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5S OBJECTIVES SETTING GUIDELINES WHY WE NEED 5S? To compete with Globalized Competition. To improve the Quality.

. To reduce the Product Defect. To change & improve the Work culture. To reduce the Accident. To improve the Morale. Reveals abnormalities in work place. 5S is the foundation of TPM,TQM,6Sigma.

Extra Machines. Unwanted Machines. Surplus Raw materials. Unused Packing Materials. Unwanted Tools. Non Movable Store Items. Files (Papers). Unused & Obsolete Office Equipments. Old Records. Unutilized Lights. 1 S - BENEFITS Better Scrap Management. More space available for working. Required materials are located easily. Time saved in searching. Stocks are easily identified & used. Low inventory & better accountability. Improves work efficiency. Improved safety Motion loss reduced due to rearrangement of Machines in our Packing Hall. Clean & pleasant working environment. Reduce fatigue. Reduce anger & Tension 2S - SEITON ACTIVITIES Gang Ways. Entrance & Exit Marking. Boards for All Dept & Cabins. Stores reorganization. Maintenance Department Reorganization.

Parking Places identification. For Work in Progress (Type Wise). M/C Identification. Colour Code Implementation. Pipe lines Colour Coding identification. Tools Identification. Electrical Panel Direction Identification. 2S SEITON BENEFITS Time saved to locate the material & storage. Space saved by better storage technique. Time saved by systematic movement of material. Man power saving. Low inventory in Stores & Packing Material. Better utilization of equipments. Optimum utilization of available space. Orderly storage practice will improve. Easy to identify & proceed other activity. 3S - SEISO ACTIVITIES Preparation of cleaning schedule Selection of cleaning tools Cleaning tools location identification List of check points while cleaning Preparation of Maintenance tags Tagging the maintenance tag wherever there is defect 3S - BENEFITS By noticing the defects, Breakdowns can be avoided. Immediate action can be taken for the Missing items. Best utilization of Tools & Accessories. Breakdown time reduced considerably. Improvement in Quality of Product. Kaizen thinking for Continuous Improvement. Cleaning is the Foundation for Autonomous Maintenance (TPM). The morale of the employees are improved. With clean thoughts our mind gives us peace & love. The company gets appreciation from the Customers & Public Cause of Leakage,dirt can be identified. Clean environment makes employees more happy. Hygiene & pleasant place keeps the employee more healthy. 4S - SEIKETSU ACTIVITIES Visual are identifies and prepared Visuals are displayed as much as possible

4S - BENEFITS All 5S activities are standardised. Visual Controls are in action. Improvement in discipline & orderliness. Better Productivity, Reduction in Waste & Improvement in Quality. Accident Prevention. Motion loss for tools retrieval and searching time reduced. 5S SHITSUKE ACTIVITIES Daily self audit to maintain discipline Monthly internal audit to maintain discipline Weekly review for sustenance Monthly review for sustenance 5S BENEFITS Well disciplined workplace Happiest workplace

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