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Eloise Bissonnette Ms.

Ricchetti All Hail Study Hall

January 4, 2013 ELA406-02

Good morning/afternoon, honorable judges, teachers, guests and fellow classmates. Some years ago, study hall began disappearing from school programs due to different reasons such as lack of budget to support it or the lack of demand or participation from the students part. However, I have reason to believe that study hall is required in our school and should be reinstalled for the benefit of everyone. First of all, study hall is a period during which students are able to complete group projects, individual projects or assignments, study for upcoming tests or even rearrange their notes so that they are legible. Since we have less free time out of class as we grow older, being occupied by part-time jobs, students have less time out of class to complete group projects which always leads, no matter what some may say, to only one or two people doing all the work. By making study hall available to all students, school supervisors give them the time to do these group projects with all the members present and the necessary resources to be successful in their work. At the same time, excuses like I didnt have time to meet with my group couldnt be heard anymore because the school itself would provide the time needed. Secondly, by allowing study hall, the school also provides the students with the necessary resources for their success. History textbooks that cant be brought home, access to the library, computer or even a teacher can be very helpful and indispensable at times. It is much easier to ask a math question to your teacher when they are in the room and can give you examples than in an email where only words might not help you

understand. Some reference books found in the library that you absolutely need for your research paper due next month may not be available for loan because it is to expensive or old, and so you could conduct your research with the said book at the library during study hall and not be penalized. Also, study hall is a time during which teachers can correct assignments or exercises while they are supervising or they can get up to date on what some of their students are doing to ensure that the are either doing the work at all or if they are doing it properly. Some teachers often complain about how this student always has excuses why his or her work isnt done. With study hall, the teacher can make sure that the student is doing his or her work. Furthermore, I understand that not all students will have homework during study hall but if it isnt abused, the students could even use it as a sleeping period if they wish or a time for leisure reading, etc. We can never be sure when a student isnt lying about not having any homework, yet, I dont think that it is fair to prevent students who need the time and who are efficient during study hall from benefiting from it. If there are complains about the lack of time in the schedule, we might as well replace the classes like POP, Leadership and Business, not that I have anything about these classes but I have heard from the students themselves that they dont see the utility of these classes. School administrators might not agree, but then again we can always make time for something when we really want it. Heads up everyone, myself and many others want a study hall period, be it only one day a week, so lets work together and make it happen.

Reference: 1) Pssst: Study Hall is so Old School - Education News redOrbit. August 27th 2006. ool/ 2) Teachers, students say study hall period provides benefits. Educations. Fairfax Times. February 16th 2011. 3) Floyd Dryden Essay: How study halls will help benefit you. Cristina Arehart. Speaking Out. Capital City Weekly. March 7th 2012. 4) Why Study Hall in High School should not be eliminated. Lauren Simister. Helium. March 4th 2008. 5) Making the most of Study Hall. Amisha Sisodiya. Connecticut Post News. February 23rd 2010. 6) Study Hall. Student Educational Services. Saint-Joseph University. html

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