Debunkers and Skeptics - Their Hidden Agenda

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International Guild of Occult Sciences College and Research Society

Skeptics and Debunkers Their Hidden Agenda

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International Guild of Occult Sciences

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Debunking and Skepticism, what is it all about?

As I always state, it is shocking how misinformed the occultist and the general public are. As an occultist, it is critical to see past the fraudulent occult bullshit, the old world thinking that has done nothing for occultism but, bring it into the hands of the Illuminati. It is important to seek the truth in everything. Not for moral reasons alone but, because the truth works, it gives you the empowerments you seek. Living in a lie, that you believe from another because, you think they know. Is not the way of an occult scientist, it is the path of a fool. Most occultists are fools, following their Dark Masters on paths that lead to nothing but failure. But it is a sexy path, of sex, drugs, Satan and all kinds of promised powers. That never manifest less you join their criminal earthly pursuits. Understanding the true nature of wisdom is detailed in the text Wisdom and How to Obtain it. This is the single most important text in occult history. Understanding the nature of information, knowledge and wisdom, along with how to obtain ultimate wisdom, is the key to everything in life, on any level. Without this deep understanding of the nature of information, you are doomed to the abyss of worthless nothingness produced by the Controllers. Knowing the secrets to break this control and find truth, makes you a dangerous person. As well, IGOS knows, for knowing these secrets and sharing them, IGOS is attacked on all levels

One of the biggest Illuminati puppets are the Debunkers and Skeptic organizations. These are more than just groups, this is an INDUSTRY! There are books, meetings, magazines, conventions and professional websites all dedicated to disproving the so-called paranormal. It is interesting that so few so-called paranormal organizations have any of the products and services the Debunkers do. In general there are few metaphysical groups that have a following or any funding whatsoever. Yet, a disproving or disbelieving group is well funded with professional books, magazines and websites. When the organizations they are attacking have little to nothing. What are Skeptics so afraid of? What is this inner satanic need to destroy everything spiritual?

What is Debunking?
Debunking is stating with self-anointed authority, anything of a spiritual nature is stupid. And those people believing it are ignorant morons with little to no intelligent. This is all stated from their know it all, pseudoscientific understandings. They go even further, by seeking out paranormal practitioners and try to prove them as frauds, because nothing paranormal is possible. If this was not enough, Skeptics go even further to analyze why a person would be mentally ill enough, to believe in this non-sense! Why investigate if anything paranormal is real, lets suppress all those that are interested in the paranormal and label them as insane!

While investigating criminal fraud, those pretending to have powers to obtain money, may be a worthy idea, it should be part of a police investigation. It should not be conducted by a bunch of pseudoscientists working with their own hidden agendas. Most stage magicians deliberately mislead their audiences into believing they have super natural powers. These same Tricksters are the first to attack anyone that may have paranormal abilities. Of course, this is because they are their competition. To think Stage Magicians, Illusionists, have the skill to judge anything, but may be stage magic, is very silly indeed. These people will be known in this article as, Tricksters. Like prostitutes call their customers Tricks, so are you to the Tricksters. You are nothing more than a stooge to be tricked for their profit. Who are the skeptics to think they can appoint themselves investigators of the paranormal, when this area of study, skepticism and the paranormal, are not a branch of regular science. Some may say parapsychology is the scientific study of this whole area. Yes, to some extent, this is true. But, little funding is available in this area and few new studies are being done. Most were completed 20-30 years ago. It is difficult to get regular scientific funding, none the less, paranormal research funding. Yet, Skeptics and Debunkers have put together large professional organizations that are well funded. None of the Skeptics or Tricksters have a degree in parapsychology either. But, they still appoint themselves as experts in the field, much like the Inquisitors from medieval times. Even the Inquisitors were trained and had official support from the Church, unlike modern day debunkers.

Debunkers are not seeking truth. They are seeking to destroy any new thought or new approaches to everything in life. This includes new approaches in regular science. They are fundamentalists fighting for a corrupt scientific system that funds them. They are not interested in facts, they are interested in seeing that the, 500 year old Newtonian corporate understanding of science is furthered. These people are the old corrupt, church of the past, seeking to sustain the dogma of the controlled scientific world. With the huge number of frauds in the established scientific world, these organizations seek out the paranormal as their main target. Overlooking, their masters frauds that cost the world billions each year, and offer nothing for the price paid. Like, Antidepressants, that the Drug Companies, now admit, do not work and never had. Yet, science approved them as effective and safe. Good old science, you can sure count on them.

Who are the leading Skeptics and Debunkers

There are several leaders in the anti-paranormal Debunker camp. The main fool is the Amazing Randi or as he will be known in this article, the Unamazing Randi. For years he has been going after people like Uri Geller and anyone else that may be competition for Tricksters. Mr. Unamazing is a Canadian, 84 years old, when this article was written. He is only 5 feet tall and is an omitted homosexual. It is hard to trace his career because of his age. He was most active in the late 1940s and 1950s in Asia (odd place?), a time and place that it is difficult to obtain information on. He claims to have appeared on numerous Tonight Shows with Johnny Carson (Carson was a Trickster himself), had a radio show in New York, hosted TV specials, worked with Alice Cooper and hosted several TV specials. I guess we can assume he is a quality Trickster, even those it is hard to verify all these activities. Stage Magic did not become real popular until the 1980s and 1990s with the likes of David Copperfield and others, making them very wealthy. It is very big business now-a- days, as well, with Penn and Teller and Criss Angel bringing in tens of millions a year.

I understand a book is being written on Mr. Unamazing by Penn Jillette of Penn and Teller fame, a person that seems to worship him and credits Penn and Tellers career to him. It was a show done by Unamazing that started Penn on his career in magic, as well as his style of stage performance. Penn created a show that tells how a stage trick was actually done, with a twist at the end.

Mr. Un-Amazing dropped out of school at the age of 17 and never educated himself formally further. It is interesting to note, that almost all Tricksters, have no formal education past high school. Randi never even graduated High School. I find it interesting that these Tricksters are so in awe of science, without having formal education in the sciences. I assume they would state they are self-educated and often consult educated real scientists, or do they consult other Tricksters only! It is important to understand, these Tricksters have zero qualifications to test anyone outside of their field of Stage Magic. Yet, they are always there, pushing their views on the paranormal and with the case of Penn and Teller, all kinds of other things as well. This is all based on them being Tricksters, nothing more qualifies them. Talk about frauds!

