Star Wars Stuff Converted To Rifts

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Star Wars Stuff converted to Rifts:

Hutt RCC by DreamFox "Wah ha ha ha haaa!" -Jabba the Hutt Hutts are a disgustingly bloated species of megalomaniacs. They hail from the planet of Varl, which once orbited a dwarf star. When the star began to die, the Hutts left their home and found another in a nearby system. They acquired the world through a series of unscrupulous business deals, moved in, and eventually evicted the original residents. This new home was crissened "Nal Hutta", meaning glorious gem. These creatures have spread out across the galaxy since and many have established incredible crime syndicates on distant planets. Hutts possess unquenchable egos and most believe themselves the equal of gods. They love displaying their power over other beings. They are especially cruel and love to torture, humiliate, or kill others as fits their moods. Their incredible minds are capable of thinking along several tracks at once and are remarkably resistant to psionics, encouraging even more their beliefs of superiority. They have no questions about the morality of killing any non-Hutt and respect only those who display no fear of death and lie and cheat as much as they do. Even among their own species, Hutts are cruel and superficial. No Hutt is respected who cannot exert some power over others. They also pride themselves on their incredible girth, the larger a Hutt, the more important they are. If one Hutt should die by assassination or murder, all their comrades lose any respect they held for them, seeing them as weak and foolish for letting "simple" beings get the upper hand. (I really doen't recommend these as PC's, but a creative GM can make them into _really_ great NPC villains or contacts) -Typical Alignment: almost always evil or selfish -Attributes: IQ: 6D6+2 (min 15), ME: 5D6+5 (min 18), MA: 5D6, PS: 2D6, PP: 1D4, PE: 5D6, PB: 1D6 (very ugly), Spd: 1D4 -Length: have been known to reach twenty feet from head to tail -Weight: up to two tons! -Average Life Span: 1,000 years!! -Experience: use dragon table -MDC (due to their shear blubber, not toughness): 2D6X10, plus 3D6 per level of XP -PPE: very tough minds, 1D6 X 10 Magic: none

-Psionics: none -Horror Factor: 12 (16 if characters have sensitive sense of smell or hearing, Hutts give off incredibly terrible odors and high-frequency sounds) -Powers: Dense Minds: A Hutt's mind is so highly developed, they are actually capable of thinking of more than one thing at once with little trouble. This means that they can carry on a normal conversation and act normally while mentally fighting off the worst psionic or magical assaults. Add +10 to all saving throws against psionics or magic, in addition to any bonuses from attributes. Others: Excellent nightvision, 100 ft range. Keen sense of hearing, about 20 decibels beyond human range, but are not offended by their own, high-pitch releases or those of other Hutts. Are very alert to their surroundings, recieving a +3 to initiative. -Penalties/Vulnerabilities: Because of their shear size, it is nearly impossible for a Hutt to move about freely on its own. They must have some form of transportation and constant attendance by others in order to support themselves and move around. This, ironically, means that Hutts are dependent on those whose lives they threaten. Their reach is severely limited, meaning they cannot reach more than two or three feet in front of them and cannot even reach behind themselves. They must eat over fifty pounds of food a day (they prefer small, live animals) to prevent themselves from starving to death, because their bodies are unable to convert fat to usable energy. Most are also addicted to one form of drug or another, usually some form of inhaled, chemical smoke. Most Hutts also find other member of their species very unattractive (then again, so does everybody else). They prefer attractive humanoids and will usually begin to build up small harems. They only mate with one another when absolutely necessary. This is one of the driving reasons that the race's population is so low. -Appearance: Hutts have a huge, blubbery head with large, reptilian eyes and a wide, lipless mouth that is nearly always caked in dried drool. Their wide, fat bodies taper down to muscular tails. They possess no legs or similar limbs for motion, but do have two stubby arms. Their skin is leathery and wrinkled, in browns and dull greens. Only rarely wear clothes. -RCC Skills: Language and Literacy: Huttese: 98% Any 3 other Languages, including Literacy (+25%, but costs two skills to be able to speak a language instead of just understanding it)

