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Journal of Earthquake Engineering

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Julian J. Bommera; Amr S. Elnashaia a Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine, London SW7 2BU, UK

To cite this Article Bommer, Julian J. and Elnashai, Amr S.(1999) 'DISPLACEMENT SPECTRA FOR SEISMIC DESIGN',

Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 3: 1, 1 32 To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/13632469909350338 URL:


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Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1 (1999) 1-32 @ Imperial College Press


JULIAN J. BOMMER and AMR S. ELNASHAI Department of Civil and Envimrnentat Engineering, Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine, London SW7 2B U, UK a
Received 17 August 1998 Revised 27 September 1998 Accepted 5 October 1998
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Displacement-based seismic design and assessment of structures require the reiiable definition of displacement spectra for a wide range of periods and damping levels. T h e displacement spectra derived from acceleration spectra in existing seismic codes do not provide a suitable answer and there are no existing frequency-dependent attenuation relationships derived specifically for this purpose. Using a carefully processed dat aset of European strong motion records, attenuation relationships have been derived for horizontal displacement response spectral ordinates. The results have been simplified into a parametric form that allows the straightforward construction of displacement design spectra for rock, stiff soil and soft soil sites a t distances of up to 50 km from earthquakes with magnitudes' between 5.5 and 7.5, for six damping levels and up to response periods of 3.0 seconds. Results from recent studies linking levels of ductility to equivalent damping, using a complex hysteretic model and the same strong motion databank, are also reported.
Keywords: displacement-based design, displacement spectra, attenuation relationships, substitute structure.

I. Preamble

1.1. Force- based and displacement-based seismic design

Conventional seismic design, as employed in codes of practice, is entirely forcebased, with a final check on structural displacements. The reasons for this situation are more historical than scientific. Force- based design is suited to design for actions that are permanently applied and where members are designed to resist the effects of these actions at levels of stress constrained by their force resistance at the plastic limit. The deformations corresponding to the plastic member capacity are not normally excessive, and evaluating them is not an onerous task. Since seismic design was developed as an extension to primary load design, it followed the same procedure, noting though that inelastic deformations may be utilised to absorb quantifiable levels of energy, leading to reduction in the forces for which structures are'designed. This led to the creation of the response modification (or behaviour) factor; this all-embracing parameter purports to account for over-strength, ductility, energy absorption and dissipation as well as the structural capacity to re-distribute

J . J . Bommer & A. S. ELnashai

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actions from inelastic highly stressed regions to other less stressed locations in the structure. Problems of evaluating behaviour factors that are generally applicable to various structural systems, materials, configurations and input mot ions are well documented and the inherent weakness in code-specified factors is widely accepted. In force-based design, the primary input to.the process is a set of forces, with a check on the level of deformation corresponding to the attainment of values of behaviour factors equal to or higher than the design value. In contrast, displacementbased design inverts the process. Here, the primary design quantity is a target displacement. If the level of damping of an equivalent linear (substitute) system is known, corresponding to the target displacement, then the period of vibration of the required structure may be readily available from a displacement spectrum. Armed with the knowledge of the required period of vibration, the designer can dimension the structure with the stiffness, strength and ductility that ensure the realisation of the target displacement. Moreover, control of the equivalent damping, through inelastic deformations, is availed of. This process replaces the 'elastic acceleration spectrum' and its derivatives with the 'displacement spectrum' as the centre-piece of the design process. Since damage of structures subjected to earthquakes is certainly expressed in deformations (strains at fibres, curvatures at sections, rotations at members and drift at storey levels), displacement-based approaches are conceptually more appealing. The origins of displacement-based design may be traced to work published as early as the 1960s,where comments on the displacements of inelastic systems and their relationship to their elastic counterparts were made [e.g., Muto et al., 1960, as reported by Moehle, 19921. However, it was the work of Sozen and his associates that developed the concept of a substitute structure [e.g., Gulkan and Sozen, 1974; Shibata and Sozen, 19761. The substitute structure is a single degree of freedom elastic system, the characteristics of which represent the inelastic system (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Characteristics of substitute sructwe.

Dijplacenaent Spectm for Seismic Design 3

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The secant stiffness K, is that at the deformational limit state (LS) under considerh e hysteretic energy ation, and may be used to evaluate an equivalent period T,.T absorption characteristics of the substitute structure may be accounted for by evaluating the level of viscous damping that results in the same response displacement amplitude as that of the inelastic system. The concept of substitute structure therefore enables the use of an elastic displacement spectrum in design, while availing of the displacement capacity of an inelastic system. Various contributions were made towards the development of displacementbased seismic design since the early work mentioned above. However, it was in the 1990s that formal proposals were made to implement the emerging ideas into a design procedure, the earliest of which is that by Moehle and his co-workers [e.g., Qi and Moehle, 1991; Moehle, 19921. A complete and workable procedure for seismic design of structures that sets aside forces and relies entirely on displacement as the primary design quantity is that proposed by Kowalsky et at. [I9951 for single degree of freedom systems (such as bridge piers). A concurrent paper on multi-degree of freedom systems is due to Calvi and Kingsley [1995]. The steps comprising the design process for SDOF systems, for simplicity, are given below:
(i) A target displacement for the structure is selected, based on the type of struc-





ture and the governing limit states. Knowing the yield and ultimate (or some other limit state) displacement, and the material and structural system as well as the characteristics of site and expected. earthquake, a value of equivalent damping is determined. Displacement spectra representative of the seismwt ectonic environment are consulted, the input to which are the target displacement and the equivalent damping. The output is an effective period of vibration. The structure is dimensioned to give an effective period, taking into account reduced stiffness consistent with the level of deformation, equal to that obtained from the displacement spectra. If the effective period is not sufficiently close to the required period, return to' step (ii) above and repeat until convergence.

