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Reflection on Elders and Leaders,Gene Getz Matthew Hundley What does it mean to lead the church biblically? That is the question at the heart of Gene Getz book Elders and Leaders: Gods Plan for Leading the ChurchA Biblical, Historical and Cultural Perspective. This book uses Acts and 1 Timothy to develop a Biblical model of roles, responsibilities and qualifications of elders, deacons and other leadership positions in the church. In the first chapter, Getz presents five key lessons that we are to walk away with after weve finished our scriptural analysis. First, leaders should server togethermoving in a common direction. Second, when things get out of whackchurch leaders should refocus their community efforts. Third, it is important to relieve one another to avoid burnout. Fourth, church leaders must encourage one anotheroffer positive feedback. And lastly, church leaders must bear each others burdens. When life or ministry presents us with difficult situationswe need to be there to support and be faithful to one another. From here Getz quickly jumps into the task at hand: developing a frame of reference for leadership that is God-ordaineddrawing from scripture. He looks first to Acts and the first mention of elders in Jerusalem. The Apostles draw many helpers into the fold and appoint some of these to take on leadership rolesthese they dub elders. The primary responsibility of these men is healing and prayer. We see then that care for the sick is to be a priority. As Paul and Barnabase set up churches in the various localities they visited they appointed elders to teach and prophecy; to pray and fast; and to be committed to service of our Lord Jesus Christ. The responsibilities of elders grow as the church grew. New tasks were thrust upon them. It was necessary that church leaders make decision based on revelation and experience and by the urging of the Holy Spirit. As communities of Christians emerged it became more important to understand Gods revelation in scripture and how they were to apply



this to the church. The Apostles were very particular about those stepping into ministry. Timothy is a good exampleas they examined his upbringing and family life; and they scrutinized his character before laying hands on him and setting him up as elder. The qualities of elders are drawn from Pauls own traits as leader: humility, compassion, faithful teaching, preaching, evangelism, discipleship, pure motive, accountability, oversight, shepherding and faithfulness. Paul was the pre-eminent model. A comprehensive list of qualifications is fount in 1 Timothy for deacons and elders. Getz points to a three (3) office approach with: 1) elders, 2) male deacons, and 3) female deacons. In scripture we find men and women in roles of leadership in the church. The teaching process is open to all and thus teaching roles are to be afforded to men and women alike. Ultimately church leadership must focus on: 1 Teaching biblical truth; 2 Modeling Christ-like behavior; 3 Maintaining doctrinal purity; 4 Disciplining unruly believers; 5 Overseeing financial matters; 6 Praying for those who are ill. Leaders in the church are to be chosen by appointment. They must work as a unified team. They must meet the qualifications as established by scripture. They must be of good ethical/moral stock. They must understand the high level of accountability that goes hand-inhand with the role of church leadership. Church leaders are called not just to lead but to be servants as well. For all who are spiritual shepherds require a shepherd as well; for no matter what our position, we never cease to be sheep.

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