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Daily Double Plan

Name: Mary Beth Lynn Subject/Time: 8th Reading 10:40-12:10/1:10-1:40 Date: 3/7/13

Overview Benchmark: RI.3.1 Key Ideas and Details: Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. Objective(s) SWBAT: Objective: SWBAT participate in a student centered discussion using evidence from texts to support their ideas Vocabulary words/Key Concepts: socratic seminar Modifications/ Accommodations *per specific IEPs, including extra time on tasks, personal conversations regarding tasks, explicit instructions (written & verbal) Materials & Technology computer, Elmo, handouts Homework n/a

Key Lesson Elements What is the Teacher Doing? Do Now (3-5 minutes): 12 MINS Say, Youre going to take 5 minutes and review the text, Walking With the Wind, by John Lewis and then write down the most pressing question youd like answered during the discussion. Remember, it must be open-ended, because the premise of a Socratic Seminar is to read a text and have a high-level discussion about it, so we need to have rich questions to guide our discussion. CFU What are the Students Doing? -reviewing the text independently and at a Level 0 -writing down ONE open-ended question to pose duing seminar

Daily Double Plan

DISTRIBUTE TEXTS if needed & QUESTION HANDOUT SET TIMER FOR 5 MINS/NARRATE/CIRCULATE Do Now Question: Review the text, Walking With the Wind, by John Lewis, and come up with ONE open-ended question youd like to pose during the seminar. I Do Input (1-2 Key teaching points): 15 MINS Say, Before beginning the seminar, lets take a look a t a video clip of one so you get an idea of how its supposed to look and what youre actually going to be doing. Please track the front board and watch the video at a Level 0. SHOW SOCRATIC SEMINAR VIDEO ASK STUDENTS: 1. What text were the students discussing? 2. What types of questions did the students ask of each other? (refer to anchor chart w/ sentence stems) 3. Did you notice how the students referred back to the text & gave examples when answering questions/making comments? Say, In order to do any type of activity like this, its important to have participation criteria. Take 2 minutes and review the rubric independently and at a Level 0. After the timer sounds, please feel free to ask any questions that you may have. DISTRIBUTE RUBRIC & SET TIMER (answer questions if applicable) Say, Its also equally important to establish norms. Lets review them now. Please direct your attention to the anchor chart at a Level 0. CHART NORMS (sample) 1. Be Respectful of others 2. Speak at a Level 3 & without raising hands 3. Listen closely -FOCUSING ON SPEAKER WITH EYES, BODIES, & BRAINS -engaging in learning by tracking the speaker -sharing out at a Level 3 if called on

Daily Double Plan

4. Refer to the text 5. Use sentence stems 6. Talk to each other, not just to the leader 7. Ask for clarification. Dont stay confused. 8. Invite and allow others to speak 9. Consider all viewpoints and ideas 10. Know that you are responsible for the quality of the seminar... Say, Lastly, before we begin, lets get a better idea of who the author of our text is. We will watch a brief clip of John Lewis discussing the sit-ins that he refers to in the text. Please track the front board and watch the video at a Level 0. Feel free to take notes on the back of your text if youd like. SHOW CLIP OF JOHN LEWIS

(speaking about Sit-ins)

-participating in Socratic Seminar

We Do/You Do: 30 MINS Check for Understanding: CC Say, Now that we have an idea of what a socratic seminar looks like, what were being graded on, and our norms, lets get started. MOVE CHAIRS IN CIRCLE FORMATION Say, The first question I will pose to you is, What is the main idea of the text?, and then you guys can take it from there. If more than 15 seconds lapses with no discussion, then I will pose another question, but the best case scenario is for you to come up with the next talking point (like the students did in the video). Dont forget, once we are done with the seminar, I will be assigning you all a grade based on your participation. I will set the timer for 20 minutes and display it on the board. Lets get started. CFU *USE QUESTIONS CREATED BY STUDENTS DURING DO NOW Discussion Questions: In the text, John Lewis began the excerpt by introducing a group of women. What do you think his purpose was in doing so?

Daily Double Plan

Do you think John was scared to participate in the sit-in? Explain. Why do you think John and Bernard typed up rules for the sitins? Do you think the rules were followed? If someone typed up rules that said to NOT respond with violence today, do you think people would follow them? Why? Why do you think John Lewis and other Freedom Riders were so determined to fight for their rights without violence, especially seeing as how there were so many violent crimes against them? How can you compare John Lewis experience to the story of Emmett Till? Do nonviolent protests exist today? Have you ever been in a situation when you have chosen to respond without violence (even though it was very difficult)? How did it end-up? How can you relate Chicagos segregation problems to the ones that John Lewis (and other Freedom Riders) experienced?

Questions to move the discussion along: Who has a different perspective? Who has not yet had a chance to speak? Where do you find evidence for that in the text? Can you clarify what you mean by that? How does that relate to what (someone else) said? Is there something in the text that is unclear to you? Has anyone changed their mind? Questions to bring the discussion back to students in closing (5 mins remaining): How do the ideas in the text relate to our lives? What do they mean for us personally? Is it right that....? Do you agree with the author? Exit Ticket (aligned to lesson objective) or assessment: 8 MINS Complete reflection Agenda: Do Now, Socratic Seminar, Reflection -completing exit ticket at a Level 0 Materials: question handout, reflection handout/rubric, extra texts

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