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This project report is an integral part of my MBA program with Gurgaon College Of Engineering, Bilaspur Gurgaon, (Hr.) since it helped me to apply management studies during the first year program in this project. At the outset, I take this opportunity to express my immense gratitude towards my Project Guide Mr. Vimal Singh at Amtek Auto Limited, Dharuhera who helped me throughout the project. I also want to thank Mr. Piyush Gupta(GM) who gave me the opportunity to do training in Amtek Auto Limited. I would also like to express my gratitude towards all line workers, supervisors and Executives for their constant help and support during the entire course of my training. Last but not the least; I would like to thank the whole Amtek family for their immense help and cooperation during my tenure at Amtek Auto Limited. I shall always remain indebted to Amtek Auto Limited for this highly learning experience.



This is to certify that the project titled AMTEK AUTO LTD is an original work of SATENDER SINGH submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the MASTERS DEGREE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION


been submitted earlier either to this University

This report has not or to any other

University/Institution for the fulfillment of the requirement of a course of study.




Satender Singh Roll No.0905036 Class M.B.A (3rd Semester)

Gurgaon college of Engineering, Bilaspur Gurgaon hereby declare that Summer Training Report entitled AMTEK AUTO LTD. is an original work and the same has not been submitted to any other institute for the award of other degree A seminer presentation of the Training. Report was made on date and the suggestions as approved by the faculty wera duly incorporated.

Presentation In-charge Candidate

Signature of the

Signature : Name of the Faculty :


Director of the Institute


NAME OF THE STUDENT CLASS ROLL NO Institutes Name Title of the project Subject Area

. . .

Name and Designation of the supervisor

Signature of the supervisor student

Signature of the

Signature of the principal/director Date:


Preface Acknowledgement Certificate Declaration Executive Summary Introduction Training and Development Review of Literature

Scope of The Project Significance Project Objectives

Company Profile
. . . . . . . . Company introduction About Amtek Group About Amtek history Our Culture Our Vision & Mission Our Value Our Commitment to Quality Product & Services

. .

Customers Awards . About Amtek Auto Ltd., Dharuhera

Methodology Sample Data Collection Limitation Training and Development at Amtek auto Ltd.

Results Analysis and Conclusion Recommendations Scope of Further Research


Never before has the rapid increase in new knowledge and technology and in the base of change and itself demanded a learning response as great as what is now required to remain competitive. Today individuals and organizations must become continuous learners to survive and hence it is not surprising to find that most successful organizations operate in a continuous learning mode. The challenge of globalization, technological innovation increasing competition and growth through expansion, diversification and

acquisition has had a wide-ranging and far reaching impact on HRD. There is a need for a continuous process that aims at providing fresh knowledge and skill inputs to the employees so as to ensure the development of their competencies, dynamism, motivation and

effectiveness in a systematic and planned way, thereby improving the productivity and overall organizational effectiveness. As a result, training and development activities have acquired great significance and are now firmly centre-stage in most of the organizations. Hence it can be said that with the advent of free market economy rapid change in the environment, training and development activities have assumed an importance never before witnessed in Indian corporate history. Training is the process of assisting a person in enhancing his efficiency and effectiveness at work by improving and updating his professional knowledge developing his personal skills relevant to his work and cultivating in him appropriate behavior and attitude towards his work and people he is working with. Development takes place as a result of training and essentially implies growth plus change. Thus, training and 1

development go hand in hand.

My endeavor has been to gain an in-

depth insight into the process of discovering, harnessing and developing of the human capital to the benefit of both the individual and the organization into days highly dynamic and competitive business world through a comprehensive study and analysis of the latest training and development techniques used by Amtek auto Limited.


Corporate success depends upon having and retaining talented people. This is true today as it has always been. The shortage of such people is widely accepted and training, at long last, is beginning to be recognized as part of the solution and hence the total investment in training is on the rise. This is true for all organizations. There really is no alternative than to make sure that human skill so vital to the corporate success are recognized, harnessed, developed and suitably maintained. Training is not however, one one-off investment. It is a continuing investment. Not only is it needed to create the skilled workforce, but also maintain the high levels of skills demanded by the ever changing, highly dynamic work place. The return on investment on HRD is still controversial in view of the time variable in achieving the desired change and effectiveness in the employees. The top management looks at the loss and profit equation for any activity. It is interested in the benefits to the organization in the terms of increased productivity, increased profitability, reduction in wastage etc in return for investment in training. Hence, evaluation of training programmers and introduction of the necessary corrective measures also assumes considerable significance. Training is the most important function that contributes directly to the development of human resources. If human resources have to be developed, the organization should create conditions in which people 3

acquire new knowledge and skills and develop healthy patterns of behavior and styles. One of the main mechanisms of achieving this environment is training. Training is essential because technology is developing continuously and at a fast rate. Systems and practices get outdated soon due to new discoveries in technology, including technical, managerial and

behavioral aspects. Organizations, which do not develop mechanisms to catch up with and use the growing technology, soon become outdated. However, developing individuals in the organization can contribute to the effectiveness of the organization. Training and development are important activities in all organizations, large and small. Every organization, regardless of size, needs to have well-trained employees in its workforce who are prepared to perform their jobs. The term ' Training ' refers to the acquisition of specific skills or knowledge. Training programs attempt to teach trainees to perform a specific job and a particular activity. The term ' Development ' usually refers to improving the intellectual or emotional abilities needed to do a better job.