It is clear from the above that whereas displacement-based design is certainly the logical framework for seismic design, since the primary source of seismic energy dissipation is inelastic deformations, it imposes new requirements for verifiable design, as described below. It is important, however, to note that the procedure outlined o r the application of displacement-based above is by no means the only framework f design. Alternatives exist [e.g. Fajfar, 19981, where a proposal is made to develop inelastic capacity spectra for use in displacement-based design. The capacity spectrum approach, proposed by Reeman et 01. [1975], comprises a plot of acceleration spectral response versus its displacement counterpart. The load-deformation cunre of the structure under consideration, obtained from ppsh-over analysis, is then super-posed on the combined force-versus-displacement response spectrum,

J. J. Bommer & A. S. Elntlshat

to establish the point of supply-demand balance. This approach was extended by . Fajfar [I9981 by plotting inelastic force-versus-displacement spectra instead of the elastic approach used by F'reeman et al. [1975]. 1.2. Requirements for displacement- based assessment and design Primarily, accurate, representative and parametrically described displacement spectra are essential ingredients that are hitherto unavailable. Indeed, conversion of code acceleration spectra to displacement spectra immediately emphasises this point, since the ensuing spectral shape is rather unrealistic in most cases, as shown in subsequent sections of this work. The underlying reason is that acceleration spectra are not as sensitive to digitisation errors as their displacement counterparts. Following the derivation of a suite of acceleration spectra with a range of properties, without due consideration for the equally important range of properties of the displacement records, smoothed acceleration spectra are derived for code application. Whereas near-field records of small magnitude events may have high ground accelerations, rendering them eligible for inclusion in regression studies of acceleration attenuation, they are characteristically weak from a displacements point of view. Hence, a well-balanced catalogue for acceleration studies may be totally unbalanced for displacement purposes. It is therefore not surprising that idealised, perfectly valid, acceleration spectra give rise to completely unrealistic displacement spectra. The final outcome is that whilst sketching an acceleration spectrum given the ground acceleration and corner periods is straightforward, there is no analogous approach for displacement spectra. The application of displacement-based design therefore hinges on developing attenuation relationships specifically for displacements from dat aset s selected for this purpose. The second essential requirement for application of displacement-based seismic design, within the framework outlined in detail in Sec. 1.1, is the derivation of verifiable relationships between inelasticity and equivalent damping. This requires investigating comprehensively the various characteristics of both structural systems and input motion. For the former, hysteretic response models with various hardening-softening characteristics are required, whilst for the latter, ensembles of strong motion with an acceptable spread in magnitude, distance and site condition are required.

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1 . 3 . Scope of work

In this study, the displacement spectra obtained horn code acceleration spectra are
briefly examined, -with particular attention to the spectra room EC8. Following this, displacement spectra obtained born frequency-dependent attenuation relationships are explored and the European dataset is used to investigate the effects of obtaining spectra using pseudo-spect ral conversions. The derivation of new attenuation equations for the prediction of displacement spectra ordinates in Europe is approached in two stages. The first step is

Displacement Spectna for Seismic Desagn 5

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an exploration of the period ranges within which the spectral ordinates may be considered reliable. In the second stage, a reduced dataset of European strong motion records, individually processed to obtain the most reliable information possible, is assembled and new regression analyses are run. The spectra obtained horn the new attenuation equations are evaluated and conclusions are drawn regarding the best methods through which to obtain displacement spectra for design. Finally, simplified spectral shapes in a linearised form are derived and shown to be completely described by a limited number of parameters. The proposed shapes and values are suited to codified seismic design of new structures and assessment of existing ones. To complement the above linearised spectra, simple relationships relating inelastic energy 'dissipation through ductile response and equivalent damping, from the work of Borzi et 01. [I9981 are reported. These relationships have been derived using the same dataset alluded to above, after applying the same procedure for individual record filtering and correction. This completes the requirement of application of displacement-based seismic design and assessment.
1.4. Response periods of ductile structures

