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In KRL/Kochi, each compressor is supplied with two

no of


valve and other field instruments for control. The compressor takes its suction from Fluidized Catalytic Converter Unit( FCCU) receiver, which is being controlled by suction valve. The first stage anti-surge valve is located between first stage discharge and suction and the second stage valve is between second stage discharge and inter stage cooler. The inter stage cooler is connected to inter-stage receiver which is further connected to second stage suction of the compressor. The first stage discharge is split into two stages, one goes to interstage cooler, the other one recycled through the first stage anti-surge valve to FCCU. The second stage discharge is also split into two stages, one connected to cracker processing units and the other being recycled through the second stage anti-surge valve to the inter-stage cooler. During normal operation the Anti-surge valves close to maintain flow just above the surge line for smoother and better control. During sudden load changes at the cracker unit the anti-surge valve opens to maintain the required flow above the surge. Also when sudden load change occurs, the flow drops and the discharge pressure raises, the compressor will have an opposing force, acting against its normal force which at regular interval of frequencies causes surge. Surge can cause

greater damage to compressor and its associated pipelines. In order to avoid surge during these abnormal conditions, the anti-surge valve perform spill back function by opening at a faster rate thereby increasing the flow through the compressor.

The anti-surge valve performs spill back function by opening fully within two seconds for taking care of surge conditions. While commissioning of these anti-surge valves at KRL/kochi it was found that the time taken by these valves for opening was around 6 seconds . Various

modifications were carried out to bring down the opening time and they are:

1.The I/P converter was kept near the valve by reducing the tubing (this will reduce the volume of air venting) but of no avail. It has not improved the valve response time. 2. A quick release valve, which was provided for faster opening, was removed as it was giving oscillatory motion to the valve. The valve response doesnt seems to improve. 3. An air regulator was installed before volume booster to reduce the instrument pressure from 7 Ksc to 3 Ksc, so that venting through the volume booster becomes faster. But it didnt give much result as only 0.2 second got reduced. Further the volume booster venting pressure

was throttled for quicker response, but no improvement was observed. All these exercises could not reduce the valve opening time to less than 6 seconds. But during these exercises it was noticed that the output from I/P converter was taking around 6 seconds for venting its pressure signal from 1 ksc to 0.2 ksc, even though the current signal was reduced instantaneously from 20 mA to 4 mA. The response details were confirmed from manufacturers manual as their test certificate also specifies around 5.2 seconds downscale response Finally, the I/P converter ( M/S Watson Smith make) was replaced with another one ( M/S Sensyscon make, Germany). The same was installed and quick release valve was also installed on the valve top. The above arrangement was checked and found that the valve response was found to be within 2 secs as per M/S Compressor Control Corporation(CCC)/ USA, recommendations.

FIG - 1

Fig 2

3 way solenoid valve Volume Booster

Quick Release Valve

Air to Close Anti Surge Valve I/P converter


Air Regulator 2.6 ksc

Air Regulator 1.5 ksc

Anti Surge Valve Arrangement at Kochi Refineries Ltd

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