prior to 622, Islam had been a peaceful religion, a combination of

Judaism, Christianity and various Arab religions, the new religion of
Mohammed that was rejected in Mecca. Angered and embittered by
this humiliation, Allah conveniently rides to Mohammed's rescue and
instructs Mohammed to wage war on those who refuse to submit to
the "truth" and this is regarded as so significant that 622 is the first
year of Islam. Not 610 when the Angel Gabriel first visited
Mohammed in a cave and spawned the first, peaceful version of
Islam, but 622.

Why would anyone believe then that Islam is peaceful? Because

clearly, in selecting 622 as the first year of Islam, a statement
about which stage of Islam is regarded as the most important has
been made. Indeed, under Islamic jurisprudence, the verses
Mohammed received in Medina abrogate many of the more peaceful
verses he received during his time in Mecca, abrogation referred to
as "naskh" in Islam.

Receiving Allah's instructions for jihad in 622 is not the only

significant event to emerge from the Hirja that can help us counter
Islamic jihadists and their apologists. Our cause can be helped by a
very unlikely source indeed. The Islamic Prophet Mohammed

Let's Twist Again

I have engaged in God knows how many debates about Islam, both
in the real-world and in the virtual world. I have been banned from
God-knows how many sites and forums, been smeared with the
usual - and tiresome - brickbats: "Islamophobe", "Bigot" and of
course the quite ridiculous "Racist" whenever I have dared to
mention that Islam is not a "Religion of Peace". Racist, this catch-all
hate-crime that is used to silence anyone who challenges the cosy
"we're all equal" world-view of the Multiculturalists is particularly
idiotic in this instance because Islam is not a race and neither are

Not that facts will deter the self-righteous from their inquisitions as
we British Nationalists know all too well.

But what really exasperates me more than these asinine and lame
ad-hominem attacks is the ignorance most people display about the
Islamic religion. In every debate I have been part of, including with
British Nationalists, most of those who defend Islam do not have
the slightest clue about it. More often than not, they will trot-out
the same criticisms and sound-bites they have collected over the
years when discussing - make that criticising - the religions of
Christianity and Judaism.

I will bet you a pound to a penny that you have heard this sound-
bite that is spewed out with mind-numbing predictability:

"All religions have these cranks and bigots who take the verses of
their holy books and twist and distort them for their own ends.
Islam is no different, there are evil Muslims who mis-interpret the
teachings of the Qu'ran to excuse their hatred just as Christians and
Jews mis-interpret the teachings of the Bible."

Good Lord I absolutely CRINGE when I hear this nonsense! Aside

from the fact that there doesn't seem to be hordes of holy warriors
waging war against unbelievers from the Christian or Jewish faiths,
this tired old sound-bite has a very serious flaw:

The Qu'ran, even though it is regarded as the absolute word of

Allah that cannot be changed, isn't the sole guide to how a Muslim
should practice his or her faith. For one, about 20% of it is totally
unfathomable. For two, it is written in rhyming prose in classical
Arabic and is therefore difficult to understand for most Muslims,
even Arabic ones. For a full, clearer understanding of how Allah's
will is to be INTERPRETED, Muslims also have to refer to another
crucial book: The Sunnah.

Why is the Sunnah critical to Islam? Because it details how

Mohammed personally acted out the will of Allah and it contains
authoritative eye-witness accounts of how Mohammed lived his life.
In other words, it explains how the Islamic Prophet Mohammed
practised his faith. And believe me, Mohammed was a man who
practised what he preached with great relish.

The importance of this cannot be stressed enough and it is this

importance that will aid us in the British counter-jihad.

Leading By Example

The esteem Muslims have for their Prophet should not be under-
estimated. He is regarded as "al insan al kamil uswa hasana" - the
ideal man, the perfect example for all time.

The shahada is the declaration of faith and is recited daily by

Muslims and is one of the 5 pillars of Islam:

"La ilaha illa Allah, Mohammed rasulu Allah." - There is one God and
Mohammed is his messenger."

This demonstrates clearly that if Mohammed is the perfect example

and the messenger of God, then the way Mohammed lived his life is
the example ALL Muslims must follow. Plain simple reasoning that
cannot be refuted. It's the same for Christians who follow the
example of their Messiah Jesus Christ, agreed?
So as well as reciting the somewhat confusing rhyming verses of
the Qu'ran, Muslims consult the Sunnah for guidance on how to
practice their faith by following the real-life example of their
Prophet Mohammed.

Yet this crucial fact about the Islamic religion is rarely, if ever,
mentioned by politicians, the media, and of course, Muslim leaders
whenever they are responding to accusations that Islam isn't
peaceful. They will always say something along the lines of "The
Qu'ran doesn't sanction..." or "The Qu'ran is being quoted out of
context..." and other such apologetic nonsense.

Perhaps the very best example of this came recently from the Lord
of Jihad himself, Lord Ahmed. This is a Muslim peer of the House of
Lords who as part of his campaign to prevent Geert Wilders from
attending the Lords to debate the film "Fitna" stated:

"I think relating A RELIGION to SOME of the criminalities is quite

NONSENSE by saying this is freedom of speech. This is a deliberate
attempt to PROVOKE A REACTION for people who are just looking
for cheap publicity."

That is as classic a piece of Al Taqiyya as you will ever hear, and he

is following the example of his Prophet! Watch the following video
and hear it from the jihadist's mouth:

But we're not relating A RELIGION to SOME of the criminalities. We

are relating Islam to various acts committed by Islamic jihadists
who are citing the Qu'ran and the example of the Prophet as their
guiding forces.

Here's just a small selection of how Mohammed practised his faith:

Personally beheaded men after defeating the Jewish Banu Qurayzah


Enslaved the women and children of this tribe including marrying

one of the women immediately after he had beheaded her husband.

Married a six year old girl and consummated the marriage when she
was 9.

Ordered the stoning of adulterers.

Burned atheists.
All documented in the Sunnah and you can find out more about the
shining beacon of Islamic morality in this excellent Islam 101 over
on JihadWatch:

<a href="">Excellent Islam


All of this is so important because it is proof that the Islamic

Prophet Mohammed received these divine instructions THAT HE
PERSONALLY ACTED OUT from 622 onwards. This means that were
Mohammed alive today, he would be at the head of Al Qaeda.

In other words, when jihadists behead people or slaughter infidels,

they are simply following the example of their prophet. This gives
those who continually apologise for Islam and claim that it is a
"Religion of Peace" a very difficult problem. Should anyone dare to
question the claim that is. Questioning what the Multicultural
Marxist-liberal Gestapo tell you is true can seriously threaten your
liberty as Geert Wilders has discovered. That Wilders continues to
question speaks volumes for the man.

Chasing Phantoms

To support the claim that Islam is "A Religion of Peace" apologists

will claim that there exists two versions of Muslims:

1. That Muslims who call for and carry out violence against infidels
are "extremists".

2. That not all Muslims wage jihad and that just like other religions,
there are "moderate" Muslims.

Both of these statements are false.

Let's look at the first claim, that Muslims who wage Jihad against
infidels are "extremists". It is clear that the Islamic Prophet
Mohammed waged violent jihad, including personally committing
acts of violence as well as murder, against the infidel.

Does this mean Mohammed was an "extremist"? Well he is by the

standards of other religions but in the context of Islam, he isn't an
extremist but the perfect example for all time. His is the example all
Muslims seek to emulate.

Therefore those who follow the perfect example of Mohammed -

PBUH! - and who commit acts of terror and violence against infidels
are certainly not extremists but DEVOUT Muslims who are practising
the true faith of Islam. just as their prophet did.

The second claim, that there exists a group who are "moderate"
Muslims is simply an insult to the intelligence. I can easily prove
this by asking you a question:

If I said to you:

I believe that a man who raped a little girl; beheaded human

beings; burned out the eyes and amputated the limbs of thieves;
stoned adulterers to death; who referred to Jews and Christians as
"the descendants of apes and pigs", who forced his adopted son to
divorce his beautiful wife so he could then have sex with her; who
forced a slave to marry him immediately after she had witnessed
him murder her husband; who stated that it is a believer's duty to
fight to establish their religion as the sole religion of the world is a
prophet, a messenger sent by God and that I assert this in prayer
each and everyday of my life then:

Would you refer to me as a "moderate" just because I hadn't

committed any acts of violence against unbelievers? Even if I
stated that I don't agree with the verses of my holy book that call
for war against unbelievers, it would still be a stretch to label me as
a "moderate" if I believe in a prophet who spread his faith by the
sword wouldn't it?

Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan recently responded to those who

use the term "moderate Islam":

"These descriptions are very ugly, it is offensive and an insult to our

religion. There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is what
it is and that's it."

Who shall we believe dear reader? Western politicians like Brown,

Smith, Cameron and Milliband who tell us what Islam is or an
Islamic leader of an Islamic country who actually practices the
Islamic faith himself?


There are a number of issues arising from this first essay - I will be
writing further essays discussing the British counter-jihad - that are
of concern to British Nationalists.

1. That there is a widespread ignorance as to what the harsh and

painful truth really is regarding the Islamic religion.
2. Ignorance is - just as it always has in lands conquered by Islam
- helping jihadists to further their goal to establish Islam,as the
dominant religion in Britain.

3. That the Achilles heel of Islam is the truth about Islam and its
prophet Mohammed and that Muslims are fully aware of this

4. That this truth needs to be discovered by as many of our people

as possible to help halt the advance of Islam in Britain.

A large part of Islamic jihad involves the use of propaganda, the

information war. Islamic jihadists are making a huge effort on the
internet, both to dis-inform and confuse the kuffars, and to recruit
new mujahideen (fighters of jihad) to the global Islamic jihad.

We British Nationalists need to be heavily engaged in this

information war and it is something all of us can do, indeed, as we
have accepted the responsibility to support the BNP and defend the
realm then it is our duty to get the truth to our people. Exposing
the truth is a peaceful yet highly-effective act of resistance and if
enough of us get the truth out then hopefully the need for armed
resistance will recede.

In the next essay I will elaborate on strategies we can deploy to get

the truth out and I'll also go into detail about what responses you
can expect and how to counter them.

I mentioned above just how important the Sunnah is and to end

this first essay here is an entry from the Sunnah of Sahih Bukhari,
(the sahih denotes that it regarded as authoritative in Islam) and
are the words of the Islamic Prophet Mohammed himself:

ces/texts/muslim/hadith/bukhari/052.sbt.html">Sahih Bukhari
Volume 4 Book 52 Number 220</a>

"I have been made victorious through terror."

Terror is used by Muslims to intimidate us so we fear them. That's

how Mohammed used it and it's time to call time on Islam and its
game of terror. We have plenty of ammunition we can use as you
will see in the next essay but the truth is our most powerful weapon
and we should use it wisely and to devastating effect.
Resistance: The British Counter-Jihad

"I'm experiencing an inner spiritual struggle to find Allah."

2. Sound The Clarion Call To Awaken Britannia


In my previous essay, I explained how Islamic jihad is being

prosecuted in Great Britain and how it is advancing the cause of
Islam with the end goal being that Great Britain is conquered and
transformed into an Islamic state. Recall that this is the duty of
every Muslim in the UK; to turn our nation, a nation Muslims regard
as part of "Dar al Harb" - the house of war - into "Dar al Islam" -
the house of Islam. The Islamic prophet Mohammed - "al insan al
kamil uswa hasana" - has personally set the example himself.
One of the issues that British nationalists need to address - and we
need to address it with urgency - concerns how mired in ignorance
our own people are as to the uncomfortable and harsh reality about
what the Islamic religion actually is. This ignorance is as deadly as
any of the weapons Islamic jihadists deploy against us and it is a
weapon they cunningly exploit to the maximum.

Muslims are very well aware that infidels throughout the west are
largely unaware of the serious threat Islam poses to them. In the
case of Britain - and of course most western nations but let's
confine this to Britain - Muslims also know that one of our
noteworthy virtues is also one of our main weaknesses: our
tolerance of other people and of other cultures.

They are also aware that multiculturalism and political correctness -

those evil twin spawns of Marxism - have brainwashed our people
into hating their own cultures and traditions and to accepting that
all people are equal. Jihadists also know that if anyone dares to
speak out against Islam, they can be silenced by branding them as
"haters", "Islamophobes" and of course "racists".
Fear of these Orwellian thought-control hate-crimes has placed a
gag on our people and blinded them to an enemy that is determined
to conquer them and subjugate them. Brainwashed and blinded,
they will also confront their own people who have the courage to
expose Islam for the violent, oppressive and intolerant faith it truly
is by apologising for and defending the Islamic religion and in so
doing, they unwittingly advance the Islamic jihad.

They are not just brainwashed by PC. Muslims know these liberal-
minded people will also fall for all of the lies and deceptions that
portray Islam as "a religion of peace" and it is crucial that British
nationalists are fully informed about all of these deceptions and
falsities that will be trotted out to shelter Islam from the spotlight of
truth and continue to trap people in a dense fog of ignorance so
that the intolerant is tolerated.

Deception is a crucial weapon of Islamic jihad and the gullible who

are taken in by it are akin to lemmings marching towards the abyss,
blissfully unaware of the terrible fate that awaits them. The grave
danger is that they will take the rest of us with them.

We must not let that happen and that means sounding the clarion
call to awaken our people to the reality of Islam and the escalating
threat of Islamic jihad. It is crucial to the British counter-jihad that
we possess an informed awareness as to what we can expect from
our opponents whenever we expose Islam for what it truly is.

Where's The Harm?

One of the first responses you will be confronted with is:

"Everyone has a right to practice their faith and so do Muslims. Most

Muslims are peaceful, I know Muslims and they're fine. All religions
are the same, they've all got their cranks and nutters and they
don't represent the true meaning of religion anyway."

It's a great answer isn't it? Seems a perfectly logical and fair
statement to make about all religions. All religions that is apart
from Islam and here's why:

For a start everyone doesn't have the right to practice their faith. If
you believe that your faith is superior to others and that those who
do not accept your religion can be killed or subjugated then you
most certainly do not have the right to practice that faith. Not in a
society that regards itself as enlightened and civilised that is.
Most Muslims are peaceful. Is this true? If by peaceful you mean
that they don't commit acts of terror then maybe this is correct. But
Islamic jihadists have committed more than 12800 terror attacks
since 9/11 and if most Muslims are peaceful, then where are the
Muslims who are calling for those committing these atrocities to
cease? These are the same peaceful Muslims who march in their
millions demanding the death of Danish cartoonists, British authors
and a Dutch politician but who are conspicuous by their absence
when it comes to marching for peace after Islamic jihadists have
slaughtered scores of infidels in yet another bombing.

But what about those Muslims who demand for Sharia law to be
accommodated; mega-mosques to be built; Islam to be taught in
all schools; Halal food to be sold in shops and served in schools,
prisons and public buildings; who demand ramadan customs be
followed by all employees in public offices and that other Islamic
traditions such as Eid be openly celebrated whilst calling the
celebrations of other religious feasts "offensive". Are these peaceful
tolerant Muslims? Is Ahmed Lord of Jihad a shining example of a
respected moderate Muslim even though he demanded the
suppression of free speech and threatened to mobilise an army of
10,000 Muslims - who would all be moderate and peaceful no doubt
- should his demand be ignored?

And just where, exactly, are the cranks and nutters from other
faiths who are committing thousands of terrorist attacks in the
name of their religion or executing non-believers on videos viewed
by believers all over the world on the Internet? Executions complete
with readings from the Qu'ran and to the cry of "Allahu akhbar". Are
other religious people committing such horrific murders in the name
of their faith?

The Perfect Extremist

What will follow from the above as sure as eggs are eggs is the
accusation that the "extremists" who are committing these
atrocities whilst reciting verses from the Qu'ran are cherry-picking
verses which they are then taking out of context.

I'm betting you're now nodding your head as you've heard this,

This is much easier to counter for two reasons: The Qu'ran is not
the sole guide as to how Muslims practice their faith, for that, they
have to turn to the Sunnah to refer to the perfect example of all
time - the Islamic prophet Mohammed and this gives us the second
reason: That of the use of the word "extremist".
It is so important that the example of Mohammed is the main focus
of any debate involving Islam. Why?

Because he is the fulcrum of Islam. Mohammed IS Islam. When you

examine the actions of Muslims and Islamic jihadists, always know
that they are not solely following the Qu'ran but the example set by
Mohammed as detailed in the Sunnah.

