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Meaning and sentences of following words

1) Affluent- wealthy Sentence- Mittal is a very affluent person. 2) Alleviate- To make more bearable Sentence- There are many drugs that alleviate cold. 3) Clandestine- Secret Sentence- I want to know why everyone is being so clandestine. 4) Clich- Overused expression or idea Sentence- The socially awkward aspect of the nerd clich gets applied as a secondary. 5) Commiserate- Listen to woes of others, to sympathize with Sentence- Ram always commiserates to the problem of others. 6) Corroborate- To strengthen or support with other evidence Sentence- It might be possible to contact him to corroborate the story. 7) Ecstasy- Intense joy or delight, enjoyment. Sentence- These clubs were places where the drug ecstasy became popular at the time. 8) Enervate- To weaken or destroy the strength or vitality of: Sentence- The luxury enervates and destroys nations. 9) Eulogy- Praise, acclamation Sentence- I laughed and cried while writing my Grandmother's eulogy. 10) Indispensible- Necessary Sentence- It is very indispensible to eat and drink for surviving. 11) Nostalgia- Pleasant remembrances Sentence- There are many nostalgia as well as bad memories of my friendship with Jyoti. 12) Perseverance- Diligence, hard work Sentence- Perseverance is required for becoming successful. 13) Recapitulate- Go over something again Sentence- I always recapitulate my old memories with Jyoti. 14) Reincarnation- Rebirth Sentence- There are many religions around the world that believe in reincarnation.


Simulate- Pretend, imitate Sentence- Most of the peoples life goes off in simulating. 16) Supersede- Take the place of; override Sentence- Pranab Mukherjee superseded Pratibha Patil. 17) Vacillate- Go back and forth Sentence- They do not vacillate with regard to their task of considering whatever object appears. 18) Vegetate- Be very passive Sentence- The species found here reflects the well vegetated nature of the ponds. 19) Vicarious- Done or felt for, or on behalf of, another Sentence- Ram read about mountain climbing and experienced vicarious thrills. 20) Voracious- Very hungry, greedy Sentence- Vampires are very voracious for blood. Terminologies 1) Added-value vs. Value-added Added value is equivalent to the increase in value that a business creates by undertaking the production process. Consider the examples of new cars rolling down the production line being assembled by robots. The final, completed and shiny new car that comes off the production line has a value (price) that is more than the cost of the sum of the parts. Value has been added. Exactly how much is determined by the price that a customer pays. Value added is the enhancement in the features of a companys product so as to compete with its competitors. For example, offering one year of free support on a new computer would be a value-added feature. 2) AIDA as used in Marketing Communication In AIDA; A stands for attention, I for interest, D for desire and A for action. It says for making a customer buys a product you should first of all gain their attention of the customers. After that try to create interest among them by focusing on and demonstrating advantages and benefits and then the desire will generate that it will satisfy their needs and that would lead to an action like purchase of the product.






Example- suppose a person is steeping in a mall and he goes through 100 of advertisings but able to retain only one advertising which catches his attention. And further steps of AIDA will goes only with this advertising. Blog- a Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer. Most blogs are maintained by people who know nothing about website design and development. Example- twitter, sketch blog. Bundled Products- a package of two or more products or services, sold for a single price, where the individual components of the bundle may be sold as a separate items each with its stand alone price. Example- tooth brush is sold with Colgate tooth paste. But tooth brush can be sold at its stand alone price. Competitive Advantage- its the advantage of a company over its competitors. Its the differentiated features added to the product of the company or its services that makes it stand out among all and able to win over its competitors. Example- Airtel has win over its competitors and having the competitive advantage of good network coverage among all its competitors. Demographics- it is a basis for segmenting the market. It consists of dividing the market into groups based on variables such as age, gender family size, income, occupation, education, religion, race and nationality. Example- A Company that manufactures men and women's clothes may create a segment for the women customers and promote a new dress line they're offering to them, while promoting a new tie line to the men. Drop-ship- When a company wants to sell a product, but doesn't want the expense of storing it in a warehouse or hiring employees to ship - they turn to drop shipping. The term "drop-ship" basically means to deliver a product to a customer without having to physically see, pack or ship the item yourself. Items sold are delivered directly to the customer by the manufacturer rather than by the retailer, with no cash and carry option. Example- amazon utilizes drop shipping as a method to fulfill their customers' orders. For them, a drop ship product source increases their profit margins by slashing the amount of time and money they have to

