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The Disease of Cancer

by Nimai Banerjee MATTERS in regard to the fatal disease cancer has been discussed threadbare, as it were, to determine its cause and cure, both by the astro-scientists and the doctors. The latter however investigate matters on the physical plane while the astrologer looks for it from a chart of the heavens at the time of birth of the individual. Here our inquiry hovers round an astrological point of view. The aim and object is the same in both cases except that the fields of investigation are different. If a morbid mind is to give this disease under certain conditions in accordance with the doctor's view the astrologer examines the Moon o the native for his mental condition and then looks if it has anything to do with disease and if both agree, then looks for the still broader field of susceptibility to this fatal disease. In my humble way I have discussed in an article published in P&F as far back as February 1981 which was a reproduction of my speech delivered in the International Astrological Convention held in New Delhi in 1981. My humble find was that most people born in Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio ascendant encumbered by a Kalasarpa Yoga or most planets on one side of RahuKetu axis are susceptible to this disease. Mr J N Bhasin has improved on it substantially by emphasising on Saturn and Rahu positions. This undoubtedly is a good find on the part of a life long devoted astrologer. It des not necessarily follow that a Kalasarpa Yoga brings about cancer; but in every case of cancer there is Kalasarpa Yoga or heavy occupation of planets on one side of the nodal axis and afflictions. In astrological nparlance the study of disease involves very many things, such as the period in operation, the part of the body involved, planets afflicting and under affliction, Navamsa and several other things along with the possibility of cure or otherwise which are looked for. Since this disease takes a good toll of life it needs the codification of rules, as it were, to determine the susceptibility of a person to it. This kept haunting my mind and after several trials and errors my simple find was born. Once convinced of this, wherever such a Yoga was seen and some sort of a wound or the other continued to remain green defying available treatment, my suggestion was to check up for cancer. Detection in primary state have brought about cure of cancer which is not a small thing.

We may now examine few charts in this context. In the first instance a throat cancer case. Born on 12.12.1919 at 10 p.m. Asc. Leo with Moon with Saturn, second Mars, third Venus, fourth Rahu-Mercury-Sun, tenth Ketu and a retrograding Jupiter in the twelfth. This is a case where all planets are on one side of the Rahu-Ketu axis. Ketu in Vrisa of the natural zodiac indicates throat. The second lord from Lagna is Mercury who is not only retrograde but also heavily afflicted. Mars in the second house in the constellation of the Moon, the twelfth lord, conjoined with Saturn. As his Rahu Dasa and Sun Bhukti started to operate the native suffered from cancer. The second one is a kidney cancer. Born on 18.2.1930 at Puri. Asc. Aquaius with Venus and the Sun, third Rahu, fourth Jupiter, ninth Moon and Ketu, eleventh Saturn and the twelfth Mars and Mercury. Here all planets except Jupiter are on one side of Rahu-Ketu axis. This native suffered from cancer when the dasa of his eighth lord Mercury operated. Mercury in conjunction with Mars is in the star of Moon the sixth lord. Saturn aspects the ascendant. This confirms the rule all right. The next chart now. Ascendant Taurus; Ketu, Mars and Jupiter in Leo, Venus in Libra, the Sun with a retrograding Mercury in Scorpio, the Moon in Sagittarius, Saturn in Capricorn and Rahu in Aquarius. This pertains to a person born on 29th Nov. 1932 1 Ghati 5 Bighati. She suffered from uterus cancer. The horoscope has all the planets on one side of the Rahu-Ketu axis constituting what is known as a Kalasarpa Yoga. Mars and Ketu conjunction leaves nothing to speculate. Their conjunction with the 8th lord Jupiter who aspects the 8th house brings about a worse situation. This configuration tends towards a violent expression and no wonder, she suffered from uterus cancer in her Rahu Rahu period. The next one is a case of liver cancer. Birth took place on 21/22 May 1956 at 01:37 hours in Balasore District. Ascendant in Pisces the Sun with a retrograding Mercury and Ketu are in Taurus. Venus in Gemini, Jupiter in Cancer, Rahu with a retrograding Saturn in Scorpio, the Moon in Sagittarius and Mars in Capricorn. Here except Jupiter and Venus the rest of the planets are hemmed on one side of the Rahu-Ketu axis. Cancer started11 in Sun dasa as Sun is the 6th lord and aspected by Rahu. A case of cancer on anus comes next. Capricorn ascendant with Saturn and Venus, Rahu in Pisces, a retrograding Jupiter in Cancer, Ketu in Virgo, the Moon and Mercury in Scorpio, and the Sun with Mars in Sagittarius. Birth on 6.1.1932 at 07:15 hours, Cuttack. Cancer in Rahu-Rahu period, Mars in 12th is enemies at work, and the same Mars aspects Rahu in the 12th of the natural zodiac. The 6th lord Mercury is in Badhaka Sthana which is bad. Here all planets except a retrograding Jupiter are on one side of the Rahu-Ketu axis. Mars-Sun conjunction in a fiery sign and this sign being the 12th house is obscure and secret.

Lastly the case of a liver cancer. Female born on 26-3-1925 at 10 p.m. in Calcutta. She got cancer in her Rahu-Ketu period. Ascendant Scorpio, Jupiter in Sagittarius, Ketu in Capricorn, the Sun in Pisces, the Moon with Mercury in Aries. Mars in Taurus, Rahu in Cancer, and a retrograding Saturn in Libra. She has Chandra-Budha Yoga in her sixth househouse of diseases. Most of the planets except Jupiter and Saturn are in one side of Rahu-Ketu. 5th house is occupied by the Sun and Rahu aspecting it. Cancer is a very dangerous disease and claims that number of victims as heart failures. Its varied nature makes it impossible to say where one may have the affliction: blood, bone, kidney, heart, mouth, stomach, in fact any part of the body is susceptible to this disease. We often hear doctors saying that excessive smoking gives cancer and in the practical field come to see that very heavy smokers have gone without it while a casual one has got the affliction. Here adduced to one's resistance and so on goes the accusation and excuse. Swami Yogananda, the founder of Yogada Satsang Society has said that a disease first afflicts our Sukshma Sarira or the subtle body before the Sthula Sarira or gross body realises of its occurrence. This, in its turn, establishes that one's karmic acquisitions when ripe, appear in the form of diseases. In the circumstances the question arises whether an honest astrologer can pinpoint whether such and such will suffer from cancer. As stated earlier, it is rather hard to say so except that a Kala Sarpa Yoga coupled with heavy affliction of the sixth house matter aiming at that. World medical science is yet to determine the exact mechanism or its origin before any cure is declared. (Condensed from Planets & Forecast, June, 1983)

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