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Bivariate Relationship:
Members of a fraternity or sorority that have a drinking problem miss less class than
those who are not in a fraternity or sorority.
Multivariate Relationship:
Males who are members of a fraternity who have a drinking problem miss less class
than females who are apart of a sorority.
Females who are members of a sorority who have a drinking problem miss less class
than males who are apart of a fraternity.

The values for my independent variable FRATSORO is yes-1 and no-2. The values for
my dependent variable MSSCLASS is not at all-1, once-2, and 2 xs or more-3. The
control variable is Gender and its values are 1(male) and 2 (female).

When Gender is being taken into affect I think that it brings another aspect to the
problem/research. With most problems it comes down to male and female. I think
that the research will show that when drinking women miss more class than males.
“A higher percent of women will miss class more than men.”

In college life, there are individuals that are apart of extended families such as
fraternities and sororities. Within these organizations a lot of different activities take
place that affect members of the organizations, Different things include but are not
limited to partying. In these parties like most parties there is serious drinking. This
serious drinking leads to hangovers, which can prevent students from making it to
class on time or even at all.

This data shows that members of a fraternity or sorority actually don’t miss a lot of
class at all (77.7%) while (57.5%) show that they do miss class. There are very
decent showings in the missing class ONCE category. (19.9%) of members of a
fraternity or Sorority say that they have missed classed at least once as a result of
drinking while only (11.3%) say that they haven’t missed class. 22.7% of members
have missed class 2 times or more, while (11.1%) have not.

The specific data for males show that most male who are members of a fraternity
don’t miss class at all as a result of drinking (72.7%). Maybe males can handle
alcohol better than females. (22.8%) of males have missed class at least once.
There are a few males that have missed class 2 times or more with a decent
showing at (22.8%).

The specific data for females show that in the not at all category there is a very
strong showing for the No option at (81.3%). While there is (59.8%) for yes. (17.6%)
of females who members of a sorority have missed classed at least once while
(11.6%) have not. (22.5%) of females have missed class 2 times or more.

My hypothesis was not correct in thinking that women miss more class than men.
The data actually shows and proves that men miss more class than women.

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