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Property causes 25 years of troubles

By Kate Hartman @HartmanRegister on Twitter

TorringTon >> After living next door to a dilapidated house for a quarter of a century, Victor Grossetti, Jr., has all but given up hope of real change with blight in Torrington. His home, located at 136 High St., was purchased by his father Victor Grossetti, Sr. in June 1963. After his mother passed away in 2001, Grossetti, Sr. signed the house over to his son and daughter. The house next door, at 126-128 High St., has been an eyesore and a cause of problems for the Grossettis since the 1980s. As Grossetti remembers it, the property owner, Dick Cantwell, picked up and left the house in 1985. The house has been sitting vacant since that time and until recently, all of the furniture was left abandoned inside. About three years ago, Cantwells son-in-law came to do some cleaning. According to Grossetti, he moved the sofas out onto the porch. He quit working half way through and left the furniture outside. He does nothing, that I can tell, to maintain the property, Grossetti said of Cantwell. Its all done by the neighbor on the other side mowing the grass and shoveling the front sidewalk - but in terms of upkeep of the property, theres nothing going on. The house has fallen into complete disrepair. Its been uninhabited for a quarter of a century. The gas is turned off. The power is turned off. The water is turned off.

Kate Hartman/register Citizen

the property at 126-128 High st. in torrington is owned by Dick Cantwell and has been a problem for neighbors for years.
Cantwell was not immediately available to comment on Grossettis allegations or this story. The duplex property is overgrown. Vines have crawled up the front porch so far that half the house is obstructed from view. The right side of the porch roof is propped up by a brace. Appliances including a bathroom sink and toilet tank sit behind the house, just outside of a broken door that the glass has been smashed out of. Grossetti said there have been problems with vermin and other animals stemming from the neighboring property. About five years ago, there was a dead opossum on the front lawn. That was the last time he got in touch with Kim Barbieri, inland wetlands commissioner. The two have worked together to get compliance from Cantwell over the years. According to Barbieri, the property is much better today than it used to be. Cantwell owns a large garage behind his house, which he fills with automobiles and car parts, said Grossetti. The open lot directly

behind Grossettis house is also owned by Cantwell, and at one time it was completely filled with junk including unregistered motor vehicles and tires. It used to be worse, there were rusting vehicles. Who knows what kind of environmental damage the battery acid and all that kind of stuff has done, said Grossetti. Grossetti said that he has planted trees and shrubbery along his property line to shield his familys view of their neighbor. He said he had wanted to put up a fence, but the cost and necessity of a zoning variance for a very tall fence dissuaded him. In partnership with Barbieri and the planning and zoning office, Grossetti was able to take Cantwell to Litchfield Superior Court. The judge issued fines if Cantwell did not comply. We have been able to get him to clean up, said Barbieri. Cantwell removed the junk on his property in 2002. Since then, the planning and zoning department hasnt had anything else, from a zoning perspective, to leverage against Cantwell to get him to maintain his property, said Barbieri. More frustrating is the fact that 126-128 High St. doesnt qualify as a blighted property. As far as blight, hes marginally OK, said Barbieri. There is some peeling paint but there are no holes. Nothing is falling down. He is meeting the minimum letter of the law. The High Street property is an example of what city officials have identified as the complexity of blight all properties that are unappeal-

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CT Senators end session dominated by tragedy


Nonprofit aims to fill 1,000 jobs in four years


Bergerons goal pushes Bruins to win in 2OT



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wedneSday, June 5, 2013

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Sexual assaults: 2 Congress is spelling out how far lawmakers are willing to go in changing the decades-old military justice system. Still developing: 3 Chinas economy is becoming more modern, but its frequent industrial tragedies show that worker safety is still a low priority.


Cool fact: Cats prefer meaty, wet food in part because they can't taste sweets.

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U.N. report on 1 Syria: Reasonable evidence exists that limited quantities of toxic chemicals have been used as weapons in at least four attacks. IRS probe: Con4 servative groups targeted by the Internal Revenue Service are getting their say on Capitol Hill as the controversy widens. Cybersecurity: 5 President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping are talking in Silicon Valley, the heart of the U.S. technology industry.


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SPORTS: Bruins batter Penguins 6-1 for 2-0 lead in series, C1

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Star report
Getting her wish: Jennifer Love Hewitt is pregnant and expecting her first child with actor Brian Hallisay. Were so thrilled and happy to start a family, said Hewitt, 34, co-star of The Client List. The couple began dating 15 months ago after reconnecting on the set of the Lifetime show. Johnny Cash forever: A yearlong celebration of Johnny Cashs legacy concludes in Nashville with the issue of a free public concert and release of a new postal stamp, due out today. The stamp is based around a promotional shot for NASDAQ the 1963 album Ring Down 43.78 of Fire: The Best of Close 3,401.48 Johnny Cash. Big salute is no joke: Longtime comedy king and small-screen viewing favorite Bob Newhart will receive the 2013 Critics Choice Television Icon Award at the third annual Broadcast Television Journalists Association event, which is scheduled for Monday at the Beverly Hilton Hotel.