Interrogation (+10%) Strategy/Tactics Pilot: Hutt Floater: 98% Streetwise (+15%) Any one Technical Skill (+10%) -RCC Related Skills: select 8 other skills from the list below, plus one additional skill at every even level (2,4,6,8,10,ect) Communications: Any Domestic: Any Electrical: Any Espionage: Any (+5% to Intelligence) Mechanical: Any Medical: Any Military: Any Physical: none Pilot: no smaller vehicles, only transport-sized or larger are possible Pilot Related: Any Rogue Skills: Any (+10% to Streetwise and Hacking) Science: Any Technical: Any (+10%) WP: Any Wilderness: not likely, but not limited -Secondary Skills: select six additional skills from the list above, plus one additional skill at levels 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, and 15. -Armor: too large to wear any -Weapons: usually do not carry any of their own, but are accompanied by armed guards, mercenaries, or bounty hunters -Starting Equipment: Hutt Floater (see below), large comfortable area to become a sort of palace, good supply of food (mostly still living) and drugs, 1D6 slaves -Money: 5D6 X 10,000 credits -Cybernetics: too large and blubbery to receive any standard bionics or cybernetics, but can have them custom-made at three times the normal cost -Value: many have bounties on their heads, however they are able to pay bounty hunters well enough to keep them safe Hutt Floater Beause of their great bulk, Hutts find it difficult to move anywhere under their own power. To get around this, most have special, hover-sleds custom built to serve as a sort of wheelchair. These are usually bed-like, with soft mattresses, pillows, and sheets, and shaped in either a larger rectangle or oval. Most come with a ready supply of food and drink hidden in them, as well as room for a "pet" (usually a female of another species kept for entertainment). Although incredibly ornate, these vehicles are not very fast, being built to display the Hutt's importance and intimidate others. Most also come with an emergency

weapon built in somewhere, just in case. Model Type: custom-built Hutt Floater Class: personal transport Crew: one (very difficult control system that cannot be used with any effectiveness unless the pilot has the skill Pilot: Hutt Floater, the skill is 30% plus 3% per level of XP) Passengers: Two, if the Hutt is on, without a Hutt, a good twenty people can fit in addition to the pilot MDC by Location: Main Body: 60 SPEED: *Land*: 20 mph *Water*: can hover above the water at up to 20 mph *Air*: 20 mph, maximum height is 3 feet STATISTICAL DATA: *Height*: 1 to 2 feet *Width*: average 18 feet *Length*: average 7 feet *Weight*: average two tons *Cargo*: in addition to passengers, can carry up to 400 pounds *Color*: varies with each person, but most are beautifully decorated with valuable metals and gems *Power System*: usually nuclear *Black Market Cost*: 500,000 credits, minimum WEAPON SYSTEMS: 1) Emergency Laser Most Floaters have a small, hidden laser or similar device built into them somewhere in case of emergency. The device is controlled by an automated intelligence and fires at whatever it deems as hostile to the Hutt. Primary Purpose: defense Secondary Purpose: assault Mega-Damage: 3D6 Rate of Fire: five shots per melee Maximum Effective Range: 400 feet Payload: effectively unlimited Bonus: +3 to strike Gamorrean RCC by DreamFox This is a species of brutal, primitive creatures from a backwater planet. They are known across the galaxy for their strength and brutality, and are normally taken off-planet as indentured servants to crime lords. They become excellent body guards and mercenaries. On their homeworld, Gamorreans are constantly at war with different tribes. All activities are pointed in the direction of violence. Females, although not allowed to fight,