Here is a list of Tricksters and their educational record.

Teller High School teacher of Latin and English. I assume this required a College Degree. Criss Angel High School

Penn Jillette of Penn and Teller High School and Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College. Yes, Clown College.

Unamazing Randi Dropped out of High School at 17.

David Copperfield Fordham University, NY, unsure if he graduated.

Unamazing, likes to be known as a Conjurer, I find this occult terminology, an interesting word to label yourself with. Most Stage Magicians like the term Illusionist or Mentalist. While this is not wholly unusual of a term for a Trickster to use, I find its double meaning in occult circles, of calling upon Demons, interesting, to say the least. It is interesting that Tricksters use all kinds of deceptive occult terminology to describe their tricks. Terminology that in itself is fraudulent, giving the impression that their tricks are based in real occultism or witchcraft. This is all part of the Tricksters fraud, perpetrated on the general public. When it suits them, for the purpose of making money, to defraud the public, this is okay, because it is all part of the show. You know, giving the public false impressions of you. They only stop short of directly stating they have supernatural powers. But, it is okay for them to do this.

As written already, Unamazing has no formal education whatsoever. Since he thinks all metaphysical people are nuts or frauds, he has little to no contact with any sincere paranormal researchers or practitioners. His only qualification to investigate the paranormal is that he is a Trickster of minor fame and success. He operates a non-profit research facility known as the, James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF). It is a non-profit organization founded in 1996 by magician and skeptic James Randi. The JREF's mission includes educating the public and the media on the dangers of accepting unproven claims, and to support research into paranormal claims in controlled scientific experimental conditions. The organization administers the One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge, which offers a prize of one million U.S. dollars, which it will pay out to anyone who can demonstrate a supernatural or paranormal ability under agreed-upon scientific testing criteria. The JREF also maintains a legal defense fund to assist persons who are attacked as a result of their investigations and criticism of people who make paranormal claims. (this is pretty interesting, like a funded skeptic mafia) The organization is funded through member contributions, grants, and conferences. The JREF website publishes a blog at, which includes the latest JREF news and information, as well as information on paranormal claimants.

Randi takes a yearly salary of $195,000 plus expenses, pretty nice money for investigating the paranormal. A lot more than he could make as a Stage Trickster, I am sure a qualified scientist could be hired for that salary.

The following is from -----'s-Data-vBarrett/moneytrail.htm A very interesting Debunker following web site.. JREF reported, in 2010, a total income of $999,971.00 and a Total Asset claim of $1,736,101. Under the JREF IRS Form 990 Summary Section - Box One, asking for the organization's mission by the IRS, JREF answers "To promote critical thinking and investigate claims of the paranormal." All of the Form 990 for JREF is not available to the public. One section called the Form Schedule B, a list of, with addresses and amounts, of contributors who individually contribute over $5,000 is not there. So, recently, I sent an email to James Randi asking: "I've been busy, or I would have contacted you before. But, now that I have you - could you send me a copy of your JREF IRS Form 990 Schedule B for calendar years 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010? That info would be helpful for my series on you. We've discussed the issue of your funding sources before, as I recall.

Randi was rude in his response to my polite inquiry. He said:""Timmie": It's difficult to believe that you - whoever you are - can be so deluded... But I've dealt with woo-woos before, so I shouldn't be surprised. Be sure to scan the index of my next book. You won't be there..." Why would I want to see his Form 990 Schedule Bs for five years? Well (raise your eyebrows here), JREF took in $368,445 in ANONYMOUS contributions in 2010. Huh? Multiply that by the six years I was asking for and we get a total of $2,216,670, allegedly, "To promote critical thinking and investigate claims of the paranormal?" Who in the world would give a basically uneducated mini-twerp like James Randi $2,216,670 to promote critical thinking or investigate the paranormal, or for any reason? More, Randi takes a $195,000, per year, salary out of this organization. Now you see why I want to see those Schedule Bs. What's REALLY going on here? This is very interesting information and quite telling. Debunking is big business and very profitable. Millions are given to this has been magician to investigate spoon-benders and psychics! Something is very wrong here. I will detail what is really happening here, later in this article. To add insult to injury, Mr. Unamazing obtained a grant for $500,000 from the MacArthur Foundation Fellowship for his investigations of the claims of Uri Geller and TV "faith healers." MacArthur made his money or stole it from the people through banking and insurance. The two biggest criminal scams there are. With all the worthy causes that need funds, it gives half a million to a Trickster.

I wonder who is behind the MacArthur Foundation and how Randi was given a grant, a full ten years before he even opened his educational foundation. It appears someone is really afraid of Spoon-Benders and Faith Healers that they want to give half a million to expose these terrible threats to society. Let us all forget about the hundreds of thousands that die from worthless poison drugs, toxic foods and the myriad other organized corporation supplied killers. Let us get those Spoon-Benders, before they destroy the world!! Or is there a bigger story behind all this? Randi has zero qualifications to investigate anything or anyone. No formal education and no metaphysical training. He is a self-taught, selfanointed investigative Trickster and nothing more. He is backed with a great deal of funding. Randi attacks everything that is not the status quo or institutional controlled science. He seeks not truth but, keeping those in power, to stay in power, no matter whether it is right or wrong.

His so-called million dollar offer is a sham. He chooses whom he will investigate and how the investigation is conducted. If the situation was reversed, Randi would demand any investigation be conducted by a neutral third party, not an organization that has a million dollars to lose. That is a pretty strong conflict of interest. I call it down right FRAUD! A million dollars is offered from a secret donor because, everyone knows that it will never be awarded. After all Randi has the final say in that matter, not real science, but Randi himself. How much more can it be rigged in his favor. He stated in his book flim-flam that this award would always be offered, even after his death by his estate. Another misrepresentation he made, it is no longer offered.

Randi loves to attack people on a personal level. As such, I will include information about his shady past. What is interesting here is that his personal life further reveals whom, he really is and what he is connected to. It fits the classic mold. Randi may have been successful on a certain level. If you look at the recent Tricksters of the last 15-20 years, he might as well been performing at childrens birthday parties. People like Criss Angel, Penn and Teller and David Copperfield have made tens of millions of dollars. David Copperfield is the most successful single performer in history. Selling 40 million tickets and grossing over 4 Billion dollars! WOW! That is how popular and big Stage Magic is. Magic is super big business and we cannot have a few psychics coming in and taking money away from the Tricksters.