This is a huge problem for apologists and I have to say that I have
yet to be defeated in debate because of this simple fact. When
jihadists behead infidels they are following the example of their
prophet who personally beheaded non-believers. When they murder
infidels in terrorist attacks they are following the example of their
prophet who personally murdered infidels. When they stone
adulterers to death they are following the example of their prophet
who ordered adulterers to be stoned to death. When adult Muslim
males marry little girls - some as young as three but in Sharia Law
the age is set at nine - they do so because their prophet married a
six year old girl who he raped when she was just nine years old.

Does this mean therefore that the Islamic prophet Mohammed was
an extremist? Obviously it does to the infidels whose religions do
not have such a violent, sex-crazed psychopath as a prophet. But to
Muslims, Mohammed is no such thing. He is the perfect example for
all time, the final prophet of Allah, a prophet who is the
embodiment of the Islamic faith. Remember the quote in my
previous essay from Turkish PM Erdogan? Now you know why he
said it.

Allah's Divine Law

I mentioned above that Mohammed married an infant child who he

sexually abused when she was just nine years of age. The marriage
to little six year old Aisha and the consummation is also witnessed
in the Sunnah and if this is ever questioned, you can also add the
fact that with Islam comes Sharia law, the Islamic legal system.

In Sharia law, grown men are allowed to marry girls of nine years of
age. This again reflects in Islamic jurisprudence the example
personally set by Mohammed with Aisha. It is one of the most
damning indictments of Mohammed, and by God there are many,
the fact that he sexually abused a little girl and it also puts Islam
directly in conflict with British law because marrying children is
illegal as we regard sex with children under sixteen as paedophilia,
one of the most repulsive of crimes.
Yet apologists and Muslims will defend this heinous act. They will
state that in the seventh century, such marriages between grown
men and children were common-place in Arabic tribes and that
Mohammed was simply following what was the custom of his time.
Esteemed scholar and director of JihadWatch.Org Robert Spencer
has also cited this in mitigation of Mohammed.

Although this is true I for one am simply not buying it and for a
very simple but vitally important reason. If a man is regarded as a
messenger of God, entrusted to deliver the will of God to God's own
people, then are we to believe that God's will involves grown men
enjoying sex with children? Because that is what Mohammed
claimed with Aisha, that "Allah delivered her to me in a dream" - do
you fully comprehend what this lust-crazed "messenger of God" is
saying here?

Through medical science, we know that young children are not

sufficiently physically and mentally developed to deal with sex and
sexual acts. We know that if little girls are exposed to sex then their
growing bodies can be damaged irreparably. Are we to seriously
accept that Muslims who cite Allah as "the one God" believe that
Allah doesn't know this so sex with children has the blessing of the
all-knowing, all-seeing creator?

But the apology doesn't wash for another reason: That Islamic
Sharia TODAY still permits grown men to marry little girls. So
stating that it was something that happened back in the seventh
century is ia non sequitur because it is STILL happening in Islamic
countries - and non-Islamic countries where Muslims reside - all
blessed by Sharia and fully in accordance with the example set by
the Islamic prophet himself.

It is this very example of a prophet who abused a child that inspired

the abhorrent fatwa issued by the Ayotallah Khomeini permitting
grown men to pleasure themselves on tiny babies. Advising not to
penetrate, this despicable act is known as "thighing" and you can
read the fatwa for yourself here:

<a href="
Fatwa On Sex With Infants</a>

How on earth can ANYONE, I don't care if you are Muslim or not,
tolerate these vile acts of child abuse? Millions of little girls have
had to suffer at the hands of adult Muslim males because of what
Mohammed did to Aisha and we are supposed to tolerate this and
remain silent because "it's their religion, they have a right to
practise their faith and we shouldn't offend them."

Well I refuse to accept that the God of any religion will send his
messenger to commit paedophilia. This shameful issue alone should
be enough to condemn Islam as an evil ideology that is totally
incompatible with British moral values and British law. The bottom-
line is this:

If society tolerates Islam then that society tolerates the abuse of

children. Child abuse is enshrined in Islamic Sharia law so wherever
Islam goes child abuse will follow. IT IS PART OF ISLAM. Tolerating
child abuse doesn't make a society enlightened it makes it morally
bankrupt and if society refuses to speak out through fear of the
consequences then that society has hoisted the white flag of
cowardice and it is failing to protect its most vulnerable citizens.
And dressing up child abuse as the divine will of a deity to justify it
is quite frankly an abomination.

This highlights the importance of the choice all Britons face: We

either stand for our values, our morals, our way of life or we sell
them out to accommodate the way of life of a people whose
morality is based wholly on the craven behaviour of a seventh
century paedophile.

Time To Get Personal

In my experience, it is at this point that apologists realise that you

are well-informed about Islam and that the example of the Islamic
prophet Mohammed is a problem they cannot address whilst
maintaining that Islam is a religion of peace. So the apologists will
now focus on you.

The tactic at work behind this is to distract attention from Islam and
to stifle your quite reasonable criticisms of Islam by portraying you
as either a misunderstander, ignorant, bigoted, Islamophobic and
finally - go on, take a guess, I'm sure you'll get it without needing 3

The "you're a misunderstander of Islam" is a favourite tactic usually

deployed by Muslims. They will say you don't understand the
message of Islam because the Qu'ran is written in classical Arabic
and this cannot be translated accurately into English.

And they're right, the Qu'ran is written in classical Arabic. But like
any language, it can and has been translated accurately into various
languages, not just English. Also, the New Testament was largely
written in Aramaic, the Old Testament in Hebrew. Does this mean
that those who are not native speakers of these languages cannot
understand Judaism or Christianity?

But here's the killer blow for this lame distraction: There are
Muslims whose first language isn't Arabic - Turks, Pakistanis,
Indians, Chinese, Russians, Africans etc. - does this then mean that
these people will not be able to understand the Qu'ran so therefore
they can't ever be Muslims?

The bigot and Islamophobe accusations are easily brushed off.

Highlight that the accuser is now resorting to ad hominem attacks
rather than responding to the serious issues being raised. It isn't
bigoted to criticise and question ANY religion or for that matter any
ideology. Muslims themselves criticise Judaism and Christianity and
it isn't referred to as "Judophobia" or "Christophobia" and those
words also don't apply to anyone who criticises these religions.

Sorry, did I say "Muslims..criticise these religions?" My mistake,

let's make that "Muslims...slaughter, execute and scourge Jews and
Christians." That's a damn sight more accurate don't you think?

I also like to mention something which I believe is a fundamental

truth: If a religion is true and strong then it will be able to deal with
criticism. If it is a sham it will prevent criticism through threats and
violence. As my late father advised me: "Anything that has to
threaten you to make you believe isn't worth believing in."

That Old Chestnut

The racist card will be played against you without a doubt. People
who resort to this quite ridiculous smear - Islam and Muslims are
not a race - are ensconced in the gutter and they simply aren't
worth debating with because they are dishonest. Better to say: "You
are lowering the debate into a sewer and I refuse to join you there."

I've completely and utterly had my fill of resolutely continuing only

to be on the receiving end of "Whatever you say mein Fuerher",
raised right-arm salutes accompanied with "Sieg Heil" and being
asked "where are you going to build the ovens for the Muslims?"

Been there, done it worn the tee-shirt and I now simply refuse to
debate with pig-ignorant retards who resort to this dishonest tactic.
Trust me it isn't worth wasting your valuable time.
The Cure For Islam

Hopefully you will be debating with sincere folk who have a genuine
desire to question, to criticise, to argue and to debate with an
intention to leave the debate with increased knowledge. My goal is
not just to present an argument that reveals the reality of Islam but
to arouse curiosity so that people will continue to ask questions
about Islam so they increase their knowledge after the debate is

Genuine debaters frequently make a statement about Islam which

they believe will modernise Islam and bring it from where it is now,
anchored in seventh century traditions and customs, into the
modern world. This "cure" for Islam will be presented something
like this:

"I agree that there are problems with Islam and what I believe
Islam needs is to undergo a reformation, similar to the reformations
that Christianity has performed so that Islam becomes a more
peaceful, tolerant religion more in-tune with the peaceful messages
of the Qu'ran than the violent intolerant messages."

Again, this is a perfectly reasonable statement to make. Islam could

indeed modernise by becoming more tolerant of other faiths and
ditching the violent Medinan verses of the Qu'ran and focusing more
on the peaceful Meccan messages.

