MK0017 Spring2013

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Spring / Feb 2013 Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 4 MK0017 e-Marketing - 4 Credits Assignment Set -1 (60 marks)

Question1. Discuss the types of Cyber Crimes in a tabular form. Answer:- Types of Cyber Crimes Computer crime is known by several names like cyber crime, e-crime, orelectronic crime. These crimes are also used to steal identities and money.Robbery, blackmail, forgery, cheating, and fraud which are considered astraditional crimes are all performed on the internet. Table : Types of Cyber Crimes Type of Cyber Definition Crimes Software Software piracy is Piracy Installing unofficial Computer software copy without any payment done for the original illegal delivery, duplication, and licensing of software Copyrightinfrin Copyright gement infringement or copyright violation is the illegal usage of source material which is administered by copyright law in a way that violates original copyright owners exclusive rights Spamming Spamming message messages is a process of delivering

How is it done? Software piracy happens in the form of films, eBooks, mp3 stock photos etc

Effect Results in breaking the law, involves infecting the computer with harmful viruses and Malicious items.

Methods to prevent Check for Certificate of Authentication. Look for the sources of these software piracy operations.

CD duplication that contains copyright material without the consent of copyright holder. Distribution of advertisement and unauthorised use of text content Spammers locate e-mail ids from the

This involves unauthorized downloading of copyrighted material without the owners consent and also sharing of information over the internet.

Check for Copyright Law which helps in protecting copyright materials. Visit a website related to cyber crimes to get some remedies for preventing copyright infringement Results in Use spam guard or frustration spam filters to stop for the customers such spam mails. 1

Unwanted messages randomly with the usage of digital messaging systems.

Identity Threat

available sources including via chat rooms and also use certain software or search engines to get the access and then keep sending spams or share it with other spammers. Stealing of identity Cyber criminals by cyber criminals steal credit card and social security numbers and ID documents and sell those documents

Considered as e- Enable do not call mail pollution. or do not disturb in the mail.

Inability to get loans, medical Records tampering, lost wages, legal fees etc.

Protect credit card and social security numbers and other financial data

Question2. Write a short notes on: A. Targeting strategies in e-marketing. B. Different types of positioning strategies in e-marketing Answer: -Targeting Strategies e-Marketing is specifically suited for two targeting strategies and in both,message structure plays a vital role: Niche marketing1 involves selecting one target segment and developingone or more marketing mixes to meet that segments needs. This strategyhas several benefits, but can be risky because competitors are often drawninto lucrative markets and when market suddenly declines, company is leftwith all its eggs in one falling basket. Micro marketing also known as individualised targeting, involvescustomising all or part of the marketing mix to a small number of people.Taken to its extreme, it can be a target market of one person. Message Structure Initial promotional communication through internet was via traditionaladvertising seeing a company website, seeing brand names and productinformation via banner advertising, and the like. The WWW has enabledmany new forms of communication through social networking in recentyears. This has enabled e-marketers to make practical use of viral

marketing, buzz marketing, guerilla marketing, and other forms of "wordof mouth" marketing that rely on social networking. The adoption of new methods of communication MySpace, Facebook,YouTube, Epinions, personal blogs and websites, online message boards,and such have enabled marketers to reach new markets in ways that arevery different from traditional advertising channels. Differences among theseand other media allow marketers to select the best combination to achievetheir goals. Types of Positioning Strategies Product or service attribute positioning refers to positioning on the basisof product or service features/attributes such as size, colour, ingredients,speed, and so on. Positioning on the basis of technology shows that a firm is on the cuttingedge. This attribute is especially important for online marketers. Benefit positioning is based on the benefits that the brand offers asagainst the competitors. It usually answers the question: What will thisproduct/service do for me? Why should I choose this product/brand? User-category positioning relies on customer segments. It is successfulwhen the segment has some unique quality that ties product benefits moreclosely to the group than to the other segments.

Question3. How do marketers predict the customers perception and expectations in e-Marketing? Answer:- Predicting Customer Responses and Dealing with Customer Perceptions and Expectations in e-Marketing In e-marketing, understanding the customer is very important. In factcustomers play a very active role in e-marketing. Let us see in what wayscustomer responses and expectations are predicted and perceived ine-marketing: Dealing with Customer Perception Any effort to deal with customer perception starts with a good measurementsystem. Companies must look at the whole process of interaction throughthe customers eyes. Measuring and dealing with customers perception can be done throughmarket research and surveys. However, other aspects of measuring anddealing with customer perceptions are given here:

First of all, companies must find out how their products and services areperceived by the customers. Through this, the company can align theinternal focus and resources to the customers expectation. If youcompare this information with customers perception of competitiveproducts, then itll reveal strengths and weaknesses, thereby helpingyou to improve on it. Only by knowing which feature of the companys product is important forcustomers, company can develop appropriate strategies. Suchstrategies help the company to strengthen the emotional bond with thecustomer through targeted improvements and activities. The customersperception of the whole company will improve beyond a positive attitudetowards a particular product.

