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Baba Ramdev

Revered Swami Ramdevji Maharaj, a celibate since childhood, is well versed in Sanskrit Grammar, Ayurved and Vedic Philosophy. A strong Proponent of Indian cultural values, his services in the field of cow-breeding, research in the field of AYURVED and his practical approach of Yog has won him several thousands of admirers throughout India and made him a living symbol of Indian culture. His detachment to worldly happiness and devotion to social service has made him a phenomenal character in the saintly world. Revered Swami Shankerdevji Maharaj got him initiated in the ascetic order on the sacred banks of River Ganga. He has taught Ashtadhyayee, Mahabhashya, Upnishads alongwith six systems of Indian Philosophy in a couple of Gurukuls (traditional Indian systems of education). Besides, during his travels in the Himalayan mountains, he performed severe austerities in the caves of Gangotri for the realisation of SELF and acquired several uncommon capabilities.

With the blessings of Revered Swami Shankerdevji Maharaj, he, in assocition with his learned companions, Acharaya Balkrishan Ji Maharaj, a great scholar and famous Ayurvedic physician & others established Divya Yog Mandir (Trust) in 1995 at Kankhal, Hardwar, Uttaranchal, India. He, while in the sate of Sadhna, has been guiding several service projects of medical, spiritual and educational pursuits through this Trust since then. Revered Swami Ji Maharaj, who have unfurled the flag of Yog on top, cures about two lac patients per month with his spiritual energy in his Yog Camps. Over twenty lac people of all parts of country and abroad derive benefit from live and vibrating science of Yog by taking part in Yog Camps every year, which helps in building a prosperous, advanced, disease free and subtle new India. Nearly 250 millions viewers of our country and abroad, have close association with the age old science of Yog and Pranayam through AASTHA, AASTHAINTERNATIONAL, SHARA, INDIA T.V. & STAR NEWS T.V. channels.

Revered Swami Ram Dev Ji Maharaj with his extraordinary talent, great patriotism and deep leanings towards our ancient culture and tradition is establishing Patanjali Yogpeeth, an Institution for social and scientific research and treatment in Yog, Spiritualism, and Ayurved through which more than twenty lac patients of various ailments would derive benefit every year. He has a golden dream of disease free world. This, he plans to achieve with the help of ancient science of Yog, which he feels will bring peace and happiness to mankind and will lead to the unethical business of weapons and allopathic medicines coming to an end. Revered Swamiji's is editing the pious work of organising the disintegrated Indian society on caste, creed, religion, region and sex basis to establish India as a superpower. He considers yeoman service as real Dharm (religion). He envisages India as Vishwa Guru (Teacher of the World) which can become true only if every citizen realises his duties and responsibilities towards the nation. May science of Yog expand virtues of consciousness, morality and brotherhood of human beings such that everyone sees his own consciousness in all creatures and spreads fraternity, friendship and global brotherhood. It is no less than a divine wonder to see Revered Swami Ji Maharaj in the hearts of millions of people not only of our country but also the world. He is fully committed for the reestablishment of scientific techniques, pious powers and moral values in our society. Millions of people are offering their services and wealth at the altar of Patanjali Yogpeeth (Trust) & University of Patanjali established by him to fulfill his resolution. The real place of service is the human body for Revered Swami Ramdevji Maharaj, for he pronounces, "my God lives in a man, as 'the temple in shape of man' is built by All Mighty Himself". The service of fellow beings, in addition to Atamsadhna (self control) and Brahamaradhna (meditation) is his worship. He considers moral acts of love and affection for human beings a true worship of Creator. Revered Swami Ji Maharaj, an apostle of Vashudhav Kutambkam

(World as the Whole Family) proves it true by accepting and practicing the world as his house and every citizen as his family member.

