Commander Appraisal

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Commander Appraisal OC: LTA Yogendran OC is a person who plays a good balance between discipline and welfare for

the soldiers under his care. He is an inspiring and charismatic person who never fails to motivate his men, where he taught us that perhaps loyalty to country is not the true reason as to why we want to serve the country but rather to protect the people and things we so dearly love. Being the supervising officer for multiple high key events, he also tries to interact with the recruits and ensures that we have sufficient rest. It is indeed a true honor to serve under a man of high caliber. CCT CCT instills discipline in a steadfast manner into his recruits and he takes charge of matters seriously. I believe that under his command and regimentation, we have become more disciplined and responsible in terms of our belongings, and our attitude in life and in army has changed much for the better. He also deals out punishment in a fair manner and this ensures that recruits do not repeat their mistakes. Perhaps one area of improvement would be his language, for he is prone to grammatical errors. Nonetheless, he trains hard with the recruits and ensures that everyone has a meaningful and memorable BMT experience. ACCT ACCT is a man who may seem fierce at first sight but he has a heart for recruits. Despite being severely scolded for several things, such as bunk tidiness and sense of urgency, he is a man who looks out for recruits and also ensure that our safety is not compromised at all times. He communicates with soldiers in a caring manner, especially the wounded or sick. He is also knowledgeable and experienced, where he seems to know how to arrange his recruits in a contingent for sizing level for the drill competition. Being the ACCT, he instills discipline into us and ensures that we are ready as soldiers. Platoon Commander: 2nd LTA Zhi Xian LTA Zhi Xian is a man who expresses himself eloquently and always tries to motivate his recruits. During the night where we receive our rifles, he talked to us about how important our rifles are and that we should always guard our weapon with our life since it is the only thing that can defend us against our enemies in the event of a war so as to protect our loved ones. He also tries to motivate us during the route march, where he cheered us on to sing so as to keep our morale high. One area of improvement would be to communicate and interact more often with us since most of us would regard him as aloof. Platoon Sergeant: 3rd SGT Haikal SGT Haikal is a man who indeed cares for his recruits and he always wants the best for us. He tries to instill discipline in a manner that encompasses welfare for his recruits, where he makes us eat faster at the cookhouse so we can have more admin time as well as a shorter queue for us. Despite being busy since he is the store IC, he never fails to find time off his busy schedule to check on us. Being a

humorous person, he always jokes around with us and it is always a joy to listen to him talk. Also a charismatic person, he always inspires his recruits to greater heights. He also ensures that soldiers under his command are of high caliber, where he makes sure that our rifle is thoroughly cleaned so that in the near future, we can be better prepared. Section Commander: 3rd SGT Qiao Yu SGT Qiao Yu is a man who cares for his soldiers. Being very open and friendly, the platoon always finds it a joy to have him around, where many of us jokes around with him. Nonetheless, this does not mean that he does not inculcate discipline into us, where he ensures that our foot drills are of tip top condition and he never fails to reprimand us for errors that we have done. However, SGT Qiao Yu always tries to inspire us to do our best and taught us many tips through our BMT. He also told us many of his own experiences and gave personal tuition for those who fails to pass their IPPT. I believe that our BMT journey would be very much different without SGT Qiao Yu.

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