It is instructive to relate ranges of equivalent periods used to describe displacement spectra to actual response periods of structures. As discussed above, the pertinent
periods in a displacement-based seismic design scenario are the secant periods at the target limit state displacement of the substitute structure (Fig. I), as opposed to cracked or uncracked periods referred to in force-based design. Since measurements of the periods of vibration of RC structures at maximum ductility (close to failure) has not been undertaken, two sources of information in this respect are utilised. Firstly, detailed analysis of multi-storey RC buildings has been undertaken by Elnashai et al. [I9961and Mwafy [1998]. The structural idealisat ions employed in the above studies included stress-st rain characterisation of the concrete and steel materials using the most advanced models available. The frames were analysed at the design, twice the design and the collapse ground acceleration, and a number of local and global limit states were monitored. In particular, the collapse analysis sheds light on the effective period of vibration that may be employed in a displacement-based approach, since the response of the structures was fundamental mode-dominated. Of the three structural configurations considered (regular frame, irregular frame, core-frame), the irregular frame was selected for the purposes of this paper, due to its longer response period. There is a total of four structures with this configuration, designed for pairs of ductility class (DC) and ground acceleration (PGA). The DC-PGA pairs considered are DCL-0.15g, DCM-O.lSg, DCM-O.3g and DCH-0.3g, where L, M and H refer to low, medium and high respectively. The structure is eight storeys and four bays in the ground floor, with eight bays above, hence the irregularity. The calculated elastic fundamental periods of the four structures wried between 0.67 and 0.72 seconds, whilst the first harmonic was in the range of 0.2 seconds.

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R o m push-over analysis, the stiffness of the buildings a t the point of first yield (in columns) varied between 35 and 45 kN/mm, corresponding to a displacement of between 130 and 150 mm. The push-over values for the secant s t i h e s s a t maximum displacement (drift limit) varied between 14 and 22 kN/mm (about 40% of the secant stiffness a t first yield). Fourier analysis of the acceleration response was undertaken a t various levels of input. Prior to yield, the structures had dominant response periods of 1.1-1.2 seconds. At yield, these were 1.3-1.4 seconds, whilst at collapse the fundamental periods were 1.5-2.0 seconds, with the shorter period observed for DCL-0.15g and longer value for DCH-0.3g. Considering the yield periods horn inelastic dynamic response alongside the secant stiffness values a t yield and collapse from push-over analysis, the secant periods a t collapse (not available from analysis) are in the range 2.0-2.2 seconds (1-58 times yield period, as a consequence of the secant stiffness a t collapse being 40% of that a t yield). This correlates well with the measured periods a t twice the design acceleration given above, noting that for three structures the collapse acceleration was close to twice the design value. Similar observations were made for the other two structures, with the coreframe system exhibiting lower drift at collapse (triggered by local criteria) and hence shorter periods. Therefore, a wide range of low to medium rise RC'buildings have effective periods (at maximum ductility) below 3.0 seconds. High rise RC structures will not necessarily have higher displacement response. This is because they will exhibit higher mode response, thus reducing the amplitude of maximum displacement. Moreover, drift limits will govern the design; thus they are likely to have wall systems that will also delimit their displacements. The response of structures hit by the Northridge earthquake of 17 January 1995 was studied by Naeim [1997]. Below are short notes on some of the characteristics and response of the buildings alongside analysis of their response periods, as determined from discrete Fourier transforms of the acceleration response:
(i) A 10-storey RC wall structure located about 20 km from the source, and founded on alluvium, was subjected to 0.34 g ground acceleration. T h e o b served response period was about 0.6 seconds. This is typical of stiff RC wall structures. (ii) A 6-storey steel moment frame with concrete caissons founded on alluvium and located about 20 k m from the source exhibited a dominant response period of 1.4 seconds when subjected to a ground acceleration of 0.13 g. Had the acceleration been higher, it is likely that this period would have been above 2.0 seconds. (iii) A 20-storey RC structure (frame in one direction, walls in the orthogonal direction) was subjected to a ground acceleration of 0.32 g, measured a t 19 km f r o m the source. T h e fundamental period was 2.5 seconds whilst the second mode period was 0.8 seconds. (iv) A Fstorey RC moment hame structure founded on piles in alluvium and 1 e cated at 7 irm horn the source was subjected to a ground acceleration of


DispLucement Spectm for Seismic Design 7

about 0.49 g. The fundamental period of the structure~was 2.2 seconds,with a higher amplitude at 1.4 seconds. This structure was heavily damaged with most columns on the fourth floor failing in shear. The periods measured therefore represent highly inelastic response, probably near the deformation capacity of the structure.
Rorn the above brief treatment, it is reasonable to conclude that the period range for derivation of robust displacement spectra up to 3.0 seconds covers the majority of cases for RC and steel buildings. It would also be sufficient for a wide range of RC bridges. However, long span bridges and bridges with isolated decks may require spectra extending to periods longer than 3.0 seconds.
2. Displacement Spectra from Seismic Design Codes
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The determination of the shape and amplitude of the displacement design spectra is the objective of this paper. It is known that the spectral ordinates for all damping





Period (sec)





Period (sec)

Fig. 2. Acceleration (top) and displacement (bottom) spectra New Zealand Code (19921 for highest hazard/ordinq importance.

levels increase with period from zero to some maximum value and then descend to converge at the value of the peak ground displacement (PGD) at long periods. The most simple and straightforward solution is to convert the acceleration spectra (SA) f r o m seismic design codes using the pseudwpectral relationship:



where T is the response period. The displacement spectra obtained in this way from 22 seismic codes from around the world [IAEE, 1992; Paz, 19941 have been examined and in nearly all cases the PSD ordinates increase indefinitely with period, either linearly, as in the case of the codes of Japan and New Zealand (Fig. 2), or even . parabolically, as in the case of the USA code (Fig. 3). It is clear therefore that none of these spectra are suitable for use in displacement-based design without modificatiori.
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Intermediate Soil

Period (sec)

Period (scc)

Fig. 3. Acceleration (top) and displacement (bottom) spectra. UBC [1992] for highest hazard and ordinary importance.

