13 June-July Newsletter

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St. Mark Lutheran Church R. Paul Schafer, Pastor Grace Kennedy, Secretary VOL. XX, NO. 6 & 7 E-Mail: church@stmarkluth.comcastbiz.net 141 Kruger St., Wheeling, WV 304-242-3466 Leslie Garrett, Organist/Dir. Of Music Amy Hinkelman, Dir. Youth/Christian Ed. JUNE & JULY 2013 www.stmarkwheeling.org

OUR MISSION: As disciples of Christ, St. Mark ministers that all may know the joy of Christs love through ministries of Welcoming, Growing, and Caring.


The so-called lazy days of summer arent necessarily that lazy anymore. Today, summer often has its own hectic pace along with the other seasons of the year. But still, hopefully, there will be those occasions when we can find some R and R time in these next couple of months. I think our society, all hyped up on consumerism and energy drinks, needs a little bit more down time. When I think about the need for down time (or a better phrase would be Sabbath time) I am often reminded of one of my favorite episodes from the old Andy Griffith Show. The episode features a travelling businessman, full of stress and urgency, whose car breaks down as he passes through Mayberry. It happens to be Sunday and the man is desperate to have his car repaired that day so that he can keep up with all of his appointments and expectations. The problem is the fact that it is Sunday. And Sunday in Mayberry is still a day of rest. And so, try as he may, the businessman can find no one who will repair his car that particular day. So he is forced to slow down and spend the afternoon and evening with Andy, Barney, Aunt Bea, and the crew as they simply enjoy and savor their Sabbath day. At the end of the episode, the businessman realizes that something is missing in his hectic life. He realizes that he needs Sabbath time not only to relax and unwind, but to appreciate the gift of life and the relationships that make life truly meaningful. This is the opportunity we are given particularly in the summer months. While the old blue laws no longer apply, and summer is perhaps not as lazy as it used to be, it still offers some opportunities for us to find Sabbath time for the renewal of our faith and our spirit. Let us make the most of the opportunity for Sabbath renewal in these next couple of months. Let us turn off the TV, computer, or phone a little more often. Let us turn to scripture and prayer. Let us spend a bit more time with our families and friends. Let us take a vacation (if possible). Let us make Sunday a day of worship and a day to break from our hectic routines. And, in all these things, let us be renewed in the most important relationship we haveour relationship with God. Amen. Pastor Paul




In the April edition of Sojourners magazine we are introduced to a new book by Sojourners editor in-chief, Jim Wallis titled, On Gods Side: What Religion Forgets and Politics Hasnt Learned About Serving the Common Good. In commenting on the book, Wallis first tells us the story behind its creation. He recently took a 3-month sabbatical which began with some time in a monastery overlooking the Pacific Ocean. This time in the monastery provided him the opportunity for a good bit of Sabbath renewal which included also time for writing much of the above mentioned book. Wallis recounts his time in the monastery: Each morning, he says, began before sunrise with prayers, walks, yoga, and exercise, followed by writing during much of the rest of the day. During this time he also watched and read the news of the day, but he disciplined himself not to write or comment on it publicly. This allowed him to see things more from the viewpoint of an observer than a participant. Wallis was struck by the need to once again emphasize starting with God and not with ourselves when addressing the challenges of our world, and the need to pursue the common good in our communities and society. The title of the book was inspired by a quote from President Abraham Lincoln in which he said: My concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on Gods side. Wallis notes that this is probably the most important thing said about religion by any American president. We all sometimes fall into the trap of trying to get God on our side.to have God put Gods stamp of approval on what we want. But Wallis notes that the harder and better task is to ask how to be on Gods side. This often means allowing our hearts and minds to be changed and being willing to take on new perspectives. Wallis says that shallowness often prevails in our politics, media coverage, and our popular cultural values. He says that we need renewal on a deeper level pertaining not only to the larger social arena but also to our families, neighborhoods and local communities. He notes that restoring healthy house-holds means moving from an emphasis on appetites to an emphasis on values and helping our children learn the difference between the two. Wallis wrote this new book to reflect on what it means to move to a more values-oriented perspective and to help spark a national conversation about the meaning of the common good. It should be a very insightful read. Subscribe to Sojourners at www.sojo.net


On Sunday, June 9th, our new utility building off the south side of St. Mark will be dedicated to the glory of God. The building is a memorial gift to the congregation by the Schafer family in loving memory of Roy A. Schafer. All the materials and the labor for the building were given by our own members of St. Mark. On the 9th we will recognize all who gave so much of their time, talent, and treasure to make this building a reality.