Net worth of Tricksters :::: Penn and Teller Teller has an estimated net worth of $175 million dollars. Penn Jillette - $175 million. Criss Angel 18 million. David Copperfield -- $180 million.

While it is hard to prove the above figures, it gives you a general idea how BIG the business of Stage Magic is.

Randi does not seem to even make the list of wealthy Tricksters. I guess he has to settle for his 200K a year, plus perks.

His live-in-lover is a man of questionable honor. Hes been sought after by the FBI for identity theft. It also appears he ran a fake Psychic show for many years with the assist of Randi. If true, it shows the real fraud Randi is. A bottom of the barrel fraud, managing a fake psychic for the personal benefits and profits he obtained. This homosexual underground has direct contact with and works for the Illuminati/Controllers. This is a large part of the lifestyle of the Controllers. Randi only now, had the courage to admit he is gay, after viewing a movie about gay politician Harvey Milk, coming out at 84, after being exposed, as a homosexual in dirty sex phone calls, including asking for oral sex in a car, from a random caller, is not much of a personal admission. Randi likes to talk about the personal practices of those he attacks, but nothing about his own sorted life. He appears to be one of those confused homosexuals that assists conservative science. This science believes homosexuality is evil. He works, in some part, for those that wish to murder him. Even those, a lot of the core Controllers are homosexual. The reason for this is, they are easily blackmailed and controlled in general. Feeding their strong sexual compulsions that need to be filled in secret relationships, where the general public will not find out. Fulfilling these needs and then blackmailing them. It is an old complicated story. Is this the best Unamazing can do to find a mate? A fraud Trickster of the lowest level, I guess you take what you can get.

Unamazing and Uri Geller

This is an article and I cannot go into all the details here. I could easily write a book on this entire subject. As with everything in this article, I am covering the basics to inform the reader of what is actually happening, without the reader having to go into all the long boring details that few are interested in. We live in a sound bite information reality.

Unamazing and Geller is a long story. I have read two of Randis books, the one on Geller alone and other about so-called frauds in general. I am not a fan of Uri Geller. I never really liked him personally. Those, most people that meet him, state he has great charisma. I am sure he does. All great entertainers do. To make a long story short, I think Geller has power but, also uses magic tricks. He openly states that he needs to make a living, just like all of us. To produce night after night, day after day and make a living requires the skill of a Trickster. He has a right to do this, combine both. Tricksters like Criss Angel, Blaine and Copperfield, ALL like to give the illusion of having great occult powers. Copperfield goes so far as to buy rare occult texts and even meet with the Los Angeles Golden Dawn Order. He may have a small interest in occultism but, this was done mostly to give the illusion of him having great occult powers.

He is also a person known as one of the cheapest entertainers in the world and very difficult to work with. His ego, like Unamazing is out of control, so I am told by many that have worked with him. Criss Angel who recently worked with Geller on a TV show, never missed a chance to attack Geller and psychics. Angel like most Tricksters likes to be thought of as having great occult power, while it suits them for their stage act, is quick to attack psychics when it makes them look superior, in the public eye. Angel on the news show 60 minutes or 48 hours did one of the oldest, cheapest magic tricks known. Something you can buy at a local magic shop for a few dollars, for a reporter. After doing this he stated and I quote this is NOT a trick, it is what I do. Meaning, he has occult powers, it is not magic or illusion, it is my personal power.

David Blaine is another one that wants to appear to have occult powers. When he did his TV special showing levitation, he claimed to not use camera tricks. When revealed what really happened, like in all of TV, it was highly staged by him, with footage added to make things look very different from what really happened on street. If you tell people this is all a trick, this is something to fool you and you are easily fooled, with the appearance of occult power taken away, it just does not have the same impact. It is easy to fool people it is all part of the Tricksters game. Basically using a 2 dollar magic trick to make you look like a jerk, for their personal profit. When Blaine was popular, I got many calls asking about him and his occult powers.

Many people wanting to seek him out, and gain his assistance, all because of his implied great occult powers. If we can believe past reports about Randi working with his lover in a fake psychic show, he did the same. But, without appearances of occult power, with direct statements it was occult power. Penn and Teller base their act on exposing basic magic and giving you a twist at the end of the trick. They admit it is trickery. But is there not, an hidden understanding, that something occult is going on here? I guess it is how you look at their performance. They say it is all staged. But is it really? Tricksters feed off this illusion. It is what makes them rich. Randis book on Geller is really funny. While trashing Geller and trying to explain everything Geller faked, he makes him out as a miracle man, a Trickster of fantastic abilities that can fool just about everyone. A person with almost supernatural strength to bend objects, there is so much speculation on what he did, that it becomes funny.

It starts to make sense. It is Randi and his Trickster friends that have really defrauded the public with the appearance of occult powers. Entertainers like Geller are just using a new angle, the angle of real power. I do not see Geller being much different than all the other Tricksters. Geller had the balls to pull it off directly. While others do exactly the same, under the guise of entertainment, now that is really showmanship supreme! While others are off buying rare occult books and meeting Golden Dawn practitioners, Geller is in the front line doing it. Few Tricksters could pull off the act Geller did, I think this bothered the Tricksters the most. They were out done by this psychic, at their own game.

I have read all of Gellers books, purchased his kits, games and jewelry. They are fun items. Why not make psychic powers a fun aspect of life, something to experiment with, to explore. Geller did more for the occult sciences than any other occultist in history. Not on the base satanic level, like most modern and ancient occultists have done with dark grimoires and magical traditions. The fact that the occult sciences have been so oppressed in the past and are being deeply oppressed now, proves the power of the occult sciences. If the occult sciences are such a joke, worthless practices of a fool, why would the Controllers bother with oppressing it?

It is because of the great power of the occult sciences that the Controllers fear it getting to the masses. With Internet availability, anyone can access occult knowledge for free. Geller opened up the possibility of a new reality of endless possibilities. Not the limited world view so-called science offers. Unlike a traditional magic show that is nothing but tricks, a Geller show could be real. It gives a person belief in themselves and human potentials. Not the dark failure of modern science.

His books are filled with love. They offer insights into our inner being. Whether the entertainer Geller is real or not, is not the point. It is about thinking beyond the common. It is about what the amazing human consciousness can be trained to do.