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Why was Meriden cop singled out for prosecution?

vice that made it possible to sue plex body of law. There arent enough police officers for money damages Ordinary citizens can prison cells in the federal for the on-the-job misconduct. The sue a police officer for vioBureau of Prisons for all lating their right to be free court held that when officers are the police officers who from unreasonable force, a sued in their individual capacihave pushed a detainee, ties, they could be forced to pay right rooted in the Fourth and then lied about it in a Amendment right to be free money damages. Suing them in police report. So its hard Norm from unreasonable searches their official capacities might, for me to fathom why fed- Pattis after all, violate the immunity that and seizures. Such a legal eral officials singled out Columnist police officers typically enjoy as action is brought under a Meridens Evan Cossette agents of their respective soverprovision of a Civil War for prosecution. But there eigns. (Remind me sometime to era federal law known as the Ku he was, convicted of shoving a drunken prisoner and then lying. Klux Klan Act, passed during the devote a column to the outrage of sovereign and municipal immudarker hours of Reconstruction Why prosecute this case and igwhen it was clear that local South- nity.) nore so many more? In theory, successful indiI put kids through college suing ern courtrooms might remain vidual capacity suits resulted in police officers, typically for using closed to people of color. It wasnt until the mid-twenti- judgments the officers, and not unreasonable force. In one case, witnesses saw a cop slam a kid in eth century that this act was used their employers, should pay. But the head with a police baton as the as a means of suing police officers. in some states, such as ConnectiThirteen Chicago cops burst into cut, state and local governments kid sat handcuffed on the street. typically pay the damages, a proIn another case, guards smacked the home of Monroe family. The family was made to stand by as of- cess known as indemnification. a prisoner around after a failed The thinking goes something like escape attempt. A female officer ficers ransacked their home. Mr. was once found liable for slapping Monroe was taken the police sta- this: If we require police officers a young woman in the face. And tion and held incommunicado for to pay out of their own pocket for then there was the case in which two days while he was questioned the mistakes they make on the job, they might become too timid in a cop used his nightstick to clobabout a murder. The police ofthe performance of their duties. ber a drunken fellow who mocked ficers did not have a warrant to enter the home, or lawful author- Indemnification was sound sohim. Juries awarded significant ity to take Mr. Monroe against his cial policy as a means of assuring money damages in these cases, the police werent always looking will to the police station. and many more. over their shoulders when makNo charges were ever lodged In none of these cases did law ing split-second decisions about against Mr. Monroe, but he did enforcement officers lose their whether to use force. Timid cops jobs, much less face prison. In all sue, relying upon the little used too often end up dead. provision of federal law that perof these cases, the officers emIm not sure how the federal mits a person to sue a state acployers, and not the cops themgovernments decision to prostor for violating federal rights selves, paid the money damages. ecute garden variety claims of under color of law. Chicagos In other words, taxpayers prolawyer argued the men had acted police misconduct is going to vided what amounted to insurB1 outside the scope of their author- make the streets any safer. State ance for these cops. I didnt see and municipal governments will ity as lawmen, and hence, were any federal prosecutors chestgo ahead and pay compensatory not state actors. thumping for justice then. damages awards under indemniIn Monroe v. Pape, the SuPolice liability for the use >> of morE ex- aT FACEBOOK.COM/NEWHAVENREGISTER Saturday, June 8, 2013 and TWITTER.COM/NHREGISTER fication agreements. But the fedcessive force is reflected in a com- preme Court created a legal deeral government will send a cop to prison for the same conduct. If ever you wanted an illustration of just how dysfunctional federalism can be parallel state and federal government enforcing laws over the same people at the same time the Cossette case provides one. A routine jury instruction given in every case involving allegations of police use of unreasonable force goes something like this: Not every push, pull or shove, even if is seems unnecessary in the calm of a judges chambers, violates the Fourth Amendment. Police officers are expected to make instantaneous decisions about how much force they must use to respond to a perceived or actual threat. We train officers in the use of force. Jurors are reminded that they must evaluate an officers decision based not on 20/20 hindsight, but from the perspective of an officer on the scene. When money damages are at stake, the federal judiciary goes out of its way to protect police officers from the consequences of their mistakes. A legal doctrine known as qualified immunity has given judges the power to make sure most police misconduct cases never get to a jury. This judicially created device permits judges to toss all but the most egregious cases. Evan Cossette didnt get the benefit of the doubt in a federal courtroom. He was hauled into court and called a criminal by federal prosecutors. He now faces imprisonment. Ive watched the videotape in his and looked at the police reports. I can name plenty of cops who are walking beats whove been accused of similar or worse. Folks sometimes accuse me of being a cop-hater because I spent a decade or so suing police officers for money back before judges barred the courthouse doors by generous application of qualified immunity. Today, I represent a lot of cops, sometimes against federal prosecutors, but most often against accusations made by other officers. Ive learned something representing lawmen: They are vicious when it comes to how they treat one another. The only professional group that rivals cops in pettiness and rancorous litigation against colleagues are school teachers. I dont hate cops. Theyve a tough, often impossible job to do. They have to keep the peace while the rest of us struggle with the growing gap between the rhetoric of the American dream and its failed promise. Just how federal prosecutors decided it was open season on local lawmen is a story that remains to be told. Plenty of local cops were shaking their heads this week. Evan Cossette, a federal felon? Prison bound? Whos next? theyre wondering. Dont be surprised if the streets seem a little less safe for awhile. My hunch is cops will be playing it safe, lest an ambitious federal prosecutor comes scalphunting. Norm Pattis blogs at on law-related and social issues.