Sometimes we hear the tired refrain that St. Mark is a church of the older generation and not a church of today. This is a myth. What St. Mark is, is an inter-generational church. This is precisely the kind of church-community which is needed in todays culture where the church is so often segregated by age. So lets celebrate the inter-generational beauty of our congregation. Lets give great thanks for our 90+ year olds. We learn so much from them! Lets also give great thanks for our 9 year-olds and our 9 month-olds. We learn from them as well! Lets also celebrate and give thanks for this years crew going to Camp Luther. This year we have 17 youth and 4 adults going to camp. This is a good sign. Heres whos going: Tony Bennett Dale Bennett Hayden Mosa Gavin Glass Devin Glass Jacee Glass Kalee Robinson Robert Schafer Lindsey Braun Burke Glover Allison Roesser Emilee Ondrik Megan Ondrik Daniel Marshall Alex White Ms. Ashlee Robinson Emily Braun Mrs. Danielle Marshall Rylie White Mrs. Wendy Bogers Pastor Paul Schafer

Let us pray that camp will be a time of renewal of faith for these young people and for the church as a whole!


THE CHURCH PICNIC will be held on Sunday, July 14th after 10:15 worship. The picnic will be held on the St. Mark Church grounds. This has worked well over the past few years. Normally the church will provide meat, drinks, and a couple of side dishes. Beyond this, we give the option for people to bring the favorite desserts they like to make if they would like to do so. Events and games will be available for people of all ages. WASHINGTON WILD THINGS: A church outing to a Washington Wild Things baseball game will be held on Sunday, July 28th. The game will begin at 5:05 p.m. and we will be caravanning from the church parking lot at 4:15. A sign-up list for tickets will be out soon in the lower narthex. Wed love to have a good group go to the game. Tickets are priced at $7.00 per person.

WEST VIRGINIA WESTERN MARYLAND SYNOD ASSEMBLY The annual meeting of the West Virginia-Western Maryland Lutheran Synod (ELCA) will be held in Morgantown at the Waterfront Hotel on May 31st and June 1st. Our voting members attending will be Jackie Shay and Frances Braden. Our clergy voting members attending will be Rev. Paul Schafer and Rev. Alvin Schafer. Mrs. Sherri Schafer will be representing Community Lutheran Partners. Let us pray for the Assembly as it seeks to discern the mission of Gods Kingdom on the territory of this Synod!

Funeral: Linda E. Lapinsky Vivian C. Emerick Ethel G. Robinson Lawrence W. Fischer


Confirmed: Devin Saul Glass Mason Scott Lapp Transferred: Michael Hamilton

Received: Patrick Garrett Karen Haught Leslie Garrett Sarah Groves Shirley A. Knight Vaughn N. Miller Margaret (Peggy) Russell Ed Stemple


June 3Betty Schafer in memory of husband, Roys birthday Eleanor Peyton in memory of loved ones Les & Jane Cline in memory of Janes father, John Amick at his birth date 6/5 St. Mark in honor of Pastor Pauls 23rd Ordination Anniversary 6/3/90 Art & Cathy Schehl in honor of their 39th Wedding Anniversary 6/1 9Merv & Ellie Evans in honor of their 56th Wedding Anniversary 6/8 Helen Petri in honor of daughter-in-law, Marie Petris birthday 6/12 Jill Vessels in loving memory of William Humphrey (6/10) 16Herb Breeden in memory of wife Pat at her birth date 6/18 Jim & Peggy Glaser in honor of their Wedding Anniversary 6/17 Mike & Delite White in memory of Howard Pelley at his birth date 6/16 23Dot Pyle in memory of husband, Jim at his birth date 6/27 30Breeden Family in memory of mother, Elizabeth Breeden 7/2 Carl & Judy Bowman in memory of Henry & Odessa Broemsen at their Wedding Anniversary 6/29


