Dragon Ball Warriors R.C.C.

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Dragon Ball Warriors

There was a marathon of Dragon Ball Z cartoons on a while ago and it got my sick mind to thinking"YeahI could make those". So here they are. Now being only the most casual of fans I may not have all of the statistical data you are looking for and I'm not going to write 15 pages about something only a small fraction of people are going to worry about (i.e. all of you that wrote 10+ pages on how to rift a Jedi Knight). These are great additions to your campaigns as NPC villains or just drunken encounters in a Phaseworld Pub. All of these warriors possess supernatural attributes and abilities, as well as great fighting prowess in hand to hand combat. All can fly and all can discharge energy in one form or another from their person. Ladies and gentlemenI give you the Dragon Ball Warriors a.k.a Super Saiyans. Special R.C.C. Abilities of the Dragon Ball Warrior RCC 1. All warriors vary in appearance. Use either the Alien Creation Table (Phaseworld) or D-Bee Creation Table (Rifts Main Rulebook) to determine their appearance. These tables will also grant additional points to their attributes and MDC.

2 2. All warriors start with the common abilities of Sonic Flight, Sonic Speed and four minor Energy Expulsion Power of choice (i.e. light, energy, fire, etc.). Warriors also have many varied powers that manifest early. Use the table below and a handy dandy copy of Heroes Unlimited 2nd Edition to determine powers. Roll or choose one. 1- 4 minor super abilities only. 2- 1 minor and 1major super ability. 3- 2 major super abilities only. 4- 3 minor and 1major super ability. 5- 2 major and 3 minor super abilities 6- 2 major and 5 minor super abilities. 7- 3 major and 3 minor super abilities. 8- 3 major and 5 minor super abilities.

Dragon Ball Warrior R.C.C. NPC Villain and Optional Player Character Alignments: Any Attributes: I.Q.: 3D6, M.E.: 3D6+3, M.A.: 3D6, P.S.: 5D6*, P.P.: 4D6, P.E. 4D6*, P.B.:3D6, Spd: 1D4x10. *Strength and Endurance are to be considered supernatural. Attributes can still be effected by skills and training. Height: Varies, see above Weight: Varies, see above Life Span: 150 years but most die early on in battle. Average Level of Experience: 1D4+3 for NPC's. Player characters start at first level and use the Vagabond OCC experience table to advance. M.D.C.: 3D4x10+ P.E. attribute plus 1D6 per level of experience Horror Factor: 8 for those that know of their abilities. Appearance and reputation may increase it. P.P.E. Base: 5D6+ P.E. Natural Abilities: See Above Psionics: A small percentage of warriors do not receive super abilities, instead they receive psionic powers. Roughly 3% of all warriors are super psionics. These few are commensurate with the standard psychic character classes found in

3 Psyscape. ISP is M.E.x5 + 1D4 per level of experience. Magic powers: None Damage: Varies with supernatural strength, super abilities and skills. R.C.C. Bonuses: + 1D4 to initiative, +2 vs. horror factor, +2 to strike/parry/dodge, and +2 attacks. R.C.C. Skills: Skill selection is based on the Vagabond OCC with the following modifications. The warriors automatically receive 2 Hand to hand combat skill. Selections can be made of ANY martial arts form from Ninjas and Superspies, The Rifter, Rifts Japan, Mystic China, or Coalition War Machine. These forms do include any Atemi, Body Hardening, Chi Mastery, or Arts of Invisibility. Only techniques and Katas that do not require a chi or PPE expenditure may be allowed. Also, substitute physical skills for abilities that have been allowed. Standard Equipment: Also the same as the Vagabond OCC

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