Sunday, June 9, 2013

201st YEAR, No. 155





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Van de Velde suit settled Van de Velde suit settled

Man suedcity Yale,over city over tarnished reputation after Jovin slaying Man sued Yale, tarnished rep after Jovin slaying
van de velde: There was Van de Velde no evidence against him.




Publisher: Tom Wiley, Group editor: Matt DeRienzo, mderienzo@journalregister. com Editor: John Berry, 860-489-3121, ext. 333, Sports editor: Joseph Pelletier, ext. 226, jpelletier@middle, sports Call in scores after 5 p.m. Photo editor: Catherine Avalone, ext. 289, cavalone Reporters: Jeff Mill, ext. 221,; Alex Gecan, ext. 288, agecan; Michael Lyle, ext. 220, mlyle@




2001: A federal lawsuit was filed against Melvin Wearing, who was police chief at the time of the murder, and four members of the Police Department. 2003: Another lawsuit was filed against Yale officials who were involved in deciding what to do about van de velde. online: For archived stories related to this suit go to

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BRuinS dukE iT OuT unTil 2OT fOR win

Graham hUGhEs ThE associaTEd PrEss

canadian diver alexandre despatie, center, is hugged by his parents christiane and Pierre

Family: City cops SOLD! Cops respond to didnt do domestic, Domestic enough to find fire, call results Wildman Steve Brill leads group to food in a two-hour tour of East Rock Park find man in fire,

the city. Grudberg. Beach By Randall Beach By Randall Yale Univeristy student Suzanne a suspect in the unsolved 1998 mediator, Van de Velde said in I am pleased to announce that I thank Magistrate Judge Jovin, has settled his lawsuit Suzanne Jovin murder inves- the statement. action is against senior of- Van liam I. Garfinkel, who served as on Twitter against Yale and the city. my legal tigation officially over, Details of the agreement were @rbeachnhr on Twitter@rbeachnhr ficers of University and in the mediator, Van de Velde said in thesaid I am pleased to announce deYale Velde said Monday a statenot released, but Grudberg NEw HAVEN >> James Van de Velde, city of New Haven for by having beenDavid statement. NEW HAVEN James Van that my legal action against ment emailed attorney it was a monetary settlement. wrongly labeled a suspect in the unDetails of the now agreement were the only person named be-Univerde Velde, the only person ever senior ever officers of as Yale T. Grudberg. I intend to move forward not released, but Grudberg said it ing in thesity pool of suspects in the Haven solved 1998 Jovin murder named as being in the pool of and the city of New I Suzanne thank Magistrate Judge Wilwas 1998 of slaying of Yale Univeristy investigation isGarfinkel, officially over, suspects in the 1998 slaying See Van de Velde, A4 for having been wrongly labeled liam I. who Van served as a monetary settlement. I intend now to move forward student Suzanne Jovin, has setde Velde said Monday in a statetled his lawsuit against Yale and ment emailed by attorney David T. VAN DE VELDE >> PAGE A4

Popular topics being talked about online ... Too popular?: An ESPN The Magazine report suggests Tim Tebows National Football career is probably over not because of poor throwing mechanics but mostly because of the baggage that comes with fan pressure. Other reports, and his dad, say Tebow hasnt given up. Maxwells is closing: Maxwells, the famous club in Hoboken, one of the most recognizable landmarks in New Jersey, will finally close to business after 35 years due to business concerns in a changing community.



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Before you nod off with your phone or tablet ... Satire Longtime on U.S. goal: Andy THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 2013 history: Salas is American trying to Night: The Ballad of get U.S. government Juan Jose leaves no recognition for the hot button unpushed. Gabrieleno tribe. PASA-

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By Liana Teixeira

IOC reports progress on doping tests

Diver recently awarded gold medal after new test
By Chris Bodeen @LianaTeixeira14

Associated Press
BEIJING >> Anti-doping experts reported progress Thursday in the search for a reliable test for gene doping, although they still dont know when it will be ready for use in competition. IOC medical commission chairman Arne Ljungqvist said a test would be put into use at the Olympics and other events as soon as a method is proven reliable regardless of whether hard evidence shows athletes are manipulating their genes to improve performance. No such evidence exists so far, although the World Anti-Doping Agency has received information that there is an interest out there in certain circles, particularly among coaches and other members of athletes entourages, Ljungqvist said. We will certainly, as soon as we have a reliable method available, make use of it for the purpose of identifying whether there is something going on based on strategic information, the Swedish official said. I would really estimate that people realize that its probably a bit risky today, perhaps very risky if they should jump to misusdivere. But there seems to be mental readiness to take it on once it is available in some sort of safe way. Gene doping, prohibited by the International Olympic Committee and WADA, is considered the po-

