Thesun 2009-04-27 Page08 Anc Scores 66pct Victory

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8 theSun | MONDAY APRIL 27 2009

news without borders

Iceland’s left set to

rule after election win
REYKJAVIK: Iceland’s interim leftist govern- The Independence Party was in power in the
ment won a resounding victory in Saturday’s early 1990s when the financial markets were
snap general election as voters punished the deregulated, and has been held accountable
conservative party they blame for the country’s for the current crisis that has seen thousands of
economic meltdown seven months ago. people lose their jobs and their savings.
The conservative Independence Party, in Benediktsson said he had heard the message
power for 18 years until it resigned in January from voters loud and clear.
amid massive protests over the financial crisis “It has been clear that we have lost trust and
that brought Iceland to the brink of bankruptcy, we are just beginning to gain that back,” he said
looked set to post its worst-ever election as the first results trickled in.
score. Iceland was one of the most prosperous
“We lost this time but we will win again later,” countries in the world until late last year, when
party leader Bjarni Benediktsson said, conceding the collapse of the country’s oversized financial
defeat as estimates showed his party taking just sector had a devastating impact. The state had
22.9% of votes, far below its previous all-time to take control of the country’s three major
low of 27% from 1987. banks in October, as the local currency, the
The pro-EU Social Democratic Party, headed Icelandic krona, lost 44% of its value.
by Prime Minister Johanna Sigurdardottir, was Unemployment, which was virtually non-ex-
credited with 31.6% of votes, and its junior istent before the crisis, is expected to hit 10% by
coalition partner, the Left Green Movement, was the end of this year as the economy shrinks by
seen taking 20.5%, according to the estimates 10%, and inflation is currently hovering around
based on 45% of ballots counted. 15%. The country received a US$2.1billion (RM7.6
Those numbers would give the coalition an billion) bailout from the International Monetary
absolute majority of 52.1%, a first for a left-wing Fund in November, and some early signs of a
government. recovery have been observed. – AFP

ANC scores
66% victory easily won the super-majority in 2004 polls,
but this year two smaller parties emerged as
the voice of the opposition, taking some votes
away from the ANC as well as from a slate of
minor parties.
The opposition Democratic Alliance (DA)
PRETORIA: Jacob Zuma (pix) on Saturday won 67 seats, while the upstart Congress of
claimed victory for his ruling ANC party in the People or COPE, which broke away from
South Africa’s general election, vowing to the ANC late last year, landed third with 30
steer a steady course in government while seats.
working to unite the nation. Zuma, 67, is now The ANC also swept provincial elections,
certain to become president when the new except for the Western Cape which is home
parliament convenes early next month to to the city of Cape Town, where the DA won
elect the head of state, after the African Na- a majority for the first time.
tional Congress (ANC) scored a 66% victory But the ANC edged out the Zulu-dominated
in Wednesday’s polls. Inkatha Freedom Party in its stronghold of
Speaking on national television shortly KwaZulu-Natal province, winning a majority
after the final results were announced, Zuma for the first time in the region that was the
hailed the victory but also sought to reassure scene of deadly inter-party clashes ahead of
his critics. the first democratic elections after the end of
“Working together we will make it a apartheid in 1994.
government for all South Africans,” he said. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown
“The new president of the republic will be a called Zuma on Friday to congratulate him on
president for all, and he will work to unite the his party’s success, a spokesman in London
country. “We do not take the mandate lightly, said, to show “our desire to work closely with
we know the responsibility that comes with the new South African government.”
it,” the ANC leader said. The African Union declared the election
“Our resounding victory is a celebration free and fair in a preliminary report com-
for people from all walks of life,” he said. “We mending the smooth conduct of the elections.
are very grateful and humbled by the decisive Zuma has experienced massive support from
mandate we have received from millions of his mainly working-class devotees who hope
South Africans.” the populist leader is their ticket to improved
The ANC scooped 264 seats in the 400- public services and more jobs.
member parliament, just two seats shy of the But he will take power as the economy is
two-thirds super-majority needed to amend sliding into a recession, with thousands of
the constitution at will. workers in the crucial mining industry laid
The former liberation movement had off earlier this year. – AFP

Susilo’s party backs his re-election

JAKARTA: Thunderous cheers and applause candidate. We will continue to work hard to attain
greeted Indonesian President Susilo Bambang success,” he said.
Yudhoyono yesterday when he announced his Susilo has not named possible running mates
readiness to seek a second term in the July presi- but said he was receiving a “flood” of nominees
dential polls. from political and non-political parties.
“Now, we are making coalition talks. When the “Nineteen names have come in. All are good
time comes, we will announce who will be the names and it will make my job easier to choose
vice-presidential candidate who will pair up with the best vice-presidential candidate to run with
me as the nominated presidential candidate,” presidential candidate from Democrat,” he said.
Susilo said. Megawati Sukarnoputri, the daughter of inde-
Over 500 party leaders from his Democratic pendence hero Sukarno, is seen as Yudhoyono’s
Party clad in blue cheered, “long live SBY, long biggest rival in the presidential race but lags well
live Democrats” when party chairman Hadi Utomo behind the liberal ex-general in opinion polls.
voiced their support for the incumbent, who is Leaders of her Democratic Party of Struggle
popularly known by his initials. nominated her Saturday as their presidential can-
“We maintain to nominate SBY again and didate and gave her the mandate to pick a running
this forum sought his readiness as presidential mate, Antara news agency reported. – AFP

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