7Judy Bowman in honor of husband, Carls birthday 7/11 Bryson Family in memory of father, Leroy at his birth date 7/9 14Jim & Peggy Glaser in honor of Jims birthday 7/15 Mark & Joan Fulton in honor of their 35th Wedding Anniversary 7/17 Martha & Paul Abplanalp, Howard, Heidi, Blake, & Brandon Watkins in memory of Harry Abplanalp 21Available 28Helen Petri in memory of husband, Joe at his birth date 7/31, and in honor of Grandson, Jason & Cara Petris wedding anniversary 7/28


JUNE 1Robert Cook 2Brandon Bennett 3Arianne White, Connie Knollinger 4Gertrude Hall, Willa Knollinger 6Corrine Heil, Trey Prather 8Steven Black 9Ricardo Farrow 10Kathryn Bell 12Kathie Porter 13Carmen Heil, Helen Mendel (93 yrs.) , Art Schehl 14Catherine Bell, Sharon Cook 15Dick Strickler 16Kim Nelson, Jason White 17Robert Auber 18Carol Black 19Paula Condor, Sam Lapp 20Gary Roesser, Jr. 21Gavin Glass 22John Jones 23Nicole Black 24Sarah Borrell 26Anita Lang, Pat Walton 27Dick Farrow, Patricia Randolph 28Erin Cappiccie, Gina Cappiccie, Gianna Minch 29Fallon OConnor 30Carly Slater JULY 1 Louise Savage (98 yrs.), Thyra Parshall Heather Reineke, Blaire Lucas 2Herb Breeden 4Phyllis Holeczy, Becky Naumann 5Melissa McAbee 6Robert Jones, Jacki Roesser 7Tammy Robinson 8Donita White 9Jill Holeczy May, Steven Parshall 10Beth Ann Gast 11Carl Bowman, Alicia White 13Alvin Schafer 15Martha Abplanalp, James Glaser, Susan Nick Connie Schmidt, Kayleigh Marshall 16Jeanette Butler, Jamie Schmidt, Joni Slater 17Cathy Schehl 18Kara Shaw, Ellen Kriner, P.J. Ondrik, Stephanie Diehl, Gary Stuntz, Lanie Burris, Cynthia Sample 19Seth Bell 20Joshua Krumski, Shirley Naumann Carolyn Nortemann 21Grace Kennedy 22Tracy Schmidt 23Amanda Roesser 24Kathryn Jewell 28Deborah Hinkelman, Ryan Jewell 29Nancy Reass, Mike West, Gavin Bell 30Linden Nelson 31Collin Hlad, Jackie Kennedy


JUNE 1Brent & Kimberly Nelson Art & Cathy Schehl 2Jim & Melissa McAbee Doug & Willa Knollinger 8Merv & Ella May Evans 10Kirk & Meredith Ferrell 12Dave & Darlene Lang 16Jim & Nancy Braden Louis & Linda Emeterio 17Jim & Peggy Glaser Ken & Ellen Kriner 20Dan & Karen Walker 21 Jim & Sue Robinson 23Jody & Beth Prather 25Ron & Kathy Jewell 26Bill & Mary King 30Gerry & Sharon Cappiccie JULY 1Mark & Lori Zambito 2Fred & Cheryl Simon Reese & Joni Slater 11Craig & Cheryl Peyton 13Bill & Lila Dumas 17Gary & Cheryl Stuntz 19Jen & Chris Aubrey 22Pat & Jill Walton 23Chris & Karen Jarrett