There are a couple of serious problems with this though and I

wonder if you've spotted the first one? You know that the Qu'ran is
not the sole guide to how Muslims should practice their faith, that
the Sunnah is also an essential book of reference because it details
how the Islamic prophet Mohammed practised his faith.

For Islam to undergo a reform and focus on the more peaceful

verses it would need to do two things:

1. Alter the absolute word of Allah. Muslims believe that the verses
of the Qu'ran are words spoken directly by Allah.

2. Abandon the last ten years of the life of Prophet Mohammed.

Given that Mohammed is "al insan al kamil" - the perfect man - to
Muslims, I think the chances of this happening are not particularly

What is crucial to understand about Islam is that the Qu'ran and the
Sunnah are sacred to Muslims. For humans to start to change these
in anyway is forbidden. Innovation in Islamic Sharia - bida -
meaning altering in anyway the texts or the history of these sacred
books is not common and indeed, although there are Muslims who
are calling for reform, whether or not that reform would entail a
rejection of the Medinan verses and the last ten years of
Mohammed's life I believe is highly unlikely.

With the Christian reformation, reformers wanted Christians to be

more in-tune with the teachings and the example of their Messiah
Jesus Christ. What needs to be considered with Islam is that if a
reformation were to occur that had the same idea, that Muslims
should be more in-tune with the teachings and the example of their
prophet, well, can you see a small problem here?

Christ's greatest commandment was: "Love one another so that all

will know you are my disciples."

Contrast this with Mohammed. This is a verse taken from the

Qu'ran, Sira 8 (Al Anfal "War Booty") verse 39, that Mohammed
also recited when he was close to death:

Translated Pickthal:

"And fight them until persecution[al-fitnah or disbelief and

worshipping things other than Allah] is no more, and religion
is all for Allah."

Unfortunately, there are many more verses like this and they make
a peaceful reform of Islam almost impossible. The other problem to
consider is that even if a peaceful reformation occurred, would all
Muslims accept it or would sects form who remain true to the
original teachings of Allah and the Islamic prophet Mohammed?

I have a question for you: What kind of religion includes a verse like
8:39 in its holy texts?

Watch and Learn

I began this essay by questioning the definition of what a "peaceful

Muslim" is and I stated that Muslims who demand Sharia law in the
UK are actually jihadists. This is because the duty of every Muslim is
to transform "Dar al harb" into "Dar al Islam" - also stated in 8:39
of the Qu'ran as you've just seen.

Whilst I was writing this essay, I came across the following video of
an Islamic march on the streets of the capital of Great Britain which
will provide you with a visual and audio reference that gives further
supporting evidence for the claims I have made in this essay, all
from the actions and words of Muslims themselves:

<a href="
v=3_vR5moPjJ0">Islamic Jihadists March Through London

Please note the following:

1. Look at what the poster of the video "Soldier For Islam" has
written regarding establishing Britain as part of an Islamic "Khilafa".

2. The video begins with the shahada, and I mentioned the

importance of this in part one. On this march, the shahada is being
shouted to intimidate watching infidels and to impose Islam on
them. Note that it is followed by cries of "Takbir - Allahu Akhbar",
the battle cry of Muslims.

3. There is an abundance of Islamic flags. Not British flags or any

other flags, just Islamic ones. Are they trying to tell us something?

4. "Islam for UK, Sharia for UK" - Meet the jihadists.

5. "Those who reject Allah love to live in darkness." You've been


6. The purpose of this march is a call to Islam for the infidels,

known as "Da'wa" in Islam and this is very very important and I will
discuss why in my next essay. This has more meaning than you
may realise, one being that this is how Mohammed waged jihad.

7. "What we are doing is a divine obligation for all Muslims." Is

there a bell ringing with you?

8."Inviting the non-Muslims to Islam" - My word this is so

important. It also indicates how confident the Muslim community
now is in London.

9. "And we bear witness that Mohammed is the final messenger for

mankind." So, he isn't really all that important then!

10. "All people of Bethnal Green, Muslims and non-Muslims: This is

a public invitation to Islam...1400 years ago, the best man who
walked the face of the earth..." As well as telling us exactly how
revered their Prophet is, we have Da'wa again and I can't
emphasise enough how important this is. This essay is long enough
as it is but I will go into more detail in the next one which will be
looking at how Muslims treat non-believers so it will tie-in nicely.


Islam represents a very serious threat to our nation and future

generations. It is vital that we British nationalists expose Islam for
what it is via sincere debate and factual criticism. We need to be
aware of how our opponents will try to prevent us from speaking
the truth about Islam so being informed about what to expect and
how to handle opposition will give us a huge advantage.

The truth about Islam and its perverted, psychopathic prophet is its
Achilles heel and the more we spread this truth the quicker Islam
will be finished in our land without the need for violent conflict.

Should Islam continue to flourish in our nation, there will come a

time when the British people will have to convert to Islam, accept
subjugation or fight. That is the reality of Islam wherever it goes
and you'll see why this is so in the next part. I believe that should
Islam continue to grow in Britain, the responsibility to defeat Islam
will be passed on to future generations who will be forced to fight
for their nation and their freedom. We don't have the right to
bargain away their future for our comfort today and that is why it is
critical for us to rid Islam from our land now, while we can without
resorting to violence.

Every British nationalist can play a part in sounding the clarion call
to awaken our people to the truth about Islam. Forums, blogs,
websites all give us the chance to comment, debate and challenge
the lies and myths about "the religion of peace". The truth is the
deadliest weapon we possess to help us defeat the global Islamic
jihad. If we use it, we will prevail.
Resistance: The British Counter-Jihad

"O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to
you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with
those who keep their duty unto Him."
- Qu'ran Sura 9, Verse 123

3. Britons In Peril - First Comes Saturday, Then Sunday


Great Britain, a once proud Christian country, a nation upon whose

mighty Empire "the sun never set" now faces a serious threat unlike
any it has faced in its long and glorious history. The Marxist-Liberal
ideology of Multiculturalism and ensuing mass-immigration has seen
Islam grow and flourish within our borders, spawning an Islamic
"fifth column" whose religious duty is to wage jihad upon our people
until Islam reigns supreme.

The recent Muslim march through London, complete with a call to

Islam - Da'wa - and the disgraceful abuse of British soldiers
returning from active service in Iraq by Muslim jihadists provide
clear examples illustrating how confident the Muslim community is
growing and that imposing Islam and Sharia law on the UK is their
religious goal.

I have attempted to explain that advancing Islam is the sacred

religious duty for all Muslims, both in the two essays preceding this
one and through many offline debates. Communicating this fact is a
very difficult task because through political correctness and the
liberal multicult ideology, many brainwashed politically correct
Britons believe Islam is a "Religion of Peace" and they are totally
unaware of the supremacist reality of Islam and its psychopathic,
warmongering prophet Mohammed.

Ignorance is a weakness Muslims exploit to the maximum. Should

anyone have the temerity to shine the spotlight of truth upon Islam,
they will be accused of the hate-crimes of "Islamophobe" and
"racist" and they will be supported by well-meaning but dangerously
misguided infidel Britons who are setting up a nightmare future of
subservience under Islamic hegemony in their homeland.

Lying to the infidels to advance Islam, known as "Al Taqiyya" has

been one of the most effective strategies deployed by Muslims to
turn "Dar al Harb" - the lands of war, the domain of the infidel - into
"Dar al Islam" - the lands of Islam, the domain of the believers,
throughout the history of Islamic jihad. Studying the example of
Mohammed "al insan al kamil" reveals that he would deceive his
adversaries at will, and he stated quite clearly: "War is deceit."

Keeping infidels trapped in a fog of ignorance is a cunning tactic

that has enabled Muslims to conquer many nations and establish
Islamic hegemony and if Britons continue to wallow in such
comfortable but ultimately destructive ignorance, then Great Britain
will become "Al Britannia" just as the kingdoms of once Christian
Anatolia became Islamic Turkey.

It is so important for British Nationalists - indeed, every Briton - to

understand a simple truth about Islam: Its intolerance for non-
believers and how non-believers are treated when they come in to
contact with Muslims around the world. It is this intolerance and
persecution of infidels that I will focus on in this essay and I warn
you now, I am not going to hold back. What you are about to
discover is disturbing, unpleasant, shocking and deeply distressing
but it is a harsh, painful truth about Islam that has to be told. We
ignore this uncomfortable truth at our great peril.