PRINCIPLES AND EVALUATION OF TRAINING Training is the process of assisting a person for enhancing his efficiency and effectiveness at work by improving and updating his professional knowledge, by developing skills relevant to his work and cultivating appropriate behaviour and attitude towards work and people. Training could be designed either for improving present capabilities at work or for preparing a person for assuming higher. Responsibilities in future which would call for additional knowledge and superior skills. Training is different from education particularly formal education. While education is concerned mainly with enhancement of knowledge, training aims essentially at increasing knowledge, stimulating aptitude and imparting skills related to a specific job. In India, considerable importance has been accorded to training in social development and this is evident form the fact that the community spends roughly six million dollars annually on training every year. But there are complains about the ineffectiveness of training and possible waste of resources because of the use of stereotyped and conventional methods in training which are often not set completely in tune with job requirements. It is a continuous process Training is a continuous and life long process. Right form the time a child is born he starts receiving training form his mother for a variety of needs, so that he becomes a social being. His training continues in the school and the college situations. However training as an organized effort, designed with certain objectives, for example to help the trainees to be informed of the subject matter which they have to use in their work situation. Apart from change of attitudes, their skills have to 5

be improved and knowledge or information has to be imparted through effective methods. In other worlds, training provides and synthesizing with the help of the trainers, the information already available on the subject. Training is a time-bound programme. Thus there is a separate specialized discipline of trainers specializing in the field of human activity. Prevailing concept New concept

1. The acquisition of subject matter 1. Motivation and skills lead to action. knowledge by a participant leads to action. 2. The participant learns what the 2. Learning is a complex function of trainer teaches. Learning is a simple function of the capacity of the participant to learn and the ability of the trainer to teach. the motivation and capacity of the individual participant, the norms of the training groups the training methods and the behaviour of the trainers and the general climate of the institution. The participant's motivation is influenced by the climate of his work organization. 3. Individual action leads to 3. Improvement on the job is complex function of individual learning the norms of the working group and the general climate of the organization. Individual learning used leads to frustration. 4. Training is the responsibility of the 4. Training is the responsibility of training institution. It begins and ends with the course. three training partners: the participant It has and a a organization the participant, and the institution. preparatory 6 pertaining Skills are acquired through practice.

improvement on the job.

subsequent, post-training phase. All are equally important to the success of training. There has been in some quarters criticism of training and it is often argued that personnel can acquire administrative capabilities and work skills through apprenticeship capabilities and work skills through apprenticeship rather than through formal training. While the training cannot by itself guarantee the success of a development programme, its untrained personnel are unlikely to prove effective. It is in this context that expert; administrators and planners greatly appreciate the relevance of training in development process.


Training opportunities reduce the demand for highly qualified applicants Staffing Careful Selection may reduce the need for training. But hiring additional employees adds to training needs Training helps employees perform better Performance evaluations provide information that helps to assess training needs Performance evaluation

Training development


Training should improve performance and result in higher levels of pay Compensation Financial incentives can create greater enthusiasm for training and increased participation Skilled employees should perform better, reducing the probability of grievances and discipline Unions may participate in the design and presentation of the training

Employee relations

The Training Cycle A training cycle consists of a series of steps which lead to a training event being undertaken. Evaluation provides feedback which links back to the initial stages of training design. Indeed, it is the evaluation/ feedback process which makes this a cyclical event without it training would be a linear process leading from initiating training through to its implementation. The steps in the cycle are:Stage1: Identification of training needs. Examining what skills and attributes are necessary for the job to be undertaken, the skills and attributes of the job holder and the extent of the gap. Stage2: Design, preparation and delivery of training. Stage 3: Discovering the trainees attitude to training (reaction) and whether the training has been useful from the point of view of training. Reaction involves the participants feelings towards the training process, including the training content, the trainer and the training methods used. Learning is the extent to which the trainee has actually absorbed the content of the learning event. Stage 4: Discovering whether the lessons learnt during training have been transferred to the job and are being used effectively in doing the job.

Identification of training needs

Reaction to and learning from the training

Transferring training tot he work place

Evaluation of the impact on the organisation

Measuring perspective effects. Stage5: Evaluating the effects of the training on the organization. Thus is the area on which there is perhaps most confusion, subsequently little real action to clear it. Stage 6: Reinforcement of positive behavior. It is optimal that positive outcomes are maintained for as long as possible. It is not rare event for changes in behavior to be temporary, with a gentle slide back to previous ways of working. It is important to note the feedback loops. Feedback on the process of actually delivering the training can come 10

from the reaction and learning stage, the transfer of the training to the work place and the evaluation of the impact of the training. The main, feedback for the identification of training needs comes from an assessment of the transfer of work to the training and the evaluation of the impact on the organization. It is important to note that these feedback loops may consist of two very different types of information. To determine the worth of training to the organization- a process best done by quantitative methods and with hard, numerical data. Allowing insights into the method of learning, where the experience of those involved are the main focus, thus using mainly softer, qualitative information. Identification of training needs The procedure of identifying training and development needs is crucial for the success of the training function and requires to be carried out systematically on a regular basis, preferably every year. How are training needs identified to match the organizational requirements in terms of technology /task/ people? Has the training bought the desired change in the individuals performance and if so, how is it assessed? These are the focal points, which require attention of the HR professionals to assess the training needs of the employees working in the organization. Many organizations have their own system to identifying training needs every year. However, need identification exercise can do real harm if the needs are not met by conducting suitable programs. Managers must 11

perceive that their recommendations are grown due consideration and suitable actions are initiated to satisfy the felt needs. Only then, they will take this exercise seriously. Hence, formulation of suitable and need based training programs and their timely implementation is very important for the success of any training program. Evaluation of Training Programs Training programs are conducted with a view to help the employees to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitude necessary to perform the task assigned to them. They are conducted in order to bring about a planned change which in turn involves substantial investment of money, time and efforts. Therefore, one has to know whether such an investment in training yielded the desired results. This desire naturally leads to evaluation of training. Evaluation means literally, the assessment of value or worth. Strictly speaking the act of evaluating training is the act of judging whether or not it was worthwhile in terms of some criterion of value, in the light of the information available. Evaluation is the tool whereby information about the result of trainees, interaction with the learning experiences systematically collected and analyzed. Thus, evaluation can provide useful data both for improvement of training and enhancement of learning. In brief it is important in 3 ways. It indicates whether appropriate monetary investment is made on the implementation of training programs. It determines the degree of effectiveness and success of the training programs.


It provides a basis for introductory the necessary corrective measures.









substantially outweigh the costs six direct benefits of evaluating training programs are:Quality Control: Quality control systems are designed to ensure that products or services are fit for their intended purpose. Evaluation in training will assess the extent to which work-related results can be demonstrated to arise from the training. Successful, positive elements of training can be maintained and reinforced, whilst negative elements removed or revised. If results cannot be justified, then it becomes hard to justify the commitment of any resources to the training activity and they can be re-allocated to Where they may make a greater impact. Efficient training design: It throws an emphasis on those elements of a training system which matter, such as proper definition of objectives and setting criteria on now these objectives are to be measured. Enhanced professional esteem: Training professionals can gain enhanced stature from having systematic evaluation of data rather than intuitive assessment of their contribution to the business. Being assessed on their contribution to the bottom-line of the business puts the HRD function on the same footing as other functions, instead of claiming that the nature of their work does not allow an application of the same criteria. This helps to break down the barriers facing the integration of HRD professionals within the organization.