Were bringing a global fair to the kids at our Vacation Bible School, Everywhere Fun Fair: Where Gods World Comes Together! Your children will become neighbors at Everywhere Fun Fair as they explore Gods welcoming love and discover how Jesus teaches us to be great neighbors. After a high energy opening at Friendship Central, the neighbors make their way to the Bible Bazaar. Interactive Bible lesson reveal five Friendship Phrases for loving as the kind of neighbor Jesus teaches us to be, and your neighbors will discover Scripture Souvenir memory verses that will boost their faith long after VBS. The children will expand on what theyve discovered by participating in a variety of activities: making their own art projects at the Creation Zone, singing new music at the Choral Corner, exploring science activities at the Innovation Station, participating in recreational activities at Global Games and enjoying a tasty snack at the Eatery Expo. Step right up! Join us at St. Mark on Monday, July 22-26 from 9AM-noon. To register or to find out more about Everywhere Fun Fair call the church office at 304-242-3466 or contact me. Fill out the registration form in this Crossings and drop it in the offering plate, leave it at the Church office, or plop it in my mailbox outside my office. God Bless You! Amy Hinkelman You Everywhere Fun Fair VBS Neighbor

On Pentecost Sunday, May 19th, two of our youth were confirmed at St. Mark during 10:15 festival worship. Mason Lapp and Devin Glass affirmed their baptism and were recognized by the congregation. We congratulate them on completing the confirmation program and taking this important step in their journey of faith. We pray for their continued discipleship as the Holy Spirit leads them to new chapters of ministry.


On Sunday, June 2nd, St. Mark will welcome a missionary from Madagascar as our guest preacher for the day. (Pastor Paul will still be present and presiding at the services). Our guest is a Pastor from the Malagasy Synod (our Synods companion synod) who will be bringing greetings to us from our sisters and brothers in faith in Madagascar. This should be a very interesting and uplifting Sunday at St. Mark!


Happy Spring everyone. Hope you are all enjoying the warm temps, fragrant flowers, and longer hours of daylight that Spring brings. And as our Spring activities of the Women of the Church conclude, we would like to send a great big thank-you to all those who worked so hard to make the All-Daughter Banquet the success it was. Heartfelt thanks to the following: Maggie and Kristen Espina for serving as Hostesses extraordinaire; Cheryl Simon, and family, for the delicious food; Gladys Mitsch, assisted by Leslie Garrett, and the WPHS Madrigal Choir for an outstanding musical program; Jill Vessels, assisted by Jackie Shay, for the delightful decorations and door prizes; Pastor Paul, Dick White, Mike West, Clyde Borrell, and Jim Glaser for serving the luncheon; Ellen Kriner and Dottie Boyd for selling tickets; Grace Kennedy for printing the tickets and the bulletin inserts; our custodian Bill Flesch for set-up and clean-up; and Carmen Heil, assisted by Jacqueline and Corrine, for taking photos during the Luncheon and then creating a wonderful display on the bulletin board of all the day's activities. I fear I may have unintentionally forgotten someone's contribution, so please accept my apologies if I have. As you can see it takes a lot of dedicated, hard-working people to create a successful event such as the All-Daughter Luncheon. We are so blessed to have them in abundance here at St. Mark. Many, many thanks for a job welldone. And so as we begin our Summer hiatus for Women of the Church activities I would like to thank all the women who have served so capably this past year in the ministries of the St. Mark Women of the Church. Thanks to all those who made soup, delivered shut-in meals, cooked and served funeral dinners, prepared desserts for Meals on Wheels, maintained and planted the flower gardens inside and out, those who prepared Appalachian Outreach shoeboxes, wrote care cards, did care calls, cleaned and re-arranged the kitchen and pantry, those who gave computer assistance for the office and church records, those who prepared, planned and served the Lenten Tea, those who gave time and talents to the All-Daughter Luncheon, the Women's Christmas Party, those who prepared Sunday bulletins, sharpened pencils, prepared attendance cards, assisted with Hope on the Hill ministry, assisted with Christmas Food Baskets, delivered altar flowers to sick and shut-in members, and all those who prayed for the success of women's ministries of St. Mark. It is an honor to serve as leader of these hard-working, dedicated servants of God known as the Women of the Church at St. Mark. Peace and joy, Peggy Glaser

This is the time of year when many will be graduating from High Schools, Colleges, and other institutions of higher learning. We congratulate all of our graduates and wish them well in their future endeavors. If you would like a graduate recognized by name in the Crossings, please submit your request to the church office by phone (304) 242-3466, e-mail: church@stmarkluth.comcastbiz.net or in person. Thanks so much!


