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He's well-known in the local/ whole/ thriving/ rural/ village/ small/ large etc community. There's a large black/ white/ Asian/ Jewish/ Christian/ Muslim/ religious/ minority/ ethnic/ business/ academic/ scientific etc community living in this area. Her speech caused outrage among the gay/ international community. It's good to feel that you are a member of a community. The doctor was regarded as a pillar of the community.

/ /

to say something to someone when they have asked you a question or spoken to you. You don't have to answer the question if you don't want to.

/ r.spnd /

formal to answer someone How do you respond to the allegation that you deliberately deceived your employers?

get back to somebody

to answer someone at a later time especially by telephoning them, usually because you need to think about their question or nd out more infom1ation She's promised to get back to me as soon as she hears any more news from the hospital.

/ /

making you laugh John told me a really funny joke.

/ /

intended to be funny - used about stories, lms, articles etc that have situations that are a little funny The movie is meant to be humorous.

/ /

Eight massive pillars supported the roof. A pillar of society/ the community/ the church.

/ r.pla /

to answer someone. Used especially in written English to report what someone said. I'm so sorry, he replied.

give somebody an answer

to answer someone by telling them what you have decided or giving them a piece of infom1ation they asked for. He asked me to marry him, but I didn't give him an answer straight away.


written to answer someone angrily, especially because they have annoyed you or criticized you "That doesn't concern you!" she retorted.

/ .mjuz. /

especially written funny and enjoyable. Amusing is more formal than funny. It is often used when something is a little funny and makes you smile, rather than laugh. He found the whole incident rather amusing.

/ w.ti /

using words in a funny and clever way: witty remarlm How witty!

He's well-known in the local/ whole/ thriving/ rural/ village/ small/ large etc community. There's a large black/ white/ Asian/ Jewish/ Christian/ Muslim/ religious/ minority/ ethnic/ business/ academic/ scientific etc community living in this area. Her speech caused outrage among the gay/ international community. It's good to feel that you are a member of a community. The doctor was regarded as a pillar of the community.

/ /

to say something to someone when they have asked you a question or spoken to you. You don't have to answer the question if you don't want to.

/ r.spnd /


formal to answer someone How do you respond to the allegation that you deliberately deceived your employers?

get back to somebody

to answer someone at a later time especially by telephoning them, usually because you need to think about their question or nd out more infom1ation She's promised to get back to me as soon as she hears any more news from the hospital.

funny making you laugh: John told me a really funny joke. I Shes very talented and funny.

/ /

Eight massive pillars supported the roof. A pillar of society/ the community/ the church.

/ r.pla /

to answer someone. Used especially in written English to report what someone said. I'm so sorry, he replied.

give somebody an answer

to answer someone by telling them what you have decided or giving them a piece of infom1ation they asked for. He asked me to marry him, but I didn't give him an answer straight away.


written to answer someone angrily, especially because they have annoyed you or criticized you "That doesn't concern you!" she retorted.

amusing especially written funny and enjoyable. Amusing is more formal than funny. It is often used when something is a little funny and makes you smile, rather than laugh: an amusing anecdote I He lbund the whole incident rather amusing.

easy-going eccentric efficient emotional energetic enthusiastic exuberant firm flexible forgiving frank friendly generous

/ o / / k.sen.trk / / .f.nt / / / / / / en.u.zi..stk / / g.zu.b.rnt / / fm / / / / fr.v. / / frk / / / / /

Her easy-going nature made her popular His eccentric behaviour lost him his job Lighting is now more energy efficient Ann suffered from depression and a number of other emotional problems We need to be more energetic in promoting ourselves abroad All the staff are enthusiastic about the project a noisy bunch of exuberant youngsters he retains a firm belief in the efficacy of prayer small businesses which are dependent on flexible working hours Perry is surprisingly forgiving of his stepfather She was quite frank about the whole thing I was friendly with one of the local farmers She is always very generous to the kids

/ o / Her easy-going nature made her popular

/ k.sen.trk / His eccentric behaviour lost him his job

/ .f.nt / Lighting is now more energy efficient

/ / Ann suffered from depression and a number of other emotional problems

/ / We need to be more energetic in promoting ourselves abroad

/ en.u.zi..stk / All the staff are enthusiastic about the project

/ g.zu.b.rnt / a noisy bunch of exuberant youngsters

/ fm / he retains a firm belief in the efficacy of prayer

/ / small businesses which are dependent on flexible working hours

/ fr.v. / Perry is surprisingly forgiving of his stepfather

/ frk / She was quite frank about the whole thing

/ / I was friendly with one of the local farmers

/ / She is always very generous to the kids

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