Behold, this is the reality of the Islamic future that awaits you and
your children...

Who Do You Think You Are?

I'm sure every Briton has heard the word "infidel". But I wonder
how many of them know what an infidel actually is? For that matter,
I wonder how many British Nationalists possess a full awareness of
what this pejorative word means? Ask for a definition and more
likely than not you will hear "Oh it's someone who isn't a Muslim" or
even as I have heard several times "isn't it someone who is white?"
Understanding exactly how an infidel is regarded by Muslims is the
first and most important step to take when studying the attitude of
Muslims to, along with their treatment of, non-believers. When a
land has been conquered by Islam, it becomes part of "Dar al
Islam" meaning that it is a land where Islamic Sharia holds
jurisprudence. So step one, what is the definition of an infidel under
Sharia law.

Under Islamic Sharia, Muslims find guidance regarding actions or

objects they are permitted to use - called Halal - and they will also
find actions and objects that are forbidden - Haram. Under Sharia,
we find <a href="">Najis</a>, objects and actions
that are forbidden because they are "filth." There are ten of these:

Dogs, pigs, dead bodies, the sweat or body fluids of these

creatures, blood, semen, urine, faeces, alcohol and, yes, score one
if you're ahead here, the infidel, the non-believer, also referred to
as "kuffar" which is a much more common and far stronger word.
This was the insult hurled at the fleeing Police in the recent pro-
Palestinian marches on the streets of London. It is an absolutely
disgusting insult, make no mistake about it.

When people hear the word "Nigger" they are outraged, yet they
remain totally indifferent to "kuffar". Nigger, although pejorative
too, is a word that solely describes someone as being black and is
derived from the Latin word "niger" - black. Yet look at those ten
najis and see what Muslims regard the kuffar as the equivalent of.

Just watch this, Muslims singing about kuffars, and I'm proud to see
that our illustrious leader Nick Griffin gets a mention:

<a href="">Dirty

Lovely video, isn't it, especially the end. It begins with the shahada,
and a greeting "bismallah al rahim" - in the name of Allah the most
merciful. See for yourself just how merciful Allah is.

Islam - i.e. Muslims - regards ALL unbelievers, including you and I,

as kuffars. Kuffars are the equivalent of pigs, dogs, urine and
excreta, and as such, are regarded as the lowest of the low by
Muslims. And the proof of just how much hatred Muslims have for
kuffars is evidenced by their actions towards them wherever
Muslims and kuffars co-exist.
The New "Untermensch"

Qu'ran Sura 9 "Al Tawba - Repentance", verse 29:

"Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day nor hold that
forbidden which has been forbidden by Allah and his Messenger
(Mohammed), nor acknowledge the religion of truth even if they are
people of the book (Jews and Christians) until they pay the Jizya
with willing submission and feel themselves subdued."

Please read that verse once again, it is the most important verse in
the Qu'ran for kuffars to be aware of and is referred to as "The
Verse Of Tribute".

An important note here before I continue. You may recall from the
previous essay a video of an Islamic demonstration where Da'wa -
the call to Islam - was issued several times. I stated that this is
very important and here's why. Read 9:29 and you will see "..nor
acknowledge the religion of truth...". This means that if kuffars
accept Islam and convert, then all is well. However, if they refuse,
they are subjugated or killed. This is exactly how Mohammed waged
war against the infidels, by first offering the call to Islam. The
Islamic jihad being waged upon us today is all about the example
set by Mohammed as I have stated repeatedly throughout these

I really hope you can now see why that particular Islamic march
isn't quite as innocent as it looks. OK, let's continue and you're
going to see exactly how 9:29 works.

The verse of tribute has been used by Muslims to subjugate kuffars

throughout the world and relegate them to the status of
Dhimmitude - subservience to Muslims. Although it explicitly states
dhimmitude only applies to Jews and Christians, Hindus are also
afforded dhimmi status too. The Jizya is the tax dhimmis must pay
to their Muslim masters or face death. It's a protection racket if you
like and the bad news is should Muslims decide they've had enough
they will withdraw dhimmi status and persecution ensues. 9:29, this
barbaric verse, is responsible for millions of deaths and God knows
how much persecution for non-believers.

The choices given to kuffars are quite clear in this verse: Convert to
Islam, accept dhimmitude WILLINGLY or fight and die. The whole
status of dhimmitude though is just a ruse. The end result is
ALWAYS the same: Convert, fight or die.
Of course Muslims will be outraged at what I'm writing, but they're
outraged about anything and everything aren't they? Instead of
listening to demented pious fanatics who try to bully and intimidate
people into accepting their own demise, let's look around the world
and see what actually happens to kuffars wherever Islamic Sharia

As Britain is still - just about - a Christian nation and because many

of the remaining practising Christians like the Arch-Dhimmi of
Canterbury believe they will be able to co-exist peacefully with
Muslims, let's now see how Christians and Muslims get on around
the world.

Sunday, Sunday

First port of call: The Middle East.

Saudi Arabia, the land where Muslims believe the Islamic prophet
Mohammed received the revelations of the Qu'ran, offers a good
start to gain an insight of Muslim hatred towards the kuffar. Not
only are Jews forbidden to enter Saudi Arabia, no kuffar is allowed
to enter the holy cities of Mecca and Medina on pain of death.

Do other religions have similar attitude towards non-believers

visiting their holy cities and their places of worship? Take an
educated guess as to the person who made this rule. Hint: He
married and then raped a child.

"First we deal with the Saturday people then we deal with the
Sunday people."

<a href="
v=ZWpIWDjQLUU&">The West Doesn't Realise What They Are
Facing With Islam</a>

<a href="">They
Hate You Because Of Religion</a>

Whilst our military personnel are fighting and dying in Iraq "to
establish democracy", this is what is happening to Assyrian

<a href="
v=oHjzRBex0Mo">Convert, Pay Or Die</a>

<a href="
v=h503pUkqfoQ">Genocide of Iraqi Christians</a>
17595print.html">Boy Crucified, Baby Roasted</a>

Remind me again, what was it Anjem Choudary and his cowardly

band of jihadists were accusing the British soldiers of doing in Iraq?
How strange that we don't see "moderate Muslims" on the streets of
London protesting against what "extremists who don't represent the
Muslim community" are doing to Assyrian Christians.

Then there's that place where those Nazi Jews are oppressing the
poor Arab Muslims:

<a href="
ARTICLE_ID=31285">Christians In The Palestine Authority</a>

And let's take a good look at what those poor, oppressed

"Palestinians" did to once Christian and once beautiful Lebanon,
crown jewel of the Middle East:

<a href="
v=21orCM7KkRI&NR">Palestinians Persecute Christians In

The video above sounds a very clear warning about what is going
to happen to Britain, the circumstances that led to the destruction
of Lebanon are exactly the circumstances being created in Britain
right now. And let me ask you this:

If the Muslims in Lebanon could kill 100,000 ARAB Christians, what

on earth do you think they will do to British Christians?

Funny how the media never mention any of this though isn't it? Too
busy spreading pro-Palestinian propaganda for HAMAS and
Hizballah no doubt. Well, they have to keep their Saudi paymasters
happy. Mustn't offend our Saudi masters whatever we do.

But what about Egypt? Surely things are better there? It's a lovely
place for a holiday and everyone knows it's now a modern secular

<a href="
v=D3tmcpUqWGo">Christian Copts Live In The Garbage 1of 3</a>

hristian Burned Alive In Egypt</a>

Surely that's all because of the unique problems in the Middle East,
it's not as bad in other Muslim countries such as one of the world's
biggest Muslim populations, Indonesia:

<a href="
v=2eKOB1ZPGnk">Christians Persecuted In Indonesia</a>

Including little Christian girls:

Are Christians faring any better anywhere else?

<a href="
ikY">Christians Persecuted By Muslims Around The World</a>

Choosing Extermination

What grates with me is the typical "turn the other cheek" suicidal
Christian cowardice the narrator makes at the end. Feeling spiritual
is much better than standing up to Muslim brutality and persecution
is it? Not if you want to survive - along with your faith - it isn't.
Christians have to understand: Muslims are not playing a game
here. The choice is Islam, subjugation or death and being spiritual
isn't going to cut the mustard. Islam must be stopped or Islam will
destroy you unless you convert. Period.
But why take Reconquista's words about persecution of Christians
being a very real fate for kuffar Britons. The Muslims are telling you

Get the message, Sunday people, you dirty kuffars?