ElisE amEndola ThE associaTEd PrEss

Pittsburgh Penguins defenseman deryk Engelland (5) checks Boston Bruins left wing milan lucic (17) as Pittsburgh Penguins goalie Tomas Vokoun (92) protects the net on his shot during the first overtime period in Game 3 of the Eastern conference finals in the nhl hockey

Late heroics:

Jagr, Bergeron connect for game-winning push past blue line

former Pittsburgh great key player

Byline here

Future Hall of Famer: 41-year-old


AP Sports Writer
BOSTON >> A future Hall of Famer who established his credentials in the open ice, there was Jaromir Jagr along the boards, mucking it up for a loose puck. The 41-year-old former Pittsburgh great outdueled Evgeni Malkin for the puck and pushed it ahead to Brad Marchand, who brought it over the blue line and flipped it to Patrice Bergeron for the winning goal. Everyone is doing everything in order to get the success and to get the wins, and it doesnt matter what it is and who it is, Bergeron said early Thursday after his goal at 15:19 of the second overtime gave Boston a 2-1 victory over the Penguins and a 3-0 lead in the Eastern Conference finals. Jags is a perfect example. Hes pretty much a legend; hes a guy

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DATELINE >> Chatter goes here Sam, cuptat. Iquibus esequae landest ut eati dollent et quate reprepr oribusam voluptis et inullab inis quia volupicaecus aut inveris est renti temporioris alitiss ectinci mporepudit unt. Dam cor accae lam, sequide ndander sperrunt eatempor reped quaspeligent rem si sit preperferi aut lita sequuntiam ea pre non ea sitas alibusdae laboreperum nitatec tiundae dolores ipitat. Nullo odignih illabor poreium expliqui te rem is et, toriate sequam que nullam que voluptae solorrorite non rehent aliquati officiu ndipsam repudaest laut maxim aribus ipit, id que est ipicill aceatis doluptae corepe parcia quam nusam et, ent ium reprovid quas estrundae quosae. Et et rem quod qui

charlEs KrUPa ThE associaTEd PrEss

Boston Bruins fans and players celebrate after Patrice Bergerons game-winning goal against the Pittsburgh Penguins during the second overtime

