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Ted Andrews' method-Path of the Flaming sword [Archive] - Astral Dynamics Down-Under Community

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1st June 2007, 03:54 AM

This techique uses a Qabalistic system of colors. Ted Andrew's says it awakens the tree of life by hitting certain energy points in your body. The color scheme of the four worlds Level___________Spiritual___________Mental________ __Astral________Physical Kether__________Brilliance________White Brilliance____White Brilliance___White with Gold C hokmah________Soft blue___________Gray________Mother of pearl_____White with red, blue, yellow Binah___________C rimson___________Black_________Da rk Brown________Gray with Pink C hesed_________Deep Violet_________Blue_________Deep Purple_______Azure with yellow Geburah_________Orange___________Scarlet_______Bri ght Scarlet_______Red with Black Tipareth________Pink Rose___________Yellow________Salmon___________Ambe r Netzach_________Amber_____________Emerald______Yel low-Green_______Olive with Gold Hod________Violet Purple____________Orange______Red Russet________Yellow-Brown Yesod_______Indigo________________Violet________Da rk Purple________C itrine with Azure Malkuth______Yellow______________Black,Olive______ Black,Olive_________Black-Rayed Yellow ____________________________Russet,C itrine_____Rus set, C itrine with Gold Flecks______ You can use this technique on yourself or other people. Have your patient lay down in front of you, with his/her laying face up. Begin rhythmic breathing and feel yourself getting filled with the appropriate color. You start with Physical, then Astral, Mental, and finally Spiritual. Put both your hands lightly on the patient's head, or don't touch him at all. The head is Kether, your first level. see the energy pouring out of your hands and going into his head. Start with White with Gold, White Brilliance, White Brilliance again, and Brilliance. When you're done using all the color's for physical, astral, mental, spiritual, on Kether, then you move on to C hokmah, which is the left side of the patient's face, and add the appropriate colors. Then move on to Binah (right side of face), C hesed (left shoulder), Geburah (right shoulder), Tipareth (under the sternum, above the belly button), Netzach (left side of hip), Hod (right side of hip), Yesod (genital area), and Malkuth (feet)... The Tree of Life Withing the Aura When the Tree of Life is built into the aura through healing, the aura begins to shine with new color, clarity, and vibrancy. Awakening the Tree of Life By sending energy along the ancient Path of the Flaming Sword,*you activate a powerfully creative force. You draw it down through the body, affecting all systems and all levels of energy. ______________________________ *For more information on the Path of the Flaming Sword, consult the author's earlier works on the Qabala: Simplified Qabala magic and Imagick.

mack Very interesting! Thanks for that, I'm going to explore this some more later today.

4th June 2007, 03:50 AM


4th June 2007, 05:19 AM

A question... Malkuth______Yellow______________Black,Olive______ Black,Olive_________Black-Rayed Yellow ____________________________Russet,C itrine_____Rus set, C itrine with Gold Flecks______ To what does Russet,C itrine & Russet, C itrine with Gold Flecks refer? All the others match a row & column but these are out by themselves

chips A question...

5th June 2007, 04:11 AM



Ted Andrews' method-Path of the Flaming sword [Archive] - Astral Dynamics Down-Under Community

Malkuth______Yellow______________Black,Olive______ Black,Olive_________Black-Rayed Yellow ____________________________Russet,C itrine_____Rus set, C itrine with Gold Flecks______ To what does Russet,C itrine & Russet, C itrine with Gold Flecks refer? All the others match a row & column but these are out by themselves yes i know, ive noticed that too and that was no error i made, its exactly like that in my book. im guessing that those colors can be a substitute for those other colors used to heal Malkuth. it woulden't hurt to add those for extra stimuation either :wink: Powered by vBulletin Version 4.2.1 C opyright 2013 vBulletin Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.


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