It was the month of October, 1907 and Elm Grove was not a suburb of Wheeling, but a town in itself. Elm Grove had a Mayor and Kruger Street still had horses and buggies traveling it. Kruger Street School was only one year old and included the first thru tenth grades. Columbia Avenue was known only as C Street and life was a little bit different than it is today. It was in the Fall of 1907 when the 23 year old assistant pastor of downtown St. James Lutheran Church began a class of instruction for young men and women from the neighborhood of Elm Grove with a view to confirmation. The class first met in a room of the Maple Hotel which was located approximately at our present entrance to the Interstate going East. Many were asking when the youth would be confirmed, and pastor answered that they would be confirmed at St. James in June of 1908. All expressed their excitement about this Confirmation occurring. This first class was made up of the following: William A. Fischer, J. N. Fischer, A. R. Fischer, Martha L. Green, John Green, George Green, Hatti Otto, Lottie Otto, Ida Schmidt, Georgia Rentschler, Lilly Rentschler, Fred R. Rentschler, Martin Wagner, Louis Wagner, Mary Wagner, Nicholas Winter, Loretta M. Winter, and Carl Winter. Hoping you all enjoyed this short history of the beginning of our St Mark Lutheran Church.


Dear Friend, You may not realize just how big an impact your gift has. Whether your gift fed a child, built a home, or helped in some other way, the difference is profound and is visible on the recipients face. A childs sad eyes lighten up, or a mother begins to weep and shout praises to God. A grateful voice says, Thank you for caring enough to help. Let us not grow tired of doing good, for in due time we shall reap our harvest, if we do not give up. (Galatians 6:9) Your loving gifts bring hope to those who need it most. It may start with a grateful expression on a face, but the hope you give overflows into the mind and spirit. Your compassion literally makes a life-changing difference. But its just the beginning, as a prayer is lifted up to God in gratitude for your loving blessings. Thank you. May God bless you for your generosity. A servant of the poor, Robin G. Mahfood

VBS Registration Form

Childs Name _________________________________________________________________________ Parent/GuardianName _________________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ E-mail Address _______________________________________________________________ Phone Numbers Home ______________________ Cell __________________ Work__________________ Age Information Date of birth _______________________________ Age ________________________ Last school grade completed ______________________________________________ HomeChurch _________________________________________________________________________ Allergies/Medical Information/Other ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contacts Name _____________________________________________ Phone __________________________________ Name _____________________________________________ Phone __________________________________ Dismissal Information Name(s) of person(s) who may pick up this child from VBS ____________________________________________________________________________________ Other Information (church use only) Neighbor ______________________________________________________________________________ Are parents helping with EverywhereFun Fair VBS? ___________ If yes, where? __________________________________


-Sam Peppler Family in memory of Vivian Emerick -Mrs. Helen Ann Petri & Family in memory of Lawrence Fisher -Frances L. Braden in memory of brother, Lawrence Fischer -Helen B. Petri in memory of Lawrence Fischer -Dave & Dorothy Harman in memory of Ethel Robinson, mother of Grace Kennedy


-Ken & Ellen Kriner in honor of Devin Glass at his Confirmation into St. Mark Church (5/19/13)

FIRST COMMUNION 2013 Congratulations to our youth who received First Communion this year! Lindsey Braun Brett Eberle William Kennedy Daniel Minch Daniel Marshall Grant Parshall Nicholas Parshall LUTHERAN CLERGY TO PARTICIPATE IN TRIATHLON
Pastor Alvin Schafer, Pastor Paul Schafer, and Pastor Joel Richter are planning to participate as a team in this years Faith In Action Triathlon event on July 13th. If you would like to sponsor them you may send a donation to Faith In Action Caregivers at the following address: Faith In Action Caregivers 1359 National Road Wheeling, WV 26003


