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Shadow Wolf R.C.C.

Posted By Hunter On July 19, 2008 @ 11:00 am In RCC's | No Comments hadow Wolves are an interesting derivative of Werewolves They were created by the an arch-mage of great power, many centuries ago. The arch-mage created and activated a powerful magic circle, where the mage summoned and merged a wolfen, a shadow beast and a human, and endowed it with magical abilities to shift between a human form and a wolfen form. The arch-mage further enchanted the new creatures giving them an amazing array of powers, and making them bigger and stronger than normal werewolves in were/wolfen form. The result was a powerful creature of magic and shadows. Shadow Wolves are some of the greatest prowlers, and can sneak up on anything in nighttime. These creatures of much so that sunlight weakens them. In wereform the creatures coat is coal black, and the eyes are pure black, but shiny. When angered the creatures eyes glow red or blue depending on the creatures persona and tendancy (alignment). In human form the eyes are still pure black and shiny, but never change color. Shadow Wolves usually wear sunglasses in human matter where they are (unless amoungst friends/allies/fellow Shadow Wolves/etc..). The eyes are the typical main way to identify a Shadow Wolf, but black eyes doesnt always mean Shadow Wolf. Instead the best and most reliable identification for a Shadow Wolf is..its shadow. IT HAS NONE! Regardless of conditions a Shadow Wolf NEVER casts a shadow. This can scare someone half-to-death if it catches them off-guard (Horror Factor 14they have no idea what kind of creature would not cast a shadow). Most Shadow Wolves have a strange preferance for black clothing, specifically trench coats or cloaks (hooded prefered). In human form all Shadow Wolves have black hair. The arch-mage didnt make too many, but it doesnt really matter because that was long ago. Though it may be worth noting the first one was neither male nor female! The arch-mage merged a male Wolfen with a female Human on the first attempt at Shadow Wolves (hermaphrodite?). And there is some rumor that this original Shadow Wolf may still be alive. If soitwould easily be more powerful than ANY other Shadow Wolf in existance. Especially considering no one is quite sure how old the Shadow Wolf species really is. Human Form: Daytime (Base) IQ: 3D6 ME: 3D6 MA: 2D6 PS: 4D6 PP: 4D6 PE: 3D6 PB: 3D6 Spd: 3D6 Human Form: Nighttime (In addition to Daytime stats) IQ: - ME: - MA: +3 PS: Becomes supernatural PP: +2 PE: +3 PB: - Spd: +6 Wereform: Nighttime (In addition to Daytime stats) Note: Cannot transform to Wereform during daytime IQ: - ME: - MA: +6 PS: Becomes supernatural and is +12 PP: +6 PE: +6 Spd: x2 Damage Capacity and Invulnerabilities and Regeneration: Note: If youre using Mega-Hitpoints..the +1D6 per Level would be MHPs Human-Daytime: MDC: (PE x 1D4+2) + (1D6 per Level) Regenerates: 1D6 MD per Hour Invulnerabilities: None (Beyond non-MDC weapons). Vulnerabilities: Silver does normal damage

Human-Nighttime:Include modifications MDC: DaytimeMDC + (AdjustedPE x 2) Regenerates: 1D6 per Minute Invulnerabilities: ALL non-magical/non-psionic/non-silver MDC weapons inflict half damage. Vulnerabilities: Silver does double damage, magic and psionic attacks/weapons inflict full damage Wereform-Nighttime:Include modifications MDC: (NighttimeMDC x 2) + AdjustedPE Regenerates: 1D4 per melee Invulnerabilities: EVERYTHINGexcept silver, magic and psionic weapons/attacks Vulnerabilities: Silver does triple damage, magic and psionic attacks/weapons inflict full damage Damage Capacity, Damage Taken and changing of forms (willing or not): When a Shadow Wolf changes from one form to another, the actual damage taken DOES NOT transfer. Instead the percentage of damage that was done transfers. ex: Wereform has 100MDC and takes 50 points damage. If the Shadow Wolf transforms to any other form, whatever the MDC of that form is is now at 50% of normal. This applies to all transformations. can spice it up some and say transfer is One-To-One. This makes the near-dawn times the time for ShadowWolf hunters because itll be easier to kill them. After all if Bently (PE: 9) the shadowwolf is 5th lvl and has 61MDC daytime, 85MDC nighttime, and 188MDC wereform, at near-dawn a hunter only has to inflicted about 71MDC to the 188MDC critter to actually kill. Cause when dawn comes71 is [9+1] below 61 and Bently is dead. Yah..itd be easier to kill them in daytime anyways, but this makes it so the foolish shadowwolves die at near-dawn. Natural Abilities: Human Form: Daytime (base)Horror Factor: If the lack of a shadow is noticed: 14; If the eyes are noticed 16; If it is known the person is a Shadow Wolf: 18 Shadow Meld: Unlimited duration, Prowl: +15%, -5 to be struck, detected by Infrared and Thermal Optics. Night vision: Can see in total darkness Bonuses: +2 save versus magic, +2 to save versus psionics, +4 to save versus horror factor. Human Form: Nighttime Horror Factor: +1 to above Shadow Meld: -6 to be struck, unlimited duration, can only be seen with Thermal Optics, Prowl +25% Night Vision: Can see in total darkness, Can see person shadow melded, +5% Detect Concealment/Ambush, +1 perception, +3 to save against Illusions. Combat Bonuses: +1 attack/action, +2 Dodge, +2 Strike, +2 Parry, +2 Roll, +1 save vs. magic and psionics (in additon to base), +2 save vs HF (in addition to base). Wereform: Nighttime Takes one action to transform to Shadow Were. Horror Factor: +3 to base Super Shadow Meld: -7 to be struck, unlimited duration, cannot be seen even with thermal optics, Prowl +35%. Doesnt even need a shadow! Can shadow meld INTO the darkness of the night (afterall it IS the shadow of the Earth effectively)

