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On Way2banks Facebook page (, we have observed that many of YOU, the users, are facing problems while solving syllogisms related questions. Way2bank had promised its users that itll come up with an easy method for solving Syllogisms. Normally, almost every book uses Venn diagrams to solve these problems. But, using Venn diagram during exams would kill lot of your time. So, we are providing you with a set of rules Syllogisms Rules which which would help YOU solve this kind of question for bank exam. Below are some Syllogisms examples explained using Syllogisms rules. Reciprocity rules 1) Ex. Statement starting will keyword ALL Statement : All dogs are cats

Conclusion : Some cats are dogs 2) Ex. Statement starting will keyword SOME Statement : Some dogs are cats

Conclusion : Some cats are dogs 1/5


Bank exam English | Way2Bank

3) Ex.

Statement starting will keyword NO Statement : No dog is a cat

Conclusion : No cat is a dog Combination of statements 4) Statement : All bats are balls

All balls are toys Conclusion : All bats are toys 5) Statement : All bats are balls

Some balls are toys Conclusion : No conclusion 6) Statement : Some bats are balls

All balls are toys Conclusion : Some bats are toys 7) Statement : Some bats are balls

Some balls are toys Conclusion : No conclusion 8) Statement : No bat is a ball

All balls are toys Conclusion : No conclusion 9) Statement : No bats is a ball

Some balls are toys Conclusion : No conclusion 10) Statement : All bats are balls No ball is a toy Conclusion : No bats are toys 2/5


Bank exam English | Way2Bank

11) Statement : Some bats are balls No ball is a toy Conclusion : No conclusion To summarize rules 4-11,

( All the above rules are actually derived from Venn diagrams and you guys can check it if you wish to. We feel that instead of wasting time on drawing numerous Venn diagrams in exams to solve one single problem, it is better to learn a few rules and save some precious time during exams. Now, once we have learned these rules, it is time to verify these rules by solving a few examples. So, here we go:1) Statements : a. All fishes are birds. b. All birds are rats. c. All rats are cows. Conclusions : I. All birds are cows II. All rats are fishes 1. if only conclusion I is true. 2. if only conclusion II is true. 3. if either conclusion I or conclusion II is true. 4. if neither conclusion I nor conclusion II is true 5. if both conclusions I and II are true. From statements b & c, we can easily conclude that All birds are cows (Rule 4). So conclusion I is correct. Similarly from statements a & b, we can conclude that All fishes are rats (Rule 4). Now from rule 1, we can conclude that Some rats are fishes. Hence, conclusion II is incorrect. Option 1) is correct. So, you see, we solved this problem in just 2 steps as compared to venn diagram which would have taken lot of time. 3/5


Bank exam English | Way2Bank

Let us solve a few more. 2) 1. 2. 3. 4. Statement : Some paints are colors. All colors are solutions. Some solutions are liquids. All liquids are solids.

Conclusion : 1. Some paints are solutions. 2. Some colors are liquids. 3. Some solutions are solids. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Only I and II follow Only II and III follow All I, II and III follows None follows None of the above

From statement a & b, we conclude that Some paints are colors (Rule 6). Hence, conclusion I is correct. From statement b & c, we cannot conclude anything (Rule 5). Hence, conclusion II is wrong. From statement c & d, we conclude that Some solutions are solids (Rule 6). Hence, conclusion III is correct. So, option 5 is correct. 3) Statements : All stars are suns. Some suns are planets. All planets are satellites. Conclusions : I. Some satellites are stars. II. No star is a satellite. 1. if only conclusion I is true. 2. if only conclusion II is true. 3. if either conclusion I or conclusion II is true. 4. if neither conclusion I nor conclusion II is true 5. if both conclusions I and II are true Here, we need to find relation between stars and satellites. So, we need to find a conclusion from first two statements and then compare it with the third statement to find the final result. So, using rule 5, we find that there is no conclusion of first two statements. If there is no conclusion from first two 4/5


Bank exam English | Way2Bank

statements, then obviously we cant conclude anything. Hence, conclusion I & II are incorrect. But, if you see closely, either of conclusion I or II has to be true i.e. some satellites are stars or no star is a satellite. Hence, option 3) is correct. Hope this module on Verbal reasoning helps you all. If you have any queries, you are free to post it on our Facebook page ( or e-mail us at ( Regards, Way2bank Posted in Bank exam English | Tagged bank exam english, bank exam preparation, question bank for bank exams, question bank for bank po, question for ibps exam, question of bank exam, reasoning question for bank exam, syllogism rules, syllogisms, syllogisms examples, syllogisms rules | 2 Comments Blog at | Theme: Misty Lake by Automattic.


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