Displacement Spectra f i r Seismic Design

Period (sec)
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Period (sec)
Fig. 4. Acceleration (top) and displacement (bottom) spectra. French Code [1990] for highest hazard and ordinary importance.

The two exceptions to this trend of continuously increasing ordinates are the codes from France (Fig. 4) and Romania (Fig. 5). The PSD spectra obtained by conversion of the SA spectra in EC8 are similar in shape to those obtained from the French code except that for all three site classes the plateau begins at a period
of 3.0 seconds. Another limitation of current code spectra for direct use in displacement-bsed design is the fact that spectra are required for a wide range of damping values. Although some codes present spectra for three or four damping ratios, such as the Indian and Portuguese codes, most present only one elastic spectrum which usually corresponds, implicitly or explicitly, to a damping ratio of 5,% of critical. Many codes incorporate other damping values implicitly into the behaviour factors, thus

Period (sec)
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Period (sec)
Fig. 5. Acceleration (top) and displacement (bottom) spectra. Romanian Code [1991] for highest hazard and ordinary importance.

making it impossible to obtain elastic spectra for damping values other than 5%. The French and Spanish codes both include the following equation to obtain a correction factor for different damping ratios c:

In the French code the maximum value of the damping ratio is limited to 30%. In EC8 the correction factor is defined by the equation:

, / I


Ln EC8 the

minimum permissible value of r ) is 0.7, which means that the largest damping ratio that can be accommodated i s 12.3%.

Displacement Spectra for Seismic Design


A final point worthy of mention on the EC8 spectra is that the code. provides a
formula for the prediction of the PGD as a function of the effective peak acceleration a,. T h i s implies that for any damping ratio higher than 9%, -the displacement spectra actually has to rise from the long-period plateau to converge with the PGD, which would not be expected. It is clear from the foregoing that none of the current code spectra are suitable for use in displacement-based seismic design. The PSD from the Romanian code, which corresponds to the particular and special tectonics of that country, is only defined for a damping ratio of 5%. The EC8 spectra are currently limited to too narrow a range of damping ratios and do not converge at longer periods. The PSD from the French code for different damping levels also remain parallel at longer periods and do not converge to PGD, although these seem to be the most suitable of the existing spectra. Therefore, there is clearly scope to explore more suitable criteria to define the shape and amplitude of displacement response spectra for analysis, design and assessment.
3. Displacement Spectra from Attenuation Relationships

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The first frequency-dependent attenuation relationships for response spectral ordinates were published by Johnson [I9731and a large number of equations have since appeared in the technical literature. The majority of the available equations employ the pseudo-velocity response (PSV)as the predicted variable although there are also a number of attenuation relationships for acceleration response (SA) ordinates. To date there have been no equations published in the technical literature for the estimation of relative displacement (SD) response spectral ordinates, but since PSV is actually determined directly from SD, relationships for the prediction of PSV could be considered suitable for the prediction of SD ordinates. Displacement response spectra can be determined f r o m predicted values of SA through Eq. ( 2 4 , although this is an approximation. In order to explore the reliability of PSD ordinates obtained in this way,an experiment was performed to obtain predictions of SD directly and from conversion of SA ordinates. The attenuation relationships derived for the prediction of SA ordinates in Europe and adjacent areas by Arnbraseys et al. (19961were used to construct PSD spectra for different cornbinations of magnitude, source-to-site distance and site conditions. The dataset of accelerograrns used to derive these relationships were then employed, exactly as processed for the SA regressions, to generate 5% damped SD spectral ordinates. Then, using the same attenuation model as for SA, regressions were performed directly on SD and the new equations used to construct displacement response spectra for the same -combinations of magnitude, distance and site classification [Chlimintzas, 19971. The comparisons (Fig.6) show that the displacement spectra obtained in both ways are very similar, only deviating at periods greater than 1.3 seconds and a t very short source-tesite distances; in these cases, the PSD ordinates calculated by conversion of SA ordinates slightly overestimate the SD values.


J. J. Bommer & A. S . Elnashai

In view of this observation, it could be argued that existing attenuation relationships for response spectral ordinates, whether PSV or SA, could be employed to predict displacement spectra to be used in design. The displacementspectra predictedin this way by a wide range of attenuation relationships have been explored and

Soil Site
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0 -5


Period (sec)

Period (sec)



Period (sec)

Period (sec)





Period (sec)

Period (sec)

Fig. 6(a) Displacement spectra for MS= 6 from acceleration spectra (solid) and direct displacements (dashed).

