Sri Lankan Tamil Genocide: Interview With Prof - Ramasamy

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Professor P.

Ramasamy of the Democratic Action Party of Malaysia is a Deputy Chief Minister of the
Penang state of Malaysia since March 2008. He participated as a member of the LTTE’s Constitutional
Affairs Committee, prior to Geneva Talks in June 2006. He also served as advisor for Free Aceh
Movement during the Helsinki Peace Talks, 2006.

Full text of the interview of Prof. Ramasamy to TamilNet follows:

TamilNet: The Tokyo Co-Chairs and other international actors have been asking the LTTE to lay
down arms, end armed resistance and enter Sri Lankan politics, arguing that their concern to the
catastrophic end to the war can only be on humanitarian grounds. What do you think are the
reasons that limit them to base their stance solely on 'humanitarian' concerns and how does it
affect the ongoing war?

Prof. P. Ramasamy
Dr. Ramasamy: The Tokyo-Co-chairs and other international actors have been duped in supporting the
war aims of the Sri Lankan government, having fallen into the trap of labelling the LTTE as terrorists,
these actors have found they have little or no space to manoeuvre to a fast changing international
situation. Although they are mindful of the ground support for the LTTE both in Sri Lanka and
elsewhere, they are unable to move beyond the present straitjacket of wanting to sideline the LTTE.
Knowing very well that the humanitarian situation in Sri Lanka has been deplorable for a number of
years, the Tokyo-Co-Chairs have emerged as humanitarian champions overnight.

TamilNet: Some among the International Community seem to think that LTTE has not been
flexible enough in negotiations with Colombo. As an expert who contributed in the political
affairs committee of the Tamil side during the last negotiations, how do you view the 'flexibility'
of both the sides? If you think that LTTE has shown enough flexibility, then what do you think is
the reason for some members attempting to blame the LTTE for not being flexible enough?

Dr. Ramasamy: Flexibility has to emerge from the two opposing sides during conflict. While the
international community expects flexibility from the LTTE, however, such a request is not made on the
government of Sri Lanka. Furthermore, the international community seems to think that the problem is
mainly with the LTTE, while the GOSL is allowed to pursue its war efforts recklessly resulting in a
humanitarian disaster among innocent Tamils. The LTTE is expression of Tamil discontent of the Sri
Lankan government and the way the latter has dealt with the Tamil national question. The LTTE is
blamed for various reasons. This mainly refers to LTTE's consistent position in defending and
articulating the Tamil position in Sri Lanka. The refusal of the LTTE to compromise on Tamil dignity
has earned it the anger of India and other countries.

TamilNet: You served also as an advisor for Free Aceh Movement during the Helsinki Peace
Talks 2006. How do you compare the engagement of the International Community in
contributing to sustainable and conducive atmosphere during the negotiations? What went
wrong in the conflict in Sri Lanka?

Dr. Ramasamy: In so far as the conflict in Aceh was concerned, the international community was much
neutral in providing the political circumstances for peace to be achieved. The neutrality and objectivity
of the international community was one of the main reasons as to why peace was able to be achieved in
Indonesia. However, in the Sri Lankan conflict, the international took a biased stand and its refusal to
accord recognition to the LTTE as the sole representation of the Tamil people has blocked attempts
towards a peaceful solution. What is more, in the process of the war, the international took side with the
Sri Lankan government to the utter dismay of the Tamils.

TamilNet: Since the Vaddukkoaddai resolution in 1976, the armed struggle for the establishment
of a separate state has been spearheaded by the LTTE. There have been various setbacks,
challenges and achievements throughout these years. However, there are certain international
actors describing the current phase of the war as an end-game and attempt to describe the near-
future as post-conflict scenario. What is your comment on this view?

Dr. Ramasamy: The armed struggle in pursuit of Tamil Eelam is a long drawn out struggle for Tamils in
Sri Lanka. There will be setbacks and numerous challenges. Armed struggle is an aspect of political
struggle. Tamils and their representatives are open and willing to pursue a negotiated settlement, but the
Sri Lankan state prefers to pursue a military solution. Thus, the armed struggle waged by the LTTE to
protect and advance the move towards freedom is a defensive action. It is not the LTTE is not flexible.
Every ready they call for a ceasefire and for engagement in negotiations. For this to happen, the
international community and India in particular must act justly. Even though some ethnic conflicts are
longer than others, there is no such thing as a perpetual conflict. Rather than providing confusing
terminologies to describe the current phase of war, it is important for international actors to take some
concrete steps to address the plight of Tamils.

The LTTE's position on the Tamil national question is one of a separate state. However, a position need
not hamper the LTTE to pursue other options if Tamils demands could be incorporated in other forms
of political arrangements, such as it was in the case of Aceh, Indonesia.

The current issue is not one of positions between the warring parties, but one that re-focuses attention
on the fallacy of the international community in searching for a just solution for Tamils in Sri Lanka.
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