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By Rachel Chinapen Sunday under a train trestle near the Greenway @rachelchinapen on Twitter was identified Monday as Gordon Maloney, 44, a By Rachel Chinapen NEw HAVEN >> Police quickly arcity man who was rested a suspect after a woman ed missing by his family @rachelchinapen on Twitter died following a fire early Monday. two weeks ago. NEW HAVEN Police quickly Officers were called to 161 WhalThe office of the chief ley Ave. at 1:51 a.m. to investigate arrested a suspect after a woman medical examiner is cona reported domestic crime, police was found dead following a fire d u c t spokesman Officer David Hartman early Monday. ing an said in a statement. Upon arrival, Officers were called to 161 autopsy officers found the building to be Whalley Ave. at 1:51 a.m. to to deterfilled with smoke and they radioed investigate a mine the Mara Lavitt/Register dispatchers to bring in the Fire Dereported domescause of Gregory Williams, with the bullhorn, of the Yale Divinity School addresses protesters, including Jhon Molina of partment. tic crime, police death. New Haven, outside New Haven City Hall Monday night. The group was protesting the sale of two New Haven city s p o k e s m a n The fire was on the third floor He was streets to Yale University. Officer David last seen and was extinguished. The body of Hartman said May 19 Georgette Alston, 31, was found on in a statement. and was the third floor, police said. Maloney Upon arrival, Detectives are investigating the reported officers found missing May 22. incident as a probable homicide, the building to Results of the autopsy By Rachel Chinapen versity for $3 million. residents who protested in front Hartman said in the release. be filled with Frank Moore, 35, who lived with will be available later this The sale grants Yale perma- of City Hall and in the back of Moore smoke and they week. @rachelchinapen on Twitter nent ownership over High Street the aldermanic chambers. Alston, was arrested and charged radioed dispatchers to send the Police are treating this between Elm and Grove streets What were doing is saying with first-degree assault, Hartman NEW HAVEN Despite and Wall Street between Col- to the 1 percent Yale sure Fire Department. case as an untimely death, FIRE >> PAGE A4 protests inside and outside of lege and York streets areas well sell you this for $3 milThe fire was on the third floor and said in a press release City Hall Monday night, the Yale has leased since 1990. and was extinguished. The body there was no evidence to lion, said Henry Lowendorf Board of Aldermen approved of Georgette Alston, 31, was suggest foul play. SPORTS: Bruins batter Penguins 6-1 for 2-0 lead in series, C1 But the 21-to-8 vote did not outside City Hall. But after the sale of sections of High come without a fight from sevfound on the third floor, police JoAnn Maloney of HEALTH UPDATE MOSTLY SUNNY and Wall streets to Yale Uni- eral aldermen said. Southington, Gordon See Aldermen, A4 and dozens of Maloneys niece, said her See City, A4 uncles friends notified HIGH 72 LOW 48 DETAILS, PAGE A10 family members of his MeLANIe STeNGeLNeW HAveN reGISTer @nhregister newhavenregister 201st YEAR, No. 155 NEWSSTAND $1.00 disappearance when they online: For a To subscribe 1-888-969-0949 TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 2013 had not seen him for sevThere are lots of things youcall: can eat here! Steve Brill said Tuesday while on two-hour trompSPORTS aroundFINAL gallery of more eral days. East Rock Park, following along the Mill River, chomping on the plant stalksmiles he pulled images from By Susan Misur gets 800 to 1,200 to up and urged You would see him all Tuesdays urban the Hour gallon series is competitionthe time. You could drive us to sample. Brill was the latest @NHRsusan installmenton inTwitter the Amateur but the first to show offSOUNDOFF his foraging tour, log on ready and headed Wednesthrough town and see What is Associated Press shtick in the field rather than in the librarys elegant quarters Street. to day on to Chapel Michigan for an him. He would always be your Man sued Yale, city over rep after fuel Jovin slaying WEST HAVEN tarnished Last international BOSTON >> Boston Mayor Thomas economy around, she said. dream Menino has been released from the year, the University ofa suspect contest Friday. Maloneys body was By Randall Beach Yale Univeristy student Suzanne in the unsolved 1998 mediator, Van de Velde said in Jovin, has settled his lawsuit Suzanne Jovin murder inves- the statement. car? New Havens miniature, The royal blue contrapfound Saturday by two hospital after prostate surgery and against Yale and the city. tigation is officially over, Van Details of the agreement were @rbeachnhr on Twitter I am pleased to announce de Velde said Monday in a statenot released, but Grudberg said high-mileage car sufHIGH AND wALL STREETS tion wasit was back on people walking. They NEW HAVEN James Van that my legal action against ment emailed by says he is "raring to go." attorney David a monetary settlement. Call us at 203-789-5732 de Velde, the only person ever senior officers of Yale Univer- T. Grudberg. I intend now to move forward fered a broken shell, theJudge academic quad spotted someone on the The 71-year-old Menino says in named as being in the pool of sity and the city of New Haven I thank Magistrate Wilor 800-925-2509. suspects in the 1998 slaying of for Jovin See A2. Van de Velde, A4 Van de Velde having been wrongly who served as Maxcy See shifted engine and labeled liam I. Garfinkel, outside Hall ground, but thought the a video that he is holding meetslipped gear chain Monday morning for person was sleeping. ings, and he thanks people for their after zooming up an a test drive with the On Sunday, they The group has raced cards, phone calls and well-wishes. academic quad sidewalk mechanical engineering twice before at the compe- He was released from Brigham returned and noticed the Peter Casolino/Register nothing a few engineers students and professors man was still there, and tition, but feels better preGregory gains were revised down. and Women's Hospital on ThursBy Recent CARLO PIOVANO couldnt fix. who built it, this time suc- pared University of New Haven graduates Daniel Bennett, left,rate they called police. this year. Williams, with The unemployment rose to day. He is recuperating at an easTheand Associated Now, the 95-pound tor- cessfully taking two laps, JosephPress Olenick fill the fuel tank on the high-mileage car built the bullhorn, 7.6 percent from 7.5 percent, but ily accessible city-owned mansion See Maloney, A4 by the engineering department at UNH. pedo-shaped vehicle that even in rainy conditions. of the Yale See UNH, A4 LONDON >> Stock markets rose on only because more people were instead of his more distant home. Divinity School is a good Menino has been mayor since Friday after a U.S. jobs report sug- looking for a job, which By Liana Teixeira addresses 1993 and has announced he will not gested the Federal Reserve is likely sign. @LianaTeixeira14 protesters, On balance, the report seems to seek re-election. He has been beset to keep its stimulus program going Victims boyfriend DERBY A body found under a train including Jhon Join Community Engagement Editor Shahid Abdul-Karim from Business . . . . . . . . . . . . A8 suggest the is still horoscope . . . . . . C7 by health issues recently, including for now. Public notices . . U.S. . . Sunday . . . economy B7-8 A NEWS trestle near the Greenway accused of assault Advice, was identified Monday as Molina of New New Haven listings . . . . . . . . . said . A9 the recovering, but Lottery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A2 The Stock of Greater slowly enough for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C8 noon to 5 p.m. Saturday at The Arts Council a bone fracture and a serious respiLabor Department Gordon Maloney, 44, Comics a By Rachel Chinapen city man who was Police blotter . . . . . . . . . . A2 Haven, outside SPORTS C the Fed to not rein in its monetary world's largest economy added ratory infection. Audubon Arts on the Edge 2013 on Audubon Street. The afternoon ed missing by his family @rachelchinapen on Twitter B LOCAL People in the News . . . . . A2 ago. Movie guide.program . . . . . .two . . weeks . . C3 Hall. stimulus just 175,000 jobs, slightly is free and includes music, dance and City circus hands- He most recently had surgery NEWperformances, HAVEN Police quickly officeyet. theThe chief proTown news . . . . . . .better . . .B1,5 than Television New Haven/State . . . . . . . A3 . . . . . .increases . .medical .The ... C6 of arrested a suspect after a woman examiner is conthe expected for an enlarged prostate. His docgram, which the amount MArA LAvITTNeW on arts-and-crafts activities and interactive education programs. was found dead following a fire d u c t Obituaries . 165,000 . . . . . . . . . increase. B2-3 Home & Garden . . . . . . . . A5 early Monday. ing an reGISTer However, the previous SALE A4 MAYOR >> PAGE A4 Classified . . . . . . . .months' . . B6-8 jobs Copyright 2013, New Haven Register Officers were called to 161 For information, call 203-772-2788. HAveN a u >> t o PAGE psy Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A6

DERBY A body found

Victims boyfriend accused of assault

dead body dead body

Each page in the paper particularly the front page features more entry points and forms of storytelling.

