Tantangan Dan Pengelolaan Dana Hibah: Redd +

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Strategi Mobilisasi dan Funding Instrumen



M.S Sembiring Direktur Eksekutif Yayasan KEHATI

KEHATI is a not-for-profit, non-governmental grant-making foundation aims to promote conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity resources in Indonesia for current & future generations of the country & the world . KEHATIs establishment in Jakarta on 1994 was triggered by global concern to the environment at the Tokyo Declaration in Tokyo and the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. KEHATI funds and facilitates biodiversity conservation through efforts made by NGOs, local communities, youth, scientists, professionals and other civil society members

Indonesian Biodiversity Project

Period: March 30, 1995 to June 2012 Total amount of endowment distributed : US$ 17,445,824 ,around 996 grant receipients Objectives: Promoting policies for enhancement of biodiversity; Networkings among NGOs, research education etc., to exchange information; Fostering and improving capabilities to conserve and use biodiversity

Background: Rio summit 1992; Tokyo Declaration 1992;

Cooperative Agreement

Program Distribution
TFCA, MFP Ekosistem Hutan Ekosistem Pesisir

MFP Ekosistem Hutan Ekosistem Laut Ekosistem Laut MFP

Ekosistem Agro Ekosistem Laut MFP

MFP Ekosistem Agro

Instrumen Pendanaan REDD+ Nasional




Dasar Hukum Hibah UU No. 17 Tahun 2003 tentang Keuangan Negara; UU No. 1 Tahun 2004 tentang Perbendaharaan Negara; UU No. 33 Tahun 2004 tentang Perimbangan Keuangan antara Pemerintah Pusat dan Pemerintahan Daerah; PP No. 57 Tahun 2005 tentang Hibah kepada Daerah; PP No. 58 Tahun 2005 tentang Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah; PP No. 2 Tahun 2006 tentang Tatacara Pengadaan Pinjaman dan/ atau Penerimaan Hibah serta penerusan Pinjaman dan/atau Hibah Luar Negeri PP No. 38 Tahun 2007 tentang Pembagian Urusan Pemerintahan antara Pemerintah, Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi, dan Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten/Kota.

Grants are funds disbursed by one party (grant makers), often a government department, corporation, foundation or trust, to a recipient, often (but not always) a nonprofit entity, educational institution, business or an individual. In order to receive a grant, some form of "Grant Writing" often referred to as either a proposal or an application is usually required. Most grants are made to fund a specific project and require some level of compliance and reporting. The grant writing process involves an applicant submitting a proposal (or submission) to a potential funder, either on the applicant's own initiative or in response to a Request for Proposal from the funder. Other grants can be given to individuals, such as victims of natural disasters or individuals such as people who seek to open a small business. Sometimes grant makers require grant seekers to have some form of tax-exempt status, be a registered nonprofit organization or a local government.

Flow of Grants




Assets Management : Biodiversity Endowment Fund

1. Market value & return of Assets
Original value at inception (1995) Market value (net, Jun 12) Total withdrawals (1996- Jun 1012) Gross value of Endowment Fund Total returns generated Annualized returns on investment : : : : : : $ 16,500,000 (a) $ 14,691,619 (b) $ 17,445,824 (c) $ 31,737,443 d=(b+c) $ 15,237,443 (d-a) 6 % p.a.

2. Assets Composition
1996-1998 2000-2002 Jun 2012 60% Equity 55% Equity 49% Equity : 40% Fixed Income : 45% Fixed Income : 37% Fixed Income

: 14% Cash

Market value of Endowment Fund 1995 June 2012

$24.95 $22.38 $21.16 $18.43 $16.50 $22.58 $19.86 $22.63 $21.25 $17.73 $16.67 $16.09

in Million

$20.31 $19.82 $19.52



1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011

Jun 2012

During the term of 1995 2012, KEHATI distributed 996 grants that covered by 1.357 MoU with total fund disbursed of Rp60.198.561.036

Kelompok Swadaya Masyarakat

7.0% 0.5% 1.6% 2.1%

Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat Lembaga Penelitian Ilmiah dan Kajian Kebijakan Institusi Pendidikan dan Lembaga Pelatihan Kelompok Agama dan Kelompok Sosial Budaya



Organisasi Pemuda Mahasiswa dan Perempuan Asosiasi Profesi dan Kelompok Tenaga Ahli

Total withdrawals 1996 Jun 2012

in Million $ 1.47 $ 1.27 $ 0.90 $ 0.77 $ 0.56 $ 1.50

$ 1.85 $ 1.60

$ 1.25 $ 1.05 $ 0.80 $ 0.90 $ 0.80

$ 0.97 $ 0.89$ 0.88

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Jun-12

Total Fund managed by KEHATI

As per August 2012

Endowment Funds TFCA-I, Sumatera TFCA-II, Kalimantan MFP II UKAID Corporate Chevron Others Total

US$ 16.5 million US$ 30 million US$ 28,5 million GBP 7.5 million -> US$ 10,5 million US$ 1 million US$ 1 million US$ 87,5 million

Type Grants managed by KEHATI


Sinking Fund (Amortizing)