make high-quality weapons, hunt, and farm. Young begin training in combat as soon as they are able to walk In general, the species is known as, well, stupid. They enjoy hitting first and not asking questions later. They are usually impossible to control once angry and their one-track minds ensure that they won't calm down soon. They are widely known for their dislike of technology and most will not use any kind of energy weapon. -Typical Alignment: normally anarchist, miscreant, and diabolic, but anything is possible -Attributes: IQ: 2D6, ME: 2D6, MA:2D4, PS: 5D6+1, PP: 3D4, PE: 6D6+1, PB: 1D6, Spd: 3D6 -Height: 4 to 5 feet -Weight: 180 to 250 pounds -Average Life Span: 50 years, but most die in combat before that -Experience: use CS Grunt Table -Hit Points: PE plus 2D6 per level of XP SDC: 50 plus 5D6 plus any from physical training -PPE: very low, 1D6 Magic: none, ever -Psionics: extremely rare, about one out of fifty will be a minor psionic with 1 power from the Sensitive category and two from the physical, ISP is ME plus 3D6 plus 2 per level -Horror Factor: 10 -Powers: Stamina: Gamorreans have an incredibly strong body. If they ever fail a saving throw against poison, disease, or death, they receive a second shot at it. If the second saving roll fails, they suffer from normal effects of whatever they were saving against. They also possess the ability to continue fighting even after being reduced to less than zero hit points, only falling into a coma after they've gone to a negative number of Hit Points equal to their PE. They will remain in a coma until brought out by normal means, or until they die after reaching double their PE in negative hit points Droid Hatred: All Gamorreans HATE robots! They may not necessarily attack a robot on sight, but they normally will have no real motive for attacking one when they do. They receive a +3 to strike and parry while fighting any kind of robot or android. Once a robot has been destroyed, they receive double the normal amount of experience points for it they normally would Physical Training: These people begin training in combat at a very young age, so by the time they reach adulthood (if they reach adulthood), they are powerful warriors. Any WP's taken begin at third level instead of first, and go on from there as the character raises in

experience. This heavy physical training is also reflected in their skills and bonuses. -Penalties/Vulnerabilities: Aside from their overall lack in intelligence, Gamorreans also have poorly developed vocal boxes, meaning they are unable to form words or any other noises other than grunts and squeals. They can still understand languages that they know, they are simply unable to speak them. Gamorreans are not overly fond of advanced technology. They prefer to use melee weapons, even occasionally using vibro-weapons. They will only rarely use energy weapons and even then, they never use anything but normal, hand to hand weapons on their home planet. -Appearance: They appear to be fat, green-skinned, pig people. Their snouts are lighter, almost flesh-tone. Their mouths are filled with powerful teeth, including four short tusks that poke up from their lower jaw even when their mouths are shut and constantly drool. They have two short, curved horns at the top of their foreheads. Gamorreans are normally clad in furs and leathers, with a great deal of metal studding. In a more Rifts-like setting, most would don magical ancient armor or MDC armor with furs covering parts of it. Males also have small, rat-like parasites attached to their bodies which are considered status symbols. Attaching one parasite to their body permanently reduces their SDC by 1D8. Some older Gamorreans have so many of these parasites that they form a living garment! -RCC Skills: Speak Gamorrean: 90% Understand one Additional Language (+10%) Any 3 Wilderness Skills Any 3 Physical Skills (+20%, when applicable) Any 3 Ancient WP's (remember, they start at third level) Wilderness Survival (+15%) -RCC Related Skills: select six extra skills from the list below. Select one additional skill at levels 3, 6, 10, 13, and 15. Communications: Radio: Basic only Domestic: Any Electrical: Basic Electronics only (-10%) Espionage: none Mechanical: Basic Mechanics only (-10%) Medical: First Aid and Holistic only Military: Military Etiquette only Physical: Any (+15% where applicable) Pilot: Any except Robots and PA Pilot Related: Any Rogue Skills: Any except Hacking Science: none Technical: Any except Computer skills

