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Skritz Crazesnout is a crazy scientist, even to Skaven standards. Most of his time he is experimenting with different substances with potential destructive power, or designing new weapons and engines for his own use. Skrtitz has experienced many an explosion in the face when a brew proved to be too unstable. Because of explosions and the constant static electricity he is enduring, hair is now permanently spiky, like a mad scientist should be. Skritz has learned many of his skills by spying on Clan Skyre and stealing their ideas. However, all of his inventions sprung out his own creativity and are slightly different from the ones of Clan Skyre, which basically means that his inventions backfire even more ferocious. Eventually Clan Skyre found out about his spying actions and tried to kill him for it. Luckily for Skritz an expedition was set out to the north under the lead of Zeek Warptaker. Skritz joined the expedition in order to be safe from clan Skyre and eventually joined Clan Zeek when it was formed. Now Skritz can keep on experimenting with his weapons, which he now also makes for Zeek Warptaker in exchange for his life. When on the battlefield, Skritz is trying out his latest inventions, often killing at least the same number of friends as foes, but incredibly enough always surviving himself. M 5 WS 3 BS 3 S T 3 3 W 2 I 4 A 1 LD 5 Skritz Crazesnout

Skritz Crazesnout is a level 1 Wizard, however he may be upgraded to a level 2 Wizard. He knows spells from the Skaven Spells of Ruin and can substitute one spell for Warp Lightning.

Scurry Away!, Strength In Numbers, Verminous Valour. Extreme Insanity: Skritz mind is a real mess, possibly due some failed experiment, and no one can predict how he will act. On the beginning of the battle, roll a D6. On a roll of 1-3 he cannot control his madness, and will laugh to his foes like a maniac. On a roll of 4-6 he is able to control himself and will fight the rest of the battle like normal. Fear of Vengeance: Skritz still fears the revenge of Clan Skyre for his spying actions. If Skritz happens to meet a member of Clan Skyre, without the help of his new Clan, He will make a run for it, trying to blow up as many things as possible to have a better chance to escape. Insane Design: many of Skrtiz weapons are designed by his own sick mind and are not always really reliable. If you roll a 1 to hit you must roll a D6 on Skritz Misfire chart. All weapons with the Insane Design special rule are Warpstone Weapons.

The Warpificator The Warpificator is a Warpstone-powered blunderbuss designed and made by Skritz. Maximum Range: 16; Strength: 6. Special Rules: Armour Piercing, Move or Fire, Insane Design

Skaven Bestiary: Clan Zeek

Warpstone Powered Halberd of Doom, W.P.H.D. The W.P.H.D. is Skritz first working design and he is still very proud of it. W.P.H.D. is a magical weapon with all the rules of a Halberd. Special Rules: Armour Piercing, D3 Multiple Wounds, Insane Design Warpstone Engine Skritz latest invention, a portable engine powered by warpstone and steam. Most of his weapons are connected to it and thus he will always carry it with him. During each friendly Magic phase Skritz can, on a D6 roll of 5+, generate an extra power dice . In addition, the Warpstone Engine aids Skritz in casting Warp Lightning, giving him D6+2 instead of D6 hits. Rolls of 1, however, do not gain the +2 bonus, and must follow the rule of Insane Design instead of the normal Warp Lightning Misfire rules.

Warpstone Bombs If the battle is coming to close Skritz throws his Warpstone bombs on his enemies. Warpstone Bombs do D3 attacks with Skritz own BS. Maximum Range: 6; Strength: 3 Special Rules: Quick to Fire


1 BOOM! Skritz Warpstone engine explodes with a big cloud of hot steam. Skritz Crazesnout and every model touching him suffer a S4 hit FWSSJ! Hot Steam is shooting out of the back of the warpstone engine propelling Skritz forward. Throw a scatterdice, Skritz will move D3 in the direction shown on the scatterdice. If you roll hit, move in the direction of the little arrow, if the direction is not in Skritz 180 decree front, move in the exact opposite direction. If Skritz hits an enemy unit it counts as an charge with a S3 Impact Hit. In addition any model thats right behind Skritz suffers a S2 hit. Frrrt The warpstone engine starts to shake, tension is building up andnothing happens but a little puff of steam coming out a little crack. Battle continues like nothing has happened Charge! The Warpstone engine works with a sudden burst of energy. The original attack continues, but hits with +1S.




Skritz Crazesnout M 5 WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 2 I 4 A 1 LD 5 Options: Magic - Upgrade to Level 2 Wizard.............35pts Magic Weapons - The Warpificator..............................10pts - W.P.H.D...........................................28pts - Warpstone Bombs..............................6pts May choose Magic Items from the lists of Talismans and Enchanted Items up to a total value of 25 points

Equipment: Warpstone Engine

Special Rules: Scurry Away! Strength in Numbers Verminous Valour Extreme Insanity Fear of Vengeance Insane Design

Skaven Bestiary: Clan Zeek

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