Qu'ran Sura 9 "Al Tawba - Repentance", verse 05:

"So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the
idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and
besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they
repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way
free to them; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful."

The Saturday people and the Sunday people aren't the only kuffars
to be persecuted at the hands of devout Muslims. The verse above,
9:05 from the Qu'ran, is also called "The Verse of the Sword" and it
defines how Muslims are to deal with idolaters. Idolaters such as the
Hindus in India who have been on the receiving end of Islamic jihad
since 638, total deaths estimated at a staggering EIGHTY MILLION
and it is a persecution that continues today.

Hindus are guilty of the diabolical crime of "Mushrikoun" or "Shirk",

that is worshipping more than one deity. This really does outrage
Muslims - how dare you worship more than one deity - so
Mushrikoun have to be taught a lesson in Islamic tolerance:
Hindu Monk Tied and Beaten By Muslims

Hindu Being Beaten To Death By Muslims Outside A Mosque In

Bangladesh. He had the nerve to pass-by a Mosque minding his own
business just as moderate Muslims were leaving Friday prayer.
The "Religion of Peace" At Work In Mumbai

So far, we have seen how Christians are treated in Saudi Arabia,

Iraq, "Palestine", Egypt, Indonesia and had a quick tour around the
world. We've also looked at how Hindus are faring in India so there
can't be any more kuffars who are being persecuted can there?

Nirvana Versus Jihad

If there is one conflict that truly shows up Muslims for the

intolerant, violent and oppressive fanatics they really are it is the
Islamic jihad being waged in Southern Thailand against the

Yes, you read that correctly, Buddhists. Those people who believe
strictly in non-violence and peace, who believe no living creature
should be harmed and who have pretty much caused no harm to
any other people are now being treated to the delights of "The
Religion of Peace." Over 3,300 Buddhists have been slaughtered to
date by fanatical Islamic jihadists who fight in Allah's cause.

And yet once again, the media give little coverage to this conflict,
focusing attention instead on the sham "Palestinian" cause
conveniently ignoring the fact that Muslims are oppressing and
slaughtering thousands upon thousands of non-believers around the
world all to the cry of "Allahu Akhbar!" as they devoutly follow the
perfect example of their faith, the insane paedophile, murderer and
enslaver Mohammed.
d-the-war-youve-never-heard">Jihad Against Buddhists</a>

The following video discusses the jihad against the Buddhists and
makes some very interesting comparisons between how the Thai
and western governments respond to Islamic jihad:

<a href="">Jihad
In Thailand</a>

Whenever you hear Islamic apologists trotting out the usual lame,
pathetic excuses to tolerate the intolerable, you can now ask them
why it is that Muslims can't even tolerate Buddhists.

And to see what devout Muslims are capable of doing to human

beings solely because they are Buddhists - "kuffars" - here's how
the "Religion of Peace" spreads its message in Thailand:

Massacred By Muslims</a>

Did you get the word used in the "get out of town" note the Thai
Muslim jihadists sent to the Buddhist teacher?

Time To Reflect

I wanted to continue this essay by providing more evidence to

demonstrate the depraved cruelty Muslims are capable of doing to
human beings as they follow the example of their psychopathic
prophet and the laws laid down in Sharia that reflect the divine will
of Allah but I think you and I both need a break from the revolting
horrors of Islam for now.

I think it is also a time to reflect that what you have discovered in

this essay is occurring right now to real human beings whose only
crime is to be a non-Muslim. The world ignores their cries of pain,
the agony of their suffering and their appalling persecution,
preferring instead to tolerate, support and protect the very people
who are responsible for these vile crimes against humanity -
Muslims who are funded by petrodollar rich states, especially Saudi
Arabia and Iran. We are at war with these Islamic states and we
have to recognise this or these states are going to fund the
destruction of our nation. THIS IS GOING ON RIGHT NOW.
Please know this and know it well: The human beings you've seen
and heard in this essay are no different to you and I and what has
happened - and is happening - to them will happen to us unless we
rid the cancer of Islam from our land.

What kind of world tolerates this vile, barbaric, inhumane hate-filled

"religion" and when will we all have the strength of our convictions
to stand up and say:

"No more Islam, not here, not anywhere. We tolerate the intolerant
no more."

I will continue to provide more evidence about how evil Islam is in

the next essay but before I go, allow me to leave you with this little
gem from a true fountain of human kindness:

"Islam makes it incumbent on all adult males provided they are not
disabled or incapacitated to prepare themselves for the conquest of
countries so that the writ of Islam is obeyed in every country in the
world. But those who study Islamic holy war will understand why
Islam wants to conquer the whole world." - Ayatollah Khomeini

I wonder where he found the inspiration for that?

Resistance: The British Counter-Jihad

4. A Man's World - Sharia Rules AA!


In my previous essay, I presented evidence to demonstrate how

Muslims persecute, subjugate and abuse non-believers - kuffars -
wherever Islam comes into contact with other religions. Jews
around the world are persecuted by Muslims, Christians in Lebanon,
Egypt, Iraq and throughout Africa are subjugated and oppressed by
Muslims, Hindus in India continue to be massacred by fanatical
jihadists and amazingly, the Buddhists of Southern Thailand are
also feeling the enriching benefits of co-existing alongside the
"Religion of Peace".
The appalling persecutions of the Middle Eastern Christians and of
the Thai Buddhists are rarely given extensive coverage in the
western media, a media who deceptively promote Islam as a
tolerant, peaceful religion to the British people. Contrast the
coverage given to the Islamic jihad against the Buddhists in
Southern Thailand that is ongoing and has claimed more than 3300
innocent lives with the coverage of the Islamic jihad against Israel.

But of course, Israel is a Nazi state conducting a holocaust against

those "oppressed" people living in the western funded jizya-rich
state - sorry, poverty stricken ghetto - of Gaza and who lost over
100 HAMAS jihadists - sorry again, innocent peace-loving Muslims -
in the recent conflict. Holocaust indeed.
Yet in spite of the clear and damning evidence proving Islam is
anything but peaceful towards non-believers, many Britons still
believe it is possible to live in harmony with Muslims. Apologists
continually offer lame excuses to defend Islam: A minority of
extremists; misinterpreting the "peaceful message" of Islam; it's
because of Western immorality and decadence; it's the wars in Iraq
and Afghanistan; it's the crusades; it's because of "Palestine"; it's
because the Islamic prophet Mohammed was insulted - all of them
bankrupt without a single grain of truth between them.

But I'm not going to debunk all of the lame excuses trotted out to
defend Islam by deceitful Muslims and infidel apologists alike. I'll
leave that for a future time.

Instead, I want to let Islam speak for itself by taking a good, hard
look at Islamic countries, countries where Sharia law is enforced. In
other words, we're now going to see how Muslims treat Muslims to
see how peacefully they TREAT THEIR OWN PEOPLE.

Bear this firmly in mind as you read: What they are capable of
doing to each other they will in turn do to you, your children and
your children's children if Islam continues to be tolerated and
promoted in Great Britain. Islamic hegemony comes with Sharia law

Sharia rules, Allahu Akhbar!

The Elusive Obvious

A core principle of British justice is that all are equal before the law.
Obviously, there are many exceptions to this fine principle, you and
I both know that the great unwashed are treated differently from
the ruling elite and they always have been. But by and large, the
concept of equality before the law is applied in the main.

Does Islamic Sharia law uphold this noble principle? I'm sad to say
that it absolutely does not and in this essay you're going to discover
the shocking, brutal reality about the legal system that enforces the
will of Allah and his "Religion of Peace".

Let's make a start by examining the practice of "Blood Money",

that is money paid to the family of a victim by the guilty party
based on the value of the victim. Under Sharia law, the value of the
life of a Muslim woman is half that of a Muslim male. If you're a
Dhimmi (that's the Saturday and Sunday people, the Jews and the
Christians), your life is worth half that of a Muslim woman. I'm not
going to elaborate further on how Dhimmis fare under Sharia, I
discussed it in my previous essay.

This time, I am going to focus on what I call "the elusive obvious"

about Islam and Sharia law: It is a legal system that enforces
apartheid, not just upon kuffars but also upon Muslim women. In
Islam, Sharia law is all about the LEGAL enforcement of Muslim
male dominance and Islamic supremacy.

