Table of Contents 9511

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Especially written for the Merchant Navy



Formerly Lecturer in Ship Construction to the School of Navigation University of Southampton


SECTION I-GENERAL Classification of ships .. Lloyd's dimensions . . .. Sectims used in shipbuilding Connections . . . . . . Strengthening of joints and parts Rivetinn . Electric arc welding . . . . General types of ships .. Stresses and strains in ships Systems of construction . Keels . . . . . . . . Cellular double bottoms Frames .. Beams .. Watertight bulkheads . Systems of pillarmg . . . . Massed pillaring .. Hatchways Shell and deck plating Sheathed decks and wood decks /Bilge keels .. .. .. Deep tanks .. . . . . Peaks and panting arrangements Stems d ~ u d d e and n sternframes Sterns .. Shaft tunnel6 . . . . . . d s t e r n tubes and propellers . . Twin screws .. .. .. Superstructures and deckhouses Raised quarter decks Bulwarks . Engine and boiler rooms .. Hatch beams and coven . Hawsepipes . . . . . . Masts and derrick posts .. Ventilators .. .. .. Refrizerated shim . Strengthening for ice navigation .. Pides to tanks and bikes




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SECTION 11-THE General requirements .. General arrangements .. Structure in the bottom Structure under the deck .. .. Side framing . . .. Longitudinal bulkheads .. .. Cross ties Transverse bulkheads .. Framing at ends of ship Cofferdams .. .. .. Hatchways .. .. .. .. Superstructures Freeing arrangements Pumping and piping . . . . Tests . . .. .. .. CONSTRUCTTON OF OIL TANKERS
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147 148 152 152 152 152 154 154 154 156 156 156 156 156 156 160 162 163 164 165 169 172 174 177 180 185 193 201

SECTION I I I S H I P Y A R D PRACTICE Preliminary drawings Preparations for building Building the ship .. .. Prefabrication Launching the ship . .
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SECTION IVSURVEYS. Surveys .. .. .. .. Types and testing of steel .. .. .. Tonnages Freeboard .. .. Loadlines and tonnage marks


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SECTION V-LONGITUDINAL STRESSES AND STRESS DIAGRAMS Bending stresses on girders . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. Longitudinal bending stresses on ships SECTION VI-DEFINITIONS Definitions
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A PAGE A-brackets .. .. .. 106 After peak .. .. 88 After peak bulkhead .. 54. 56 Air holcs . . . . .. .. . . 201 d ~ i pipes r . . . . . .. .. 134. 177 Air tests . . .. .. .. .. 44 Allowancc for propelling power 175 Alternative tonnage .. . . 179.'i82. 201 Aluminium. connection to steel . . . . 10 Aluminium deckhouses . . . . . 110 Aluminium welding .. .. .. 26 Amidships .. .. .. . . 201 Anglc bars .. .. .. .. 6 Angle connections .. .. .. 10 Anglos. toes and heels . . .. . . 208 Annual surveys . . . . .. . 3. 170 Arnls of rudders . . . . .. .. 95 Arc welding .. .. .. 19 Assignment of loadiines .. . . 3. 177 B Balanced rudders .. 95. 96. 97. 99 Bar keels . . . . .. .. .. 38 Bar stems . . . . .. .. .. 92 .. .. 6 Bars .. . . 201 Base line . . . .. .. . . 177 Basic minimum freeboard .. 52 Beam knees .. .. . 50. 52.'84. 116 Beams 163. 164 Beams. hcnding a i d erecting . . .. 52. 70 Beams. half .. .. .. 118 Beams. hatch .. so. si.'70. 152 Beams lonnitudinai .. .. .. 50 .. 96 Bearing pintle .. .. ixCi98. 201 Bending moment .. .. 163 Bendine frames and beams . . 30; i85-190 Bendins of girders .. . . 163 Bendins slabs .. .. .. 185-189 Bending stress .. .. .. 172.173 Bend tests .. ..
~ ~~


~ i l g keels e .. .. Bilge suctions .. .. Blank flanges . .. Blind holes . .. Blow holes . .. Hlowpipe. oxy-acetylene Rudy plan .. Boiler point rivet .. Doiler rooms .. . Bolted axle rudder Bossing for twin screws . . Boss plale .. ..