Displacement Spectnt for Seismic Design






Period (sec)

Period (sec)

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Period (sec)

Period (sec)


I 1.5 Period (sec)



Period (sec)

Fig. 6(b) Displacement spectra for 1\3, = 7 from acceleration spectra (solid) and direct displace ments (dashed).

compared [Bommer et d., 19981.Direct comparison amongst attenuation equations is always difficult because of different definitions of the independent variables (magnitude, distance and site classification) and different treatment of the two horizontal components of each accelerogram [Ambraseys and Bornmer, 19951. Nonetheless, it can be observed that the predicted spectral shapes are generally much more realistic

than those obtained f r o m the code spectra. However, the various equations exhibit very different levels of influence of magnitude, distance and soil classification. A Limitation on the use of current attenuation relationships for spectral ordinates to provide the input for displacement-based design is the fact that the majority of the available equations only provide spectral ordinates for 5% damping. A notable exception to this are the equations presented by Boore et al. 11993, 19941 which predict spectral ordinates for damping ratios of2, 5, 10 and 20%. However, these equations only predict spectral ordinates at response periods up to 2.0 seconds. Mohammadioun [I9943 also reports regressions on ordinates of PSV for damping levels of 0, 2, 5, 10 and 20% up to periods of 5.0 seconds,but the coefficients for the equations, which are a function of magnitude and distance only, are not presented. Hence, there is a need to explore the development of attenuation relations for SD ordinates for a range of damping levels and also for as wide a period range as possible.
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4. Displacement Spectra of European 'strong Mot ion Records

In order to derive attenuation relationships for the prediction of response spectra for use in displacement-based design, it. is necessary to compile a dataset of highquality accelerograms for which the associated source, path and site parameters are uniformly and accurately determined. High quality accelerograms, in this context, are those with a high signal-to-noise ratio, particularly at long periods, which means that it would be preferable to employ recordings from digital accelerographs [Tolis and Faccioli, 19991.However, the number of available digital accelerograms is relatively low and hence even though these data may provide more accurate values for the spectral ordinates, it would be difficult to find correlations between these ordinates and the parameters characterising the earthquake source, the travel path and the recording site. The lack of digital accelerograrns is particularly apparent for Europe and adjacent regions, where the majority of available accelerograms are from SMA-1 and other analogue instruments. However, source, path and site parameters have been uniformly determined for the European strong motion database and presented by Ambraseys et al. [1996]. For this study, it w a s decided to make use of this dataset, taking the independent parameters directly f r o m the published paper but re-examining the strong motion accelerogams in order to obtain the most suitable processing. The dataset presented by Ambraseys et d. [1996]consists of 422 triaxial accelerograrns generated by 157 shallow earthquakes with sufface wave magnitude Ms between 4.0 and 7.9. The source-to-distance used in that study is the shortest horizontal distance to the surface projection of the fault rupture, although whenever this value cannot be determined, m a i n l y for smaller earthquakes, the epicentral distance is used. The recording site geology is classified according the average shear wave veiocity over the upper 30 rn [Boore et d , 19933. Sites for which V' is greater than 750 m/s are classified as rock (R) and sites for which V, is

Dtsplacement Spectra for Seismic Design 15

less than 360 m/s are classified as s o f t (S); intermediate sites are classified as stiff soil (A). Two additional accelerograms were incorporated into the dataset, the first of which was the record from the temporary Gemona station of the Ms 6.1 Riuli (Italy) earthquake of 15 September 1976. According to RoveUi et ol. (19911 the station was located on massive Mesozoic limestones, suggesting that the appropriate classification would be rock (R). However, information from a borehole 100 m from the recording site confirms that the correct classification would be stiff soil (A) [S. Tolis, personal communication, 19973. The source distance for this record has

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6.5 7 Magnitude (Ms)



6.5 7 Magnitude (Ms)





Magnitude (Ms)
Fig. 7. Magnitudedistance distribution of dataset w.r.t. to site classes R (top), A (middle) and

S (bottom),


J. J. Bommer 0 A. S. Elnashai

been estimated as 6 km.T h e second new accelerogram to be incorporated into the dataset was the recording of the Ms 6.1 Aegion (Greece) earthquake of 15 June 1995 obtained a t the Telecornmunicat ions Building in ~ e ~ i oThis n . recording site, at a distance of 10 km from the source, has been classified as soft soil (S) according to Ambraseys et al. [1996]. In view of the fact that this study is particularly focused on the long-period response spectrum and that small magnitude earthquakes do not produce significant long-period radiation, it was decided to impose a lower magnitude limit to the dataset. The removal of weak (low amplitude) records from the dataset, in order to obtain better signal-to-noise ratios, would not be acceptable since it would introduce a bias into the data, but the removal of all the earthquakes with magnitude below the chosen lower limit of Ms 5.5 does partially achieve this objective. The reduced dataset consisted of 189 accelerogams, but a further six accelerograms were eliminated since they were only available as filtered by other agencies, and hence could not be included in the uniform processing of the records. The final dataset thus consisted of 183 accelerograms from 43 shallow earthquakes. For three of the recording stations, each of which contributed only one record, the site classification is unknown. For the remaining 180 accelerograms the distribut ion amongst the three site classifications R:A:S as percentages i s 25:sI:%, which compares favourably to the distribution of the original dataset of Ambraseys et a[. 119961 which is 26:54:20. The distribution of the dataset in magnitude-distance space is shown in Fig.7. In the study by Ambraseys et al. [I9961all of the accelerograrns were processed using an elliptical filter with a lower cut-off frequency of 0.20 Hz. A number of the stronger accelerograms from the reduced dataset were processed with a straight baseline and also filtered with cut-ofi at periods of 15, 10,7 and 5 seconds (frequencies of 0.067, 0.10, 0.143 and 0.20 Hz) and both the acceleration and displacement spectra generated. As can be seen from Fig. 8, the processing usually has very little effect on the acceleration spectra and then only at periods of about 4.0 seconds and greater. Indeed, for SA ordinates up to 2.0 seconds, it would seem that filtering is not actually necessary. However, the SD ordinates show a very high sensitivity to the applied filter at long periods. In general, the SD spectra are almost identical for periods up to 2 seconds, regardless of the processing, but beyond 3 seconds the divergence can be very considerable. Since the long-period response ordinates are of particular interest, it is clear that special attention must be given to the processing of each record. It is difficult to establish a single optimum filter for the digitised accelerograms because the variation of signal-to- noise ratios is very large. An interesting example are the recordings from Procisa Nuova of an aftershock of the Irpinia (southern Italy) earthquake of November 1980: the ground shaking at the site was recorded simultaneously on an analogue SMA-1 accelerograph and a digital DSA-1 accelerograph. The S M A - 1 record was digitised both automatically +nd manually. The DSA-1 recording w a s filtered with a cut-off a t 5 seconds (up to 3 seconds the SD

