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Class XII

Subject History
Holidays Homework

Visit National Museum and Archaeological survey of India and collect information about
following subheadings.

1 Different objects found at various sites related to the Harappan Civilization

2. Specific information related to administration, religion and social life of people in Harappan.

3. Collect information about script.

Material regarding those script is available on the Board in the National Museum.

Answer the following questions:

1. Write down two features of early Harappan cultures
2 What are the difference between utilitarian and luxurious are facts?
3. What is chanhudaro famous for?
4. Who was Cunningham? What method did he use to reconstruct ancient Indian History?
5. Describe the town planning and drainage system of the Harappan Civilization.
6. List the items of food available to people in Harappan cities. Identify the groups who would
have provided these.
7. Mention important features of the great bath.
8. What are seals? What were they used for?
9. What difficulties have been faced by historians in deciphering the India script?
10. Discuss how archaeological reconstruct the past.

Kings farmers and Towns Early States & Economcs

1. Discuss the main features of Mauryan administration which of these elements are
evident in the Ashokan inscription that you have studied.
2. Describe the origin of the caste system.
3. How important were gender difference in early societies? Give reasons for your
4. What are the elements which historians take into Considera while analyzing texts?
5. Discuss the evidence that Brahmanical prescriptions about kinship and marriage were
not universally followed.
6.Explain why petriling may have been particularly important among elite families?
7.Write down the ways in which men and women could acquire wealth.
8. Mention three examples of social groups who were viewed with suspicion by the

Class XII
Subject Political Sc.
Holidays Homework

1 Read a novel/ story on partition by an Indian and a Pakistani/Bangladeshi writer. What are the
commonalities of the experience across the border?

2 Make a chart of elections and governments in your state since 1952. The chart could have the
following columns. Year of election, name of the winning party, name of ruling party or parties,
name of the Chief Minister (5).

3.Make a list of slogan coined by Political parties. Do you see any similarities between
advertisements and manifestoes, slogan and advertisements of Political parties?

4 Trace newspaper reports for a week identify any three stories you would classify as “Popular
Movement” Find out the core demands of these movements the methods used by them to
pursue their demands and the response of Political parties to these demands.

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