Baba Ramdev : The Yoga Guru

Baba Ramdev is know as Yoga Guru. Baba Ramdev was born in a small town named Alipur of Indian state of Haryana in 1953. Baba Ramdev's original name is Ramkishan Yadav. While Baba Ramdev was in eight standard, he left his school and joined a Gurukul named Yogic Monastery in Khanput. Here Bara Ramdev studied Sanskrit and Yoga. From begining Ramdev Baba has very deep interest in Yoga and Pranayam. Ramdev Baba has lost his interest in worldly desires and took Sanyas and became Swami Ramdev. He then moved to Jind district and joined the Aarsh Gurukul kalva and started offering free Yoga to villagers across Haryana state. As a child he suffered from paralysis. Swami Ramdev has started a new era of Yoga. According to some friends Yoga was the medicine to releave him from paralysis. That is one of the reason that Ramdev Baba wants each human being to know and adpot Yoga. We can say Swami Ramdev is one of the most one of the most respectful person who did everything he can do for Yoga. Ramdev Baba believes in peace, sacrifice, penance, non-violance and truth. Swami Ramdev says Yoga and Pranayam is one of the way to achieve this. Baba Ramdev travelled accross the world and making people aware of Yoga and Pranayam. Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev was Honorary Doctorate Degree by KIIT University on 27th January 2007 at Bhubaneswar, Orrisa by Richard R Ernst, who was awarded Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1991. Baba Ramdev was honored this degree for his extra ordinary contribution in popularising the Vedic Yoga. Today every one admits that Baba Ramdev is the first person to have popularized

Yoga in India at mass level. From begining Baba Ramdev has aim to build a "Yoga Aashram". Baba Ramdev has deep knowledge of Samkhya philosophy and the Bhagavad Gita. Yoga taught by Baba Ramdev consists of Yoga Sutra from there ancient holy granth. Baba Ramdev focuses on the achieving Samadhi through the use of practicing meditation (Pranayam). This can be achieved by using following the eight limbs that are Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi. Baba Ramdev is the icon of yoga of Pranayama and renowned Yoga teacher and an Ayurveda Guru. Today Baba Ramdev is considered to be a phenomenon not only in India but also abroad. Today, through his yoga camps Yogi Baba Ramdev has been able to rid people of many ailments such as Diabetes, Heart Disease, Arthritis, Thyroid Problems, Hypertension, Blood pressure, Stomach ailments and several cancer types without the use of any medication. Such is the power of the great swami and his method of teachings. Baba Ramdev is not an actor or musician or front man of Rock'N'Roll band, but he has the charisma, the devine body movement to alight an entire stadium with his presence. He has brought in awareness among the people about the benefits of yoga to the common man in simple and well explained manner. Baba Ramdev is the one who gets credit of making yoga a mass movement and organising camps that educate people on the importance of yoga in the country. The Yoga guru Baba Ramdev organizes camps for the common man including Bollywood stars and also offers yoga tips to professionals such as the British law-makers to make them more creative and energetic. Baba Ramdev is like Patanjali guru of the today. The Yoga taught by the Baba can cure several incurable diseases as Baba Ramdev is currently doing in India. Here I put list of most known "Ashans" Postures. Baba Ramdev is also one of most important pillar of Divya Yoga Mnadir Trust and Patanjli YogPeeth. Swami Rmadev has taught Ashtadhyayee, Mahabhashya, Upnishads alongwith six systems of Indian Philosophy in a couple of Gurukuls (traditional Indian systems of education). Besides, during his travels in the Himalayan mountains, Baba Ramdev performed severe austerities in the caves of Gangotri for the realisation of SELF and acquired several uncommon capabilities. With the blessings of Revered Swami Shankerdevji Maharaj, Yoga Guru Ramdev Baba, in assocition with his learned companions, Acharaya Balkrishan