Enhanced negotiating power: On much the same tack evaluation makes it possible for the HR function to demonstrate a successful contribution to the business over a period of time. When resources are to be allocated and new investment decisions to be made, them being able to show the outcomes of training would be invaluable. Appropriate criteria of assessment: Individuals within an

organization will make judgments about how effective the


function is, regardless of whether an evaluation system is in place or not. Given this, it is very important that the HR controls the choices of appropriate criteria, which it can most safely do on the back of a formal evaluation process. Intervention strategy: Evaluation can be a tool for changing the way that training is integrated into the organization. It offers a means by which the HR function can build on its enhanced esteem and negotiating power to play a more active role in developing policies.


SYSTEMS MODEL FOR TRAINING Assessment Phase Assess Training needs and training resources Identify training objective Training and development phase Select training Pretest methods and trainees learning principles Evaluation phase Compare training outcomes against criteria

Develop criteria

Conduct training

Monitor training

Feed back


BENEFITS OF TRAINING: Training usually is a strategic human resource activity because it plays a major role in determining the effectiveness and efficiency of an organization. A successful training and development program will achieve the following benefits: 1. 2. Improve the quality and quantity of work done. Reduce the learning time required for employees to reach acceptable standards of performance. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Create more favourable attitudes, loyalty and cooperation. Satisfy human resource planning requirements. Reduce the number and cost of accidents. Help employees in their personal development and advancement. Help organizations to respond to dynamic market conditions and changing consumer demands. Different jobs require different capabilities. These capabilities can be considered under four categories: 1. Technical 2. Managerial 3. Behavioural 4. Conceptual


TECHNICAL CAPABILITIES: They deal with the technology of the job or the tasks the employee is expected to perform. They include information, skills and knowledge. MANAGERIAL CAPABILITIES: They include the ability to organize, coordinate, plan, monitor, evaluate and redesign a variety of activities. As managers have the task of getting things done by others with optimal use of resources for achieving the best possible results, they need to possess managerial capabilities. Knowledge of management techniques like PERT, systems analysis, performance budgeting etc. are evidences of managerial capabilities. Management skills involve the application of these techniques for better planning, better coordination, better monitoring, and for better achievement of results. BEHAVIOURAL CAPABILITIES: These include leadership skills, ability to motivate others, communication skills, ability to work as a team member, dynamism, initiative etc. Mere knowledge of behavioral sciences does not ensure that person has behavioral capabilities. Attitudes and orientations play an important role in determining the effectiveness of the employees to a great degree.


CONCEPTUAL CAPABILITIES: These involve conceptual understanding of one's own tasks in relation to those of others, imagination, futuristic thinking, model building capabilities and perception of various tasks and their interrelationships within the organization and outside it. TYPES OF TRAINING: 1. Orientation/Induction Training: The orientation or induction training is given to employees as soon as they join an organization. The purpose of this training is to orient the employee to the company and its tasks, to help his role in detail and see the link his role has with other roles in the company, to help him understand the expectations of other employees from him, and to give him a feel of the organization and feel part of it. The induction training normally does not focus on skill development. It focuses more on perspective development and understanding of the organization. Without such understanding of the organization, its mission etc., the employee may soon feel alienated. Induction training is one way in which culture and traditions are established and maintained through socialization of the new employees into the culture of that organization.


2. On-The-Job Coaching: On-the-job coaching is another way of training employees. This type of training is given to employees who are new to a given job (not necessarily to the organization). The purpose of this kind of training is to equip the employee with the capabilities required to perform various tasks of his job. This may involve skill training by the supervisor of the employee, either on a day-to-day basis or periodically. On-the-job training techniques also include job instruction training, job rotations, internships, coaching and counseling. On-the-job training should be particularly stressed upon during the early stages of their careers. 3. Apprentice Training: Apprentice training is given to those who have just completed their studies and are about to enter the organizational world. The apprenticeship involves practical training under the guidance of one or more instructors designated by the organization to train the trainees. IN-HOUSE TRAINING: In-house training programs are programs offered exclusively for the employees of an organization by the organization. The Training Department assesses the training needs of various categories of employees periodically, invite suggestions from the senior executives of that company on the training needs as perceived by them, keep in touch with the new developments taking place in the outside world that have relevance to their own organizational activities and periodically invite outside trainers to train their employees. In the in-house training programmes, the training department may use its own senior employees as trainers or may depend exclusively on outsiders or may use both sets of resources. 19

SPONSORED TRAINING: As most organizations do not have sizeable units of training, it is easier for them to sponsor a few employees for training by outside agencies. DISTANCE TRAINING: Distance training is the training conducted without the trainer being physically present near the trainee. The most well known forms of distance training are correspondence courses, auto-teaching machines, programmed instruction materials, video and audio cassette programs, alumni bulletins etc. This form of training is useful mainly to keep the trainee informed about various developments in his field or to acquaint him with new technology, processes etc. CAREER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS Career Development programs help people grow and continue after they begin their employment. Career Development refers to helping individuals plan their future careers within the organization. The objectives of career development are to help individuals achieve maximum self-development and also to help the organization achieve its objectives. INDIVIDUAL BENEFITS: For the individual, the most immediate benefits of career development include a better job, more money, increased responsibility, greater mobility, and the acquisition of skills that improve productivity. Career Development also provides less tangible benefits for individuals, such as increased job satisfaction, the development of a career orientation rather than a job orientation, increased involvement at work, greater exposure, a better understanding of what is expected and broader knowledge of additional areas of career interest.


ORGANIZATIONAL BENEFITS: Through the development of competent employees, organizations are able to identify future managers and prepare them to achieve organizational goals. By developing competent replacement managers, an organization is able to practice promotion from within, which increases the level of motivation for aspiring managers. Employees who remain in the same position for an extended period typically become obsolete, either because of a lack of training or a lack of motivation. Career planning helps to prevent the problems of obsolescence by providing employee training by moving employees into different jobs, and by motivating employees to make valuable contributions to the organization. An organization that tries to help employees plan their careers can benefit directly through lower turnover and personal costs. DEVELOPMENTAL PROGRAMS: 1. Mentoring: Some organizations assign an experienced employee to serve as a mentor for new employees. A mentor is a trusted counselor, coach or advisor who provides advice and assistance. Effective mentors teach these new employees a number of things, which include: 1. Provide instruction in specific skills and knowledge critical to successful job performance. 2. Help in socializing them in the culture of the organization and understanding the unwritten rules of the organization. 3. Answer questions and provide useful insights.