It was wonderful to receive several new members into our fellowship of faith on Sunday, April 21st. Received into membership were: Vaughn Miller Ed Stemple Shirley Knight Pat Garrett Peggy Russell Leslie Garrett Let us give thanks for the gift of these newest members of our congregation family


SUNDAY, JULY 14, 2013



WE ARE PLANNING MANY GREAT ACTIVITIES (In case of rain it will be moved inside to Fellowship Hall) Please park in the back lot or at Kepners or Altmeyers parking lots, unless you need a handicapped space in our side lot. Need any additional information call: The Church Office 304-242-3466

The next St. Mark book review will be Tuesday, July 9th, at 10:00 a.m. in the Conference Room. The book we will be reviewing is titled, Mother Teresa, Her Essential Wisdom copyright 2006 by Fall River Press. Some interesting quotes from the book include the following: The poor give us much more than we give them. Theyre such strong people, living day to day with no food. And they never curse, never complain. We dont have to give them pity or sympathy. We have so much to learn from them. We should ask ourselves, have I really experienced the joy of loving? True love is love that causes us pain, that hurts, and yet brings us joy. That is why we must pray and ask for the courage to love. Pick up a copy of this wonderful book, and if your schedule allows, join us for the review!




The church softball season began on May 19th with a game against the Church of Christ (National Road). However, it is certainly not too late to join the team. We are always welcoming new participants. The league is open to men and women age 14 and older. It is good to have some experience with softball, baseball, or athletics and to have a ball-glove. Team shirts will be ordered for those who need them. If you dont have a St. Mark shirt yet, you may simply wear a navy blue t-shirt until we have a uniform shirt for you. Game times will be announced via the church e-mail and the Sunday bulletin. All games are on Sunday afternoons at Bridgestreet School field. Lets play ball!

Dear Friends in Christ, Thank you for your prayers and thoughtfulness after I had my stroke and then the heart attack. The many cheerful cards brought me much joy. The soups and food fed my body and soul. How blessed we are to have a pastor who is so faithful in visiting and praying with us at the hospitals. The staff knows him by name. He is there most every day. Thank you Pastor Paul. To Ann Gyekis who oversees the Tuesday food deliveries and Tom Ackerman, who transported the soup and goodies, thank you for your energy and smiles. To all who help with the soup ministry Thank you. What a blessing the soups were when I came home. Most of all, thank you for all your prayers. -Blessings to you all, Bethann Gast ANGELS NEEDED Ohio County Meals on Wheels is in need of volunteers to deliver meals to homebound seniors. Drivers are needed Monday thru Friday morning starting at 9:30am. Kitchen help is also needed. If you were looking for an opportunity to give back to your community, please call Shannon at 304-232-0637. Special thanks to Jim and Bill Glaser for recently updating the churchs emergency lighting fixtures and for all they do to keep St. Marks security systems running effectively! Special thanks to the following for helping plant flowers in the front flower bed on May 16th: Frances Braden, Jim Braden, Linda Maloy, Peggy Glaser, Jackie Shay, Bill Flesch, and Carol Steele. Everything looks beautiful! We thank Peggy Glaser, Margaret Ragni, Les Cline, Susan West and Helen Mendel for faithfully assembling and stuffing our bulletins for many years. Les and Helen did this important job for too many years to count, with Peggy, Margaret, & Susan taking over and serving for over a year through April of 2013. Now, we owe our thanks to Ken & Ellen Kriner who have recently begun to put our service bulletins together each week. Thanks to all for your service. Special Memorial Garden Ornament: Be sure to take note of a recent addition to our indoor garden. The beautiful new bird ornament is given in loving memory of Mrs. Freda Pelley by The White Family. Mrs. Pelley was known for her love of birds which she faithfully fed from her dining room window every day.







St. Mark Evangelical Lutheran Church 141 Kruger Street, Elm Grove Wheeling, WV. 26003



JUNE & JULY 2013

The printing & donation of materials for this newsletter printing was partially funded by


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