Night Vision: Can see in total darkness, can see invisible (any..including those with shadow meld), +15% Detect Concealment/Ambush, +5 Perception, can see through illusions. Combat Bonuses: +2 attack/action, +2, Initiative, +5 roll, +5 Dodge, +5 Strike, +5 Parry, Autododge (no bonuses ever), +3 save vs magic and psionics (to addition to base), +4 save vs HF (in addition to base). Special Powers (Optional): At 5th Level the Shadow Wolf developes a Talent a la NIGHTSPAWN(bane)!! Must be related to shadows. Can only be used in Wereform. Damage: See approproiate tables Wereform: Claws: punch + 12 MD Bite: punch + 4 MD OCCs: Scholar and Adventureswith HEAVY preference toward Wilderness Scout/Ranger types for wilderness-based Shadow Wolves, and City Rat/Assassin types for City-based Shadow Wolves. Skills of Note: Detect Concealment: +5%, Tracking: +10%, Prowl: 45% (increases normally), HTH: Basic. Psionics: None Magic: None PPE: 1D410 Height: Human Form: 5-7 feet Wereform: 6-9 feet Weight: 200-300 pounds (never fat though) Average Lifespan: 300+ years Breeding: Shadow Wolves are an interesting species to say the least. They can breed with humans or wolfen, as well as themselves!! For a Shadow Wolf to breed (and produce an offspring), it must breed with a Human the the Shadow Wolf is in human form and a Wolfen while the Shadow Wolf is in a wereform. Butthere are problems. First off there is only a 25% chance of producing an offspring, then there is only a 50% chance it will be a Shadow Wolf, else itll be a normal Human or Wolfen (depending on form mating occured). When a female Shadow Wolf is about to give birth, she will transform to the appropriate form depending on paternal species (Wereform for Wolfen father, Human for Human father). She has NO control over the transformation and will goto Wereform even in daytime!! As for inter-Shadow Wolf breeding there is no problemchild will be a Shadow Wolf and will be delivered without a forced form change. As for birth appearanceif the child is by Human or Wolfen mother and is not a Shadow Wolf, then birth is normal..and the child is basically normal. But for Shadow Wolf children, when they are born they appear to be an odd mix between Wereform and human form. Non-Shadow Wolf Offspring: Shadow Wolf offspring that were not Shadow Wolves, still have a chance to be Shadow Wolves!!! After a non-Shadow Wolf child reaches maturity, it may become a full Shadow Wolf on a full moon night, Full Solar Eclipse or Full Lunar Eclipse. On a full moon night, the

child will be racked with headaches and may become a Shadow Wolf (roll versus Insanity with a +5 bonus in addition to ME bonuses, failure means becoming a Shadow Wolf). On a Full Solar Eclipse, being in the shadow of the moon (tho still in daytime) the chances are more likely to become a Shadow Wolf (roll versus Insanity with ME bonuses only, failure means becoming a Shadow Wolf). But Full Lunar Eclipses are the most powerful, with chances being even greater! (roll versus Insanity with NO bonuses at all). From these happenings, many scholars are prone to believe that the Shadow Wolves form of lycanthropy is a virus of some sort that is somehow linked to the Moon and its shadow. Yetsomeone bitten or injured by a Shadow Wolf will never change into a Shadow Wolf, thus leaving scholar to think it is a sexual transmitted virus (of sorts) or is a genetic disease

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