4. Offer emotional support and encouragement. 5. Serve as a role model. 6. Create an environment in which mistakes can be made without losing self-confidence. 2. Career Counseling: Most organizations provide some form of career counseling on various occasions: during employment interviews when employees are first hired, during employees' annual performance evaluation interviews, and as part of the special career counseling that is provided for high-potential employees. Career counseling typically occurs as part of the day-to-day relationship between a supervisor and a subordinate. Moreover, some organizations provide special career counseling by conducting psychological assessments of employees and helping them interpret their individual results. 3. Career Pathing: Career pathing refers to identifying a sequence of jobs through which an individual can expect to progress towards high levels of management. Some organizations provide job progression plans for all new employees, while others do it only for exceptionally bright and promising candidates. Career path information must be provided to the employees before a possible career path can be charted out for them. 4. Career Development Programs: Career development includes any and all activities that prepare a person for progression along a designated career path. Career development usually involves both formal and informal means. These programs maybe conducted in-house or


by external sources, such as professional organizations or colleges and universities and are organized by the T&D department of an organization. Internal Mobility There is a possibility in organizations that over a period of time an employee will change his role or position, from one job to another laterally or vertically in the organization structure. This kind of employees movement within an

organization is known as internal mobility. Internal mobility includes a cluster comprising, may take place between jobs in section, sections, departments, division or even between plants in multi - plant operations. Promotion Promotion is the upward reassignment of an individual in an organizations hierarchy, accompanied by increased responsibilities, enhanced status, and usually with increased income, though not always so. On being promoted, the promoters duties and responsibilities increase, and the higher one goes in an organization the greater the implications of the individuals decisions on the viability of the enterprise. After promotion, an individuals duties and

responsibilities usually becomes qualitatively different from those of this earlier job. The following are the objectives of promotion: 1. It is recognition of a job well done by an employee. 2. It is a device to retain and reward and employee for his years of service to the company. 3. It is to increase individual and organizational effectiveness. 4. It is to promote a sense of job satisfaction in the employee. 23

5. It is to build loyalty, morale and a sense of belongingness in the employee. 6. It is to impress upon others that opportunities are open to them also in the organization, if they perform well. An internal mobility system also needs as supportive information system to make it viable. It is desirable to have a central, maintain a detailed inventory of the skills of all employees and coordinate all information promo -table posts available, posts vacant, number of employees on transfer, permanent and temporary posts. When making internal mobility decisions, organizations tend to place emphasis on their objectives, filling job vacancies, eliminating employee surpluses, correcting behavioral problems, etc. Promotion maintains organizational effectiveness through maintenance of employee moral and favorable attitudes towards the organization. Demotions frequently used as from of disciplinary action since it represents loss of status and earning. Transfers are required in the process of organization job requirements, job rotations and filling in absenteeism, separations and termination, such as discharge and dismissal, from a part of the outward mobility of an organization.


A number of studies on the identification of training needs in India are available. Some of them deal with the general framework while others are specific company based studies. For training activity to be meaningful, Dayal (1970a) suggests that a detailed study of jobs and skill analysis is absolutely necessary. The training, thus, imparted would help the employee to adjust to their job requirements. As far as the supervisory category is concerned. Sundaram (19709) points out that the training needs for supervisors can be identified through careful observation of their work which is indicative of poor performance, low production, high cost, poor product quality, high scrap, spoilage, wastage, accidents, absenteeism, and turnover. The day-to-day complaints and grievances also form useful sources for identifying their training needs. Given that supervisors are the first contact point for the workers. Ghosh (1984) stresses the need for behavioral inputs in any training programme organized for managers. Srinivasan (1977) recommends that their training programmes should focus on corporate planning, organizational development, and personnel management. Bhatia (1981) sees a shift from knowledge to attitude as the main objective of training. He identifies three areas of training- technical skills and knowledge, knowledge of organization and external systems, and conceptual and interpersonal skills. He suggests that the emphasis on these three must vary according to the level of the employee. The workers training should focus on technical skills and knowledge followed by conceptual and interpersonal skills, and knowledge of 25

organization and external systems. In the case of supervisors, conceptual and interpersonal skills should be emphasized followed by technical skills and knowledge, and knowledge of organisation and external environment. As far as managers are concerned, the sequence is the same as that for supervisors except that the order of knowledge of organization and external environment and technical skills and

knowledge is interchanged. Seth (1984) administered a 720item questionnaire on 119 personnel managers. The cluster analysis revealed personnel managers to be more employee oriented; able to recognize the utility of group processes, and having fait in workers ability to take initiative and handle

responsibility. On the basis of results. Seth suggested that training for personnel managers should be directed towards attitudes and beliefs underlying managerial philosophy and their inter relatedness. As far as identifying training needs by the company is concerned, Glaxo Laboratories considers the following factors. 1. Level and rapidity of technological and administrative changes 2. Level of individual and group performance. 3. Changing organizational structure 4. Perceived organizational imbalances. At the individual level, the person himself identifies the need for training and records it or the appraise discusses the individuals training needs in view of this deficiencies on the job. Since Glaxo uses the MBO system, this process helps a great deal in making training useful to both the employees and the organisation (lawande, 1980) 26

Studies on the identification of training needs thus emphasise not only the organisational analysis but job and individual role analysis as well. It is also useful to note that many studies emphasise the need for training in human resources management. Johnson (1967) suggests that clues for training needs can also come from a number of written sources. He lists 17 sources for identifying training needs. Some of them are highlighted below. 1. Articles: Articles published in journals or magazines often indicate individual companys experiences with personnel utilizations and the ways organizations improve productivity. Such individual experiences could be a good source of learning from the experiences of others. 2. Books: Knowledge in training and development is increasing at a faster speed today than before. Many books are published every year on training and they provide useful sources in learning newer techniques developed in identifying training needs. 3. Case studies: In an attempt to find solutions to specific problems people often show gaps in understanding. These can become useful themes for training. 4. Companies: All organizations in organizations provide useful data for preparing people to not only face such situations but learn to avoid them in future. 5. Crisis: Crisis situations in organizations provide useful data for preparing people to not only face such situations but learn to avoid them in future.



