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Running Head: Child Abuse and Neglect Cases

Lab #6

Child Abuse and Neglect Cases Reported and Investigated by State

Nikia Pope

SOWK 300

Tuskegee University

February 10, 2009


Magnitude of the Problem

Figure 1

Descriptive Discussion

This data clearly states the number of Child Abuse and Neglect Cases
by State. Given this data, one can see that Child Abuse is a major
problem within the United States. In these 5 states alone, the numbers
are alarming. This chart describes Child Abuse in (5) states in
respect to the population, number of reports, number of children
subject of an investigation, and the number of child victims.

Interpretive Discussion

From this data I gathered that Child Abuse and Neglect is an ever-
growing problem in society that needs to be addressed. There should be
some type of laws and consequences implemented in society, so that we
can try to combat this problem. The sooner that society and high
ranking officials recognize that this is a problem, the sooner
something can be done about this. The children lives can be affected
in a positive way versus a negative one.

Scope of the problem

Figure 2

Descriptive Discussion

The above graph shows the number of Child Abuse victims broken
down by age groups and by specific years. Each year is color
coded by year. Looking at this data, one can draw the conclusion
that the trend continues to progress upward. Each age group
seems to be more than the previous one.

Interpretive Discussion

Every year Child Abuse seems to become more of an issue. Each

year is more than the previous year, which indicates that the
problem is becoming more severe that the previous year. The most
severe age category seems to be the 2 to 5 year old category.
The 18 years old & older category seems to be almost non-
existent, or at least not as severe as the other age categories.

Change in the problem

Figure 3

Descriptive Discussion

This data displays the total number of victims of Child Abuse,

and it also broken down into 2 Categories; Male and Female. This
data shows a steady increase in the number of cases reported.

Interpretive Discussion

There are recognizable changes within this problem

unfortunately; all the changes are for the worse. The chart
clearly shows in a steady, dangerous increase in the number of
children being abused. Each year is more crucial than the year
before. Using this data, on can make an assumption that the
abuse is more inflicted towards young girls. This graph means
that Child Abuse is a problem that we must get under control.

Disparities in the Problem

Figure 4

Descriptive Discussion

The data chart shows the Disparities within the problem of Child
Abuse and Neglect. The problem is broken down into age groups as
well as by Sex (Male and Female. Each age group numbers are
pretty close to each others, which goes to show that its serious
no matter what age group. It is also a major problem with Males
and Females, data is similar.

Interpretive Discussion

Ages 1 -17, Kids are steadily being abused. This abuse is

affecting them in more ways than we can know. These are suppose
to be the formidable years of kids and someone is stunting their
growth with the abuse. Age 2 to 9 are hit the hardest. Its time
someone spoke up.

Summary & Conclusion


Child Abuse is a major problem in society. Some may be more

aware of the problem than others. This data should be known
worldwide, so that people can begin to stand up and fight for
these innocent children. Help save a life! Children with a
history of neglect or physical abuse are at risk of developing
psychiatric problems. Victims of childhood abuse also suffer
from different types of physical health problems later on in
life. Many reportedly suffer from some type of chronic head,
abdominal, pelvic, or muscular pain with no identifiable reason.

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