Science in the early 1970s laughed at visualization and that the mind could assist the healing process. Yet, science is so perverted, that it gives placebos to dying patients to see if the brain has an effect on an illness. Meaning those getting placebo many times get the same or better effects than those taking the actual drug. Science now believes that mental attitude and visualization has an effect on the healing process. Some studies show cancer cells being destroyed through thought alone. As usual medical science is confused and lost on its path to healing, if that was the path to begin with. So what is it, is the brain powerful or worthless?

The human race has lost its way, seeking tools, computers and devices to solve our problems. Feeling technology is superior to human consciousness. Not understanding it is human consciousness that created the technology. People like Unamazing bring us into the stinking dark realm of failure, a scientific world of failure. This failure they see as their god, since they reject any spirituality whatsoever. Their scientific world view has produced NOTHING!! The failure of science to solve our basic needs in life is APALLING! The two areas all human life requires to survive and grow are Energy and Healing. The great science our Skeptics and Debunkers love so much has failed to solves these problems. Giving mankind their only solution, BURN IT! No matter the situation burning is what science offers us. Have cancer, burn it with radiation, need energy, burn oil, wood etc. It is all the same, burn it is the answer. Few know that Nuclear Power plants work on the same principle. Use highly toxic refined uranium to burn water that creates steam to power electric turbines. Not a very advanced scientific method. These same scientists want to tell us about brain power and consciousness? I think not! Science is nothing more than an educated guess. The foundations of science are still based on 500 year old Newtonian theories. In modern times these belief hinder advancement, believing only foundation science enslaves you into a world of nothingness.

The old stays and the new stepped on like a bug. Science more than any other field, is an exclusive club of egoists, seeking to be a movie stars in their own fields. New ideas means they were wrong for all those years of study and research, making them look like fools. Fighting to believe the old makes them a genius. After all, years of traditional study and brain washing must be good for something. To add to this sick mental state even more, all research done in the world is funded by corporations. So-called grants or government funding, all comes with a catch. That catch is to find out what we want you to find out. Ever wonder why you hear that certain products having amazing new uses or benefits? Recently cinnamon has been found to assist controlling blood sugar. Wonder who funded the study that found that out? Of course, the Cinnamon industry funded it. This is the case with all research done in the scientific world. It is all corrupt. This holds true for the drug industry as well. Something Unamazing supports whole heartedly.

Recently the Drug companies were found guilty of selling worthless drugs that they knew were worthless. The drugs were Anti-depressants. The Drug Companies knew they did not work but, the market was huge for a product that would help with this problem. They sold $6 Billion worth of fraudulent drugs. They even produced well researched scientific testing reports stating the value of such drugs. All completed by Scientists of the highest skills. This is out and out criminal fraud that Bankers and Corporations are known for, yet get away with. The Drug Company was fined 2 Billion for this crime and nothing more. I would say that is a pretty good profit on a totally fake drug, even with the discount taken by the corrupt legal system. I could on and on, this is the scientific community Randi and his bought off pals, believe so much in.

Debunker Scientists
It is interesting how easy it is to fool a human being, how our sight sees little and mind it manipulated by a few simple orchestrated tricks. I even like Penn and Teller and all their TV shows, like Bullshit. What we do need to fully understand is. These people are nothing more than entertainers, usually very poorly educated. Why go to college if you are going into the entertainment field, it will have little value, in most fields of entertainment. Unless you are involved in the technical aspect of entertainment like, producing, editing etc. Even with their lack of regular education. Tricksters seem to think they are experts in a whole number of fields. Penn and Teller want to tell us about Religion, Drugs, Mother Teresa, Martial Arts and Sex, to name just a few of the Bullshit shows they made. It appears Penn, the Clown College educated Trickster, is an expert on everything, especially the paranormal. His mentor and close friend Unamazing, along with most Tricksters somehow think that they are experts in metaphysics. Since they trick you with sometimes similar to real occultism, they believe they are experts. Because they have no basic abilities whatsoever, they believe psychic abilities are all non-sense. Look I can make the average person look like a complete fool with a simple trick. This means nothing can really happen. This kind of uneducated low mentality thinking seems to impress the public, especially when followed up with them doing Tricks that are similar. How does imitating something invalidate it?

I have an imitation Pace Maker here to regulate your heart. It even costs only 10% of the cost of a real device. Want this one instead, or the real one? We all have bought knock off products of some kind or another, only to find out what cheap junk they really are. In Stage Magic Tricks, if we were able to look at the devices used from different angles, while in use, we would see the fraud first hand. The fact that a Trick or copy of some type of feat makes the feat worthless is stupid thinking at its highest. It certainly is not scientific in any manner whatsoever. Hiding behind fake science or bad science is even more insulting. The problem with Penn is that he states his opinion as fact, when it is only opinion. I am a strong believer in bringing facts to the general public. The problem is, when you make statements about things that you know very little about, it makes you look like a fool, as well it ends any credibility you had to start with. The highly oppressed field of the paranormal is difficult to study. It requires a super advanced consciousness based in REAL science to understand. It takes an open mind of highly trained person, not the mind of a Trickster. The best the Debunkers have to offer are Tricksters. But, there is a dirty secret behind this attack on the paranormal. It is further pushed on the public by highly funded, Skeptic organizations. At least these groups have some classically educated people in them. The Skeptics are dangerous because of their professional appearance. After listening to them carefully, they can easily be unmasked as the front men of the Controllers.

The main Skeptic seen all over the media is Michael Shermer. At least he is educated, even if from a Mormon University initially, and later from a more conventional California state college. He does have a Masters Degree. A huge supporter of Randi and all the Debunkers, Shermer has an interesting background. He was a radical born again Christian whom preached door-to-door for seven years and attended the Mormon University of Pepperdine in Southern California. Like most people that lose their parents or loved ones, it appears that he ran to faith to answer the age old question, why? When little was answered with religion, he developed the hateful view, that nothing is real. He then dedicated his life to attacking anything that corrupt science does not believe in. It appears that Shermer has never married and I have never seen a ring on his finger to denote he is. Of course, he could be. Could sexually have played a part in his decision to reject Christianity? It is unknown if this is case. He is a strong supporter of gay rights. At the end of this article is a video link to a presentation he made to the New York Skeptic group. It is pretty much what he states as Septic policy anytime he speaks. It gives you an excellent view into this Skeptic Organization and their strange viewpoints based on the science they want to believe in. There is real science, fake science and Debunkers and Skeptics science, they want to believe in or are paid to believe in.