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Displacement Spectm far Seismic Dtsign 17

ordinates are almost unchanged by the filter limits) and the corresponding spectrum was assumed to be free of noise. It was found that an almost identical displacement spectrum could be obtained horn the automatically digitised SMA-1record if it was filtered with a cut-off at 2.4 seconds. For the manually digitised record it was not possible to obtain a displacement spectrum that matched that of the DSA-1 record beyond a period of about 0.6 seconds. However, these recordings were generated by a very small earthquake with very weak long-period radiation: for the stronger records in the dataset, digitised in a similar fashion, the absolute noise level is probably similar but the signal-to-noise ratio would be considerably better.

-..-.. 5 sec cutoff -.-.- 7 sec cutoff

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*.....*.... I 0 sec cutoff


1 5 sec cutoff

- baseline only


Period (sec)

9 Period (sec)



Fig. 8(a) Acceleration and displacement spectra for the Tabas [I9781 earthquake (5% damping) with different filtering and correction.


J . J . Bommer & A. S. Elnashai


5 scc cutoff
7 scc cutoff

......*.... 10 sec cutoff

- baseline only


15 sec cutoff

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Period (sec)

Period (sec)
Fig. 8(b) Acceleration and displacement spectra for the Corinth [I9811 earthquake (5% damping) with different filtering and correction.

One possibility for identifying the optimum filter cutsff for an accelerogam is
from the Fourier spectra of the record and the fixed trace, but the latter is not available for the majority of the records. The procedure adopted for this dtudy was simply to ater each record starting with a cut-off at 10 seconds and then inspect the velocity and displacement timehistories found by double integration. The longperiod cut-off was then successively decreased u n t i l the velocity and displacement time-histories appeared to be physically reasonable and further decreases in the fdter cut-off did not significantly enhance them. Some example of the filtered timehistories and their associated displacement response spectra are shown in Fig. 9.

Displacement Spectm. far Seismic 'Design 19

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Time (sec)

6 9 Period (sec)



Fig. 9(a) Filtered t ime-histor ies and displacement spectrum f o r record ITSOL (dotted line shows filter cutoff).


J . J . Bommer 0 A. S. Elnashai

0.3 0.2
0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2

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Time (sec)


-1 0 -20







Time (sec)

Time (sec)

6 9 Period (sec)
Fig. 9(b) Filtered timehistories and displacement spectrum for record KALlT (dotted line shows filter cutoff).

Dtsplacement Spectrn for Seismic Design









Time (sec)

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Time (sec)



20 Time (sec)





6 9 Period (sec)


Fig. 9(c) Filtered time-histories and displacement spectrum for record TABAL (dotted line shows filter cutoff).

5. European Attenuation Relationships for Displacement

Response Spectra
Regression analyses were performed on the horizontal displacement spectral ordinates for damping ratios of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30% of critical. The regression model used for SD ordinates (cm) was the same a s that employed by Ambraseys et ol. I19961 for acceleration spectral ordinates:


d is the source-to-site distance in km, cr is the standard deviation, and P is a variable that takes a value of 0 for mean values of SD and 1 for 84-percentile values. Sa is a dummy variable that takes a value of 1 for stiff soil (A)sites and 0 for rock (R) and soft soil (S) sites; Ss is defined in the same way for soft soil sites. The coefficients Cl, C2, C4, Ca, Cs and ho are determined by regression analysis, performed in three stages [Ambraseys et al., 19961. The term in C3 corresponding to inelastic attenuation was constrained to zero in all cases, since, as in the case of acceleration response spectra, it was found that the distribution of the dataset did not permit the simultaneous determination of inelastic and geometric attenuation. In some cases the value of C4 was slightly less than -1.0 which sensu strictu is not physically admissible but is acceptable since this term is accounting for both mechanisms of energy dissipation. At each period the larger spectra1 ordinate from the two horizontal components of each accelerogram was used as the dependent variable. Each component record was only used for regressions up to a period equal to 0.1 second less than the long-period cut-off employed for that record. As a result, for periods greater than 1.8 seconds there was a reduction in the number of data points available for each regression, as illustrated in Fig. 10. At a response period of 3.0 seconds, the dataset was reduced from 183 accelerograms to 121. It w a s decided not to perform the regressions for periods longer than 3.0 seconds since the number of usable spectral ordinates becomes insficient . The regression coefficients for six damping levels and for periods between 0.05 and 3.0 seconds are presented by Bommer et d. [1998]. The standard deviations of the regressions are consistently lower than those found for SA ordinates by Ambraseys et al. [l996], nearly always being less than 0.3 for log(SD). However, as a result of the relatively small number of data points used to perform the regressions, there are fluctuations in the predicted spectra Smoother spectral shapes could be obtained by smoothing the values of each regression coefficient with respect to period using an appropriate technique. However, two important observations are made regarding the predicted displacement response spectra, which enable a more elegant presentation: the first observation is that the fluctuations in the 30% damped response spectra are comiderably lower and hence these can be used to define the