WP: Any (start at third level) Wilderness: Any -Secondary Skills: select four additional skills from the list above. These do not receive the bonuses listed -Armor: medium suit of MDC or magical armor (GM's discretion), most likely covered over with old, stinking furs -Weapons: Begin with one ancient weapon for each WP they possess, plus one vibro-weapon to reflect their favorite WP. Will only use energy weapons if absolutely necessary. -Starting Equipment: Several smelly furs, durable boots, Gamorreans jewelry (leather arm-bands, leather and metal belts, ect), a helmet containing the tribal crest, sack or knapsack, one week's worth of survival rations -Money: usually start as an indentured servant or has been rifted directly from their homeworld, and have very little money themselves, 1D6 X 10 credits -Cybernetics: their hatred of droids and technology means that they would rather die than receive any kind of mechanical implants -Value: none, most serve as indentured servants in order to get off their home planet unless they were brought off by a Rift, however, they have little or no true value to anybody

Tusken Raider RCC by DreamFox Based on the Star Wars films by Lucasfilm Ltd. And the book "Darksaber" by Kevin J. Anderson On the distant, desert world of Tatooine, many species have evolved to survive on the harsh, dry climate. Among these, the Tusken Raiders have evolved to become the harshest reflections of their environment. The Sand People, as they are commonly called, roam the deserts in large tribes. Their society is violent and very few young survive to adulthood. Most tribes have an uneasy peace with the moisture farmers that inhabit the fringes of the deserts, but attacks and slaughters at settlements are not uncommon. These desert nomads owe a great deal of their survival to Banthas; large, shaggy mammals they use as pack animals and mounts. The riders seem to develop a sort of psychic connection with their mount, allowing control and communication almost unheard of in any other species. If a Raider's bantha is ever killed, they are forced by the other members of the tribe out into the desert, alone and without food. They believe that if the spirit of the bantha

wishes its old master to continue, it will send another bantha to it, but if the spirit wishes the Sand Person to join them in the afterlife, no new mount will be sent and the unfortunate soul will be condemned to a slow death of dehydration. Tusken culture is very secretive and violent towards outsiders. Their traditions and history are recorded via storytellers, who are trained from early youth to memorize the tribe's history, word for word, from his master. If he changes so much as a single word, he will be killed so that the history of the tribe may be preserved accurately. To protect themselves from the blistering sun, blinding light, and harsh, dry air, the Tusken Raiders wrap themselves in heavy, dirty robes, as well as wrapping their heads in bandage-like strips. Metal tubes covered with darkened glass protect their eyes from the sunlight reflecting off the sand, and metal breathing masks keep sand out of their lungs. It is impossible to tell the difference between a male and female Raiders while they are fully robed. A Sand Person will only unwrap themselves and show the face to their spouse, and even then, only during mating. -Typical Alignment: usually anarchist -Attributes: IQ: 2D6, ME: 4D6, MA: 2D6, PS: 5D6, PP: 2D6+1, PE: 6D6, PB: ?, Spd: 3D6+2 -Height: average about six feet -Weight: 175 to 225 pounds -Average Life Span: 50 years, although some have survived as many as 70 years -Experience: use CS Grunt table -Hit Points: PE + 1D8 per level of XP SDC: 30 plus 3D6 -PPE: minimal, 2D6 -Psionics: none, Raiders fear those who display supernatural powers and will kill them -Horror Factor: robes are fearsome and monstrous, 12 -Powers: Heat Resistance: Tusken Raiders are well adapted to desert survival. They take no damage from the intense heat of the sun and take half damage from fire. They can survive without food or water for up to 7 days. Bantha Control: Once a Tusken Raider comes of age, they receive their mount, or actually, their mount chooses them. The Raider learns to control this specific bantha with unbelievable skill. The two become inseperable and soon develop an empathic bond, similar to a wizard's familiar. The link has a range of one mile and, if either the bantha or the Raider is killed, the other will be knocked unconscious from pure pain, waking up after 2D6 hours. While riding their personal bantha, the Tusken Raider has a riding skill of 99%.