Mercury, 270 Boston Post Road, West Haven AVERAGES: Yesterday Year ago Gr. New Haven $3.77 $3.80 United States $3.62 $3.57
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Xerox Corp. buys LearnSomething

ties to do good thingsyou seized that opportunity. Youre going to change the world, said the mayor. Youre setting an example for all the children in this auditorium looking up to you. Bridget Miller, a 35-yearold new graduate who began the program in October, said she intends to eventually open up her own business. In the 11th grade I ended up in the bar and restaurant industry, she said, and since then, shes worked in hospitality ever y where from Tokyo to here. Millers next step is to study business at Middlesex Community College on a scholarship that she earned through her studies at Adult Ed. I originally came for the lies and friends. Mayor Daniel Drew con- GED, said Miller, and I was offered the scholarship, gratulated the graduates. You get one life, said so I did everything that I Drew, and in that life you had to do to go to Middlehave a lot of opportuni- sex. goal of a speedy graduation. I was focused on a boyfriend at the time, and going out with my friends, said Fogarty. I thought I was an adult, but far from it. But Fogarty found the chutzpah to set aside instant gratification in favor of longer-term goals. Instead of focusing on where I was going that night, I started job-hunting every day after school, said Fogarty. I started balancing a schedule of school, work and home. You are the only one who can say what your future will hold, Fogarty told her EmpLoymENT Aid classmates and their fami-



She said that, although she likes working in her current industry, What I came to find is, without the credentials, you cant go much further. Id like to know the behind-the-scenes business so I can branch out. Miller said her instructors were instrumental in augmenting her ambitions. The pushed me to go beyond the GED and go for the scholarship, said Miller. All the instructors there really push the students to go to the next step, and I really appreciate that. The Adult Ed organizers have also set up an Even Start Family Learning Program, wherein students can bring children aged 3 and under with them for daycare as the students take classes. Ameia Bond, a 26-yearold g raduat e, brou ght her 1-and-a-half-year-old daughter with her as she studied. Ive been here off-and-

on since 2005, said Bond, who withdrew from Middletown public schools during the 2003-04 school year. At Adult Ed she studied childrens literature, environmental science, creative writing, physics, civics and math on her way to earning her credit diploma. Now, Bond has enrolled in Middlesex Community College as well, and also intends to study business. Im trying to open my own restaurant, said Bond. I have a lot of chefs in my family, said Bond. And I love to cook. My kids were my motivation, they are my motivation, said Bond, who also has 7- and 4-year-old boys. She said that, without the Even Start program, she wouldnt have had the proper childcare to enable her to finish her studies. Adult Ed graduates students with three different credentials. This year, 42 students

earned a Middletown Adult High School Credit Diploma and another 11 received Middletown Adult High School External Diplomasboth conferred by the citys board of education. The remaining 32 graduates opted for the state-conferred GED program.

The program is available throughout Middlesex County plus in Rocky Hill. We like to think were in the business of changing peoples lives, said Susan Ladny, who does outreach for Adult Ed. We offer a second chance to be successful. employment, is ridiculous to me. Getting rid of the no-layoff clause puts some control back into the city, said Bartolotta. Minority Leader Philip Pessina joined in supporting the contract, but said that it sets the bar high for the mayor and his appointees. Under the new contract, the mayor will face fewer restrictions when appointing seven directors plus the city clerk. Pessina added that arbitration is a nightmare. Everything opens up, nothing is protected. Councilwoman Linda Salafia said throwing everything back on the table would be a good thing, and that the contract itself would be a nightmare to administer based on how many pay scales are outlined in it. The minutiae of the contract itself is difficult, said Salafia. Councilman Ron Klattenberg also spoke in favor of arbitration, citing concerns on whether certain city managers should be union members, as well as a fluctuating Consumer Price Index that, given recent trends, could have been used to argue for lower wage increases. Serra responded that, at the time of negotiations, the CPI was such that the contracted hikes made sense, and that the CPI was a snapshot in time and that retroactive adjustments were unreasonable. The measure passed with a vote of 8-3; council members Hope Kasper, Linda Salafia and Ron Klattenberg opposed the contract and Todd Birch was absent from the meeting.

From Page 1

NORWALK Xerox is buying online educational services provider LearnSomething, expanding what it can offer to the food, drug and health care industries. Financial terms we

ADP dd G ob nM

City OKs sale of streets to Yale despite protests

The paper features cleaner, more modern typography throughout, including custom type for the papers new logo.