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Dicphcrmmt Spectm for ~ & i c



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Period (sec)
Number of records available for regression for each soil type at different periods.

average shape of the spectra; secondly, the apparent amplification of the average response spectra for lower damping levels, with respect to the 30% damped spectra, appear to be approximately constant regardless of the magnitude, distance and site classification. These observations have been used to derive a simplified approach to constructing displacement response spectra for design, presented in the next section. Regression analysis was also performed on the larger values of peak ground displacement (in cm) from each record, using the same attenuation model as in Eq. (5.I), resulting in the following equation:

where r is defined as i n Eq. (5.2)' with a value of ho of 3.5. Although it is not possible to make direct comparisons because of the use of different definitions for the parameters, Eq. (5.3) predicts values of PGD very similar to those presented by Bolt [I9961 for the near field, but attenuating more rapidly with distance.

6. Recommended Displacement Spectra for Design

From inspection of a large number of displacement response spectra for the six specified damping levels, particularly those for which the applied filter cut-off was greater than 5.0 seconds, it was concluded that a general, idealised format would be as shown i n Fig. 11. The spectrum for each damping level is composed of six straight l i n e segments defined by four control periods and their corresponding amplitude..


J. J. Bummer 0 A . S. Elnashai

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Fig. 11.

Linearised displacement spectra for design.

The amplitude corresponding to TE is the peak ground displacement. For this

study, only that part of the spectrum up to periods of 3.0 seconds is considered for reasons explained previously. The approach foliowed was first to obtain the control o r a representative range of magnitude and c-ordinates for 30% damped spectra f distance. These results are presented in Tables 1 and 2.
Table 1. Control periods f o r design spectra as function of magnitude and sail type.



TA Stiff





'Actual control period probably slightly greater than 3.0 seconds.

Table 2. Control ordinates for design spectra as

function of magnitude and soil type.

Displacement Spectm for Seismic Design 25

Table 3. Distance factors Fd for spectral ordinates.

( for spectral Table 4. Damping ratio factors F


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Inspection of the predicted spectral ordinates shows that the shape of the spectra is strongly influenced by magnitude and site classification, but far less so by distance. It was found that the decrease of the spectral ordinates with distance is reasonably constant acrossthe period range and similar for all three site categories, hence simple reduction factors could de found. The 30% damped spectra for distances up to 50 km from the source can be obtained by simply multiplying the ordinates by the appropriate factor Fd taken from Table 3. The next stage was to establish the amplification factors to be applied to the control ordinates in order to obtain the displacement spectra for damping levels from 5 to 25% of critical. These factors FE are presented in Table 4. Therefore, using the values presented in Tables 1-4, and interpolating where necessary, it is a




Period (sec)
Fig. 12. Derived
vs. h e a r d displacement spectra

(rock, M s = 6, d = 15 km).


J . J . Bommer & A. S. Elnashoi

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Period (sec)
Fig. 13.
Derived vs. Iinearised displacement spectra (stiff soil M, = 6 , d = 15 km).


Period (sec)
Fig. 14.
Derived vs. liaearised displacement spectra (soft soil Ms = 6, d = 15 km).

Lhplacemmt Spectm for Seismic Design 27

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Period (sec)
Fig. 15. Derived vs. linearised displacement spectra (rock M, = 7, d = 15 km).




Period (sec)
Fig. 16. Derived vs. linearised dispIacement spectra (stiff sail,

M, = 7 , d = 15 km).


J. J. Bommer & A. S. Elncrshai

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Period (sec)
Fig. 17. Derived vs. linearised displacement spectra (soft soil, 1LI, = 7, d = 15 km).

simple matter to construct design displacement spectra for rock, stiff soil and soft soil sites for magnitudes between 5.5 and 7.5 and distances up to 50 km. Figures 12-17 compare the spectra obtained from the attenuation relationships, smoothed by successive passes of a a-9-a running average, with the design spectra for the corresponding situations. In some cases, particularly at short distances, the design spectra are conservative at long periods for the lower damping ratios, but the approximation is generally very good. One limitation of these design spectra is that they are defined only up to periods of 3.0 seconds, although as it has been shown this covers the majority of applications. Certain assumptions can be made in order to extrapolate the spectra to longer periods knowing that the ordinates for all six damping levels will converge to the value of PGD predicted by Eq. (5.3) at long periods. Inspection of the spectra born the records filtered at longer cut-ofs suggests that the spectra will generally converge, even for large magnitudes and soft soil, at periods no greater than 8-9 seconds. For smaller magnitudes and stiffer sites it is reasonable to assume convergence between 5 and 6 seconds.