-Penalties/Vulnerabilities: Sand People, from birth, are trained to hate other species, especially humans. They are very violent towards outsiders and will usually attack and kill other species without asking questions. When encountering a human, a Tusken Raider must make a save vs. Psionics or immediately attack -Appearance: Tall and muscular humanoids. Normally wrapped in brown and tan robes with tan bandages wrapped around their heads. Their eyes appear to be two short, metal tubes covered with dark glass. Their mouths are covered by metal masks to keep out the hot, desert winds. No one is quite sure what they look like under their masks, because no one has ever seen it and lived long enough to tell. -RCC Skills: Language: Tusken (a violent mix of screams, grunts, and painfulsounding guttural noises): 90% Language: Basic (listening only): 78% Waste Survival (a kind of wilderness survival specifically aimed towards wastelands): 90% Horsemanship: Exotic (+20%) Tracking (+10%) Any 2 Wilderness Skills (+15%) Prowl (+10%) WP Gaderffi (use bonuses as per WP Blunt) HTH: Expert HTH Expert can be traded for Martial Arts at the cost of one "other" skill -RCC Related Skills: Select six additional skills from the list below. Raiders do not spend a great deal of time studying anything except what is needed to survive. Select one additional skill at levels 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 15. Communications: none Domestic: any Electrical: none Espionage: Any except Disguise, Forgery, Pick Locks, Pick Pockets, and Sniper (all others +10%) Mechanical: none Medical: Holistic only Military: none Physical: any (+15% when applicable) Pilot: ground vehicles only, no Robts or PA Pilot Related: navigation only Rogue Skills: any except hacking Science: none Technical: Art, Languages, and Lores only WP: Any Wilderness: Any (+10%) -Secondary Skills: select 3 additional secondary skills from the list above, but without the listed bonuses. Add one additional secondary skill at levels 4, 8, 12, and 14 -Armor: metal plating under the heavy robes acts as light MDC armor. 35 MDC and -10% to Prowl

-Weapons: Gaderffi Stick (see below), 30% chance of owning a laser rifle -Starting Equipment: bantha, blanket, two quart canteen of water, two week's worth of dried dewback hides (survival rations), robes, sun goggles, breath-mask, 1D6 blankets, a small banner or sash displaying tribal symbols -Money: minimal, Sand People are scavengers, finding what they need more than buying it, 2D6 X 10 credits and an odd jumble of spare vehicle parts, souvenirs, and junk worth a total of 4D6 X 10 credits -Cybernetics: none, will never willingly undergo bionic augmentations, but won't kill themselves if forced to receive implants Gaderffi Stick The Gaderffi stick is the Tusken Raider's primary weapon and the one they are most extensively trained in. It is a metal pole, 3 to 4 feet long. One end is bent at the end with a blunt ball on it. The other end has four sharpened fins that work similar to an ax. Vibro versions of these weapons are available in some areas, but are uncommon and ridiculously expensive. Damage: Blunt End: 1D8, Ax Fins: 3D6 (vibro versions do the same damage, but in MDC rather than SDC) Cost: none, built from scavenged pieces of metal

Mon Calamari RCC by DreamFox The Mon Calamari are a race of semi-aquatic aliens from the planet of the same name. They are an intelligent, wise, and patient race, well renowned for their leadership capabilities and engineering prowess. They were a quiet and peaceful race, albeit very forceful. They have little or no tolerence for those who break or bend the laws for their own profit or fun, believing that life should be more organized. The Mon Calamari were staunch supporters of the Rebellion during the wars against the Galactic Empire, and for that, they were enslaved. Many were tortured and even killed by their human masters without a second thought, well many more were forced to work in the Empire's vast research labs, developing better ships and bigger weapons. Those who were fortunate enough to escape, such as the inspirational Admiral Ackbar, immediately joined up with the Rebellion and earned command positions that