Blood money illustrates this clearly. If the victim of a crime - let's

say murder for example - is a female, then her family will receive
half the amount that would've been awarded to them had the victim
been male.

Under Sharia law, a Muslim woman is afforded very few of the

rights and freedoms her fellow females enjoy - and take for granted
it has to be said - in western societies.

Sharia law, in full accordance with the example set by the Islamic
prophet Mohammed, legally permits adult Muslim males to marry
little girls when they reach nine years of age as they are deemed to
be sexually developed women at this tender stage in their lives. In
some Islamic countries, grown men have taken children as young
as three years old for their brides in weddings conducted according
to the Sharia, Afghanistan especially.

As for marital rights, forget it. Should a Muslim male decide to

divorce his wife, all he has to say is "I divorce you" three times and
the marriage is over. More often than not, he will be given custody
of the children - not the ones he may have married that is - and the
woman will be given absolutely nothing. Zip, zilch, nada. Thanks for
the memories now pack your bags and get lost. Brutal? Harsh?

Welcome to Sharia.

Allah's Imperfect Creations

A Muslim wife is relegated to the level of an owned possession

entirely subservient to her husband. She is his property, his slave,
and she must comply to his demands - or else. Under the Sharia, a
Muslim husband has the right to beat his wife for such heinous
crimes as cooking an unsatisfactory meal; refusing to wear the
niqab (veil) or the full body-concealing burqa; refusing his sexual
demands or disobeying his orders. Sharia law upholds the right of a
man to violently beat his wife in obedience to the will of Allah
explicitly expressed in the Qu'ran:
"Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of
them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property
(for the support of women). So good women are the obedient,
guarding in secret that which Allah hath guarded. As for those from
whom ye fear rebellion, admonish them and banish them to beds
apart, and scourge them. Then if they obey you, seek not a way
against them. Lo! Allah is ever High, Exalted, Great."
- Qu'ran, Sura 4, An-Nisa (Women) verse 34

The contempt male Muslims have for their own women is again all
down to the example of "al insan al kamil uswa hasana", the perfect
example for all time, their revered prophet Mohammed. This is a
prophet who had a low opinion of the fairer sex, an opinion he made
clear on several occasions and here's just one example:

"I was standing at the edge of the fire of hell and most of the
people going in were women." - Islamic Prophet Mohammed

Isn't that a delightful, peaceful sentiment expressed by a so-called

messenger of God? And how remiss of the ever high, great and
exalted Allah to create such an imperfect being he needs a male to
physically beat her to correct his silly errors before packing them off
to eternal damnation and fire everlasting to pay for his rank

Fulfilling her husband's desire for sexual gratification whenever his

lust is peaking is an obligation no Muslim wife dare refuse. If she
refuses his advances, for any reason, then she is going against the
divine will of Allah who again has expressed exactly how men
should regard women in his little handbook for Muslims, the Qu'ran:

"Your wives are a tilth for you, so go into your tilth when you like,
and do good beforehand for yourselves; and be careful (of your
duty) to Allah, and know that you will meet Him, and give good
news to the believers."
- Qu'ran, Sura 2, Al Baqara (The Cow) Verse 223

In this charming verse, Allah states that Muslim wives are nothing
more than fields (tilth) to be entered whenever a man feels like it.
And under Islamic Sharia, a man is entitled to marry four wives
whereas the same "privilege" is not afforded to any Muslim woman,
although with men having the legal right to beat their wives under
Sharia, wanting to marry up to four men would not be a popular
choice with Muslim women I think you'd agree. I wonder what
Muslim women would really think? Who knows, they're not entitled
to freely hold their own opinions about these matters, and besides,
their menfolk will tell them exactly what to think and do as they
know best.

And if their women dare refuse to do as they're told their menfolk

will soon knock some sense into them, Allah be praised.

Forbidden Fruit

In examining the harsh treatment Muslim males dish out towards

their women-folk, it is clear that sex is the driving factor. Allowing a
woman the freedom to enjoy her sexuality - a freedom that is hers
by right of nature - is a big no-no. From being forced to cover her
face or even her entire body so as not to set a sexually-frustrated,
lust-crazed Muslim male's loins ablaze, to not even being allowed to
pray alongside her menfolk when worshipping at the Mosque, it's
blatantly obvious that female sexuality is a bit of a taboo in Islam.

Bit of a taboo? That's akin to saying the current economic crisis

created by the lib/lab/con is a tad inconvenient! Sex and sexuality is
something Muslim males can freely enjoy - just as their paedophile
prophet Mohammed did - but for women sex is considered forbidden
fruit and sex is used to oppress and abuse them, all legally enforced
by the Sharia.

Denying a female her sexuality starts in childhood. Many Islamic

countries: Egypt, Sudan, Yemen, Somalia practice the abhorrent
and cruel Female Genital Mutilation, where the clitoris is removed
from a little girl often using unsterilised equipment and regularly
performed by unqualified persons. In many other Islamic countries
and indeed in Muslim communities around the globe, FGM may well
be deemed illegal but it still goes on "underground", with both
Islamic authorities and government bodies turning a blind eye and I
include Great Britain in that group I'm ashamed to say.

As if removing a woman's clitoris wasn't enough to contain her

sexuality, strict segregation in Muslim societies is also enforced. Sex
before marriage is strictly forbidden - for women that is - and for a
woman to be alone with any male who is not a relative is strictly
forbidden under the Sharia. Guidance for mixing with the opposite
sex is outlined in what are referred to as "proximity laws", and the
punishments for breaking proximity laws are harsh and brutal - for
the woman but far less so for a male more often than not with the
exception of Shia Iran - as you will soon see.

Before I continue, let's just take a quick checkpoint here. I've stated
that Sharia law enforces apartheid. So far we've seen that under
this Islamic legal system, Muslim women are:
Regarded as half the worth of a Muslim male;

Forbidden to freely associate with people of their choosing;

Denied the right to dress as they please;

Prevented from worshipping alongside their menfolk at the mosque;

Cruelly robbed of their natural sexuality through FGM;

Forced to obey their husbands under LEGAL threat of violence;

Divorced at the drop of a hat and finally;

Denied the same right to divorce their husbands.

Are not all of these abuses of women enough to convince you that
this is gender apartheid? That all of this abuse amounts to nothing
less than the mental, physical and sexual abuse of women, fully
legalised under Islamic Sharia. Women who are being relegated to
the level of chattels and punch-bags whose sole "sacred religious
duty" in life is to serve and obey their Muslim male masters all
cunningly camouflaged as the expressed will of "a great and exalted

May I remind you, all of this is fully sanctioned by the "Religion of

Peace." All of it, I am not making this up I assure you.

You'd think all of this cruel and widespread abuse of females would
be sufficient to draw the strongest possible condemnation from the
entire civilised world wouldn't you? Sanctions, exclusion from
sporting events, celebrities refusing to visit Islamic countries along
with pious, preaching musicians playing to packed out stadia all
demanding an end to "the inhumanity of apartheid" just as they all
did with South Africa.

Not so. Instead, the deafening sound of silence tolerates these

dreadful violations of human rights. You would also think the abuse
couldn't possibly get much worse for women under Islamic Sharia.
Well, think again. Amazingly, it gets much worse as you are about
to discover.

Violating The Violated

Take a deep breath because what follows is quite frankly shocking

and incredible. The full horrors of how human beings are treated in
Islamic countries under Sharia law are by themselves more than
enough to clearly prove that Islam is anything but a "Religion of
Peace." That these nauseating, diabolical horrors continue to be
perpetrated shames the entire civilised world, a world cowered by
Islamic jihad and its oil weapon into consenting silence.

One of the very worst crimes a woman can fall victim to is rape. It
is a cruel, inhumane violation of her person, it is an abuse of her
sexuality, a crime against her entire being with deep-seated mental
scars to accompany the physical wounds she will have received
during the traumatic assault.

In an earlier essay I highlighted the plight of Muslim women in

Pakistan, where 85% of the women imprisoned there are actually
rape victims. Pakistan is perhaps the worst example but it is by no
means unique as numerous rape victims suffer the same dreadful
fate throughout the Islamic world.

How can this be so? How can a woman so cruelly violated once go
on to be ruthlessly and mercilessly violated a second time by the
Islamic courts who enforce and uphold the Sharia, the legal system
of the "Religion of Peace"?

