Lease Deed Ramesh

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THIS INDENTURE of lease is made this the ___ day of _________- _, between Sri. ______________________________ , aged ____ years, business occupation (herein after called the Lessor) of the one part and Sri __________________________________ , aged ____ years, business occupation (hereinafter called the Lessee) of the other part. WHEREAS the lessor is absolutely seized and possessed or otherwise well and sufficiently entitled ___ to the building along with open space situated at _______________________________________________________________



AND WHEREAS on the request of the Lessee, the lessor has agreed to grant lease in respect of the demised premises for a term of _______ years in the manner hereinafter appearing.

Whereby it is agreed as follows: 1. The Lessor hereby demises to the Lessee a shed, acc sheet roof over steel trusses and Brick masonry wall, along with vacant site in S.No.______, with the usable pathway fully described in the schedule hereto, situated at __________________________ to hold the same to the Lessee from _____ day of _ ___________ for the term of __________ years paying there for during the said term the monthly rent of _Rs. 3000/-_ (_Rupees Three Thousand only_) with refundable security deposit of _Rs. 25,000_ (_Rupees Twenty Five Thousand only_ ) payable on the first day of the month succeeding that for which the rent is due; 2. The Lessee hereby agrees that he will during the said term (tenancy) pay Electricity bill intended for the leased premises, taxes, if any, pertaining to his business and other charges excluding the house tax which now are or may hereafter becomes payable in respect of the demised property; 3. The Lessor hereby agrees as follows: (i) That the Lessor shall keep the premises in good and substantial condition during the said term; (ii) That the Lessor shall repair when necessary, the bore well, the passages, pathways and the road connecting the provincial road with the premises hereby demised and shall get the well cleaned at least once a year. (iii) That the Lessor shall re-pay the refundable deposit without any Interest added at the completion of Tenancy period. 4. Provided always and it is hereby agreed as follows: (i) That whenever any part of the rent hereby reserved shall be in arrears for_3_ months



after due date or there shall be a breach of any of the covenants by the Lessee herein contain the Lessor may re-enter on the demised premises and determine this lease. (ii) The tenancy hereby created shall be determinable at the option of the Lessor/Lessee (or either party) by giving to Lessee/Lessor (or, the other party) _3_ calendar months notice in writing. 5. It is hereby agreed between the parties that in respect of the demised premises the parties hereto shall respectively have all the rights and be subject to all the liabilities of a lessor and of a lessee as set forth in Section 108 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882, except Clause (m) thereof which is hereby excluded. 6. It is hereby agreed between the parties as follows: (i) That any demand for payment or notice requiring to be made upon or given to the Lessee shall be sufficiently made or given if sent by the Lessor or his agent through the post by registered letter addressed to the Lessee at the demised premises, and that notice requiring to be given to the Lessor shall be sufficiently given if sent by the Lessee through the post by registered letter addressed to the Lessor at his usual or last known place of residence or business and that any demand or notice sent by post in either case shall be assumed to have been delivered in the usual course of pose. (ii) That wherever such in interpretation would be necessary in order to give the fullest scope and effect legally possible to any covenant or contract herein contained the expression the Lessor herein before used shall include the owner for the time being of the Lessors interest in the demised premises and the expression the Lessee herein before used shall include his heirs, executors, administrators and permitted assigns. In witness whereof the parties have put their signatures hereunder on the day and the year first above -written



SCHEDULE (Leased under this deed) All the piece and parcel of immovable property is bounded by: On the East On the West On the South On the North : : : : Dry Land of Pydi Ramana and others Dry Land of Pydi Chinnammadu and others Dry Land of Tatimalla Sanyasi Rao Gorja



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