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I. Critical Historical Junctures II. Governance and Policy-Making III. Representation and Participation IV. Political Economy V. Political Culture VI. Chinese Politics in Transition

I. Critical Historical Junctures

Technological and organizational superiority of the Middle Kingdom z Isolation from outside world z Opium Wars with UK (1839-42 & 1956-60) z Treaty Ports and Extraterritoriality z Sino-Japanese War & Foreign Domination

The British spread free trade

Revolution, Invasion and Civil War


Sun Yat-sen and Chinese Nationalist Party (or Kuomintang -- KMT)

Overthrow of Emperor and chaos z Replaced by Chiang Kai-shek in 1925 z Creation of Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

z z z z

KMT war against the CCP The Long March (1934) War against Japanese Peoples Republic of China (PRC 1949)

Nationalists flee to Taiwan

Chiang Kai-Shek

Maoist China
z First Five Year Plan (1953) z Sino-Soviet Split (starting 1956) z Great Leap Forward (1957) z Maos reduced influence z Cultural Revolution

z Red

Guards and the Gang of Four

Mao Zedong

Post-Maoist China
z Deng Xiaoping and market reform
z Special

Economic Zones (SEZs) z 10-11% growth since 1980 z CCP power monopoly
z Democracy Movement &

Tiananmen Square Massacre (1989) z Falun Gong (since 2000)

Deng Xiaoping

Tiananmen Square (1989)

II. Governance and Policy-Making

z Government: z National Peoples Congress (2,989 delegates) z President: Hu Jintao z Premier: Wen Jiabao z Party: z Central Committee z Politburo z Standing Committee z Army (Peoples Liberation Army-PLA)

Chinas Leadership

President Hu Jintao

Premier Wen Jiabao

III. Representation and Participation

President Vice President Premier, VicePremiers Central Military Commission National Peoples Congress Supreme Peoples Court Supreme Peoples Procuratorate Provincial, City, Local, Peoples Congress

State Council Ministries, Commissions, Bureaus, etc.

Provincial, City, Local, Peoples Governments

IV. Political Economy


Deng Xiaopings Economic Reforms

catches mice.

z Black cat, white cat, who care as long as it

Agriculture De-Collectivization, Private Enterprise, Special Economic Zones z Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) z Spectacular growth and a rising standard of living z Problems:
z State-owned enterprises (SOEs) z Unemployment and Inequality z Environmental Degradation

V. Political Culture
z Confucianism z National Identity
z Non-Chinese

z Consumerism
z Falun


z Protest Movements

Gong z Middle Class?

Chinas New Cultural Revolution?

VI. Chinese Politics in Transition


Economic development & political stability


2008 Beijing Olympics Military power Energy needs Human Rights and Trade Taiwan North Korea

China as a superpower
z z

Sino-American Relations
z z z

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