25 June English III

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Eng lish

Dr. T.K. Jain.

Centre for social entrepreneurship
M: 9414430763
comi ng fro m a j oi nt
family, and that I am
the youngest of t he
chi ldren, I have
coming from a joint family, and being
ways been
youngest of the children, I have
always been pampered.

Corr ect it :
peopl e are usuall y
aff ected by one of the
follow ing: greed, joy,
pai n or
All the they
words should are poor.
be similar.
 people are usually affected by one of
the following: greed, joy, pain or

Corr ect it :
we liked the f ilm Jab
we Met, because
there was l ov e,
romance and has
songs asfilmwe
we liked the Jabllwe Met,
because there was love, romance
and songs as well

Corr ect it :
Bal mukund likes to
study i n the af ternoon
and then pl ayin g l ater
in the e veni ng .
 The qualities (study & play) should
be expressed similarly.
 Balmukund likes studying in the
afternoon and then playing later in
the evening.

Corr ect it :
Hi s in com e i s l ess th en
hi s wife .
 Here comparison has been made
between income and wife – which cannot
be compared.
 Compare income with wife’s income.
 His income is less than his wife’s income.

Vi vek Ag arwal likes to
listen songs, readi ng,
and als o to sing .
 Vivek Agarwal likes listening songs,
reading, and singing.

Af tersc hoolia ns p la ns
a p icnic .
 Afterschoolians are planning for a picnic.

sk y i s lo okin g
wo nderful wit h g rey
clo uds.
 The sky looks wonderful with grey

the insti tute is deci di ng
to grant a loan t o a
deserv ed s tudent each
 the institute has decided to grant a loan
to a deserving student every year.

Corr ect it :
sci enti ests in Bi kaner
are fi ndi ng traces of
thi rd eye on foreh ead
 scientiests of Bikaner have found
scientiests of Bikaner have found
possibilities of third eye on forehead.

Bik aner b ecome s
fast est growi ng c ity i n
Ra ja st han.
 Bikaner is becoming the fastest growing
city in Rajasthan
 Or
 Bikaner has become the fastest growing
city in Rajasthan.

Corr ect it :
Gol d bec ome m ore and
more expensi ve day by
 Gold is becoming more and more
Gold is becoming more and more
expensive day by day.

Corr ect it : I am prepari ng
my lunch every day ti ll I
left f or work in morni ng.
 I prepare my lunch everyday before I
leave for work in the morning.

Corr ect it :
He is com ing her e each
 He comes here daily.

Co rrect i t : h e wa s
si ngin g and d anced on
the st age.
 he was singing and dancing on the

Co rrect i t : I am n ot
eatin g swe ets si nce
any t ime.
 I am not eating sweets for some time.

Corr ect it : I am goi ng to
Jai pur on t he weeks to
 I am going to Jaipur in the coming

Corr ect it : I am not
taki ng up t hat route
whi le goi ng to the work.
 I don’t take that route while going to

Corr ect it
I am l ovi ng to go for
wal ks each morni ng.
 I love to go for walks every morning.

Co rrect i t le tter
brought by wh om t o
yo u?
 Who brought you the letter.

Co rrect i t : yo u wit h
wh om a re g oin g o ut?
 Who are you going out with?
 Or
 With whom are you going out?

Corr ect it : each of the
houses were dif fer ent to
each other.
 each of the houses was different from
one another.

Corr ect it : The boy was
grandson of t he b eg gar,
who wa s G old Me dali st .
 The boy, who was Gold Medalist, was
grandson of the beggar

Co rrect i t : No body
have come.
 Nobody has come.

Co rrect i t: he has a
magical sc isso r.
 he has a pair of magical scissors.

Co rrect i t :
eve ryo ne are in vi ted.
 Everyone is invited.

Co rrect i t : t en
kil ometers a re a lo ng
wa lk .
 ten kilometers is a long walk.

Co rrect i t : t he j ury is
divi ded in its o pin io n.
 With words like jury, team etc, we have
to use verb as per situation. Because jury
were divided, we have to use it as plural
– are.
 the jury are divided in their opinion.
 This is also correct:
 The jury is unanimous.

