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UMPIRE FUNCTION of Speed Badminton


UMPIRE FUNCTION of Speed Badminton

- International Speed Badminton Organisation -

Revised version: 2012, Jan by Gossen


UMPIRE FUNCTION of Speed Badminton

Content: Explanation of concepts................................................................................................... 3 Umpire function ............................................................................................................... 5 1 Continued match, unfair behavior and penalties ................................................... 5 1.2 Breaks / time out............................................................................................ 5 1.3 Interruption of match...................................................................................... 5 1.4 Delay of the match......................................................................................... 5 1.5 Coaching and leaving the court ..................................................................... 5 1.6 A player is not allowed ............................................................................... 5 1.7 Treatment of offenses.................................................................................... 5 Officials of tournament and objections .................................................................. 6 Umpire signs ......................................................................................................... 7

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UMPIRE FUNCTION of Speed Badminton

Explanation of concepts
Player Each person who plays Speed Badminton. Match Partner The player of a double in the same team. Match Party A party consists of one player in a single. A party consists of 2 player in a double in the same team. Opponent The player of the party to be confronted with. Game Competition of Speed Badminton between 2 parties, consisting of one or two players at each team. Square A square is a part of the court. It refers to one of two squares where the speeder has to be placed in. Court with security zone The courts consists of 2 opposite squares which are parallel within a distance of 12,8 m and a security zone which forms a regular frame around the square and the intermedium zone. Ball The ball is called speeder. Racket The player plays with a racket. Single In a match with 2 opposite players a square is assigned to each party. Double A match with 2 opposite players each. A square is assigned to each party. Baseline player Only double: The player who has to put a part of his foot which is next to the baseline behind the partners at the moment when striking the speeder. Attacker Only double: The player who has to put a part of his foot, which is next to the baseline, in front of the partners at the moment when striking the speeder. Server The party to serve. Returner The party opposite to the server/ the party to return.

Exchange of shots / rally A sequence of one or several shots counting from the serve to the moment when the speeder is out of bound. Head umpire The head umpire is the observer of the ISBTO and is also called tournament referee.


UMPIRE FUNCTION of Speed Badminton

Referee The referee is responsible for one match and is also called match referee. Line- / Serve- / Position umpire The line- / serve- / position umpire has to give the faults of serve made by the server or has to announce the faults of position, too. Speederkids Speederkids are also known as ball boys.


UMPIRE FUNCTION of Speed Badminton

Umpire function

Continued match, unfair behavior and penalties

The match is played without interruption starting from the first serve to the end of match, with exception to the permitted rule 1.2 and 1.3. 1.2 Breaks / time out 1.2.1 Double only: Per each party and per each set a time out of 60 sec. is allowed. 1.2.2 Breaks of 120 sec., but no longer are allowed in all matches. 1.3 Interruption of match 1.3.1 Under circumstances beyond the players responsibility the umpire can interrupt the match as long as it is considered to be necessary. 1.3.2 Under special circumstances the umpire can instruct the referee to interrupt the match. 1.3.3 If the match is interrupted the ranking points remain and the match will be continued later mat the standing of interruption. 1.3.4 The player is allowed to demand a time out due to an injury. In a permitted time out in a set (rule 1.2.1.) this one is used, otherwise the umpire can decide about an additional time out of max. 3 min.. The tournaments doctor has to be consulted. 1.4 Delay of the match 1.4.1 Under no circumstances it is allowed to delay the match in order to give a player the chance of recovering or asking for coaching (except rule 1.2. / 1.3. / 1.5.) 1.4.2 The umpire is the only one to decide on a delay of the match. 1.5 Coaching and leaving the court 1.5.1 A player is only allowed to be coached if the speeder is out of bound. 1.5.2 No player is allowed to leave the court without permission of the umpire, with exception to the breaks (described in rule 1.2) 1.6 A player is not allowed 1.6.1 to delay the match on purpose or interrupt it without permission. 1.6.2 to modify or damage the speeder in order to change speed of flight quality. (It is not allowed to put the speeder into the pockets of clothes). 1.6.3 to behave unfairly and in a bad manner such as to throw the racket on purpose. 1.6.4 to be guilty for an unfair behavior, not being covered by a Speed Badminton Rule. 1.7 Treatment of offenses 1.7.1 The umpire is allowed to punish an offense against the rules 1.4. / 1.5 or 1.6. in the following way: By a verbal warning of the party which became guilty. By a yellow card shown to the party being once already warned which means a reduction of points. Two serious warnings (red card) of a party mean a continuous offense causing the loss of a set or disqualification pronounced by the head umpire. 1.7.2 In case of a strong unfair sports manner, a continuous offense or an offense against rule 1.2. (late appearance after a break), the umpire contacts the head umpire who is entitled to disqualify the guilty party in this match (black card). 1.7.3 After the match the received cards are no longer valid so that the penalty system starts again in the next match. 1.7.4 The head umpire is authorized to disqualify a player for the tournament or to bar a person from the tournament area, in case of inadequate behavior.


UMPIRE FUNCTION of Speed Badminton

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5

Officials of tournament and objections

The head umpire has the entire responsibility of the tournament and of all matches. The umpire nominated for the match is responsible for the course of the match, the court and the surroundings next to the court. The umpire has to report to the head umpire. The serve/position umpire has to give the faults of serve by the server as well as faults of position. The line umpire says if a speeder is in or out with regard to the lines he is responsible for. The decision of an official of tournament is definite regarding his responsibility with exception of the case that the umpire has noticed from his point of view, without any doubt, a false decision by a line umpire. In this case the umpire has to overrule the decision of the line umpire. An umpire has to check the rules of Speed Badminton, fulfill them and announce faults or repetition when happened. make a decision in case of dispute before the next serve. take care of informing players and spectators about the progress of the match. name or take off line umpires or serve umpires after contacting the head umpire. take care of those tasks for which no official is determined. decide on behalf of an official of tournament whose view was impeded or insist on a repetition. write down all events in connection with rule 1 and inform the head umpire. Speederkids may be employed and are especially wanted. The officials of tournament are responsible for the correct use of the speeder boys.

2.6 2.6.1 2.6.2 2.6.3 2.6.4 2.6.5 2.6.6 2.6.7 2.7


UMPIRE FUNCTION of Speed Badminton


Umpire signs
In: Pointing with open palms downwards.


Out: Pointing with open palms over the shoulder.


Time out: Palms for a T.


Repetition: The index fingers of both handy point upwards.


Interruption of match: both palms point upwards with the finger tips.


UMPIRE FUNCTION of Speed Badminton

3.6 Change of court sides: the open palms rotate one above the other.


Infringe the service line during serving & fault of position in a double: open palms are moved parallel downwards and to each other.


The offense against the rules is shown by the colour of the card.


The point is attributed to the party in which direction the open palms show.


UMPIRE FUNCTION of Speed Badminton

3.10 Release of service.

3.11 Other Signs 3.11.1 To signal which party made a fault press the fist in the open other hand (fist = party made the fault / open hand = other party) and hold both hands over your head. 3.11.2 To signal a service fault make a short forehand movement with ones hand. Signed Committee of rules and tournaments of the ISBO.


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