Factual data: Factual information such aspects as absenteeism, wastage, turnover, machine breakdown, sales, and the like also open avenues to identify what can possibly be done to improve upon them.


Grievances : Formal grievances are important sources to identify training needs.


Reports: Often reports submitted by many departments provide useful clues on what is lacking or what should be reinforced.


Rumours and grapevine: Taken seriously, they provide useful feedback on the total activity of an organisation and may often identify gaps in various areas of organizational functioning.

10. Suggestions: A number of organisations are very particular about suggestions and take them very seriously. Since suggestions have a base in experience they provide useful clues for training needs. A more direct approach for identifying training needs was used by Kanitkar etc. al.(1994). Instead of going to HRM department, they approached section heads and senior managers of 73 milk unions associated with National Dairy Development Board. Their study revealed five contents of training that were identified by a very large majority of respondents. These were cost consciousness, loss control, marketing, sanitation and hygiene, and operations and maintenance of utilities. Who needs what kind of training was the focus of a study by Singh (1998). In a study of 92 Anganwadi workers, they found that the need for training correlated inversely with age and in service training. In


other words those who were older did not feel ten needs for training and if offered in service they did not want to go through it. However the need for training correlated significantly and positively with education, years of experience, communication skill, job satisfaction, knowledge level and attitude towards integrated Child Development Service. Scheme. Mayo and DuBois (1987) cite eight criteria for including a task in a training course. Think about how you would apply these criteria to a task area that you teach (e.g., performance appraisals,. processing, project management, etc.) Criteria for selecting a Training task 1. The percentage of job incumbents who actually perform the tasks 2. The percentage of total work time that job incumbents spend on the task. 3. How critical the task is. 4. The among of delay that can be tolerated between the time when the need for performance of the task becomes evident and the time when actual performance must begin. 5. The frequency with which the task is performed. 6. The difficulty or complexity of the task. 7. The probability of deficient performance of the task on the part of job incumbents. 8. How soon the task must be performed after a person is assigned to a job that involves it. World


Finally, the selection of training objectives may hinge on ones under standing of adult learning needs.


The significance of the study on training and development by the new researchers has increased due to rapidly changing technology and work culture in industrial environment due to an increasingly skilled workforce and very competitive global marketing. Training is very much essential to upgrade skills of employees in this scenario, for the development of self as well as the organization. Thus, study on Training and Development is extremely important as it reveals and identifies the lacunas in the training policy and the areas where the organization can improve for the betterment of the organization as well as the industry.


The objective of my study is to examine the training and development process being followed by Amtek auto Ltd by Honing up identified functional skill areas of personnel, for more effective contribution to the organization. Providing platforms for professional growth and exploration leading to overall improved organizational health and quality of life. Developing human resources in consonance with broader corporate horizon and long range vision of the organization. This will be done on the basis of four parameters which forms the basis of the questionnaire1. Purpose of training- What is the purpose of training at Amtek auto Ltd. 2. Identify training needs- How will the training needs be identified 3. Administration set up for training-What is the set up like 4. Effectiveness-How effective is the system This analysis will be based solely on the perception of individuals who have gone through this process. The outcome will depict whether difference in perception exists between two levels of employees or not.




Amtek Group is a leading international manufacturer of automotive components and assemblies with production facilities located strategically across North America, Europe & Asia. The Group's extensive manufacturing capabilities encompass Sub assemblies, Iron, Gravity & Aluminium Castings, Forgings, Complex Machining & Ring Gears Flywheel Assembly.

Amtek Group was established in year 1985 with the incorporation of the flagship company, Amtek Auto Limited. Since then, it has grown rapidly to emerge as a frontrunner in the global automotive component industry through a number of strategic acquisitions across Asia, Europe and North America, production levels enhancement by technological upgrades and product segment rationalization measures. $ 1billion global automotive components manufacturer 34 manufacturing facilities across North America, Europe & Asia

Global auto components supplier with proven capabilities in Forging Iron Casting & Ductile Aluminum Casting and Gravity Die Casting Machini Extensive product portfolio with a range of highly engineered components Preferred OEM supplier for Motorcycles Passenger cars Light Commercial Vehicles Heavy Commercial Vehicles Agricultural Equipment Heavy Earth Moving Equipment


Management at Amtek
The senior management at Amtek has a long and distinguished experience in handling large-scale automotive manufacturing operations. It has been successful in meeting the ever-increasing demands of the global automotive giants in terms of product quality, development, delivery and cost control while improving the company's profitability and ensuring a consistent growth for the last nearly two decades. The senior management at Amtek is as follows:

Arvind Dham , Chairman

Group Chairman & Managing Director, Mr. Dham is a professionally qualified, self-made industrialist. A recipient of "Udyog Patra" award from the Government of India in the year 1992, he has distinguished experience in setting up and managing large-scale automotive manufacturing operations.

Avijit Banerjee - Director

Mr. Avijit Banerjee is a graduate in Mechanical Engineering with over 35 years of experience in Forging, Steel & Auto Component industry. Having established and managed several forges, he is a pioneer in bringing precision forging technology to India. He has worked and traveled extensively all over the world in connection with metal forming technology and establishing business partnerships.

Gautam Malhotra, JMD

Mr. Gautam Malhotra is an MBA from Manchester Business School currently responsible for setting up a Greenfield foundry in Rajasthan, India. He is also a core member of the M&A and Integration, IT Systems and Lean Six Sigma initiatives within the Group.

DS Malik- Managing Director

Mr. D.S. Malik is a Mechanical Engineer, from Pilani and a Business management graduate. He has over 30 years of experience in Projects and Operations with companies like DCM, Piaggio, Eicher, Escorts and now Amtek. He started his career as a management consultant and then got into the Auto Industry. He has a rich experience in setting up and operations of farm tractor 35

manufacturing plants, engines and scooter/ motorcycle manufacturing facilities, auto ancillary business like shock absorbers, engine and transmission components manufacturing, setting up and operating several plants for domestic and overseas customers.

