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Traffic where I live

I live in Jagodno which is a small village not far from Velika Gorica. There is not an lot of traffic in my area but alot of people drive old automobiles and unfortunately, unregistered vehicles. Except cars, you can often see tractors, combines, dredgers and trucks. Tractors, c onsidering they are working machines are slow vehicles so when they go on the road, they just slow the traffic down and cause a nuisance. Combines are big machines and they can`t be easy passed. Ofcourse to get to the field they need to use mainroads which then gives other drivers gives a headache. You can often see dredgers in the village. They are working on roadmaintenance, on groundleveling or etc. Near Jagodno ( Novo Cice) we have company for the excavation of gravel, Hidrel. The firm owns a lot of trucks, so they are passing all around the village everyday. Unfortunately, thanks to them, ( and many others of course), roads that are connecting my village with city are devastated. Heavytrucks are passing on small roads, and they are just damaging the road. Novo Cice started building a newschool. Near schools is a bigcrane. Crane is not participating in traffic, but his transport is complicated and with building works comes more traffic and doe to all the deliverys of materials and removal of rubbish. Unfortunately, because of tight roads that in and around the village, and a few blind intersections, accidents happen very often. But, thank god, most of drivers drive carefully and at the proper speed, so that damages are just financial. There are two buslines and two companies which are carrying passengers. You can often see a bus passing by. Bus drivers have strict policy for speed limit, so they are never driving more than 50 km/h. Most of that drivers live in some village near Velika Gorica, and they have even bigger obligation for passenger safety. Roads are pretty bad considering that this is an old village, road shaven been repaired for a long time. Eventually, after a large amount of rain, they just put a few patches on road. We don`t have walkways in whole village, so people are walking on the road. Therefore drivers have to be very careful. A good side of this low traffic is that we don`t have too much noise, or traffic jams.

In the village, we don`t have semaphore, or any other signalization. With pride I can say that we have one zebra and we also have few speed bumpers. In younger groups, little motor bikes are very popular. Young people are often driving from one side of a village to another. They are going to a near lake or similar but unfortunately some of them driving those bike speed alot and drive wreckless with out regard for others. My village is connected very good with some bigger cities like Velika Gorica and Zagreb. In Velika Gorica traffic is heavier . They have a lot of semaphores, zebras and pedestrians. The cyclists have their own cycle paths through the whole city. I am often at my girlfriends place, in Graani, Zagreb and I often get stuck in traffic jams. Upthere, in Graani, traffic is not so heavy but the traffic in city is brutal and much heavier. Especially if you go in it between 4 and 6 afternoon . This being rush hour a lot of semaphores, cyclists, pedestrians, much more vehicles and increased noise. Cyclists in Zagreb has their own cycle paths, but they are not using them often. So drivers has to be extra aware of their presence. Traffic in Zagreb is an adventure. When I somehow get out of the jams, I am happy for returning back into my small village, with one zebra.

Ivica Potnar, Motor vehicle maintenance

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