would prove pivotal to the war effort. Although they are land animals, water is very important to the Mon Calamari. They need to be kept slightly moist in order to stay comfortable and despise dry climates. They love swimming and will usually have large areas of their homes flooded. -Typical Alignment: mostly Principled and Scrupulous, with a few Unprincipled, no known Mon Calamari are naturally evil or selfish unless altered through outside means -Attributes: IQ: 4D6, ME: 5D6, MA: 4D6, PS: 3D6, PP: 2D6+3, PE: 3D6+1, PB: 3D6, Spd: 3D6 -Height: 5' to 6' -Weight: 125 to 200 pounds -Average Life Span: 90 years -Experience: -Hit Points: PE plus 1D6 per level of XP SDC: 25 plus any gained from physical training -PPE: 4D6 Magic: very rare, less than 1% of all Mon Calamari have any degree of magical talent, but they have been known to become powerful Jedi on occasion -Psionics: same chance as for humans -Horror Factor: 9 to those unfamiliar with them -Powers: Underwater Abilities: All Mon Calamari have a natural swimming skill of 98% and can swim at twice their normal Spd attribute. They can hold their breath for 3D6 minutes, but cannot breath underwater for any length of time (they're still land creatures and will drown). While in particularly moist environments or underwater, add 2 to their PS and 3 to their PE. They possess keen nightvision, 60ft on land or 120ft underwater Natural Mechanical Aptitude: For some odd reason, all members of the species share an odd affinity for machines. They receive a plus 10% to any and all skills from Electrical, Mechanical, and any computer-related categories, even secondary skills. This is in addition to any skill bonuses already applied by their OCC. -Penalties/Vulnerabilities: Mon Calamari are dependent on the water, more psychologically than physically, but their dependence can still be dangerous. When in dry environments, they will suffer a -2 to their PS and -3 to their PE. These effects are negated if they use a Calamarian Mister (see below). If kept from bathing or soaking for more than a week, they will begin to suffer from a mental dehydration, weakening quickly (reduce all physical attributes, even PB, by half, reduce SDC and Hit Points by 75%, skill performance by -30%). They can survive like this for as many days as they have PE, after that, they die. A few hours soak in any sort of water will completely negate these effects.

-Appearance: Mon Calamari resemble fish- or amphibian-like humanoids. Their head are largish and bulbous, with round, black eyes protruding on one inch eye stalks on either side of the head. The mouths resemble a salmon's, opening like a flap. They have absolutely no hair anywhere on their bodies. Their arms and legs have about the same proportions as humans, with two fingers and a thumb on each hand and three large, webbed toes on each foot. Their skin ranges from deep shades of red, reddish-gray, greens, and greenish-yellow, and is speckled with lighter spots. They seem to almost radiate an aura of peacefulness and wisdom. -OCC's Allowed: typically Body Fixers, Cyber Docs, Operators, Rogue Scientists, Rogue Scholars, and Vagabonds, they tend to shy away from the more violent areas and magic is all but completely unknown -Armor: as per OCC -Weapons: as per OCC -Starting Equipment: as per OCC, but also has 1D4 Calamarian Misters -Money: as per OCC -Cybernetics: not restricted, but none initially unless OCC dictates otherwise -Value: some may still be of value as slaves in some areas of the Megaverse Calamarian Mister This is a small device designed to keep Calamarians comfortable in normal, human environments. It is a small system that hangs loosely around the neck, with a small, curved piece pointed upwards just below the chin. It periodically releases jets of mist, keeping the Calimarian's skin moist and healthy. It holds enough water for 4 hours of misting, and can be refilled quickly and easily with ordinary tap water. Please note that being misted by this device does not grant the Mon Calamari the attribute bonuses from moist environments. Weight: two to three ounces dry, ten ounces full SDC: 15 Cost: relitively cheap anywhere that is frequented by Calamarians, 100 credits, but almost impossible to find anywhere else (can be constructed without too much trouble)