Derek Benton, Group Finance Director - Overseas Operations

Derek Benton is a qualified accountant and has extensive experience as a Finance Director in manufacturing industry. He has experience in the automotive, aerospace and power generation sectors working for Hawker Siddeley, GEC and Lucas. Derek is currently based in the UK Corporate Office of Amtek

John Flintham, CEO - Overseas Operations

John Flintham is a Mechanical Engineer by education and prior to joining Amtek he has had a distinguished career in the global automotive industry. He is also the former CEO of the Triplex Group - a leading automotive components manufacturing group of UK. John is currently based at the UK Corporate office of Amtek

Phil Smith, MD & CEO - Group Ring Gear Manufacturing

Phil Smith is a Mechanical Engineer by education and prior to joining Amtek he has had a distinguished career in the leading automotive components manufacturing companies in the UK


Amtek History

Established a new manufacturing facility at Sanaswadi, Pune (India) for Forging, Casting and Machining

Set up a new machining facility at Dharuhera (India)

MPT Magna India Ltd (India) (JV with Magna Powertrain for manufacturing Fractured Connecting Rod Modules) Large scale Aluminum High Pressure Die Casting facility at Ranjangaon, Pune (India)

Acquisition of Hallberg Guss Aluminum, an Aluminium Casting facility at UK

Took over Zelter GmbH (Germany), one of the largest manufacturers of Turbo Charger Housing in the world Amtek Tekfor Automotive Ltd (India) (JV with Neumayer Tekfor for manufacturing one and two piece flex plates)


Acquired UK based Sigmacast Iron Ltd Set up a Ring Gears facility Amtek Gears Inc (USA)

Took over Letchworth (UK) based GWK Group Ltd., known for complex machining and high level module assembly Acquired UKs largest manufacturer of Ring Gears and Flywheels Lloyds Brierly Hill Ltd.

Acquired Midwest Mfg, a US based ring gears manufacturer

Ahmednagar Forgings (India) was taken over

Established an Iron Casting facility at Bhiwadi (India)


Acquisition of auto component manufacturing firm, Wesman Halverscheidt Forgings (India)

Indsil Auto components Coimbatore (India), a fully automated foundry with machining facilities, was taken over

Amtek Siccardi, Manesar (India) (JV with Ateliers de Siccardi for Crankshaft manufacturing)

A new Machining unit was set up at Gurgaon (India)


Benda Amtek Ltd Gurgaon (India) (JV with Benda Kogyo Japan for Flywheel Ring Gears manufacturing)

Established a Machining unit at Gurgaon (India)

Initiation of forging operations at Gurgaon, India

Start of manufacturing at the Machining facility based at Sohna, India



. We aspire to share collaborative & trustworthy relationship with our employees, customers and stakeholders . Our continuous aim is to focus on caring and retaining our people by developing values and potential through continuous learning and organization development activities. Amtek is a Cohesive & Dynamic Organization, where people enjoy functional autonomy resulting in consistent growth of the organization


The Human Resources team will lead by example, working to build a culture that drives high-energy committed professionals, who understand the relevance of continuous improvement and customer service for every position, to develop Amtek Organization as a recognized employer of choice


Our Vision & Mission

We aspire to be the most preferred and reliable provider of automotive components & supplies globally, with an unflinching commitment towards technological excellence.

Amtek Group seeks to create value for all its stakeholders by providing high value environmental friendly products and services constantly innovating and ensuring timely supply of quality products at competitive prices setting standards of excellence through global benchmarking maintaining ethical standards




Our value proposition rests on the following key pillars that form the foundation of excellence throughout our organisation:

Customer focus Openness & Transparency Commitment to excellence Team spirit Learning Organisation Commitment to Society & Environment


Our Commitment to Quality :

Drive continual improvement of products and services by building quality into all processes throughout the organisation Achieve enhanced customer satisfaction and world-class quality through stringent quality systems that comply with quality standards like TS 16949 and ISO14001 Exceed global manufacturing benchmarks through systematic deployment of Lean and Six Sigma strategy Promote quality across functions and businesses via Amtek Business Excellence Programme (ABEP) Encourage quality down the line through development of a Supply Chain network using a Supplier Technical Assistance (STA) group

Our Quality Conviction:


Product & Services

Amtek product portfolio consists of an extensive range of components for 2-3 wheelers, Cars,Tractors, LCV, HCV and Stationary engines. The major categories of components manufactured are Connecting Rod Assemblies, Flywheel Ring Gears and Assembly, Steering Knuckles, Suspension and Steering Arms, CV joints, Crankshaft Assemblies, Torque Links.
Groups wide range of product portfolio is backed by in-house Design & Development facilities. Highest level of quality is ensured for all its products and services through processes governed by Lean and Six Sigma methodology.

Product Portfolio

Amtek Group Major Business area

Crankshaft Complex Machining Connecting Rod Assy.

Steel Forgings

SG and Gray Iron Castings

Gear Shift Forks


Product Portfolio
o o o o o o o o o o Cylinder Block & Head Transmission Housings Brake Carriers & Caliper Trumpet casings Crankshafts Intake and Exhaust Manifolds Flywheels & Flywheel Housings Turbo Charger Bell Housings Linkshafts o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Connecting rods & Caps Crankshafts & Camshafts Steering Levers Gear shifter forks Sector gears & shafts Front Impact Beams Drive Shafts Spindlers Hubs & Flanges Transmission Components Steering Parts Pistons Propeller Fork Shafts Stub Axle Front Axle Beam Front & Rear Axle Shaft




Amtek Auto Limited recently won the best investor of the year award 2008 UK Trade & Investment. Adjudged Best Performing Vendor
Technology group Machine Parts Maruti Suzuki (1994-95)

Won Supplier of the Year Award

TVS Motors Ltd to Amtek Bhopal(2002-03) Forging and Casting group from Honda Motor Cycles & Scooters India Ltd to Amtek Bhopal(2005-06) Honda Motor Cycles Scooters India Ltd (2005-06 & 2006-07) to Amtek Bhopal

Declared ET- Best Emerging Company of the Year

Prestigious ET- Best Emerging Company of the Year 2006 at The Economic Times Awards For Corporate Excellence



This modern manufacturing facility is engaged in the machining of a variety of large and medium sized automotive components. It was established in the year 2006 at Dharuhera and is serving major OEM suppliers. The plant is equipped with CNC equipment, flex machining systems and fully automotive lines with processes governed by six sigma.