As I have stated throughout these essays, we will find the answer

by referring to the perfect example set by the Islamic prophet
Mohammed, a perfect example every Muslim consults.

Under Islamic Sharia, it is nigh-on impossible for a raped woman to

prove her case. Because under this legal system, a woman requires
four male witnesses - that is, witnesses who actually saw
penetration take place - who were present during the rape. If she
cannot produce these witnesses, she is guilty of violating proximity
laws and is sent to prison as punishment for her sex crime.

This is a law personally formulated by Mohammed after he was

informed by three witnesses that his favourite wife, Aisha - the little
girl he raped when she was just nine years of age - had been
having an affair. He refused to believe them and stated that four
witnesses would be needed to prove her infidelity.

All recorded in the Haddith of <a

h Bukhari 5:59:462 and in Aisha's own words</a>

So much suffering for so many women all from this one incident.
What Sharia Isn't - Or Is It?

I had intended to highlight further legalised abuse of women under

Islamic Sharia by examining the abhorrent practice of the
scandalously mis-named "honour killings" that are rife in Islamic
countries and in Muslim communities around the world and now
including western nations too. But although this is another barbaric
crime against humanity mostly carried out by Muslims, I found that
it is not endorsed or permitted under Sharia law so it is beyond the
scope of this essay.

I will however state that Muslim families who are guilty of killing
their wives, sisters or daughters because they want to "regain the
family honour" are rarely punished under Sharia law and if they are
punished, they are punished very lightly indeed.

Robert Spencer nails the issue of honour killings and Islam in this
excellent article over on DhimmiWatch:

hp">Islam and Honour Killings</a>

I think that's enough on this. For now.

Playing Away

It's something that has gone on throughout human history. All of us

are tempted by the "sins of the flesh" whether we are carefree
singletons or bonded into the commitments of marriage. When
temptation arises it is very, very difficult to say "no". Many
marriages have had to cope with the infidelity of a wayward
partner, many marriages have come through it stronger. Obviously,
many marriages have collapsed because of it.

Adultery is strictly forbidden under Sharia law and the punishments

for the guilty parties go way beyond a failed marriage and a
traumatic, destructive impact on the couple's broken lives for a

Rather than write my "kuffar" description of how Sharia punishes

adulterers, I think it a much better idea to allow an Imam to explain
to us the Islamic rulings along with an example of the punishment
being carried out on adulterers so we are in no doubt whatsoever:

<a href="
v=uGaXxtvf2bM">Punishment For Adultery In Islam</a>
The narrator's comment at the end says it all really.

In Iran, for once, Islamic Sharia punishes males guilty of adultery in

the same way as women are punished and here is another video
that provides a shocking, horrific and graphic example of the brutal
and barbaric treatment Islam and Sharia law inflict upon their own
people, human beings just like you and I. Please note that at the
beginning of the video, you will discover why adulterers are
punished so harshly in Islam and note also the rules governing the
sizes of the stones:

erers Punished In Iran By Stoning</a>

What a gruesome, cruel and inhumane punishment carried out in

the name of the "Religion of Peace". I know it is distressing to
watch it but this is the barbaric reality of Islam and it is a barbaric
reality that is coming to Great Britain - and indeed all of Europe and
the USA - unless we stand up to Islam and banish it from our lands.
We British ignore the barbaric reality of Islam at our great peril. As
British nationalists we have a duty to ensure that future British
generations are not left to suffer the horrors of Islam. You have just
seen exactly why this duty is so important.

A little question for you: Are the stone-throwing, blood-thirsty

Muslims screaming "Allahu Akhbar!" in the crowd extremists or are
they part of the majority of peaceful, tolerant Muslims we are
continually told constitute true Islam?

The point here is not to mistake Islamic terrorists as the only ones
who commit violent atrocities in the name of Islam. It is not just
about Islamic terror, it is all about what Islam truly is in its entirety.

Chop Chop!

Violations of proximity laws and sex crimes are not the only crimes
to be punished so brutally and so cruelly under Islamic Sharia law.
As well as highlighting it as a legal system that enforces gender
apartheid, religious apartheid and the violent abuse of women,
Sharia also carries out harsh, inhumane punishments on other

Most of us have had our property stolen at some point in our lives:
A bicycle, a car, money, jewellery, phone, etc. and although it is
annoying and upsetting, the punishments handed out to thieves in
western societies are in stark contrast to those dealt out in Sharia

I'm sure we've all said something like: "If I got my hands on them
they'd be sorry!" when we're angry but I wonder how many of us
would seriously advocate the following as a suitable punishment for

"And (as for) the man who steals and the woman who steals, cut off
their hands as a punishment for what they have earned, an
exemplary punishment from Allah; and Allah is Mighty, Wise. "
- Qu'ran Sura 5 Al Maeda (The Table) Verse 38

This is what Islam will bring to our nation. Islam comes with Sharia
law and it is a law Muslims will impose upon you, by force if
necessary. It is a law being practised and enforced around the world
wherever Islam goes and the inhumane punishments meted out
under the Sharia are going to come to Britain. Cruel, inhumane
punishments such as the following:

Thieves Punished Under Sharia Law</a>

Note again who decreed that this was a just punishment with the
quote from the appropriate haddith, again demonstrating as I have
stressed throughout these essays: We must stop listening to
apologists and do what Muslims do and that is to refer not just to
the verses of the Qu'ran but also to the example of the Islamic
prophet Mohammed as described and witnessed in the Sunnah. If
we want to know the truth about Islam then that is where we will
find it.


Great Britain is gradually becoming Islamised along with the rest of

Europe. At the current rate, Islamic hegemony - i.e. the rule of
Sharia law - could well imposed in our land in just 20 years time.
You've already seen how intolerant Islam is towards non-believers
of various faiths including Christianity as described in part three of
this series of essays concerning the British Counter-jihad.

In this essay, you have now seen that under Islamic Sharia law,
Muslims inflict cruel and inhumane treatment on their own people,
including the enforcement of gender apartheid. The horrific abuses
women are enduring in Islamic countries around the world and of
course, in Muslim communities in Great Britain, are the same
horrific abuses that WILL FOR SURE be inflicted upon your wives,
your sisters, your daughters, your mothers - ALL BRITISH WOMEN -
under the rule of Islamic Sharia law.

That is the shocking nightmare future that awaits them if we fail in

our duty to rid the inhumane, barbaric "Religion of Peace" from the
realm. It should never ever have been allowed into our nation and
those of our own who we trusted to govern and protect us
committed the worst act of treason in British history by importing
Islam. But the traitors can wait for now. The time for them to
account for their disgusting betrayal will come. First we must deal
with the very serious threat of Islam.

In the next essay, I am going to discuss the actions we can take to

fight the Islamic jihad and believe me when I say there are many
things we can do and although it won't be easy, we will defeat the
Islamic jihad being waged against us.

Until then, may I humbly request that you re-read these four essays
to remind yourself about all of the issues raised so that they're
fresh in your mind ready for the battle ahead. Can I further ask you
to brainstorm ideas with fellow nationalists about how we can
PEACEFULLY and LEGALLY counter Islamic jihad and PM them to me
or Green Arrow on the Green Arrow forum at his brilliant BNP
supporting blog here:

<a href="">The Home Of

The Green Arrow</a>

Every idea counts and I want to include as many effective ones as

possible in the next essay. I already have some very canny tactics
and strategies to help us defeat our enemy and I welcome more.

Finally, I think it most fitting that I end this essay with one of the
most courageous women fighting the global Islamic jihad, a woman
from Syria who has experienced first-hand the very real horrors
inflicted upon human beings under Islamic Sharia law, the
inspirational Wafa Sultan. She warns us of the Islamic nightmare
being prepared for Great Britain and the west unless we fightback:

<a href="
v=up3yuQDAWKQ">Defend The Heaven You Live In</a>

Wafa Sultan says no one is listening and no one has the courage to
speak the truth about Islam. It's time we listened, it's time we
spoke the truth and it's time we took peaceful but effective action to
fight Islam. It is a matter of the utmost urgency, it really is our
civilised way of life or their retarded, inhumane and barbaric death
cult. Islam has declared war on us and now it's us or them, that's
your stark but simple choice.

Time for you to get involved in the British Counter-Jihad, let's stand
together and fight together for an Islam-free Britain.


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