spend on managing inventory and packing and shipping products themselves. 8) Feature vs. Benefits-1) Feature is simply a characteristic of a product but a benefit explains what the customer has to gain by using the product. Anyone can make a list of a products features. But it takes a bit of work to convert each of those features into benefits.2) feature is a physical or tangible component of your product / service but benefit is the nonphysical, emotional and intangible reactions to your product / service. Example- A feature of a razor blade for women could be that it has 3 blades. That in itself is unlikely to win many sales because it means nothing to most people. But add the phrase which means youll have smooth and sexy legs and women will know exactly what they will gain when they buy it. 9) Indirect Competitors- Indirect competitors in the business world are those businesses that don't necessarily sell the same products but offer different alternatives to satisfying the same customer need. As a result, even though those companies might not be directly competing with each other in the same industry, they still may impact each other. Example- Two restaurants in the same area that specialize in different cuisines perhaps, sushi and pizza yet compete for the same customers. Businesses must be aware of such indirect competition when planning marketing strategies. 10) Industry- the production side of business activity is referred as industry. It is a business activity, which is related to the raising, producing, procuring, processing or manufacturing of products. Example- automobile industry, FMCG. 11) Influencer as defined in Marketing- Influencer marketing is a form of marketing in which focus is placed on specific key individuals rather than the target market as a whole. It identifies the individuals that have influence over potential buyers, and orients marketing activities around these influencers. Example- Barilla Pasta sought to strengthen their existing brand image as well as reinforce their tradition and belief that the making - and enjoyment - of food is an art. "Test Kitchen" packages containing product samples and information about Barilla were sent out to consumers, who

created dishes, hosted dinner parties, and uploaded photos of their dishes for other members to comment on, rate, and share. 12) Loyalty Scheme- a scheme to keep the business of existing customers. In this the company provides loyalty cards to the regular customers. Each time the customer buys something from the shop; points are electronically stored on their card and can be exchanged later for goods or services. They also provide the credit facility and discount on the basis of their records. Example- Stores like shoppers stop, lifestyle providing loyalty cards to their customers and providing gifts and discount according to the records. 13) Market Potential vs. Sales Potential- Market potential is the total potential sales of a product within a given period of time and for a given geographic area. This is an optimum figure representing the total sales of all prospects that could use the product. Market potential is a macro number and is only used as a benchmark. It is always higher than sales potential. Sales potential is the share of market potential allocated to a specific geographic area for a particular product, or the share of the total market potential that a manufacturer can reasonably expect to sell. The overall figure is always optimistic and must be pruned down by other factors. Example- Lets say you sell reverse mortgages and your ideal customer is 65 years of age or older and owns a home valued at Rs. 15, 00,000 or higher. If you dont know about your customers then Mapping Analytics will then perform market potential analysis using market data, demographics and lifestyle clustering system to find areas where high concentrations of your ideal customer live. Sales potential- In the UTI, high school size, and percentage of noncollege bound students, and industrial arts teachers are used as surrogate measures of sale potential for high schools. 14) Podcast- Increasingly, we hear the term podcast or podcasting. With the popularity of the Apple iPod, the term podcasting was initially tied only to that specific device. The term has a much broader scope now. Podcasts refer to any audio, video or digital media that is distributed to any computing device (i.e. portable media players or personal computers) on a regular or demand basis. The word podcast is

