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Polytechnic University of the Philippines Bataan Campus Mariveles, Bataan Final Examination in Facilitating Learning (Re-Test) Name: ___________________________________________________Course/Year:___________Date:____________Score:______________

Test I. True or False

__________1.Student diversity contributes to cognitive development. __________2.One factor that brings about student diversity is thinking/learning styles. __________3.The First necessary ingredient for modelling to occur is motivation. __________4.Reinforcement is the key element in Skinners S-R theory. __________5.Positive reinforcer increases response. __________6.The word handicap have the same meaning as Disability. __________7.The idea of insight learning was 1st developed by Wolfgang Kohler. __________8.Learning/thinking styles refers to the preferred way individual process information. __________9.Punishment is a negative reinforcer. __________10.Intrapersonal (Self-Smart) is learning through interaction with others.

Test II. Matching type:

1. Learning and Thinking Styles 2. Behaviorism 3. Theory of Connectionism 4. Law of Effect 5. Law of Exercise 6. Law of Readiness 7. Operant Conditioning 8. Purposive Behaviorism 9. Social Learning Theory 10. Gestalt theory 11. Law of Proximity 12. Law of Similarity 13. Law of Closure 14. Law of Good Continuation 15. Law of Good Pragnanz

a. Applying to another situation what was previously learned b. cognitive theoretical framework that focuses on how knowledge enters and retrieved from our memory c. Elements that are closer together will be perceived as a coherent object. d. Elements that look similar will be perceived as a part of the same form. e. Emphasized the importance of sensory wholes and the dynamic nature of visual perception f. Explains that we attribute our successes or failures or others events to several factors g. focus of this theory is on intellectual skills h. Focuses on the learning that occurs within a social context i. Focuses on the study of observable and measurable behaviour j. important aspect of learning was not reinforcement, but the coordination of thinking k. classification of learning objectives within education l. Knowledge is hierarchically organized m. Learning is a result of change in overt behaviour n. Learning is an active process o. Learning takes place when a strong connection or bond between stimulus and response is formed

16. Law of Figure/ Ground 17. Insight Learning 18. Information Processing 19. Constructivism Theory 20. Discovery learning

p. refer to the preferred way an individual process information q. referred to as a Sign learning Theory r. Refers to obtaining knowledge for oneself s. states that Practice makes perfect t. states that a connection between a stimulus response is strengthened when the consequence is positive (reward) and weakened when the consequence is negative (punishment).

21. Meaningful Verbal Learning 22. Conditions of learning 23. Transfer of Learning 24. Bloom's Taxonomy 25. Attribution Theory

u. states that the more readiness the learner has to respond to a stimulus, the stronger will be the bond between them v. Stimulus will be organized into as a good figure (symmetry, simplicity, regularity) as possible w. Tendency to continue contours whenever the elements of the pattern establish an implied direction x. Tendency to fill the gaps or close the figures we perceive y. tendency to pay attention and perceive things in the foreground first

Test III. Multiple Choice:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. According to W.J.Brenan, it is the market place for ideas. a. a. a. a. a. Classroom B.F. Skinner J.B. Watson Listeners Intelligence b. School b. Ivan Pavlov c. Library c. John Watson He experimented on bell, meat and dog. He experimented on Albert. b. B.F. Skinner c. A. Bandura b. Talkers b. Talents c. Kinesthetic Learners c. Learning styles They are learners who prefer to talk and discuss It is an ability or set of abilities that allows a person to solve problems Those with special needs related to cognitive abilities, behaviour, social functioning, physical and social impairments, emotional disturbances, and giftedness. a. 7. 8. 9. a. a. a. a. Handicap Kurt Kofka Decay General Gestalt b. Disability c. Exceptional Learner c. B.F. Skinner c. Forgetting c. Conditional d. Reinforcement He wrote Walden Two and Science and Human Behavior b. Wolfgang Kohler b. Interference b. Declarative b. Cognitive It is an inability to retrieve or access information when needed It is a factual knowlwdge.

10. It means form or configuration.

Dignity consists not in possessing honours but the consciousness of deserving them. Aristotle Good Luck!!!

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