Nw H W New Haven
application which must be submitted to the state Department of Education by From Page 1 months end. The state will spend much of the next year reviewing to support the project. With approval of the proj- the project. If the state approves the ect Tuesday, the town has until June 30 to complete its project, it will reimburse the

New Haven Works east hampton high graduate School. Osikhena Awudu, left, watches as, from left, New Haven Works member Angela Moore, Gov. dannel P. Malloy, Yale University President-elect Peter Salovey and New Haven Works volunteer Kamilia Norfleet cut the ceremonial ribbon at the grand opening at 205 Whitney Ave.

credit CaTherine avalone/The MiddleTown PreSS


Works helps in job search

town for 52 percent of the cost of renovating the school as new. A regional accreditation agency had concluded the existing science laboratories were inadequate. That was six years ago. However, that ruling and a

threat to deny the school accreditation set in motion the chain of events that led to the vote Tuesday and approval of the project. Actual construction is not expected to start until late next year and not be finished until the Spring of 2017.

actly what they wanted everybody walked away with a little bit of something that they were looking for. During the councils discussion, Majority Leader Thomas Serra encouraged the council to vote in favor of the contract. All of this is right in the arena of fairness, said Serra. He said that wage increases were in line with what arbitration but, more importantly, the layoff and longev ity adjustments made the agreement a decent trade. Its fair for Teamsters and taxpayers, said Serra. C ou nci l m a n G er a ld Daley concurred w ith Serra. I think that its a fair settlement absent an egregious problem or cost beyond what the city can bear, said Daley. Arbitration is a very costly roll of the dice. Daley and Serra both stressed the fact that the salaries as laid out in the tentative contract had already been accounted for in the recently passed city budget. Council members Grady Faulkner and Mary Bartolotta said the new deal was a good early move in terms of wresting control away from the teamsters and giving it back to the city. We begin to go down the road of removing some things out of these contracts that shouldnt be in them, said Faulkner. He said that paying longevity stipends for union members who stay on the payroll, and also paying union members to leave city

From cover to cover, youll notice more chances to engage with the journalists covering your community. On staff-written stories, youll find not only the writers e-mail address, but also his or her Twitter account, making it easier to keep up with the news that matters most to you. Youll find references to blogs, forums, chats and other online extras to supplement your printreading experience.

Van de Velde suit settled

Boston mayor UNH high-mileage car back in the raceout of hospital after surgery

Program has goal of filling 1,000 jobs in next 4 years

By Luther Turmelle @LutherTurmelle on Twitter

NEW HAVEN >> Josue Rodriguez had been unemployed for four months and sent out more than 100 resumes before his pastor passed his resume to the New Haven Works program as it was launching a pilot program in March. Now, the Newhallville resident has a temporary position with Yale Universitys School of Forestry and he credits New Haven Works, which held its official launch Wednesday at its Whitney Avenue headquarters. I had applied to Yale for a number of jobs during the time that I was unemployed, but I wasnt able to get an interview, Rodriguez said. I doubt I would have gotten the job I have now if I hadnt gotten the interview. They dont guarantee youre going to get a job, but getting an interview gives you an opportunity to impress an employer with what you know and what you can do. New Haven Works is a nonprofit that seeks to match jobready workers who live in the city with potential employers. It is a joint effort of the Board of Aldermen, some of New Havens largest employers and labor organizations. This is one way you deal with

City cops City OKs sale toFamily: Yale despite protestsrespond SOLD! Cops to
didnt do enough to find man

urban poverty, said Mary Reynolds, director of the program. Mayor John DeStefano Jr. and Gov. Dannel P. Malloy hailed the launch of the program as a way to restore full economic vitality to the city. This is going to be great because it is promoting cooperation in tough economic times, Malloy said. DeStefano agreed, saying that the program is an attempt to build upon the citys existing economic successes. Weve been both lucky and smart in this city, he said. And now with this joint effort, we will connect New Haven people with New Haven jobs. Reynolds is on leave from Local 34 of the Federation of University Employees at Yale to run the program. The goal of New Haven Works is to place at least 1,000 people in regular, full-time jobs over the next four years. People dont graduate from the program, Reynolds said.


domestic, find fire, dead body JOIN US

Were telling stories in different ways. Look for traditional long-form journalism and quick-hit bites of information.

We stay with them every step of the way until they get the job they want. Not every participant in New Haven Works is unemployed, she said. Some are working in jobs that they are overqualified for, but are looking to improve their employment situation. The program is funded by a variety of sources, including Yale, the city and UIL Holdings. New Haven Works has already secured placements with those major employers for workers like Rodriguez, who participated in pilot programs in March in advance of the launch. Reynolds said New Haven Works is approaching other major city employers including Assa Abloy and the Regional Water Authority in an effort to secure placement agreements. The program is funded by a variety of sources, including Yale, the city and UIL Holdings. New Haven Works has already secured placements with those major employers for workers like Rodriguez, who participated in pilot programs in March in advance of the launch. Reynolds said New Haven Works is approaching other major city employers including Assa Abloy and the Regional Water Authority in an effort to secure placement agreements. They dont guarantee youre going to get a job, but getting an interview gives you an opportunity to impress an employer with what you know and what you can do asdfasdf asdfasd asdf a asdf asdf asdf.