TS-16949 ISO-14001

Ring Gear Flywheel Ring Gears Assembly & Auto Components Box type casting components


Sampling Technique A sample size of 40 was taken, which consisted of 14 employees who were senior managers and above and 20 employees who were of the level senior officers to assistant managers Primary Questionnaire - A questionnaire was designed and administered to the training incharge professionals, and employees drawn from various levels and various departments in the organization. Internal Information regarding the training policies and procedures was also obtained through personal discussions with trainers, senior managers and assistant managers. Secondary This involved extensive research on Krishnas databases. Training/HRD manuals, company reports, house journal records etc. Latest books and magazines on HRD

The Questionnaire The questionnaire consisted of 9 questions which were a combination of multiple and open ended questions. 50

The topic was such that it required vast and thorough study necessitating complete enumeration of the organization and analysis of several issues that considerable time which was a major limiting factor. Collecting information from people during the working hours was also critical. Besides this, the issue of confidentiality was a tough obstacle to conquer. But finally persuasion won and the study was completed with a degree of comprehensiveness.



Training and Development (T&D) at ATL is classified for two categories of employees: New Recruits and Others. Currently, the T&D process is evolving and undergoing many changes. This document provides the current process as it exists as well as the new process as it is envisaged by the Corporate T&D group.
Process As It Exists Today I. New Recruits: New recruits go through an Induction programme Future Requirement if Different -sameSystem provide should ATL to Give

Classroom Training exists for groups joining simultaneously (e.g. In Mkt. Currently)


Linkage from Recr. Module Introduction routing to be provided by the system Recording of Indusction programmes and attendees Recording of Training Details for each attendee Drawing up Introduction list from recruitment module Recording of Introduction and attendees Recording of Training Details for each attendee

Sample Programme schedule Position chart Recording Format Recording Format

Recording Format Recording Format


II. Other Employees: Training Needs Analysis There are two kinds of training needs that get generated for all employees Those that arise from the Appraisal (Appraisal Trng needs) (Detailed after next bullet) Those that arise from Business Needs (Business Trng. Needs) Only in Marketing at present. Needs analysed jointly by Corp. Trng. Group and Marketing Appraisal Training Needs Analysis The appraiser at the end of the appraisal session, completes the Identification of Training Needs form. HoD collects and sends these forms to Corp. HR Corp. HR copies each form onto an ISO format and sends it back to the appraiser for signatures Appraiser sends it back to Corp. HR duly signed Corp. HR collates and sorts the training needs.

The appraiser should complete

System to provide data from previous cycle training need identified and training programmes attended,

Sample Training Needs Sample Training Needs

Appraisal Format ISO Formats

the ISO form, which could replace the Identification of Training Needs Form

Action plan generated, completed and rated


Automatic collation needs and planning out of training batches for each subjects

Format for collation Format for deciding on batches (e.g. Not more than x number from a location, grouped by grades/locatio ns etc.) Calendar format Nomination format

Normination HR decides on nomination of employees across the company for

To be done by HOD, based on training calendar and list of persons with similar

Nomination list to be generated by system highlighting training completed


Training Programmes, based on training needs generated in the appraisal. HR sends the nominees names to respective HODs and letters to nominees Training Session Training programme Held Feedback from Trainee obtained Action plan follow through after 3 months Following records updated: Training Record Training Card

needs, both to provided by HR


against budget, past year training data. System to generate letter Sample Letter

HR to send the nomination letters, addressed to the employee, to be handed over by the HOD. -same-same-same-same-same-same-same-

Complication of feedback Average feedback scores of faculty, faculty record updation system trigger and mails to be sent out Snapshot history to be stored??

Feedback format Action plant format Action plan follow through format

Generation of Training Reports Does not exist at present

Number of training days attended by given employee against given budget: Of 2 days per employee in plants 7 days per employee in Mkt. 2 days per employee in Corp. Number of training days completed by give unit/location/departm ent/group against budget. Number of training days completed by company as a whole against budget. -same-

System to generate all reports

Training record format Training Card format Report format to be provided





Vendor Selection The vendor for training programes can be either a company or a faculty member. In case of a company, the Concerned faculty members profile is sought In all cases faculty is first given a pilot programme If average rating in feedback sheet is 4.2 or avove for normal programmes (or 3.5 for confrontational, lab type programmes), faculty is finalized. Parallel Process 2. Internal Faculty (Trainer) Selection There is a Train the Trainer programme which results in a certification process at theend, for all internal faculty



System crosscheck Profile template??

to against

Profile format

-sameFaculty card and faculty record to be created, similar to Training card and training record. Initiate and maintain company and faculty record 2 Formats



Maintain records of internal trainers and prompt/suggest names while compiling programme batches

Certification format



To create on enabling climate that continuously identity, nurtures and utilize the capabilities of employees. To develop the capacity of each employee as an individual To develop the capacity of each employee in relation his/her present job/role. To develop the capacity future job/role To develop a mutually supporting relationship between each employee and his/her supervision. To develop team spirit and effective functioning of every subsystem of the organization. To develop overall health and self reasoning capabilities in the organization. The goals of HRD system at ATL are realized through various sub systems practiced on the company. They are as follows: Performance appraisal Suggestion scheme Training of each employee in his/ her expected


Awards Grievance procedure for the employees Incentive and reward scheme Employee participation Communication policies Socio cultural activities Employee welfare and quality of work life

Training and Development Keeping in view the principle of Right person for the management position, ATL take adequate care while selecting the employee. Merit is always recognized and given weight age. To meet the demands of competition, high premium is attached to training activities. Training Objectives High premium is placed on training and development activities in the organization keeping in view the following objectives To achieve systematic integration of training in the organizations mission. To upgrade skills, abilities and capabilities of the employees. To establish a distinctive work culture in the organization. 57

To meet the organizations need for success, better performance and growth.

To prepare employees the job meant for them while on first application, on transfer or on promotion and impact to them, the required skills and knowledge.

To assist

the employees to function more effectively in their to the latest concepts, that would be

present positions by exposing them

information, techniques and developing the skills required in the particular fields.