One of the most fascinating statements he makes is. That there is no paranormal, it is either in the natural world or it does not exist. I completely agree with this. What he further states, if the paranormal becomes proven it is no longer paranormal, it is part of the natural world and we can now explain it. Oh, is this a cop out! So, if science proves something, it is not paranormal but science, even if in the past it was considered paranormal. This was just science doing its job. Meaning any paranormal conformation is just another well done job by traditional science. I never said it was not real, just that science could not explain it until now. This is the typical double speak of the Illuminati Controllers, giving you both sides and claiming whatever suits them in public. He also clearly states that, people who believe in paranormal phenomenon or think they have experienced it, in some manner are known to have a schizophrenic personality disorder. Can you believe this! Not only does he cover his poor understanding of metaphysics, he further goes to say, if his science is right and there is no paranormal, you believing in it, makes you INSANE!! It is very important to listen to what Debunkers are really stating. Not the vulgar general words they are using but, the bigger meaning they are expressing. Not only is there no spiritual or metaphysical realities, those wanting to believe in them or experiencing them are mentally ill. These types of people should be put on psychiatric drugs or in mental institutions. I am sure they consider these beliefs a danger to the public. This is scary to think of, but it is what these people truly believe. The ultimate mind police at work, these so-called investigators, need to be taken seriously. They have a dark hidden agenda.

Shermer, plays all the Illuminati games with his double speak. He comes out against conservative Republicans like, George Bush. Then, buy his explanation of what happened on 911. Here is the Double Speak again, the Republicans are jerks but, they are right. He believes there is no such thing as a conspiracy because, someone would talk. You cannot keep it secret. This is because his friend, G. Gordon Liddy, agrees with him on this. Liddy, an ex- FBI agent is keeping all kinds of secrets, even after being out the FBI for over 20 years. What kind of a stupid statement is this. Secrets are kept and kept by millions forever. We still have secrets from World War 1 and the Civil War. Very little is ever released to the public. No matter the scientific evidence, Shermer and his kind will stay with general controlled opinion, calling it science. Hundreds of scientists have come out to state 911 is a fraud, building do not just fall straight down. None of the science of 911 makes sense, as told us even by the government scientists. Even with all the new evidence, with hundreds, if not thousands of scientists starting 911 was staged, Shermer, will not believe the Scientific Facts! He believes the facts he wants to believe or is told to believe. He certainly, as the old joke states, does not want to be confused with the facts. Like with the entire field of metaphysics, with the thousands of studies done in the field, with successful results, he refuses to recognize these and only recognizes the research done by scientists he agrees with. The usual selective knowledge game, these bought and paid for disinformation representatives pour out of their corrupt mouths.

Just as Randi, will never give away the million award. He will make sure of this by, never testing anyone that could pass the challenge. He further will make sure, the testing that he is charge of, will never allow success. Shermer will never believe any facts offered by anyone that he is not paid to support. He ignores thousands of research studies, thousands of experts, thousands of scientists, only believing what he chooses to believe. After all, he is trained Psychologist, that was a radical born again Christian that preached door-to-door for seven years, he knows that, you are all nuts! You are mentally ill, as his science tells us. Lets be clear, it is not science that supports him, it is his science that supports him. When he cannot understand it, it is all non-sense, as is the case with quantum physics, a scientific theory that he discounts as non-sense. It is really interesting to listen to him speak several times. The picture becomes very clear, he has an agenda that is not scientific, it is status quo, false science, used to enrich the Controllers. His biggest supporters and front line warriors are uneducated Clown College graduates or those that dropped out of High School. Some even completed High School, wow, they are getting smarter. They are not investigating, or seeking truth. They are destroying anything that is competition for themselves and business. These are the same people that would have burnt you at the stake, for believing the world was round. These are reincarnated Inquisitors, seeking false truths and enforcing wrong dogma for profit.

I already covered him somewhat. This big Baby Huey looking freak thinks he is a genius and never misses a chance to promote himself, recently appearing on three TV series, Dancing with the Stars and two editions of Celebrity Apprentice. Seeing Baby Huey dance was just an obscene stink, beyond understanding. But, he will do anything to make more money. His net worth of $175 million, I guess is just not enough. He acted like he did not know reality TV is really scripted TV. I thought he was so smart and had many years in show business yet, he did not know this? Or, did he really care, it being a top ten rated show for years drawing millions of viewers. It surely would help people become aware of his Las Vegas show. After that disgusting performance, Baby Huey decided to appear on Donald Trumps Celebrity Apprentice. Of course his true personality came out on this show. It is hard to hide on this type of show. The supreme rich arrogant Libertarian, I have mine, fuck you personality reared its ugly head. Of course, he knew everything and had the best ideas. Damn it, I went to Clown College, I know what I am doing. He was soon fired from the show only, to return in the first Celebrity Apprentice All Stars show. Here his entire personality changed! After seeing himself on TV as the arrogant jerk he is, he decided to trick the viewers into thinking he is just a nice guy that handled himself poorly the first time, coming off as a near saint this time, never speaking a bad word about anyone. This is the typical trickster con they are well known for.

Penn Jillette

Penn will do anything to make money. The first Apprentice he lost and stated it was fixed. Now, the show is pure as driven snow, it was never fixed, he was wrong. He was wrong on a lot of things! When it suits his money making plans, he showed tits and ass, cursed every other word and acted like the genius, he thinks he is, on his Bullshit TV show. Now, he wants mommy and daddy to bring the kitties to his Las Vegas show. Just to inform you about another really, Penn. All TV shows are fixed in one manner or another. May be you need to dust off that Clown College Degree and investigate really TV, or is that too close to home? I doubt you would ever have the courage to expose the real frauds of the world, like TV news coverage and the Reality TV scam. I am sure Trump is told by producers to keep certain people longer on the show than others because, it is better TV. The choosing of a winner on that show because Trump thinks them better, as a whole, it totally unfair. It show be based purely on money raised, as it is with the rest of the show. I think you need the help of a good psychic to inform you about the real world. I could on and on about Skeptic and Debunkers, explaining the frauds these investigators really are. Like the Myth Buster TV series experts that fund Unamazing. Two more uneducated no bodies that try to prove legends. There pseudoscience is a terrible disservice to the public. A British TV series doing the same type of show got completely different results than the American show. Is this Science or poor entertainment trying to act like science. This show has often put down metaphysical science, once doing a very bad experiment with pyramid energy.

