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Year divided into 7 groups of 10. Each group to decide which group is doing which Public Health Campaign from the following topics:Smoking and prevention of cardiovascular disease. Alcohol/substance misuse Obesity /healthy eating/physical activity Sexual health/chlamydia/EHC Safe sun (prevention of cancer) Mens health Dental health Each group need to organise a series of meetings to plan the campaign and divide up the work. The work should be done in the students own time and organised at a venue of their choosing

The aim of this assignment is to organise and deliver a public health campaign at an approved venue or on university campus and submit a written report.
1. One person from each group only will need to visit the Kirklees Public Health resource centre (PHRC) .You will be entitled to obtain leaflets/resources under the PHRC registration of Dr Hawksworth for your groups Public Health campaign. If any other students wants to visit please see Dr Hawksworth. Only 7 students are expected. 2. Arrange a visit (tour) by their chosen representative (to travel by bus) to the Kirklees Public Health resource centre on a Wednesday afternoon (by appointment and only by tel 01484 464435 ask for Julie Hunneybell*). State your name and that you are a 2 nd year pharmacy student representing your group and which your topic is..You will need to say you are coming under Dr Hawksworths registration and that your group will need to find out about local public health campaigns and what is available for their specific campaign..Only two students at a time can be accomodated . Depending on how busy they are you will be given leaflets or they will be prepared for Dr Hawksworth to collect. 3. Find out where the best place to hold the event off or on the campus is to run their specific PH campaign eg local sports centre,sports stadium,library,gym,students union,health centre,townhall. 4. Organise a stand with the venue or university, time and date and location.(Permission must be obtained from the appropriate authority and also for use outside if appropriate eg pavement) 5. Plan a budget (50 max) -need to keep a record of spend on eg fruit,durex,oral B products,sun hats,teeshirts. (Possiblity of some company sponsorship?) 6. Plan Aims and objectives (what are the expected outcomes of the campaign), timescales,any promotion,target audience,resources required from PH resource centre.How it is to be evaluated. 7. Produce a draft plan to be agreed with module leader.including permission of venue and proposed budget. 8. Once agreed order and collect required resources from PH resource centre. 9. Deliver a 2 hour slot PH campaign slot (+0.5hrs setting up and 0.5 hours taking down). 10. Feedback joint meeting for evaluation of success. 11. Hand in INDIVIDUAL coursework A 2000 word reflection on delivering a Public Health campaign including a placement public health intervention.(Hand in date Thursday April 18 th 2013) 12. Contact details
Miss Julie Hunneybell* Public Health Resource Centre , Broad Lea House , Bradley Business Park - Dyson Wood Way , Huddersfield , HD2 1GZ Tel: 01484 464435 Email: Map on unilearn

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