TRUST FUND Revolving

General Guidelines for ASSETS MANAGEMENT

Prudent & Effective Management for ensuring the success and the long-term sustainability Provide learning process of building EF as an effective and sustainable organization Effective structure is a key for establishing a prolific relationship Careful and professional investment management significantly affect capital and attractiveness to donor Formulation the investment strategy to overcome the vulnerability Fund managers must equalize the maximizing income and minimizing risks Spending policy has to ensure the higher income generated in more successful years will augment the income in lower years Conservative Investment approach is to answer the difficulty in obtaining additional fund

General Guidelines ASSETS MANAGEMENT (con.t)

Important Aspects of the governance, standards and procedures to managing the Trust Fund must be in place: The purpose and the duration of the fund The Boards/committees, its power, responsibilities, terms, Meetings The Executive Director and staff Investment guidelines Accounting procedures and auditing Programmed fund

What make it attractive

Management of Risks The ability to provide its own initial investments in the communities and programs reduces the risks for partners wanting to engage in the same activities Stakeholder Management Relationship and connections to various publics allows it to serve as a convener and bridge to different sectors Information and Know how Has access to technical and expert advice which can be used by companies for decision making and practices Reputation - Reputation and credibility as an environmental organization could provide partners with significant advantage

U.S. Tropical Forest Conservation Act of 1998, Public Law No. 105-214

To facilitate the Conservation, Protection, Restoration, and Sustainable Use of tropical forests in Indonesia

TFCA Debt Swap for Nature

Treasury SP #1 $19.6 million $2 million SP #2

Swap Partners


Debt repayments on treated debt cancelled

New Obligation




Makes decisions on grants

USG, GOI, SP Other local entities

Local NGOs

(exceptional circumstances)

Pos. GOI

Grants to

Oversight Committee

TFCA Management Structure

Forest Conservation Agreement

Ad Hoc


Acceptance Instrument

Designee of USG, GOI, CI, KEHATI, Designated Member Institution + Authorized Representative of Administrator as a Secretary of OC

Grant to :
Grant Recipient Agreement
Local NGOs/ CBOs Other Local Entities

Grant Recipient (Eligible Entities)

Peningkatan Kapasitas dalam Implementasi SVLK

Bekerjasama dengan mitra daerah dalam Peningkatan kapasitas para pihak terutama penggiat hutan rakyat, hutan desa, hutan kemasyarakatan dan pelaku industry kecil dan menengah (IKM) dalam menyiapkan Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu (VLK). Sampai dengan 2012 telah tersedia 350 auditor SVLK; 23 fasilitator pendamping bersertifikat Pelatihan SVLK untuk 130 pengelola hutan komunitas (HKm & Hutan rakyat) dan 95 UKM Memfasiltiasi 5 hutan komunitas bersertifikat SVLK di Lampung Tengah, Wonosobo, Blora, Gunung Kidul, Konawe Selatan Training Implementasi SVLK untuk Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (SMEs) di 6 kota di Jawa Penyusunan standar kompetensi kerja nasional Indonesia Bidang penilaian kinerja pengelolaan hutan lestari atau verifikasi legalitas kayu. Stock taking/mapping situasi kehutanan, industry kehutanan, termasuk pengembangan HTR, kapasitas lembaga formal dan informal dalam kesiapan terhadap PHPL dan implemetasi SVLK (NAD + Papua)

Negosiasi FLEGT-VPA Indonesia dengan Uni Eropa

Memfasilitasi pertemuan multipihak dalam proses negosiasi FLEGT-VPA antara Indonesia dengan Uni Eropa dan berkomunikasi secara intensif dalam mempersiapkan JEM, TWG dan Video conference dengan Uni Eropa. Secara proaktif mempromosikan SVLK di berbagai ajang pameran baik nasional maupun international (IFFINA, China, Brussel, dll) Menyelesaikan dokumen Joint Implementation Strategy (JIS) Pembangunan lembaga Licensing Information Unit (LIU) SVLK goes to Campus

TFCA-1: Mengapa Sumatera?

Termasuk satu dari 34 wilayah dengan endemisme kehati tertinggi di dunia 260 spesies yang ada di Sumatera terancam punah. Laju deforestasi (konversi), termasuk yang tertinggi di dunia Tutupan hutan tinggal sekitar 29%, padahal dibutuhkan minimal 40% tutupan lahan untuk menciptakan keseimbangan faktor ekologi, sosial dan ekonomi Kawasan konservasi yang ada belum mampu melindungi keanekaragaman hayati Sumatera dan dalam posisi yang terfragmentasi


KEL: Linge Isak

(2011-2014) - 104 Konsep Usulan - 5 Proposal diterima - Total pendanaan Rp. 24,2 milyar. - Intervensi lansekap: Kawasan Ekosistem Leuser, Hutan Batang Toru-TN Batang Gadis, TK Kerinci Seblat, Semenanjung Kampar-Senepis

KEL: SIngkil

Hutan Batang Toru-TN Batang Gadis

Semenanjung Kampar-Senepis

TN Kerinci Seblat

Mitra: Yayasan Leuser Internasional, Konsorsium Sahabat (Petra-Bitra), Institut Green Aceh, KKI Warsi, Jikalahari

