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INTERVIEW SCHEDULE 1. Gender: (a) Male (b) Female

2. Age of respondent: (a) 15-18 (b) 19-22 (c)23-26 (d)27-30

3. Education of the respondent (a) Illiterate (e) Graduate (b) Primary (f) Above graduation (c)Matric (d)Intermediate

4. Occupation of the respondent (a) No occupation (b) Govt. Job (c)Private job (d)Business (e) other

5. What is your monthly income from all sources? (a) Up to 7000 (b7001-15,000 (c)15001-25000 (d) Above 25000

6. Family type of the respondent: (a) Nuclear 7. Live with whom? (a) Alone 8. Parents status (a) Live together (b) Separate 9. Who support your study (a) Parents (b) Brothers/ Sisters (c) Parents and Yourself (d) others (c) Divorce (d) Parent Loss (b) Friend (c) Relative (d) Family (b) Joint (c)Extended

10. How do you feel your finance status (a) Not enough for tuition (b) not enough for living conditions (c) sufficient (d) Rarely sufficient 11. Do you have part time job (a) Yes (b) No

12. Do you have a close friend? (a) Yes (b) No

13. Do you have a boyfriend/ girlfriend? (a) Yes (b) No

14. How do you feel your relationship with your friend? (a) satisfactory (b) not satisfactory (c) very satisfactory (d) rarely satisfactory

15. How do you feel your relationship with your family? (a) satisfactory (b) not satisfactory (c) very satisfactory (d) rarely satisfactory

16. How often do you exercise? (a) Never (b) always (c) oftenly (d) daily

17. What do you do when facing problems? (a) Discuss with friends (b) discuss with family (e) others 18. Do you discuss your problems with your friend in order to release depression (a) Strongly agree disagree 19. Do you smoke in order to release depression? (a) Strongly agree (b) Agree (c) Neutral (d) Disagree (e) Strongly disagree (b) Agree (c) Neutral (d) Disagree (e) Strongly (c) smoking (d) praying

20. What do you often do in your free time? (can chose more than once choice) (a) Go out with friends (c) Playing sport (b) Listening to music/ Reading/watching TV/playing game (d) nothing

21. Do you go out with your friends in your free time? (a) Yes (b) No

22. Do you listen music in your free time? (a) Yes (b) No

23. Your relationship with your teacher in class (a) satisfactory (b) not satisfactory (c) very satisfactory (d) rarely satisfactory

24. Do you feel you are depressed? (b) Yes (b) No

25. Do you hopeful about your future? (a) Yes (b) No

26. Do you feel that peoples dislike you? (a) Yes (b) No

27. Do you feel change in your attitude during this academic year? (a) Yes (b) No

28. Do you feel change in your sleeping habits? (a) Yes (b) No

29. Have you missed too many classes? (a) Yes (b) No

30. Do you feel change in use of alcohol / drugs during this academic year? (a) Yes (b) No

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