Dealing with Customers Expectations Customers expectations can be managed, met, and exceeded. How doe-marketers do this? Let us see how it can be done in these three stages1: Understanding expectations Managing the expectations of thedemanding customer starts with understanding their expectations. Usecustomer research and site benchmarking achieve this. Use standardframeworks to establish the gap between expectation and delivery andprioritise to solve the worst shortcomings. Use scenarios to identify thecustomer expectations of using the services on your site. Setting and communicating the service promise Expectations canbest be managed by entering into an informal or formal agreement as towhat service the customer can expect through customer serviceguarantees or promises. Make clear service promises through privacystatements, promises and guarantees on security, delivery, price andcustomer service response times. Delivering the service promise Commitments must be deliveredthrough on-site service, support from employees and physical fulfilment.If not, your online credibility will be destroyed and a customer will neverreturn. Question4. Explain digital marketing with is features, merits and demerits Answer:-Digital Marketing Digital Marketing can be defined as promoting of brands or products andservices using all forms of digital advertising. Digital marketing usesTelevision, Radio, Internet, mobile and any form of digital media to reachcustomers in a timely, relevant, personal and cost-effective manner. Apart from using many of the techniques and practices contained within thecategory of Internet Marketing, digital marketing extends beyond this byincluding other channels that do not require the use of the Internet. Due tonon-dependence on the Internet, the field of digital marketing includes awhole lot of elements such as mobile phones or cell phones, display /

banner ads, sms /mms, digital outdoor, and many more.Digital marketing is now being enlarged in vast areas to support the"servicing" and "engagement" of customers. Merits and Demerits Merits Invention of mobile phones and telephones, internet and other forms of communication has helped many marketers to expand their business globally. Internet and mobile telephone technologies have revolutionised the marketing industry, providing the means to track consumer interests. Customers are prone to giving away personal information through the offer of free materials and or the opportunity to enter a competition. More the customer interactions with digital technologies, greater are the chances of promoting the brands.

DeMerits It often takes more time to accomplish the results

It is expensive as it has to promote over different channels like TV, radio so on A customer lacks detailed information of products before purchasing.

Question5. Define web search engine and briefly explain the meaning of SEO and how SEO works. Answer:- A web search engine is designed to look for relevant information on theWorld Wide Web. The search results are listed and are commonly calledhits. The search results consist of web pages, images, information etc.Some search engines also supply data available in databases or opendirectories. Search engines function algorithmically or are a blend of algorithmic and human input. SEO is a set of procedures that help to ensure that the search engines treatthe website as pertinent targets (destinations) for the appropriate keywords. How does SEO work? It's tough getting noticed on the Web. A Web page can provide useful andrelevant information about a popular subject in an interactive method, butstill attract few visitors. Achieving a top position on search engine resultpages (SERPs) is the most reliable way to improve traffic.

Search engines are successful since they provide links to the best related to the user's search process. If a given website is the best skydivingsource on the web, it helps search engines to list the web site high up ontheir SERPs. So, it is necessary to find a way to show search engines thatyour website is at the top of the heap. Search engine optimisation (SEO) isa set of techniques a webmaster can employ to improve a website's SERPposition. Question6. Write a short note on: A. Features of e-marketing B. Benefits of e-Marketing Answer: -Features of e-Marketing Marketing is the management process responsible for identifying,anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably.The focus of the above definition is on the customers and marketing withthem. According to Smith and Chaffey (2001) Internet technology can be achieved by: Identifying The Internet must be used to know the needs and wants ofthe customers. Anticipating With the assistance of the Internet, it has become easy forcustomers to access any information and purchase. Therefore, byunderstanding the customers needs, resources can be allocated toe-marketing. For example, since the online demand for a standardised product is so high,low-cost airline easyJet has an online revenue contribution of over 90%. Satisfying Customer satisfaction is the main aim of e-marketing. This canbe gained with the help of an electronic channel. This might raise a fewquestions like: How user friendly is the site? How well can the site perform transactions? How efficiently are physical products dispatched? What will be the standard of associated customer service?

Benefits of e-Marketing Benefits to business: There are many benefits of e-marketing to customer business. A few ofthem are discussed below. Global reach With the help of the internet, customers can access thewebsite or online resources irrespective of their location. Hence,e-marketing allows customers to access global markets in aneconomical way.

Lower cost An e-marketing campaign can reach the right customersat a very low cost, if planned effectively. It is cheaper when compared totraditional marketing. Internet marketing is less expensive in terms ofreaching the audience. Better conversion rate In other media, people have to make a call,post a letter or go to a shop, but in e-marketing, its just a click awayfrom completing a purchase. Benefits to customer As a customer also, you receive many benefits through e-marketing. Few ofthem are listed here: Internet marketing is inexpensive because a customer can reach theproduct from home itself. Internet marketing allows customers to know about the product and itsservices first and then attempt to purchase. Customers can purchase according to their convenience rather thancompromising on what is available. Online shopping gives plenty of choices while purchasing, becausemany brands are available online for purchase. Even internationalbrands which are not available in the stores can be viewed and ordered. Delivery to the door step is a unique feature of internet marketing.Customers can place an order and demand for door delivery service.This will also reduce the travelling expenses of the customers. Customers will be acquainted with new technology as the transactionsfor e-marketing are done online.

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