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Defining the Baseline Schedule

4. Defining the Baseline Schedule Add a New Baseline Open the project the Project the select PROJECT, MAINTAIN BASELINES. The Maintain Baselines dialog box will apear as shown below. Select ADD and another dialog box will appear with the option to copy the current project or convert a project to a new aseline of the current project. Select CONVERT ANOTHER PROJECT TO A NEW BASELINE OF THE CURRENT PROJECT (second choice).

Select Convert

Defining the Baseline Schedule (continued)

After selecting the CONVERT option, a dialog box will appear prompting to Select a Project. Select the project as the baseline to the update file (BASE) and click the add (+) button on the right. Note: The baseline schedule will no longer be visiable in the EPS file structure after performing this step as it is now set as the baseline schedule and will be hidden from view.

Do NOT use delete to remove a baseline Use the RESTORE button to clear a baseline

Use the drop down to select Initial Plan as your baseline type

Assigning the Baseline Schedule

5. Assigning the Baseline Schedule to the Current Schedule To assign the baseline select PROJECT, ASSIGN BASELINES. The dialog box below will appear.

In the USER BASELINES section of the dialog box select the drop down arrow to select the baseline created in Step 1. Click OK. Make sure the BASE file is in the Project Baseline and Primary selections. Click OK

Displaying the Baseline

6. Displaying the Baseline Bars in the Graphical Area Next select VIEW, BARS to show the baseline bars in the graphical area of the schedule. A dialog box as shown below will appear. Select the Primary Baseline bar and rename the bar to Project Baseline. Also, change the Timescale to Project Baseline Bar. Lastly, change the bar color to orange. Select OK.

Change bar color to orange here

The orange baseline bars will be displayed below the current schedule bars. The graphic below is how the schedule should look. Example:

Restoring the Baseline INFO ONLY, Do Not Do this in Training Class

1. To remove or restore an associated baseline from the current project select PROJECT, Assign Baselines.

2. In the Assign Baselines dialog box, select <Current Project> in the Primary and Project Baseline (if it was selected). After making the changes, select OK.
Click OK when done

Turn the PROJECT BASELINE selection back to Current Project (if turned on)

NOTE: If there is a baseline selection in any of these three drop downs, turn them back to CURRENT PROJECT.

Restoring the Baseline (continued) INFO ONLY, Do Not Do this in Training Class
3. Restore the baseline by selecting PROJECT, select Maintain Baselines.

4. Click on the Baseline (under the current file) and press the RESTORE button. A dialog box will appear prompting to unlink the selected baseline from the current project and make them separate projects. Select the YES button to this question.

Click YES to confirm the removal of the baseline from your current project

Click the RESTORE button to remove the baseline from your current project

Restoring the Baseline (continued)

After RESTORING the baseline, there should be an empty dialog box below the current project in the Maintain Baselines function.

There should not be anything showing in the area below the heading.

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