by DreamFox

Bantha are a species of highly-adaptable herbivores who have, over the millennium, been spread over the galaxy at large. These creatures are used as beasts of burden on most

any planet with farming industries. Their incredible size and strength, combined with their ability to go long periods of time without food or water, makes them ideal for helping settlers on harsher worlds. The species has been spread across the universe for such a long period of time, that nobody knows for sure where their true origins lie and any planet where the beasts roam free claims to be their homeworld. The giant mammals, in the wild, roam the plains in giant herds ranging from 20 to 100 individuals. Males can be identified by their slightly larger size and pair of huge, curving horns on their head. They are communal parents, with the entire herd raising the young rather than its parents alone. They are normally quiet and peaceful, even the wild ones allowing humans and humanoids to walk among them with hardly a second glance. If attacked, they will stampede. If the young are attacked, the males will charge the attacker while the females surround the young to protect them. Many smaller herds have inexplicably appeared in the great plains of the American Southwest and the great deserts of Africa, and in both areas, the herds are thriving well. There are also rumors of a very small herd of banthas wandering through Greenland, but these are still unconfirmed. Bantha *Alignment: peaceful and calm, considered principled *Attributes: IQ: 1D4, ME: 3D6, MA: 4D6, PS: 20+3D6, PP: 2D6, PE: 6D6+10, PB: 3D4, Spd: 3D6 *MDC: 20 plus 2D6X10 *Horror Factor: 6 *PPE: 4D6+5 *Height: 10 feet at shoulder Length: 30 feet Weight: 2 tons *Average Lifespan: 45 years *Natural Abilities: Keen sense of hearing, equal to a dog's, easily trainable, can walk continuously for days on end without tiring, swimming: 65% Climate Resistance: Banthas have evolved to deal with nearly any type of environment. They can withstand the cold of arctic worlds, up to 50 degrees below (F), without ill effects. In a desert, their fur actually insulates them from the heat, allowing them to function without problems in 100 degrees or more. Great locks of fur hang in front of their eyes, preventing them from being blinded by blizzards, sandstorms, and sunlight reflecting off sand or snow. Their large feet prevent them from sinking into soft grounds. Finally, a bantha can survive for one day per PE point without food or water *Vulnerabilities: Banthas are colorblind and have a relatively poor sense of smell. Also,

despite the fact that they can go weeks without food or water, once they do eat, they need a lot. A bantha can eat nearly twice its body weight after going a length of time without food and can easily put away one hundred gallons of water. When being fed normally, they need only seventy or so pounds of fodder and two to three gallons of water *Attacks per Melee: 2 or one stampede *Damage: 2D6 damage for a kick, 1D6 MD for a charge from a female, 2D4 MD for a charge from a male, Stampede: if a herd stampedes a target, it does 1D8 MD for every individual in the herd (2D4X10, plus 10), a stampede can be up to two hundred yards across, so getting out of the way is difficult, dodging means managing to get in between the charging giants, to dodge a stampede, a character makes three dodge rolls (uses all attacks that melee), if all three rolls are successful, the character managed to avoid all the banthas and takes no damage, making two out of three rolls means they made it most of the way, but somewhere near the end of the herd they were knocked down and trampled slightly (that's like being slightly shot), taking half normal damage, making only one successful roll means the character was knocked down somewhere in the middle and take full damage, missing all three rolls means they tripped or were knocked over at the very beginning of the herd and take double normal damage *Bonuses: +2 to strike, +2 to save vs. Horror Factor, +1 to save vs. magic and psionics *Magic: none *Psionics: none *Value: as pack animals, they are worth about 40,000 credits each, but many of the finer restaurants serve bantha steaks and bantha-skin cloaks and boots are popular with the upper class