ATL is relentlessly trying to materialize these objectives to the fullest extent TRAINING SET UP Main thrust areas of training Management training in house External programs Overseas programs Training of trainees Pre employee training scheme Apprentrenship training Vocation training coming from other institutions


Other training programs

Training policy Formulation of training policy Training and development function Responsibility of Training and development


GENERAL Q. No 1. Are you a new employee or a long standing employee of the company? Ans. Yes



Q.No 2. How long have you been in your present job? Ans. 0-2 Years 6-10 Years 5 18 3-5 Years above 10 Years 12 5

Q. No 3. Do you have a duty statement for your job? Ans. Yes 37 No 3

Q. No 4. Is your job accurately described in the duty statement? Ans. Yes 37 No 3

Q. No 5. Is duties which are no longer part of your job can be deleted form your duty statement? Ans. JOB ANALYSIS Q. No 6 Are there tasks you regularly perform that are critical to carrying out you job effectively. Ans. Yes 2 No 38 Yes 40 No


Q. No 7. Describe the type of equipment you are required to use (for example, keyboard machinery, tools of trade, etc.) Ans. Machine Computer 07 15 Automatic Others 14 4

Q. No 8. Do you require a high degree of technical knowledge for your job? Ans. Yes 27 No 13

Q. No 9. How do your work? Please circle Ans. Alone 8 Part of a team 32

Q. No 10 If you work as part of a team, do you perform the same of different work to members of your team? Ans. Generally Sometime 7 7 Occasionally Rarely 22 4

Q. No 11. To what extent does you job require you to work closely with other people, such a customer, clients or people in you own organization? Please tick Ans. Very little 5 Moderately 29 A lot 6

TRAINING NEEDS Q. No 12. To perform you job: - what training do you still need (either on the job or a formal course) to perform your current job competently. Ans. Engineer Behavior 21 7 Computer Others 9 3


Q. No 13. To perform other jobs in the organization: - What training or experience would be required. Ans. Machine operation Occupational Health 21 7 Negotiation skill Others 3 9

RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING Q. No. 14 How many training have your attended with in the last three year? (This will help identify if any training sessions have been missed or if any refresher training is required.) Ans. 0-2 Years 5-7 Years 4 25 3-5 Years above 7 years 4 7

Q. No 15. What training or skill have you acquired outside your current job that may be relevant to the wider organization? Ans. ..




25 20 15 10 5 0 Series1 YES 16 NO 24



18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 5 12 18


5 .03-05 Years .6-10 Years ABOVE 10 Years

0-2 Years


Q. NO 03. Job Responsibility is there or not. If it is then they are bounded by some guidelines.

40 30 No's of Person 20 10 0 No's

YES 37

NO 3

Q. NO 04. Job Responsibility is clear or training need is there for the clearity of the job responsblity.

40 30 No's of Pe rson 20 10 0 No's

YES 37

NO 3


Q. No 05. This gives the information about something not required / not important in job responsinbilities.

40 30 No's of Person 20 10 0 No's

YES 40

NO 0

Q. No 06. Effeciency and effectiveness of the condidate can be judge. Training need for the job can be judge.






Others , 4

Machine, 07

Computer, 15

Automatic , 14

Q. No. 08. Lackness of technical skills & Training needs identification for technical skills.



No's of persons




73.68% of senior officers to assistant managers felt that training needs are identified through performance appraisal whereas only 2.6.31% of senior managers and above felt the same. 66.63% of senior officers to assistant managers felt that discussion with superiors is a method of identifying training needs whereas 36.36% of senior managers and above felt the same. 40% of senior officer to assistant managers felt that training needs are identified by the training department and 60% of senior managers and above felt the same. Hence a significant difference in perception exists between the two levels when it comes to identifying training needs. The analysis also shows that none of the employees at both the felt that after job rotation was a means of identifying training needs. Q. No 09. Team Sprit can be identified by this question.


Part a Team


No's of persons


Q. No 10. Can be a part of Team or not can be identified.



7 No's of persons





Q. No 11. The spirit of team player can be identified by the responses.

A lot, 6

Very Little, 5

Moderately, 29

Q. No 12. Need Identification for different kinds of trainings can be identified. Somebody need technical but some need the behavior



25 21 20 No of 15 Persons 10 9 7 3

5 0 Engineer Computer Behaviour

Others No of Persons


Q. No 13. Along with the technical training, the behavioral need also identified.

25 20 15 No of Persons 10 5 0
O pe ra ti on


7 3

N eg ot ia ti on


M ac hi

O cc

up at i

on al H

O th er

ea lt h

Sk ill

No of Persons

Q. No 14. Training programmes attended are directly proportional to the experience.



20 25 15



5 7 0 4 0-2 Years 4 .03-05 Years .5-7 Years Above 7 Years

Q.No.15 As the response for this question following responses are obtained. Some need computer training along with their work. Some need behavior trainings. Some demand for the training of the discipline. Some demanded for the negotiation skills. Some require the mechanical skills training. Some require the training related to the quality. Some ask for the training to increasing the productivity.


1. Training should be given according to the job profile of the employees. e.g. Managers should be made to attend more of team oriented workshops since they are required to work in teams. Whereas an officer level employee needs to enhance his computer skills. Hence training programmes have to be designed accordingly. 2. Since a few employees felt that the training they had undergone in the last two years didnt help them at all, a feedback session should be made mandatory after every training session, in order to

ascertain whether the above idea behind the training programme had been accomplished or not. 3. Every now and then the employees should be encouraged to identify their own training needs which would enhance employee morale and also shift the burden from the superior to the employee him self. 4. Rather than just investing money on various training programmes, Amtek auto Ltd.. should also concentrate on regular training evaluation.



The training needs analysis is the base for all training activities in Amtek auto Ltd.. Efforts at all levels of the organisation are made to identify and meet the training needs of the employees. Priority is given to need base training which can have direct impact on the employees performance and improve work efficiency. The training and

development department takes into consideration the annual appraisal report of the employees for analysing the training needs. The training programmes usually provided valuable inputs to the trainees for performing present as well as future roles effectively. Also, at the end of each training session trainers impressions about the session should be recorded in a register which gives a weight into the trainees performance during the training period. The timely feedback of both the trainers and the trainees helps in taking corrective action for future training programmes. This analysis has depicted what common training and development techniques are adopted by from and has provided an insight into the training and development system followed by Amtek auto Ltd.. But still much more can be done. Suitable strategies can be framed to develop a team of highly motivated and committed work force so that the company can make inroads into the international markets and

build a favourable image there. The quest for improvement should never end as it is an endless journey.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Amtek auto Ltd. Induction Book Mirza S. Saiyadain Human Resource Management 2nd Edition

Publishers Tata McGraw-Hill. V.K. Dubey Management of Training and Development and Motivation Skills.


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