7. * ~ u c t i l i t ~ - ~ a Relationships m~in~ and Residual Inelastic


The dataset used above was employed in a study by Boni et al. [1998], alongside the same attenuation model described above. Two structural response models were

Displacement Spectm for Seismic Design


employed in e ~ l u a t i n g constant ductility spectra for all records. These were an elastic perfectly plastic (EPP)and a hysteretic model (HHS). The latter is based on the model implemented by Lee [I9981 for representation of shear behaviour of RC bridge. piers. Whereas convergence to a target ductility was always achieved for the EPP model, this was not the case for the HHS representation. However, the maximum percentage of divergent solutions was 3% for elastic perfectly plastic behaviour, and dropped to 0.8% for hardening response (post-peak load stiffness of 10% of the yield stiffness). For softening response, lack of convergence was observed in 5%-8% of cases for p = 3, increasing to 12%-30% for p = 4. All non-converging points were eliminated from the regression analysis. Table 5 summarises the median values of equivalent damping for various ductility levels for both models employed. The equivalent damping values given in Table 5 are recommended for use with the elastic response spectra of Sec. 5 of this paper, for periods of up to 3.0 seconds. Borzi et al. (19981 utilised a procedure based on spectral intensities to evaluate median damping ratios for longer period structures. The resulting values are on the whole lower than those given above. I f a more accurate period-dependent value of equivalent damping is sought, the complete set of attenuation relationships are given in Borzi et al. [1998].Nil entries in Table 5 indicate that structures with highly degrading response ( K 3 = -20% and -30%K,) would not have ductility capacity of four or more. The design procedure based on displacement results in a structure with stiffness, strength and ductility characteristics that satisfy the requirements of the displacement spectrum used. It is important to note that the solution is not unique, and other structural systems with different response characteristics may also satisfy the design premise. Due to the asymmetric nature of natural earthquake records, there is a possibility that the structure will have a residual irrecoverable inelastic displacement. This issue was studied by Boni et al. [I9981 for subsets of the strong motion records mentioned above. It was observed that for magnitude six at a distance of 10 km on soft ground, the residual displacement of a degrading system (K3 = -20%Ky) is 18%, 32%.and 43% of the maximum displacement for ductility factors 2, 3 and 4, respectively. This observation may lead to the requirement to increase the strength of the structure, to reduce the ductility demand hence the residual displacement. For non-degrading systems, this issue is of significantly less

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Table 5. Equivalent damping ratios for substitute structure [Borzi et d , 1 9 9 8 1 .





importance for the earthquake magnitude studied. Further comprehensive work is needed using degrading systems before a final proposal is made.
8. Discussion and Conclusions

In this study, attenuation equations for displacement response spectra ordinates in Europe have been derived. Although the attenuation relationships can be used

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directly to construct displacement spectra for design, a simple parametric presentation has been formulated. Taking just six d u e s from Tables 1-4, displacement design spectra can be constructed for all sites (except exceptionally soft soils) for the range of magnitudes and distances of greatest engineering interest. These spectra cover response periods up to 3 seconds and damping ratios between 5% and 30% of critical, which covers the majority of engineering applications of displacementbased seismic design and assessment. To complete the requirements of the design procedure, recent work on deriving attenuation relationships for inelastic displacement response and its relationship with the damped elastic response of substitute structures is briefly reported. Finally, the issue of irrecoverable displacements of ductile structures is mentioned, and approximate limits are given for the median value of residual displacement as a percentage of maximum response displacement. The simplified design spectra and ductility-damping relationships are recommended for use in displacement-based design. The spectra can be extrapolated beyond 3 seconds, using the attenuation relationship for PGD, with caution. As more digital accelerograms in Europe become available, such as those from the 1997 Umbria-Marche earthquakes in Italy, it will be possible to extend the attenuation relationships, and hence the design spectra, to longer periods, applicable mainly to special structures.


The authors are indebted to a number of people who have assisted with different aspects of the development of this work. Thanks are due to Professor D.Papastamatiou of the National Technical University of Athens, for supplying the accelerogram from Aegion, and Professor E. Faccioli and Dr. S. Tolis of the Politecnico d i Milano, for supplying the Gemona accelerogram. Dr. Tolis also went to considerable length to determine the site characteristics for the Gemona record. The work on residual displacements w a s motivated by earlier work carried out by Professor K. Kawashima of Tokyo Institute of Technology and discussed with one of the authors in April 1998. At Impenal College, George Chlimintias undertook the painstaking task of processing the strong motion accelerograms and also in performing the regres sions together with Dohyung Lee. Dr. K. Simpson provided very considerable assistance with accessing the data and performing the regression analyses. Petros Konstantakos, Stephen Scott, Alejandro Martha and Barbara Boni assisted with

Dasplacement Spectra for Seismic Design 31

parts of the analysis and the preparation of a number of illustrations and spectral plots. The authors would also like to acknowledge the important contribution made by Professor N. N. Ambraseys i n the form of re-evaluated source, path and site parameters f o r the European strong motion dataset, and Dr. S.K. Sarma for use of his regression program. This work i s supported financially by the European Union project Innovative Concepts for the Seismic Design of New and Existing Structures (ICONS).

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