H w m


More than 1.6m Afghan refugees in Pakistan

Dont Just Earn Your Degree. Experience It.


New numbers show Pakistan is home to the largest and most protracted refugee population worldwide. page a2
Classified .........D1

Comics ............C3

Lottery ............A2

Whalley Ave. at 1:51 a.m. to to deterinvestigate a mine the Mara Lavitt/Register reported domescause of Gregory Williams, with the bullhorn, of the Yale Divinity School addresses protesters, including Jhon Molina of tic crime, police death. New Haven, outside New Haven City Hall Monday night. The group was protesting the sale of two New Haven city spokesman He was streets to Yale University. Officer David last seen FUEL ECONOMY DOPING Hartman said May 19 in a statement. and was Upon arrival, reported officers found missing May 22. the building to Results of the autopsy By Rachel Chinapen versity for $3 million. residents who protested in front be filled with will be available later this The sale grants Yale perma- of City Hall and in the back of Moore smoke and they week. @rachelchinapen on Twitter nent ownership over High Street the aldermanic chambers. radioed dispatchers to send the Police are treating this between Elm and Grove streets What were doing is saying NEW HAVEN Despite and Wall Street between Col- to the 1 percent Yale sure Fire Department. case as an untimely death, protests inside and outside of lege and York streets areas well sell you this for $3 milThe fire was on the third floor and said in a press release City Hall Monday night, the Yale has leased since 1990. and was extinguished. The body there was no evidence to lion, said Henry Lowendorf Board of Aldermen approved of Georgette Alston, 31, was suggest foul play. But the 21-to-8 vote did not outside City Hall. But after the sale of sections of High found on the third floor, police JoAnn Maloney of come without a fight from sevand Wall streets to Yale Uni- eral aldermen and dozens of said. Southington, Gordon See Aldermen, A4 page a5 page b1 Maloneys niece, said her See City, A4 uncles friends notified family members of his disappearance when they had not seen him for several days. By Susan Misur gets 800 to 1,200 miles to You would see him all SOUNDOFF the gallon is competitionthe time. You could drive @NHRsusan on Twitter ready and headed Wednesthrough town and see What is day to Michigan for an him. He would always be your WEST HAVEN Last international fuel economy around, she said. dream year, the University of contest Friday. Maloneys body was car? New Havens miniature, The royal blue contrapfound Saturday by two high-mileage car suftion was back on people walking. They Call us at 203-789-5732 fered a broken shell, the academic quad spotted someone on the or 800-925-2509. See A2. shifted engine and outside Maxcy Hall ground, but thought the slipped gear chain Monday morning for person was sleeping. after zooming up an a test drive with the On Sunday, they The group has raced academic quad sidewalk mechanical engineering twice before at the compereturned and noticed the Peter Casolino/Register nothing a few engineers students and professors man was still there, and tition, but feels better prewho built it, this time suc- pared this year. Recent University of New Haven graduates Daniel Bennett, left, couldnt fix. they called police. Now, the 95-pound tor- cessfully taking two laps, and Joseph Olenick fill the fuel tank on the high-mileage car built See Maloney, A4 by the engineering department at UNH. See UNH, A4 pedo-shaped vehicle that even in rainy conditions.

City OKs sale of streetshighto Yale despite protests UNH prepares Progress made on test mileage car for contest for gene manipulation
The 95-pound vehicle is set to enter the international fuel economy competition in Michigan Wednesday. manipulating SATURDAY, JUNE 8 their genes to improve performance.
Opinion ............A9 ............ A11 Alumni Lounge, Stocks Bartels Hall



Event offered chance to sample local eateries

Mara Lavitt reports from this years Share Our Strength: No Kid Hungry charity benefit.

The IOC is developing a test to determine if athletes are

ProgramUNH begins at 10:00car a.m. high-mileage back in the race

Obituaries .......C4

Television ........C3

Weather .........A12

RSVP Today! or call 203.931.2938

Lottery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A2 Police blotter . . . . . . . . . . A2 People in the News . . . . . A2 New Haven/State . . . . . . . A3 Home & Garden . . . . . . . . A5 Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A6 Business . . . . . . . . . . . . A8 Stock listings . . . . . . . . . . A9 Public notices . . . . . . . B7-8



Advice, horoscope . . . . . . C7 Comics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C8 noon to 5 p.m. Saturday at The Arts Council of Greater New Haven

Join Community Engagement Editor Shahid Abdul-Karim from


Town news . . . . . . . . . .B1,5 Obituaries . . . . . . . . . . B2-3 Classified . . . . . . . . . . B6-8

Movie guide. . . . . . . . . . . C3 Television . . . . . . . . . . . . C6

Copyright 2013, New Haven Register

Audubon Arts on the Edge 2013 on Audubon Street. The afternoon is free and includes music, dance and circus performances, handson arts-and-crafts activities and interactive education programs. For information, call 203-772-2788.


Dont Just Earn Your Degree. Experience It.

Program begins at 10:00 a.m. Alumni Lounge, Bartels Hall

RSVP Today! or call 203.931.2938

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