HRM Case Study

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Case- 01: Organizational change at Bass Taverns

Summary: Bass taverns experienced considerable change, the idea here was to create around
twenty separate pub companies. They would be loosely based on geographical boundaries. The main benefits to be gained from radical decentralization were seen as the development of strong local identities. Assessment criteria were not used for recruiting staff into the senior positions in the new structure; thus the eventual outcomes of the change initiative differed from those planned at the outset. All those processes were changed the nature and outcomes of the Bass Taverns. Question-1: Why did Bass Taverns initiate the organizational change initiative described in the case study? What were its main features? Answer: benefits: To be gained from radical decentralization were seen as the development of strong local identities. More effective team working Increased organizational flexibility More entrepreneurial behavior and greater innovation Bass Taverns initiate the organizational change initiative because of following

Main feature of change Initiative: Taverns initiate the organizational change initiative and their main features ware to Certain mandatory requirements though would have to be met such as among only the Bass Taverns IT infrastructure complying with certain company requirements such as in the area of cash management, and uploading corporate terms and condition of employment.

Question-2: What are the main implications of the restructuring process at Bass Taverns for managing people at work? Answer: The main implications of the restructuring process at Bass Taverns for managing

people at work would be the creation of a learning community across the twenty or so companies. Question-3: To what extent did power relations within Bass taverns influence the nature and outcomes of the change process? Answer: Obviously Power relations within Bass taverns influence the nature and outcomes of the change process those are given bellow: It created around twenty separate pub companies. Each company loosely based on geographical boundaries. It made radical decentralization that were seen as the development of strong local identities. Assessment criteria were not used for recruiting staff into the senior positions in the new structure. In this way, the eventual outcomes of the change initiative differed from those planned at the outset

Case- 02: The implications of testing for drugs at work

Summary: Pharmaceutical Company Medwell Chemcare. They had an aim to be a market
leader in the development and trialing of controversial new drugs. Medwell has a Substance Misuse Policy that applies to its entire staff. So that every staff stay way from drags.

Question-1: Consider the stated reasons given in the case for the introduction and implementation of the drugs and alcohol policy at Medwell. Might there have been other considerations at play here, and if so, what might they have been? Answer: Medwell Chemcare has already introduced and implemented the drugs and alcohol policy within this company. Further, they need to be implemented the some policy which are given below: Company may appointe psychologist Manager may behave friendly with employees in cse of the drugs matter and giving chance to give up the drugs. Offer the attractive incentive for those employees who will stray way from drugs and alcohol. have a plan for approaching a worker who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol provide an awareness program about the misuse of alcohol and other drugs, together with information about referral procedures, counselling and support services Company may establish Random employee testing while random testing can help maintain a drug-free workplace, employers should keep in mind that 'random' isn't necessarily synonymous with 'surprise.

Question-2: Should organizations have the right to dedicate employee activities outside working hours, and, if so, what considerations would mitigate an employees right to privacy and freedom of action? Should Kathy been sacked for engaging in legal activities in Amsterdam? Answer: Organizations have the right to dedicate employee activities outside working hour. Because every worker has minimum human right and they work hard work in the organization. For this reason, an organization can be promoted globally. So every organization should provide the legal right in work. Retain nig issue of Kathy at work place: Kathy was the sales administrators; he also tested positive for cannabis and been dismissed. But, she had recently returned from a trip to

Amsterdam, where she had smoked legally. So organization might think about to retain her because she gave up to take alcohol. As we know she is a experience worker. Question-3: If you were James line manager, what actions, if any, would you take? Would you argue for his retention, and if so what points would you make to the HR Director? If you were the HR Director, what position would you take with regard to Kathys and James case? Answer: If I were James line manager that time I would try to find out the cause of taking drugs throughout the personal discussion. I would give the mental supports and motivate to give up the drugs. In the same time, I must request to the HR Director to retain him, because he is a talent and productive employee. And I would try to get understand to HR Director that it was a weekend night thats why he took some beer just for recreation. If I were a the HR Director would take some initiative in Kathys and James case.In the James, I would try to retain him because he took just beer in weekend night which is very normal drinks even his work performance is above the average level. In the same time, I would dismissed to Kathy because she took cannabis which was not a normal alcohol even her performance below the average level.