Something others have proven time after time. One person has created electricity from pyramid energy to power a small light. Yes, nothing is real until these fools prove that they can make it real. That is real science, if youre a moron.

The Real Hidden Agenda

All these people work for the Controllers, otherwise known as the Illuminati that control everything. If they did not, they would not be successful, period. That is how the world works. If you do not understand this, you are poorly informed and nothing more than a pawn of the Controllers. They spout the company line about what is real and what is not based on what the Controllers tell them to do. Science has nothing to with it. What science are they stating is correct? The Corporate paid for science that comes from Universities, Government controlled science, common knowledge controlled science? It certainly is not science as known to Tesla, Keely and others. Of course, all that is not real. The only real science is the science that never solves any of mankinds problems. A science that wants us to burn coal and pump more oil, a Science that wants us to use expensive treatments to may be help you when sick, instead of a few dollars-worth of healing herbs. This is not an attack on the paranormal, faith healers and psychics. It is about supporting beliefs that there are no alternative methods that work.

As soon as the Oil Companies saw the great value of Solar Power, they bought all the companies manufacturing Solar Technology. That is not Capitalism. It is a monopoly system promoting the status quo of those in power to obtain greater profits, no matter the cost in human lives. These people work for the Controllers. The Skeptics and Debunkers are on the frontline to discredit anything alternative, especially alternative medicine. They get public support through exposing fake psychics and faith healers and bring this credibility to attacking alternative energy and medicine. This dirty little secret or hidden agenda is deeply hurting mankind and costing millions of lives yearly. They want to stop all forms of alternative energy and medicine. They are not interested in truth or furthering research, they are there to insure the profits for the huge corporations owned by the Illuminati Controllers. Randi has a group in his education foundation dedicated strictly to debunking alternative medicine. I would like to know how much money he takes from drug companies. Randi has also written in his new version of his book flim- flam how he is opposed to research into alternative and zero point energy. More diarrhea mouth, supporting the oil companies, why bother to educate yourself, after all I exposed Spoon -Benders and Faith Healers. I know everything! Me and my Clown College educated friends, know what science is. I even have a Skeptic friend that has a psychology degree. Psychology is a branch of science, it has little to do with actual science, it has more to do with the grey area of human consciousness and mental functioning. Far from the exact science, Mr. Shermer would like to think it is.

Whos watching the Skeptics and Debunkers?

As I have already stated, this is not about seeking truth, it is about attacking and destroying any free thought. It is about furthering an agenda of the darkest kind. On a personal level for those involved in this area of pursuit, it is an industry, their business, what they survive on and feed themselves and their family. This is true with all areas of life. People fight for what they know is wrong because, it is their life and lively hood. The Police are not interested legalizing marijuana, 70% of their business involves drugs. They will do whatever it takes to keep silly drug laws on the books. It is not about truth, it is about protecting your own screwed up occupation, no matter the harm to others. The Industry of the Skeptics and Debunkers pays very well. It is big business that involves grants, donations, book sales, TV series, movie production, educational services, magazine sales and much more. Millions of dollars are handed to these people every year. You think this makes them independent investigators, as so many people think they are? Only finding frauds and seeking the greater truth. This is how people think and occultists are no different. The misinformation and basic lack of proper education in all walks of life, and especially in occultism is shocking! Very few take the time to actually read about any subject matter in-depth. Getting their information from sources like YouTube and Facebook, sound bit learning, I call it.

We have lost the ability to concentrate. Everything is now a video game style of learning and acting. Instead of studying and practicing the occult sciences, many seek machines that claim to offer instant spells. These kind of stupid practices have doomed occultism to a comic book level of understanding, with no research ever completed in this new area. It is funny, users of this technology believe what the manufacturer and seller of this technology tell them works! That is really funny, after all McDonalds states its food is really good for you too! Once you are involved in a business that supports you, you are forced to do whatever it takes to further the agenda of that business. This is a sad fact of Capitalism in general. Few have the courage to go against the Industry they are involved in. This certainly is true of the Debunking Industry. Real science is based on independent investigation without even knowing what the investigation is about. Just doing procedures without the slightest knowledge of what you are seeking. This stops the investigator from affecting the end results. Do you think giving away a million dollars would influence you? Not only giving away a million dollars. But making your lifetime of investigations and beliefs proven to wrong. Would all that influence what results you make happen? It certainly would. None of those involved in this business have ever found a single area of alternative science valid. I think Skeptic Magazine found that magnetic fields appear to help healing but, I think that is the only positive statement they have made on alternative sciences.

I find it very interesting that Unamazing sets up testing for the paranormal under his conditions with him doing the entire testing process and him awarding the million dollars if successful. This is terrible science. It is loaded with conflict of interest. A real scientist would see this testing procedure as invalid. Since he thinks everyone is a fraud, why should I think that he is not a fraud himself? He is known Trickster that lies and fools people as a profession. I see no reason to trust any of the people involved in this corrupt industry. Do they have any paranormal supporters in their organization that assists with the testing? The answer is no. Do they have input from any believers in the paranormal? Here again, the answer is no. They would never work with such stupid people that believe in such non-sense. With a million dollars on the line, their entire industry, and reputation as well, all ready to be destroyed with a single proven case, I think there is no doubt what the outcome will be. No one will ever pass tests Unamazing personally conducts at his own Testing Institute, that he operates. Nor will there be positive results found by anyone that works for him or is involved with and profits from him, in one way or another. The Skeptics and Randi all work together and support each directly and indirectly. They are all on the same team working for the already known outcome. For one investigator to find results that conflict with the industries understandings, would bring ruin to the entire industry. Think of the infighting this would cause, it would mean the end to the entire industry. Just one single positive finding would mean that all investigations to come, would have no value whatsoever.

This is a very serious matter you need to fully understand. Their dark hidden agenda comes into full light, as you seek the truth about these types of organizations. Organizations that believe they are 100% correct cannot do proper research. It has been recently verified by REAL science that the observer influences the outcome of the experiment. This was done by watching electrons ( I think electrons, it could be something else) passing through openings make in a sheet. When watched, the electrons passed through two openings, when not watched they passed through only one. The observer was controlling the experiment. This is a proven fact that even Unamazing would agree with, I think. Of course, if he was present, he would use his observation powers to change the results, by intending different results. I believe he does this consciously all the time. Fixing, results to suit him. There is no way Skeptics, Debunkers and Tricksters should ever be trusted in a testing situation. They should be kept away from the testing process entirely, like they demand of the supporters of those being tested. I further state, they should not even be informed when testing is taking place, as well as be in another city, away from the testing site. What is good for the person being tested is good for those wanting the tests conducted. As well as having a huge personal and monetary stake involved in the process. THAT IS PLAIN PROPER SCIENCE. Something those that scream about science should have no problem with.

