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Introduction to Management

Group Assignment

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Learning Outcomes The student should be able to demonstrate: A basic knowledge and understanding of the diversity of the scope of management in organisations The ability to undertake basic research and to communicate information effectively in both oral and written form A basic knowledge of the underlying concepts and principles related to entrepreneurial activities and their management Deliverables This group assignment represents 50% of the total marks for this module. This assignment is divided into 2 parts: Part A - Report (70%) Part B - Presentation (30%) The group report length should be 1,500 words. You should state the number of words used on the cover of the assignment. You may include diagrams or figures, reference and bibliography lists and any appendices without word penalty. The standard sliding scale of penalties for excess length will be imposed. The penalties will be as follows: 1 -10% excess 11-20% excess 21-30% excess 31-40% excess no penalty 150 3 marks reduction 6 marks reduction 9 marks reduction

______________________________________________________________________________________ Level 1 Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation

Introduction to Management

Group Assignment

Page 2 of 7

Instructions You are required to use relevant sources to support your answer and the application within ANY of the organizations given below:

Subway Burger King Coffee Bean Old Town Coffee IBM Acer CIMB OCBC Apple Inc Samsung

Part A - Report Write a group report on the contribution that any Two Mega environmental factors and Two Task environmental factors have on the success of an organisation, from the lists below". Mega environment i) International element ii) Economic element iii) Technological element iv) Sociocultural element v) Legal-political element Task environment i) Customers & Clients ii) Competitors iii) Labour iv) Supplier v) Government Agencies

______________________________________________________________________________________ Level 1 Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation

Introduction to Management

Group Assignment

Page 3 of 7

Each member of the group should fill up the Group Task Report, which states the work done and responsibilities held.

Marking Criteria Marks are awarded based on the following guidelines:Components Description / introduction of the chosen organisation Overall understanding of the concepts (10 marks) Description and application of the Mega factors selected Description and application of the Task factors selected Conclusion Marks Allocation 10 10 25 25 10

Referencing - Harvard referencing system with 10 textual citation Documentation - Standard academic format 10 Total 100

Part B - Presentation A 20-minute presentation of the report, followed by a 5-10 minute question and answer session will be conducted. All members of the group must present and marks will be awarded individually. You will be assessed on the following: Content Relevant information Detailed literature review Ability to respond competently to questions Communication skills Quality of presentation technique (20 marks)

(10 marks)

______________________________________________________________________________________ Level 1 Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation

Introduction to Management

Group Assignment

Page 4 of 7

Presentation materials (Total 30 marks)

Additional Information


a social class comprising those who do manual labor or work for wages; "there is a shortage of skilled labor in this field" 1. You should have a minimum of 5 references to substantiate you research and report writing. 2. You are REQUIRED to use proper referencing methods for this assignment Harvard Referencing System. 3. Report should be well structured and the use of proper headings for topic separation is encouraged. 4. The report must follow the standard academic format: Font : Times New Roman Font Size : 12 Spacing : 1.5 Performance Criteria Marks are awarded based on the following guidelines: Grade Assessment Guidelines Superficial analysis, concepts and language of the subject are absent or scant. Irrelevant regurgitation of text book. Ideas are poorly expressed. Many key issues are ignored. Concepts and language of the subject are used but are often confused in application and or explanation.


______________________________________________________________________________________ Level 1 Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation

Introduction to Management

Group Assignment

Page 5 of 7


Superficial analysis, concepts and language of the subject are absent or minimal. Few learning outcomes have been met. Irrelevant regurgitation of text book. Ideas are poorly expressed. Many key issues are ignored. Concepts and language of the subject are used but are often confused in application and or explanation. Some understanding of the relevant models and concepts. Some elements of an appropriate structure are present. Restricted analysis of some issues. Evidence of some reading and research. Incorrect referencing although it is evident. Some elements of an appropriate structure are present. Key issues are analysed but not done thoroughly. Evidence of reading and research. Understanding of the application of appropriate models and concepts is demonstrated, but not thoroughly. Key issues are identified and analysed, although this may be restricted at times. Some source s are acknowledged. Evidence of reading and research. Understanding of the application of appropriate models and concepts is demonstrated. Key issues are identified and analysed, although this may not be consistent. References are acknowledged. Evidence of wider reading. The assignment effectively interprets the information and exhibits the integration of ideas across the subject area. The assignment has credible recommendations. A systematic approach to development and evaluation is used. Most sources are acknowledged and referenced using Harvard Name System of Referencing. and Arguments are clear and convincing. Confident integration of theory and practices is demonstrated. Consistent referencing to sources using the Harvard Name System of Referencing.






80% above

______________________________________________________________________________________ Level 1 Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation

Introduction to Management

Group Assignment

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Group Members: 1) 2) 3) 4)

No. 1

Task / Description / Responsibility

Name Signature


______________________________________________________________________________________ Level 1 Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation

Introduction to Management

Group Assignment

Page 7 of 7

______________________________________________________________________________________ Level 1 Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation

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