Bottom. laying down .. Bottom structure in tanker Boundaries of bulkheads Raw height .. .. Bow lines . . . . .. Bracket floors .. .. Brackets . . .. Brackets. toes a n d heels Breadth moulded Brcaks of superstructure; Breasthook .. .. Bridges .. Bridge front'bulkhkad . . Brine traps .. .. Building slip .. .. Bulb angles .. .. Bulbous bow .. .. Bulb plate .. .. Bulk carrier .. Bulkhead boundaiiks .. Bulkhead plating .. Bulkhead spacing .. Bulkhead stiffeners .. Bulkheads. after peak .. Bulkheads. collision .. Bulkheads. corrugatcd . . Bulkheads in tankers .. Bulkheads. longitudinal . . Bulkheads for deep tanks Bulkheads. tests . . . . Bulkheads. transverse .. Bulkheads. wash . . . . Bulwarks . . . . Buoyancy. reserve Buoyancy curve . . . .. Buttock linos Buttress brackets Butt joints .. Butt welds .. Butts .. Butts. shift of .. .. C

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163 152 58 178

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10. 152 .. 208 . 4 . . 201 .. 88 108. 201 . . 110 . . 128 . . 163 .. 6 .. 92 .. 6 . . 140 .. 58 .. 56 54. 201


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.. .. .. Camber Cant frames .. .. Cantilever frames .. Cargo doors .. .. Carlings . . .. .. Carriers . . .. .. .. 14 i Casings .. .. .. 116. 154 / Castings . . .. .. 99 l Caulking . . . . .. 106 Ceiling .. 74 Cellular do& bdkoms .

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Centre girder Centre iine Channel bars Chain plates Chocks ..


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38. 42. 152 . . 202 .. 6 .. 202 .. 78

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Cleats .. .. Coamings. hatch . Coamings. ventilator Coefficient of fineness Cofferdams .. Coliin plate Collision bulkhead Combination svsiem Comolete supe;structure shin Comiressiv~stress . Concentratcd loads .. Conditions of assim~nent

Distributed loads Docking surveys . . . . !/Double bottoms . . . Doubling plates . . . . Double plate rudder .. Drags .. .. .. Drawings . . . . .. Drift punch .. .. Drilled holes .. .. Drydocking .. .. Duct keels .. .. Effectivc superstructure . . Elastic limit .. .. Electric arc welding .. Electrodes .. .. Elliptical stern .. .. Engine room .. .. Entrance . . . .. Equipment .. .. Excess of hatchways .. Exempted spaces .. Expansion trunk . . . . F

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188. 189 l71 ~ 7 . 1 1 6 148 . .. 12. 62 .. . 95 . . . . 165 . . . . 160 . . . 18 .. .. 16 .. .. 33 .. 38

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. . .. 202 .. 30 .. 187 . . 177

Counter stern .. Countersunk riveting Couplings .. Covers. hatch .. Covers. ventilator Crack arrcstors . . Cropping . . . . Cross bunkers .. Cross ties . . . . Crown of tank Cruiser stern .. Crutches . . . . Curtain "late ..

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Curve of bending moment Curve of floodable lcngth Curve of loads- .~ . . .~ ~. . Curve of shearing force . . Curve of weights Cutting by oxy-acetylene

Deadlights Deck glrdcrs Deck houses Deck line Deck openings Deck plating Deck ~ l a n s Deck Funncr .. .. 60 Deck stringer . .. 72. 76. 78. 84 Decks .. .. . . 28. 72. 74. 76. 78.80 Deductions for tonnage . . . . . 175 Defects of weldinc .. .. . 24 Deep framing . .. .. 48. 88 Deep tanks .. .. 84. 86. 148. 154 .. .. . . 134 Deep tank suctions Deoth .. .. .. .. . . 4.178 ~iigonals .. .. .. . . 160 Diaphragm plates .. .. . . 112 Dimensions .. .. .. . 4 Discharges . . .. 136. 177 Distortion effects in welds . . 22

Floors .. . .. Floors. rise of .. .. Flush deck ship . . . . Flux .. .. .. Forecastles Fore peaks .. .. Forgings . . . . .. Frame numberinc .. Frame snacing Framing . .. Frames .. . . 35. Freeing arrangements . Full scantlina ship ..

Garboard strake . . . . Gas carrier .. Girders. bcnding $icsscs Grades of steel . . . . Gross tonnage

Gudgeons Gussets Half beams .. .. .. 52, 70 Half block model .. .. . 162 Half breadth plan .. .. . . 160 Half length amidships . . .. . . 205 I-lard spots .. .. .. .. 24 Hatch h a m s .. .. .. . . 118 Hatch end beams .. 68 Hatch coamings . . . . 66, '88, 70,'i56, 177 Hatch covers .. 118, 120, 178 Hatchways 50, 52,'64, 66, 68, 70, 84, 156 Hawsepipe .. .. .. . . 122 Heels .. .. .. .. . 208 Height of coamings .. .. 66, 126 Height of air pipes .. .. 134 Hogging . . . . .. . . 32,'i90, 193 Holds, insulated . . . . .. .. 128 Horning . . . . .. .. . . 164 Hose tests .. .. 205 . . . Hounds . . .. .. .. .. 205

Insert plates Insulation .. Integration .. Intercostals .. Inverted angles . . Inverted T-bars . . Tshcrwood systcm Joggling . . Joggled systems Joints .. Kcel blocks Keels .. Knees .. Landing edges Laps ~apped joinis Launching Lengths .. Lightening holes Limher holes

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..