We also need to understand how evil these people are. It was not good enough to expose frauds directly. Unamazing wanted more, he set-up well-meaning scientists to frame and cheat, sending in frauds that misrepresented themselves as psychics. (this is fraud, he should be brought to court for this despicable action.) The long term effect of this is horrifying! No one in the scientific world wants to have their research questioned. To do so, means their career is over! If research you conduct is shown to be totally fraudulent, even if you were tricked, means that you no longer have any credibility whatsoever. Your professional life is over! Think about this and what that means to researching the paranormal in general. Who in their right mind would bother researching this area of science, when there will always be an aura of fraud, hanging over it. There already is little interest and almost no funding in this field. Why, would you put your career on the line, for such a discredited field? This is how evil and driven they are to destroy all alternative thought. This further proves, that the fox should not be guarding the hen house. This kind of trickery will be entered into all aspects of Debunkers activities. Proven cheaters and liars should never conduct any type of research whatsoever. I go so far to state, that I think Unamazing is using Illuminati Psychic training to interfere with and block positive paranormal results. He spent years performing in the orient. Could he have learned psychic techniques from the many occult scientists that were interested in his act? They would be very open to help train him based on his act. It would open him to knowledge, hidden from the average person.

We know from years of research that, most people can bend metal with psychic power alone. The military easily achieved this in their tests, as well as thousands of people attending bending parties held across the country, even to this day. We also know that psychic fields can be blocked and interfered with.

Few know that there is a metaphysical shield created around the planet earth, to stop the beings here from directly developing strong abilities that at one time were common among human beings. Now, it requires great dedication and formal training to obtain great abilities. A few are able to access the abilities anyway, but these are very few in number and usually cannot sustain these powers over time. There is a way to end all these discussions of what is real and what is not. I will cover this next.

How to Solve the Problem

It is easy to solve this problem of verification of abilities. Not only should it be done, it must be done. Proof of higher empowered states of consciousness must be verified. It is something we all need to develop as the Next Step of Occultism and the Next Step in Human Consciousness. Science has failed us, in both basic understanding and the horrible corrupt state science has fallen into. Looking at technology in modern times shows us a huge emptiness in value. Nothing created recently is really new. The only major advancement has been the Internet and Antibiotics. Antibiotics was a new discovery, computers and the Internet are nothing more than a new way to access the same information from the past. Now, instead of grabbing a physical encyclopedia, to access information, we do a search on the Net. The Net has changed the way things are learned and bought. But, in the end, it is still the same information and products we are buying. You do have a somewhat better selection, if you take the time to seek alternatives out.

The Cell Phone is nothing new. It has been around since the 1950s, now it is smaller and affordable for the masses. No matter what phone or tablets made available in the near future, it is still the same old technology, just smaller, portable and affordable. A phone is still phone. It does the same thing it did the day it was invented. Bring the voice of another to you, from a distance.

You can add any number of old technologies to that phone like, a camera, clock, phone book etc., these are still the same old technologies made easier to access. I saw my first Fax machine in 1969, it was amazing then, now it is thought of as common. People credit Steve Jobs with inventing portable music. I guess you never heard of the Walkman, which was basically just a tape player made smaller. Not much of a scientific break-through, those a great new way of using old technology. This is what science has come to, a great new way of using the same old technology. It has nothing to with new technology whatsoever. We are caught in using old technology in a new way. We have ignored the greatest technology of them all, the technology that created all other technology, THE HUMAN MIND! Society needs to focus on the human brain and consciousness systems of the human body to enhance human abilities to the highest level. We as a society need to venture into the realm that anything is possible, the realm of human consciousness. Why do certain autistic people have extraordinaire abilities? These abilities are superhuman in nature. Many of these people have had severe seizures as children. Something happened in the brain of these people that has allowed them to access abilities far beyond normal. If this happen on accident, why are we not able to reproduce this deliberately? This is one of millions, of proven scientific facts that science cannot explain or duplicate, what happened that allows these people to access areas of the brain normal people cannot?

For one thing, these people do not see the world as we see the world. Instead of seeing things in a straight, common scientific way like, seeing the number one as a regular number one, these people will see it as a color, shape or some pattern that the brain relates to better. This enabling the mind to recall and learn up to a thousand times faster. The memory these people have is far beyond even the Master Memory experts. If we all could have fantastic memories, learning would be a snap, we could work on becoming masters at our trade, instead of being stuck in learning basic principles. Memory is the key to all learning, those with excellent memories are those able to obtain the finest jobs. While there is more to learning than basic memory, all of societies testing are mostly based on it. Of course, this is just one area of needed research. The entire field of psychic empowerment, that cover a broad range from healing to locating missing people, are just a few of the many serious applications psychic empowerments could be used for.

An International Research Institute

We can go back and forth with Skeptics and alternative realities without achieving anything. Reading their articles, books and magazines does not solve the problem. It becomes just their opinion and little more. For every Debunker, a Scientist can be found to debunk the Debunkers. Around we go again. The Next Step in Human Consciousness cannot be left to Debunkers or those that claim, to have abilities. It is too great of a science to be left in confusion, like the Controllers want it to be. The dead headed, boring scientists that refuse to seek the ultimate technology need to be pushed aside. We need an International Institute of objective researchers to develop, test and document extraordinaire human abilities of all kinds. Researchers working with this Institute need to seek out those with extraordinaire abilities from around the world. They need to go to these people, generally test them, and if something is found, bring them back to the Institute. The people tested should have their expenses paid, along with a fee for their time paid. This is how serious research is conducted. Not in the Unamazing style, of hostile investigation. That approach achieves nothing but people refusing to be tested. This is the case with Unamazing now, many will not go through his predetermined testing process. I tell anyone thinking of going through his testing, not to.