Question-4: What are the main advantages and disadvantages of Medwells drug and alcohol policy as a tool for enhancing its business performance? The main advantages and disadvantages of Medwells drug and alcohol policy as a tool for enhancing its business performance are given below Advantages Company can use the experienced employee (after completion of a recovery program) without having to hire and train someone new. Reduce On-the-job Accidents. Increase Safety for Other Employees and Customers

The employee benefits from the freedom from drug addiction as well as financially, emotionally, and spiritually. Protect the company from potential reputational damage. Workers who abuse drugs pose a safety risk in the workplace drug test employees to ensure a sense of fairness Disadvantages: Random workplace drug testing may foster resentment among employees who feel this practice violates their right to privacy Losing the revenues decreasing the work performance they loosing the experienced worker it increased the recruitment cost Initially that was very hard to handle their duties and responsibilities.

Case- 03: Recruiting and selecting staff at Thomas Cook

Summary: Thomas Cook is a travel agent, his business is very cost conscious with the quite
low margins, but staff turnover. I the same time, he wanted to promote his brand and recruit the emplo0yee without any hassle. Therefore, he communicated with employment agency and government employment agency to be done effective way.

Question-1: Identify other industries experiencing high staff turnover and low margins that might operate on a similarity cost-conscious within these industries. To what extent do they replicate these methods, and how would you judge their effectiveness in terms of securing and retaining effective employees?

Answer: The main goal of a business is making the profit, thats why productive employee much needed to produce product in effective way. If the turn over of employee is very high within an organization that have great affect in producing products. So, organization always try to minimize the employee turnover. Some companies of Bangladesh those who are facing higher staff turnover & low margin are Candle factory (Shamim com. LTD.) Polti-firm industry Akij Bidi Mills Ltd Agro-Fertilizer com

I have some found from research about above company that the employee turnover very high due to less salary, less job security, irregular payment, bad working environment and poor relationship with management, insufficient job tanning. It the employer requirements then employee may retained into the job. Question-2: How effective are the approaches taken by Thomas Cook in promoting their brand and in securing employee commitment? What might they do to improve in both areas? Answer: Thomas Cook may take some approaches to promote their brand and in securing employee commitment. Those booming approaches given below: Making the recruitment process wholly on online until the interview stage. Online recruitment is cost effective. Always make up date update own companys website(job vacancy, different types of offer) Controlling employment agency costs this approach is the introduction of preferred supplier lists. Working with two local government funded agencies. This is useful way for the organization to judge whether an individual might prove to be a suitable employee, even though he or she may not have all the necessary experience on paper. fulfill those

Thomas Cook may take some other approaches to avoid the recruiting and selection process that might improve the both area. Those are given bellow: Hire the right people for the job Show appreciation Do exit interviews Offer skill testing Hire the right people for the job Application blanks Written Tests Medical examination Application blanks

Question-3: You need to compare two companies recruitment process in Bangladesh? What are the similarities and differences in approach? To what extent do both employers recruit for fit or skill?

Answer: I am considering Grameenphone & Robi Axiata Ltd to compare their recruitment process in Bangladesh. The success of a Telephone company depends largely on the quality of services rendered to the clients. Thats why both of company try to recruit and select the people in very efficient way those are given bellow:

Recruitment and selection process of Grameenphone: Recruitment: The recruitment practice is done mainly on two standard procedure of recruitment. They usually carry out in-house recruitment and/or post online job ad posting. They usually recruit fresh graduates and allow them to grow in the company. Applications received are carefully filtered and usually call a handful of candidates for the post.

The Selection Process : The selection process has two steps firstly there is a written test. Candidates are tested basically on job related skills and their analytical ability along with some open ended questions relating to their psychological behavior. Selected candidates are called up for an interview within a week. The candidates must appear in front of an interview panel usually consisting of four members: from the HR department as ov erseen by the MD, Chairman, General M a n a g e r a n d A d m i n Managers. The candidates are tested for their basic knowledge about the subject matter, their interpersonal and communication skills, and their abilities to work in a team environment. Candidates after final selection are offered jobs along with the contract, which they need to sign before joining the job.

Recruitment and selection process of Robi Axiata Ltd

Recruitment: Interested candidates within the company can apply for a vacant position but they have to follow all the steps which are followed in external recruitment process. Robi gives advertisement in their Robi Career Site and also in and They do not take hard copy of CVs because it makes the CV sorting time consuming. There are six steps involved in the recruitment and selection process of Robi. Upper level recruitment is more complicated than entry level position. Candidates who have previous work experience are preferred.

The Selection Process: Candidates who have previous work experience are preferred. Selected candidates have to pass the medical test for being recruited. After joining the organization, first six months are counted as probation period. After six months, if the employee performs well then he is provided with a confirmation letter. From this time onwards, the employee can enjoy every benefit that the organization offers. For reducing inefficiency in the process, each step is cross checked by another person.

Both are company very renowned telephone company even they are recruiting and selection process mostly similar. Although , recruiting and selection process are stronger then Robi.

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