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EDU 287: School-Based Management

1. SBM is an enhanced management of schools which empowers every school to continuously improve its performance in meeting the desired outcomes for students. Discuss the dimension, School leadership and Governance as indicators of SBM. With the implementation of School-based management in the different government schools spearheaded by the DepEd, each school has the capacity to improvement in all its operation activities that are generally geared towards the improvement and learning of each Filipino student. The school-based management has been viewed largely as a political reform which transfers power and authority over budget, personnel and curriculum improvement to individual schools. The responsibility for and decision-making authority over, school operations is transferred to principals, teachers, and parents, and stakeholders. The SBM program exists in different forms, both in terms of who has the power to make decisions and in terms of the degree of decision-making that is devolved to the school level. It is therefore crucial for this program to be effective mainly taking into big consideration on the person who leads the school and to the way this person, along with his/ her subordinates, implement the program. School leadership is a very crucial role that the principal or the school is to perform to be able to meet the desired outcomes that the school has envisioned for. It is assumed that leaders of educational change should be both leaders and managers. "We expect both leadership and management from the same individual" (Manasse, 1986). The primary administrator, the principal, is often responsible for the school's vision as well as the practical steps needed to attain this vision. He/ She

develops a shared vision with co- workers, and values the organization's personnel. The principals role should also involve teachers in decision-making processes and should facilitate teachers becoming leaders of change for the welfare of the school and the students. The SBM program strengthens school governance and accountability by empowering those at the school level to make decisions, thus increasing the transparency of the process. Furthermore, SBM has the potential to hold schoollevel decision makers accountable for their actions. By increasing transparency, SBM can reduce corruption with increasing accountability thereby can prevent and limit corrupt practices while managing the schools policies, rules and regulations as guided by the DepEds mandate, likewise the management of educational funds will be monitored. This is so because the school councils are accountable both to the central education authorities and to the school community and donors.

2. SBM is a shared decision making and is decentralized, giving authority to schools. How are stakeholders involved in ensuring quality education thru SBM? School leaders are exploring ways to better educate students and improve school performance. School-based management offers a way to promote improvement by decentralizing control from central district offices to individual school sites. It attempts to give school constituents (administrators, teachers, parents and other community members) more control over what happens in schools. SBM greatly encourages and suggests that high-involvement or collaborative management is most appropriate where each work is complex. It is best done collegially or in teams which involve day-to-day tasks. Although the school can stand alone with the existing mandates of the DepEd and the school itself, it is best to gather all and utilize resources to help in achieving the schools vision. SBM reflects the schools decision- making authority to parents and stakeholders and communities foster collaboration and ensures that schools provide the learning, social and economic benet that best reect the priorities and values of the local community. Benefits of this approach will be realized with increased school autonomy, greater responsiveness to local needs, and the overall 2

objective of improving students academic performance (OECD, 2004). Collaborative efforts being shared by internal stakeholders are composed of teachers, students, parents and other personnel within the school. They are the prime-movers and the immediate implementers of change within the organization. A better group of teachers can make a difference through educating the students; thereby students will be equipped with knowledge. Parents can also take part as they share services by taking part in any activities of the school. External stakeholders are needed by the school in improving school facilities, they are the Barangay Officials, Local Government Units, and the Non Governmental Organization who take part in supporting school learning, health and nutrition, reading program, technology support and infrastructure and physical facilities development. Private individuals and companies can also be asked for solicitations so as to contribute something for the welfare of students and the community for expansion of its facilities, buildings and other infrastructures that will help increase the learning of students.

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