Afterschoool conducts three year integrated PGPSE (after
class 12th along with IAS / CA / CS) and 18 month
PGPSE (Post Graduate Programme in Social
Entrepreneurship) along with preparation for CS / CFP /
CFA /CMA / FRM. This course is also available online
also. It also conducts workshops on social
entrepreneurship in schools and colleges all over India –
start social entrepreneurship club in your institution today
with the help from afterschoool and help us in developing

Why su ch a
 To promote people to take up entrepreneurship
and help develop the society
 To enable people to take up franchising and
other such options to start a business / social
development project
 To enable people to take up social
development as their mission
 To enable people to promote spirituality and
positive thinking in the world

Who are our
su pport ers?
 Afterschoolians, our past beneficiaries,
entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurs
are supporting us.
 You can also support us – not
necessarily by money – but by being
promotor of our concept and our ideas.

the bes t programme for
dev eloping gr eat entr epreneurs
 Most flexible, adaptive but rigorous programme
 Available in distance learning mode
 Case study focused- latest cases
 Industry oriented practical curriculum
 Designed to make you entrepreneurs – not just
an employee
 Option to take up part time job – so earn while
you learn
 The only absolutely free course on internet
Worksh ops f rom
 IIF, Delhi
 CIPS, Jaipur
 ICSI Hyderabad Branch
 Gyan Vihar, Jaipur
 Apex Institute of Management, Jaipur
 Aravali Institute of Management, Jodhpur
 Xavier Institute of Management,
 Pacific Institute, Udaipur
 Engineering College, Hyderabad
Fle xib le
Sp ecialisa tions:
 Spiritualising business and society
 Rural development and transformation
 HRD and Education, Social Development
 NGO and voluntary work
 Investment analysis,microfinance and inclusion
 Retail sector, BPO, KPO
 Accounting & Information system (with CA / CS /CMA)
 Hospital management and Health care
 Hospitality sector and culture and heritage
 Other sectors of high growth, high technology and
social relevance

Sa lie nt feature s:
 The only programme of its kind (in the whole world)
 No publicity and low profile course
 For those who want to achieve success in life – not just a degree
 Indepth knowledge and expertise
 Professional approac: World class approach
 Strong intellectual and business capabilities
 Flexible – you may stay for a month and continue the rest of the
education by distance mode. / you may attend weekend classes
 Scholarships for those from poor economic background
 Latest and constantly changing curriculum – keeping pace with the
 Placement for those who are interested
 Admissions open throughout the year
 Latest and most advanced technologies, books and study material

Co mponents
 Pedagogy curriculum and approach based on IIM Ahmedabad and ISB
Hyderabad (the founder is alumnus from IIMA & ISB Hyderabad)
 Meditation, spiritualisation, and self development
 Essential softwares for business
 Business plan, Research projects
 Participation in conferences / seminars
 Workshops on leadership, team building etc.
 Written submissions of research projects/articles / papers
 Interview of entrepreneurs, writing biographies of entrepreneurs
 Editing of journals / newsletters
 Consultancy / research projects
 Assignments, communication skill workshops
 Participation in conferences and seminars
 Group discussions, mock interviews, self development diaryng
 Mind Power Training & writing workshop (by Dr. T.K.Jain)

Pe dagogy
 Case analysis,
 Articles from Harvard Business Review
 Quiz, seminars, workshops, games,
 Visits to entrepreneurs and industrial visits
 Presentations, Latest audio-visuals
 Group discussions and group projects
 Periodic self assessment
 Mentoring and counselling
 Study exchange programme (with institutions out of India)
 Rural development / Social welfare projects

Br anches
 AFTERSCHOOOL will shortly open its
branches in important cities in India
including Delhi, Kota, Mumbai, Gurgaon
and other important cities.
Afterschooolians will be responsible for
managing and developing these
branches – and for promoting social

Ca se St udies

 We want to write case studies on social

entrepreneurs, first generation
entrepreneurs, ethical entrepreneurs.
Please help us in this process. Help us to
be in touch with entrepreneurs, so that
we may develop entrepreneurs.

Ba sic va lues at
aftersc hoool
 Share to learn more
 Interact to develop yourself
 Fear is your worst enemy
 Make mistakes to learn
 Study & discuss in a group
 Criticism is the healthy route to mutual support and
 Ask fundamental questions : why, when, how &
 Embrace change – and compete with yourself only

www .aft erschoool .tk
soci al e ntrepreneurshi p
for bet ter soci ety


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