A state-of-the-art Institute with all the proper equipment and highly designed protocols is what is needed. This meaning highly organized testing with the use of special rooms, lots of cameras and other sensing devices. Those administering the tests need to have a positive attitude to the extreme. Not only testing but, assisting the people being tested in any possible way to be successful, without faking or causing false or fraudulent results. In a proper camera recorded test, no faked results should be possible. It would all be on camera from multi-directions, with camera also on all testers, helpers and those being tested at all times. This simple low cost method of supervision, stops any fraud whatsoever, the cameras will catch everything. Stressing those being tested, looking down at them as nutters, crazy people or mentally ill, will gain nothing. If a person being tested wants to stand on their head and drink beer because, this helps them manifest their abilities, so be it. Let them do this and anything else they need to do, as long as it does not directly affect the results falsely. Like with most problems, there are always easy solutions the Controllers refuse to offer. After all, they certainly will never award a million dollars to anyone. Non-biased researchers without a huge conflict of interest are required in this type of work. This is how proper research is conducted. It is known as, Independent Research, that science is supposed to be all about. Because this area of research is so vital, so unusual and you are dealing with unusual people, a new approach to those being tested is a necessity. Again, NOT helped to produce false results but, helped to obtain REAL results without trickery. We are not testing a toaster here!

Those that use trickery will be caught on film and exposed for all to see. But, it must be made clear this is NOT the goal of the testing. The goal is to prove higher human abilities and consciousness. Not from a Controllers or Tricksters understanding but, from a real scientific understanding that cannot be refuted. The Controllers have and want to create a reality like in the movie The Matrix, where their machines control all of society for their personal benefit. If real science is used to verify higher human abilities, much of their plans are in danger. People thinking and manifesting for themselves, is very dangerous. Regular science is being forced to ignore higher human abilities in favor of the merging of man and machine. While this has value at one level, it is admitting that human consciousness is poor and unable to achieve what a machine can do. The joining of man and machine, known as the Singularity, is a crude way to start. Over time, it is guaranteed we will become slaves to this primitive technology. It will ultimately be base technology. The same technology offered to us today but, we will not control it whatsoever, it will control us. All because we refused to understand the perfect machine, human consciousness really is. If we listen to Skeptics, we are all just a stupid combination of chemicals and nothing more. It is time to move beyond primitive base science onto the next level of reality.

A reality based on primitive base science understandings but, with a completely new way of looking at these primitive foundations. The five hundred year old science foundation, just does not serve a modern society. Our future must be based in higher human consciousness not, just having machines do things for us. The amazing human machine is far superior to any machine that will ever be built. The level of possible human functioning is far beyond what a machine can do. We do not need machines to travel or even teleport with we can do this for ourselves. Consciousness can assist healing, give ourselves super strength and access brain centers now closed to us.

Of course, as is with everything in human reality, these inner obtainable abilities cannot be billed or taxed. The Controllers want to sell you technology not, help you develop your own. This IS, and what the Occult Sciences has always been about, self-empowerment. Giving you control over your life and not dependent on others. This is what the Controllers fear the most. Empowered people, thinking on their own, this is what the Controllers will stop, at all costs!

By having an International Institute specializing in higher human abilities, encouraging them, testing them, and most importantly developing them, we set into motion a science of developing human potentials to the highest possible levels, without limitations. I mean without, old world limited scientific thinking.

This will require a new breed of scientist that seeks the outer limits of known reality, and is not afraid to seek things only science fiction has dreamed of. This must be an credited, respected science that is embraced, not laughed at. It can be looked at like, a Caveman setting up a study group to build rockets and explore space! Old world science is stuck in them own corrupt reality that has achieved nothing. No energy solutions and no healing solutions, just expensive treatments for the rich. Next level science is the answer to all human problems we face now and will face in the future.

Final Understanding
There is a serious problem with frauds and sincere delusional people. Without a serious Institute to test individuals, this will continue, to the pleasure of the Controllers. For over 30 years, IGOS has met with and tested all kinds of people that claimed that had abilities. From Witches, Healers, Radionic practitioners and Ritual Workers, most have failed terribly. The only ones able to demonstrate abilities on a repeatable basis were Chi Gong Masters. All those with fancy expensive machines, those with direct connect to god all failed badly. But, this will all be revealed soon in a future article. The Debunkers and Skeptics with their frauds, placed in scientific research, have added a terrible negative aspect to the whole investigation. Their I believe in nothing attitude does zero to assist Next Level Science. Their beliefs are all based in out dated base science that has little value to a modern society. These people have no place in science or a role in a New Level Institute. Nor do New Age frauds that believe they have abilities and cannot produce the simplest results. IGOS has always walked the middle line in the occult sciences between, unlimited abilities and scientific practicalities.

This super rare higher understanding is what is needed for a new Institute, believers looking to prove next Level Consciousness abilities, without causing false results. To any professional researcher, only actual results have value.

I cannot image why someone would want to produce false results? Regardless, a properly designed testing system, will not allow any tests to manufactured or faked. It is all pretty easy to do and the cost is surprisingly low! If results are poor, we need to train people to obtain these higher abilities and continue searching for methods that can empower others. In military remote viewing practices, average people were able to remote view when properly trained. The better ones had natural abilities but, average military personnel were often used. It is interesting to note, that Militaries around the world have investigated higher consciousness abilities with good results. But here too, this is not the correct organization to study this area of science. We need a dedicated scientific organization that understands all aspects of this Next Level reality. Military and Medical uses will come as Next Level abilities are developed and proven.

It is time to leave failed science behind us, and seek a new way of thinking. If we apply failed scientific methods to finding the Next Level Reality, we will surely fail.

Einstein stated, We cannot solve problems using the same thinking that caused them, a true statement that applies to every problem in life. The hidden agenda of Debunkers and Skeptics are very clear. They do not attack worthless common scientific frauds, like banking frauds or any other common society frauds that affect all of society. Instead they work for failed worthless science of the status quo.

The real fraud here is supporting a scientific system that has achieved nothing. Further stealing from the general public and letting those without funds for their expensive medicines and drugs die. I guess this is okay with the Debunkers because, fraudulent science can produce fraudulent tests proving their drugs are safe and effective. Many times killing hundreds of thousands in process all based on their science. Where are the Skeptics in these situations? They are defending the Illuminati Corporate murders. After all, it is all based in common science. Thinking different from common approved science, is nothing more than mental illness. Those not understanding this should be placed in Mental Hospitals. Especially all those that do not believe the earth is flat, those crazy bastards!

A look into the mind of a leading skepticMichael Shermer at a New York City Skeptics meeting.

Copy and paste link below. bedded

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