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->setup samba<1.install fedora 5 minutes howto 2.login root 3.install samba #yum install samba 4.

define workgroup AIOLINUX and configure documents share on samba file server #cd /etc/samba #vi smb.conf [global] workgroup = AIOLINUX [documents] comment = folder de test path = /home/documents public = yes writeable = yes valid users = eugen //These lines dictate the permissions given to anything created, by users, within the share. create mask = 0770 force create mode = 0770 locking = yes #testparam 5.add folder documents & add filesystem rights to read, write,execute for others group #cd /home #mkdir documents #chmod 747 documents 6.add linux user account and add account to samba 6.1.add linux user account #useradd eugen #passwd P@$$w0rd 6.2.add same user account on samba #smbpasswd -a eugen #<put same password as your linux account password> 7.start services service smb restart service nmb restart 8.test if you are able to list shares with eugen account #smbclient --L samba -U eugen If you see the shares on your server the installation is finished.

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