Ji Maharaj, a great scholar and famous Ayurvedic physician & others established Divya Yog Mandir (Trust) in 1995 at Kankhal, Hardwar, Uttaranchal, India. Swami Ramdev, while in the sate of Sadhna, has been guiding several service projects of medical, spiritual and educational pursuits through this Trust since then. Revered Swami Ji Maharaj, who have unfurled the flag of Yog on top, cures about two lac patients per month with his spiritual energy in his Yog Camps. Revered Swami Ram Dev Ji Maharaj with his extraordinary talent, great patriotism and deep leanings towards our ancient culture and tradition is establishing Patanjali Yogpeeth, an Institution for social and scientific research and treatment in Yog, Spiritualism, and Ayurved through which more than twenty lac patients of various ailments would derive benefit every year. Ramdev Baba and Pranayam: Baba Ramdev has put more emphasis on pranayam. Swami Ramdev has provided us much information about Yoga and Pranayam that it is very difficult to put everything here. Pranayama has the capacity of freeing the mind from untruthfulness, ignorance and all other painful and unpleasant experiences of the body and mind; and when the mind becomes clean it becomes easy for the Sadhaka to concentrate on the desired object and it becomes possible for him to progress further in the direction of Dhyana and Samadhi.

Swami Ramdev's Pranayama Package: Gateway for Holistic Health

Swami Ramdevji Maharaj is first, in the world health history, to use freely available Pran (Oxygen) as a medicine and in turn remains successful in treating thousands of grief stricken persons suffering from lethal diseases like Diabetes, H.B.P., Angina, Blockages in Arteries, Obesity, Asthma, Bronchitis, Leucoderma, Depression, Parkinson, Insomnia, - Migraine, Thyroid, Arthritis, Cervical Spondalities,Hepatitis, Chronic Renal Failure, Cancer, Cirrhosis of Liver, Gas, Constipation, Acidity etc. which are still a challenge in modern medical science.

Components of Pranayama Package:

Pranayama 1. Seven Pranayama (breath control):Pranayama is the breathing technique of yoga that works wonders

in increasing physical and psychological performance. Swami Ramdev has evolved the sequence in performing seven pranayama Bhastrika Pranayam, Kapal Bhati Pranayam, Bahaya Pranayam, Anulom Vilom Pranayam, Bharamari Pranayam and Pranav Pranayam for living a vibrant and healthy life. Read more..... 2. Seven Aasana (Yogic Exercises): An asana is a pose or posture used in the practice of yoga. Originally, the asanas served as stable postures for prolonged meditation. It is estimated that there are thousands of asanas in the incredibly varied discipline of yoga, with around 100 in active use by yogis all over the world. Swami Ramdev has advocated seven Aasans to be performed with Pranayama for maximum benefit. Read more 3. Seven Suksham Vayaam(Light Exercises):Suksham Vayaam maintain s the flexibility and strength of different parts of the body through exercise, and blood circulation is increased and the nerves are ensured their supply of nutrients and oxygen. These light exercises done between pranayama also maintain continuity. Read more....... 4. Seven Mudras (Hand Positioning): Mudras start electromagnetic currents within the body which balance various constituting elements and restore health. The joining of fingers creates an effect on the human body. While sitting any of the aasana for doing pranayama hands can be positioned in any one the mudras according to individual's own requiment. Read more........


Suksham Vayaam


Acupressure 5. Acupressure: Acupressure is an ancient Chinese technique based on the principles of acupuncture,and involves the use of finger pressure (without the needles) on specific points along the body.Some of the most common acupressure technique are Rubbing, Kneading, Percussion and Vibration. Read More....... Divya Medicines 6. Divya Medicines: Swami Ramdev's Divya Medicines are 100% natural, made from potent herbs such as the ashtavarga healing plants of the himalayas. They have proven

extremely effective for combating all forms of sickness and disease.He recommends Divya Medicines only in special cases, and for speedy recovery which will strengthen the immune system and quicken the healing process. Read More.......

Links: o Swami Ramdev Pranayama to cure 140 specific diseases including cancer o Yoga and Meditation o Health and Wellnes Articles o Yoga for Fitness and Wellness

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