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Why Martin Luther Matters Translated the first reader-friendly Bible for Germans.

. This helped shape the German language from one with many dialects to one with a standard usage. Taught that God's grace is open to all and doesn't have to be mediated by priests. He said when you profess a belief in the power of Jesus' love, God adopts you into a life of salvation and you don't have to do anything to earn that love. Taught that you should be active in doing good to love your neighbor in the manner of the Good Samaritan. Having found God's love, do your best to show it to others. Taking on one of the most powerful forces in his world - the Catholic Church - he stood up to sanctions and death threats.

In so doing, he created a new movement of independent thinking. Prior to Luther it was more common for people to simply "pray, pay and obey." He was an early media marvel, publishing 400 books. His emphasis on singing helped shape 19th and 20th century worship. His hymn "A Mighty Fortress is Our God" is still highly regarded. Showed a dark side of intolerance for the Jewish people. He felt the Jews were wrong-headed in not embracing Jesus. Luther's condemnations were used as a justification for persecution. This is proof that great men also make great mistakes.

Catholic Authority Bible Results of Fall Free will Predestination Atonement Scripture and tradition Includes apocrypha Corruption and tendency to sin Free to do good or evil Related to God's foreknowledge Death of Christ created merit that is shared with sinners through sacraments Prevenient grace helps one believe; efficacious grace cooperates with the human will to do good Meritorious Received at baptism; may be lost by mortal sin; regained by penance. Those who have never heard of Christ may be saved. (Catech 847) The Catholic Church is "the place where humanity must rediscover its unity and salvation" (Catech 845) but those baptized in other Christian denominations are in communion with the Church (Catech 838). Convey grace by their operation (ex opere operato). A special vocation for some believers; mediators between God and man Affirmed Affirmed Accepted

Protestant Sola Scriptura - Scripture alone Excludes apocrypha Total depravity and guilt Free only to do evil Related to God's decrees Death of Christ was a substitutionary sacrifice that satisfied God's justice Common grace enabling good works given to all; sufficient grace for salvation given to elect only Results of divine grace and unworthy of merit Result of divine grace; unconditional. Those who have never heard of Christ may be saved.

Divine grace Good works


The Church

There is a distinction between the visible and invisible church. God saves anyone he chooses, or anyone with proper faith, regardless of church membership.

Sacraments Priests Transubstantiation Purgatory Prayer to saints

Means of grace only if received with faith. Priesthood of all believers. Rejected Denied Rejected

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