What Is The Relevance of Mechanics To Electrical Engineering?

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What is the relevance of Mechanics to Electrical Engineering?

First of all, electrical engineering is a branch of engineering which deals with the applications of electricity and the study of electricity itself. To obtain a Bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering, an individual must undergo to all various subjects related to the said field within a minimum of five (5) years. Subjects dealing with electrical engineering are Engineering Mathematics especially Calculus, Physics (Newtonian Physics per se) and all the subjects that deals with the involvement and applications of electricity. Newtonian physics deals with classical mechanics especially forces.

Basically, engineering mechanics is very similar to Newtonian physics. The main subjects of this course are forces and motion of an object, whether the said object or particle is a rigid or deformable. When an object is said to be a rigid body, this means that an object can withstand a very high value of force without bending or breaking it while a deformable body is already self explanatory.

In engineering mechanics, there are basically three sub branches that an engineering must study and they are statics and dynamics of rigid bodies, and strength of materials. In statics, the object is to be at rest or in equilibrium moving in a constant speed then in dynamics, the object is always in motion and in strength of materials, the object undergoes a sudden change in its physical appearance and properties like its temperature, elasticity, area and so on and so forth. An electrical engineer must have a knowledge of these three sub types since electrical engineers deal with the design and creation of power transmission lines, electric motors, shafts and to new a few. There are many significant reasons why engineering mechanics is studied by an engineering student. First, an engineering application of this concept is determining the tensions of up to three cables under load. For example, the forces exerted on each cable of a hoist lifting an object or of guy wires restraining a hot air balloon to the ground. A guy wire or simply guy is a tensioned cable designed to add stability to structures. Roof antennas are sometimes held up by three guy - wires. On some very high structures flight-safety markers on the guys themselves are necessary. Shorter, sturdier structures, such as electrical utility poles, may require only a single guy-wire to offset the pull of the electrical wires. Second, the robot that you see uses EE and also mechanics. Also in motors there are torque and horsepower calculations and another thing that may be needed is friction which may be considered mechanics depending on what youre considering mechanics. By the way, electric motors produce torque and horsepower.

So in conclusion, all electrical technology, in order to be put to any practical use, will need a mechanical design to implement it. The electric motor is a prime example. So is the electric light bulb. So is the computer.


Submitted by: Jerome V. Estrada 3 EE B Submitted to: Prof. Roque

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