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Swiss Fan Lace Scarf

This is an easy first lace pattern! In addition to knit and purl, you will get to practice the YO, SSK and K2TOG stitches. The scarf is knit in two pieces and sewn together at the neck so that the pattern falls in the same direction on either side. You can graft the two pieces together, but I dont think its really necessary. Materials: worsted weight wool; #8 US needles; a small piece of cardboard for making tassels. Gauge: not important, but the scarf pictured was knit at 5 stitches = 1 (measured over seed stitch). The finished scarf measures 4 wide by 42 long after blocking. An additional 4 tassel was added at each end to make a 50 scarf. Note: The stitch count increases during the knitting of the first row and returns to the cast-on count at the end of R3. I have noted the number of stitches to expect at the end of each row. Pattern: R1: (RS) (K1 P1) three times, SSK, (YO K1) three times, YO, K2TOG, (P1 K1) three times (21) R2: (K1 P1) two times, K2 P9 K2 (P1 K1) two times (21) R3: (K1 P1) three times, SSK, K5, K2TOG, (P1 K1) three times (19) R4: (K1 P1) two times, K2 P7 K2 (P1 K1) two times (19)

To knit scarf: Cast on 19 stitches. Knit according to pattern for 96 rows (24 repeats of the pattern). Bind off. Repeat to create second half of scarf. Finishing: Sew the bound-off edges of both segments together, making sure that the right sides are facing the same way. Weave in ends. To show off your lacework, be sure to soak and block your scarf! Adding tassels: Lay scarf out with wrong side facing up. At one end of the scarf, fold each corner in until it touches the center bottom of the scarf. Fold this arrangement in half and sew closed. This should result in the scarf coming to a point. Repeat for the other end of the scarf. Make two tassels and sew to each end of the scarf. I used instructions for making a tassel that I found at I tried to make the length of my tassels the same as the width of the scarf. For each tassel, I wrapped the yarn around the cardboard 20 times.

(This is an original copyrighted pattern, published October 2007 by Katherine E. Fagan. It may be used for personal or charity purposes but it should not be reproduced in any print or electronic publication without permission.)

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