SIKLUS KEDUA (20112014)

KEL-Blok Karo Langkat KEL-Rawa - 39 Konsep Usulan Tripa - 7 Proposal disetujui - Total pendanaan Rp. 29,823 4 milyar. Intervensi lansekap: TN Kerinci Seblat, TN Bukit Tigapuluh, KEL-Rawa Tripa, TN KEL Karo Langkat, TN Siberut, Siberut TN Tesso Nilo. TN Bukit Barisan Selatan

BT Toru- TN Bt Gadis

TN Tesso Nilo

TN Kerinci Seblat

Mitra: Jaringan Akar, Konsorsium WWF-PKHS Riau, Yayasan Ekosistem Lestari, Konsorsium Yayasan Orangutan Sumatera Lestari - Orangutan Information Centre (OIC), Konsorsium Yayasan Kirekat Indonesia, Konsorsium Yayasan TN Tesso Nilo, Konsorsium Unila-PILI

TN Bukit Barisan Selatan

Tropical Forest Conservation Action 2, adalah program kemitraan antara Pemerintah Amerika, Pemerintah Republik Indonesia, The Nature Conservancy (TNC) dan World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) akan memberikan dukungan pendanaan untuk melindungi keanekaragaman hayati, mengamankan karbon hutan, dan meningkatkan penghidupan masyarakat dengan melindungi hutan di Kalimantan dengan nilai hibah sebesar 28,5 juta USD.

Latar Belakang
Kalimantan merupakan tempat hidup berbagai mamalia besar seperti Orangutan, Owa-owa, Macan Akar, Gajah Pigmy. Ada 210 spesies mamalia, 44 diantaranya merupakan spesies endemik. Pada periode 1994 2004, telah ditemukan spesies `sebanyak 361 spesies. Kalimantan tempat hidup suku Dayak, yang memiliki 140 bahasa , saat ini bahasa-bahasa tersebut terus digunakan.



Pada tahun 1985, tutupan hutan mencapai 75% Pada tahun 2005 tinggal 50%. Pada periode 1985 2005, laju deforestasi mencapai 850.000 ha setiap tahun. Keragaman hayati dan hutan memiliki peran penting dalam perubahan iklim. Presiden SBY berkoitmen menurunkan emisi gas rumah kaca 21% secara mandiri, dan 41% dengan bantuan negara. Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca Kalimantan 917 MtCO2 pada tahun 2005. secara bertahap meningkat 7,2% setiap tahun, menjadi 1.298 MtCO2 pada tahun 2010, bersumber dari deforestasi dan degradasi hutan


Berau Kapuas Hulu

Kutai Barat

Melindungi keanekaragaman, spesies yang terancam punah termasuk ekosistemnya, daerah tangkapan, menghubungkan antar zona ekologis, melalui koridor hutan. Meningkatkan manfaat bagi masyarakat dalam pemanfaatan sumberdaya alam, Mengimplementasi demonstration activities program REDD+ Memberikan kontribusi dalam pengayaan dan pertukaran gagasan dan pengalaman dalam konservasi hutan dan implementasi REDD+

Penerima Manfaat
NGOs/LSM lingkungan, kehutanan atau konservasi yang didirikan dan beroperasi di Indonesia Masyarakat lokal/regional, termasuk Masyarakat Hukum Adat Perguruan Tinggi

Figure 18: Indonesia - Current funding flows for REDD related activities NB: The diagram only includes those projects and initiatives we have been able to obtain funding data on
International Funding Resources
Multilateral Innitiatives And Programme
UN-REDD /FCPF European Commission International Tropical Timber Organisation World Bank Forest Investment Programme

WWF Fauna and Flora International The Nature Conservancy Clinton Foundation Private donors

Debt For Nature Swap

US Government under the Tropical Forest Conservation Act

Bilaterral Innitiatives And Programme

Government of Australia, Great Britain, Germany, Norway, Japan, US, Korea Indonesia-Australia Forest Carbon Partnership German Agency for Technical Cooperation KfW Entiwicklungsbank Norway-indonesia letter of Inten for US$ 1bn in funding

Carbon Marhet Finances (Voluntary)

Bank of America/ Merrill Lynch Macquire bank Emerald Planet

National environmental funds

Regional Environment Funds Not yet disbursing

Indonesia-Malaysia Regional Trustfund (not established yet) Potential fund for WWF Heart of Borneo

National Fund Management

Not yet disbursing

Indonesia Climate Change Trus Fund Narional Forest Trus Fund Biodiversity Fund between KEHATI, Ministry of Environment, an Ministry of Forestry (linked to REDD+)

[ > US$500m] [US$100 - US$500m] [US$10m - US$100]

Project Level

Active Voluntary / demonstartion REDD projects

Approximately 30 known voluntary and demonstration projects

Technical assistance and capacity building projects

GTZ forest management AusAID carbon monitoring framework Clinton Foundation measurement sysytems, advancing international negotiations and securing finance.

Non-REDD forest conservation projects

Orang utan Conservation Services Yayasan Bina Usaha Lingkungan

[< US$10m]

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP



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