similar to broadcast in that the term can refer to the content itself or to the method used to distribute the content. Example- Podcasts 15) Qualitative Data vs. Quantitative DataQualitative- It cannot be expressed as numbers. Data that represents nominal scales such as gender, socio-economic status, religious, etc. Example- measure of beauty Quantitative- They are anything that can be expressed as a number or can be quantified. Example- score on achievement tests. 16) Segmentation- It is a marketing strategy that segments the whole market into homogenous groups who have same needs and wants. Example- For example, in manufacturing sandwiches, you would clearly be able to make a distinction between creating sandwiches for vegetarians and those for meat eaters. 17) Skimming Price- It is a pricing strategy where the marketer first higher the price for the customer and once the present customer gets satisfied with the product, then they lower the price to attract more customers. The objective with skimming is to skim off the customers who are willing to pay more to have the product sooner; prices are lowered later when demand from the early adopters falls. Example- example can be picked up from the computer industry where technology plays a significant role in price skimming. When a new laptop is introduced with enhanced and unique features it is priced quite high. The prices of older laptops now fall as the demand shifts to laptops showcasing new technology. 18) Strap line as used in Advertising- It is a slogan used in advertising to identify the brand. A strap line is a type of catchphrase for your business. Strap lines are most commonly used by large and medium sized businesses, but this does not mean that they are ineffective for small businesses; simply that they use them less often. Example- Im lovin it (McDonalds) 19) Theme Fairs- It has been started in 1980, when the fair celebrated 100 years. The San Diego Country Fair began a tradition of annual themes.

The themes were agricultural in nature until 1998. It is a strategy where fairs are been done on a particular theme decided. Example- Out Of This World The fair explored outer space, both its serious side with exploration and observation of the universe, and its fun side, with space aliens and science fiction. 20) Value for money- Value for money is in the perception of the buyer or receiver of goods and/or services. It is a utility derived from every purchase or every sum of money spent. Value for money is based not only on the minimum purchase price (economy) but also on the maximum efficiency and effectiveness of the purchase. Example- Suppose a customer purchased a product and he is satisfied with the product purchased then the value for money for that customer will be high. The Monk who sold his Ferrari

1) Fear is nothing more than a mental monster you have created, a negative stream of consciousness. 2) Happiness comes through the progressive realization of a worthy objective. 3) Once you master your mind, body and character, happiness and abundance will flow into your life almost magically. 4) Your mind is the greatest wonder of the universe and your body has the capacity to perform feats that might astonish you. 5) Every day you should have a period of time, as little as fifteen minutes or as much as fifty, wherein you explore the healing power of silence and come to know who you really are. 6) The inner quietness brings with it a wealth of benefits including a deep sense of well- being, inner peace and boundless energy. 7) Two or three times a day take a minute or two to think about breathing more deeply and effectively. 8) A poor diet has a pronounced effect on your life. It drains your mental and physical energy. It affects your moods and it hampers the clarity of your mind.

9) The old knowledge is power idea. 10) Try not to live your life bound by the shackles of your schedule. 11) Read regularly. Reading for thirty minutes a day will do wonders for you. 12) All the problems anyone has ever faced, and will ever face over the course of their lifetime have already been made. 13) Stop making excuses and just do it. 14) There is nothing wrong with making mistakes. Mistakes are part of life and essential for growth. 15) Never forget that it is the quality and not the quantity of sleep that is important. 16) Never forget the power of music. Spend a little time with it every day, even if it is listening to a soft piece on a cassette while you drive to work. 17) Words affect the mind in a pronounced way. Whether they are spoken or written, they are powerful influences. While what you say to others is important, even more important is what you say to yourself. 18) Every being on this earth, every object on this earth has a soul. All soul flows into one; this is the Soul of Universe. 19) Failure is not having the courage to try, nothing more and nothing less. The only thing standing between most people and their dreams is the fear of failure. Yet failure is essential to success in any endeavor. 20) Self- discipline will provide you with the mental reserves required to persevere when life throws you one of its little curves. 21) Dont race against others. Race against yourself.

Every event has a purpose and every setback its lesson

When I was 15 year old I used to have junks from every corner of the streets. Then one day I suffered from food poising for the continuous 10 days. My situation got worsened as day passes. Then the doctor suggested me not to have food outside the home. That event had a purpose to teach me not to have food at every corner of the streets. And that setbacks a lesson for me that every food is not as pure as at your own home.

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