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DC++ Guide: User Interface

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G u i d e
User Interface

This section visually displays all the user interface components of the DC++ application. Note: This section is currently incomplete. Descriptions of each section are yet to be added.

1. Windows
Here are all the main windows available in DC++. The toolbar images contain hyperlinks to the relevant screenshots on this page.

Glossary Other Resources Developer CVS Access Patches

Initial Screen

This is the window shown when first opening DC++. It is divided into two sections. The top section is the container for the various windows that will open. 05/06/2007 12:57:31 PM

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The bottom section is called the transfers section. It will list all current downloads and uploads as well as those transfers currently attempting to make a connection. Top

Public Hub List

This shows the Public Hub List window. It displays a list of publicly available DC hubs and information about each hub. The hublist can be filtered by entering a search term such as "Linux" into the Filter box and pressing Enter. The dropdown list can be used to switch between different lists and the Configure button used to modify the entries in the dropdown. The Refresh button will retrieve the most recent version of the currently displayed list. Top

Favourite Hubs

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Favourite Hubs Properties


Favourite Users

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Download Queue

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This screenshot shows the Download Queue window. This displays all the files and folders that you have queued for download. From this window you can change the priority level of downloads as well as initiate a search for alternative sources. Top

Finished Downloads

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This screenshot shows the Finished Downloads window. Whenever a download is completed, an entry is made in this screen. This information is not persistent - it will be cleared when you close DC++. If you wish to have a more permanent record of downloads, you must enable download logging. Top

Finished Uploads
Identical in appearance and behaviour to the Finished Downloads window apart from the fact that this window contains information about uploads. Top


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This screenshot shows the Search window. From here you can search for a particular file in the hubs that you are connected to. You can narrow down a search by using any of the criteria shown on the left hand side. The "Search for" dropdown list keeps track of recent search terms. The Purge button can be used to clear this list. Top

Automatic Directory Listing Search

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Automatic Directory Listing Search Properties


Search Spy

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This screenshot shows the Search Spy window. As the name suggests, this window allows you to see the search requests that are being received in the background. It also provides some statistics about the search requests received. Top

File List

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This window shows a user's file list. Files can be queued for download from here. The Find and Next buttons allow you to search through the file list. The Match Queue button allows you to instantly match the file list contents against you download queue. One other interesting thing visible in this screen shot are the two pseudo folders <<<avi>>> and <<<mpg>>>. These contain the results of an ADL Search. Top


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This screenshot shows the Notepad window. As the screenshot says, this a place where you can make notes about anything you like. Top

Network Statistics

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This screenshot shows the Network Statistics window. This show a live graphical display of the volume of data being downloaded and uploaded. The green lines indicates downloads and the red line indicates uploads. These colours are bound to the colours in the transfer section. These colours can be changed from Settings Appearance. Top

Hashing Progress

This window shows the current progress of file hashing. Note that while this window is displayed, the hashing is given a higher priority and will therefore complete more quickly. Conversely, when this window is not displayed (and

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hashing occurs in the background) the rest of the user interface is given higher priority. The hashing will therefore take longer then. Top


This screenshot shows the About box. In addition to displaying version information, it provides information about the current level of uploads and downloads that have been carried out. It will also tell you what is the most recently available public release. Top

2. Settings

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Here are all the settings windows in DC++. The settings available in each screen are described in the DC++ help file. Clicking on an item on the left hand side will take to the relevant screenshot.

Personal Information

On this screen you can set your personal information. This will be shown in the user list in a hub window. The only necessary part is Nick. The other three are optional and will have no effect on your usage of DC++. Top

Connection Settings

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Configured public hub lists

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Colours and Sounds

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Experts only

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User Commands

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Top Create/Modify User Command

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3. Menus
To be added ...
$Date: 2006/10/21 20:33:05 $ 2003-2006 Burhan Ali Feedback

05/06/2007 12:57:31 PM

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