12. 62. 66 ... . 128 . . 190 40 205 -.. 6 .. 6 34, 148

M MacGregor hatches Machinery spaces Machine welding Manholes . . , Margin line Margin plate .. Massed pillars .. Mast partncrs .. Masts ~iddlc-line'bulkheadr Modified tonnage Moulded dimensions Mould loft .. N Nett register tonnage Non-return valves .. Notches . . Notch-resistant steel Numbering deck plates Numbering framcs Numbering shell plates

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.. 175 132,'i36, 205 .. .. 24 .. . . 172 . . 72. 206 .. 48, 206 .. 72, 206


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Occasional surveys .. Off and fair .. .. Offsets .. .. .. Oil tanks . , .. .. Oil tankers .. .. Oven floors .. .. openings . . . . .. Ordinary pillars . . . . Ordinary sterns . . .. Ore carrier .. . Optical projection of line? Oxter platc .. Ony-acctylene bloipipe . .

.. ..

Loads, curve of . . Loadline disc .. Loadlines, assignment Local weilrhts .. ~ockrd-up stress Locking bars .. Locking pintle ..

Palm platcs .. .. Pan head rivct .. .. Manting .. .. .. Panting beams and stringers /Peaks .. .. .. Penetration .. .. Periodical survevs Permanent gangways .. Permanently closed-in Permanently-reduced lonnagc Permissible length .. Perpendiculars .. .. Pillars .. .. .. Pintles .. Pipes at buikheadi ' .. Pipes in weldr . .. Piping .. ..




Shaft tumels Shearing force Sheathed decks
.. .. ..

Pitch of rivets Plans .. .. .. plate bracket knees .. .. Plate floors .. .. .. Plate stems .. .. .. Piate preparation .. .. Plating .. .. Plates . . 18.62. 7'2; plimsoll mark .. .. .. Plue hatches .. .. .. plumbing . . . . .. .. Plummer blocks . . . .. Poop bulkheads . . . . .. poops .. .. .. VPoundina . . . . .. prefabrication .. .. .. Preparation for welding .. Profile . .. .. .. Propeller post .. . .. Pro~elling power allowance .. /propellers . .. .. Punched holes .. .. flPumain~ .. = - . .. 13'2: . ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~. YPumo rooms


Quarter deck Quartcr line Quarter pillars

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28. 112 206 60

Racking Rag .. .. Rails Raised auarter d&k Rake .. ~efrigerated'ship Register tonnage Reserve buoyancy Residual stress . . Ribbaods . . . . Rigging .. .. Rimers . .. Rise of floor .. Rivet bars Rivets .. .. Round bars .. VRx~dders . . . . . . . . . . . . Rudder bearings . . Rudder posi .. Rudder trunk .. Run . . . . Running-up tanks

! I

S t o m valves Strain .. Strakes .. Strapped joints . Streamlined rudders Strength continuity of

Sagging . . . . Sagging moments Scallops . . .. Scantlings .. Scarphed joints . . Screivc board .. Scuppers . . . . Seam .. .. Sections . . . Semi-balazced rudders Set iron . . . .


Stress concentrations Stress diagrams . . Stress ~ ~in- welds ~ - ~ .. Striking plate .. Stringem. deck . . ~ t r / n i e r spanting . ~tnngers. sldc . Strong beams ..

134 . . 104 .. .. 23 .. 132. 134 208 10s; li0.'156, 208 3. 169. 170. 171 . . . . 34 .. . . 56


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. . . . .. Systems of const&tion Swedged bulkheads ..



Tabernacle .. .. Tack welds .. .. Tail end shaft .. . . Tanks .. Tank side bracket; ' Tank suctions .. . . ~ a n asts k .. Tap rivets .. .. T-bars . . .. .. Templates .. .. Tensde stress .. .. Tensile tests .. .. Tests. air . . . . .. Tests. hose .. Tests of bulkheads ' .. Tests of materials .. Tests of rivets .. . . Testa of tanks .. Three-hatch ship . . . . Three-island ship .. Thickness of plating .. Tie plates . . . . .. Timber loadlinw .. T-joints TO= of a i l i s and brack'eis Tonnage . . . . .. Tonnage deck .. .. Tonnage of hatchways . Tonnage mark . . .. Topside tank8 .. .. Transom . . . . .. Transom floor .. .. Transom stem ..

Transverse bulkheads Transverse framing Transverses .. Transverse system Triggers . . .. Tripping . . . . Tripping brackets Tumble home .. Tunnel recess .. Tunnel well .. Tunnels .. ~ e e deck; n .. Twin screws Types A and B shids Types of ships .. Types of weld ..

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Undercutting .. Under deck tonnage

Valve chest .. Valves. non-return Valves. storm Ventilation in tan);;rs Ventilators .. Vibration . . . .
~ ~

W Wash bulkheads Washplates .. Watertight bulkhe&ds . . Watertight floors .. Web frames .. .. Wedm .. .. .. Weiats. curve of .. Welded joints .. .. Welded plating . . . . Weldinx . .. . . . .. . Wells .. Wood decks' .. ..

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