Tauntaun by DreamFox Based on the Star Wars films by Lucasfilm Ltd. Tauntaun are a species of bipedal herbivores native to the frigid planet of Hoth. These animals roam the white plains of the planet by day in enormous packs, then spend their nights in the massive ice caves formed beneath thin sheets of permafrost. These caves usually have translucent ceilings which allows sunlight to filter through, feeding vast meadows of moss to grow in the freezing caves. The animals are fiercely territorial about their caves

when it comes to other Tauntaun herds, but are mostly friendly when it comes to humans and similar creatures. In fact, these animals are easily domesticated and make excellent pack and riding animals in snowy and cold areas. In reality, Tauntauns are an anomaly of nature. They are reptiles, although easily mistaken for mammals by all but the most scrutinizing eye. They are covered in shaggy fur and are warm-blooded, yet beneath the fur lie thick scales. They lay eggs in community nurseries in the herd's ice cave, where they're buried in thick piles of moss to incubate them. Once the eggs hatch, the young can immediately eat the mosses around them and are watched after by the herd. Tauntauns do not mate for life and redefine their mates each year. Males compete for females by butting heads. Several herds of these creatures have somehow ended up in the arctic regions of Rifts Earth, but no one is really sure when they got there. Tauntaun *Alignment: friendly and curious, closest to scrupulous *Attributes: IQ: dull animal, but loyal and easily trained, ME: 2D6, MA: 3D6, PS: 3D6+8, PP: 4D6, PE: 4D6+10, PB: 2D6, Spd: 3D6+60 (average about 70) *Hit Points: PE+4D6 *SDC: 45+4D8 *Height: 8ft plus 2D6 inches *Weight: 1,400 to 1,900 pounds *Average Life Span: 30 years *Appearance: a large creature resembling a raptor-like dinosaur, covered in thick, matted, gray and white fur, they have faces resembling an elongated horse's or cow's, they have long, curving, ram-like horns on the sides of their head, their back legs are long and powerful and their front legs are shorter and weaker, being used mostly for picking moss and holding it while chewing, they walk with a bird-like gate *AR: 12 *Horror Factor: 8 *PPE: 3D6 *Natural Abilities: leap 10 feet from standstill (20 feet with a running start), immune to cold (severe cold and cold-based attacks do half damage), exceptional sense of smell *Attacks Per Melee: 3 *Damage: 3D6 SD for a head-butt, 1D6 MD for a full-speed head ram, 2D6 SD for a kick, 1D6 SD for a scratch from the front claws *Bonuses: +2 to strike, +4 to dodge, +1 to save vs. Magic and poisons, plus whatever bonuses are received from attributes *Magic: none *Psionics: none *Value: worth 5,000 to 10,000 credits to those traveling in arctic environments

*Habitat: cold, arctic-like regions, anywhere where the temperature regularly falls below freezing but still has vegetation for them to eat

The AT-AT: All Terrain Armored Transport based on the film The Empire Strikes Back (C) Lucasfilm, Ltd. The Galactic Empire under the first and only Emporer, Palpatine I, spread its malevolent power throughout the galaxy, keeping the systems in line with fear. The Death Star, while the ultimate expression of this form of government by fear, was destroyed by the rebellion. The Empire possessed other tools, however, including the Star Destoyers and the dreaded AT-ATs. The AT-ATs, or Imperial Walkers, were massive engines of destruction, heavily armored and armed, and designed in the shape of a four legged beast. The unique design of the walking tank enabled it to cover huge stretches of terrain, terrain that would be impassable in a tank or even a speeder. Its four leg design gives it a better balance than a two-legged robot, and its sheer size often proved enough to deter any would-be rebels. The AT-ATs were used in heavy assualt and as troop transports, carried down to the surface of a planet in specially designed dropships. On the surface, they crushed any and all opposition, smashing tanks beneath their feet and sending searing blaster fire to destroy emplacements or fighters. Recently, a dimensional/temporal rift has brought fourteen Imperial Walkers to RiftsEarth, depositing half of them in North Africa, and the others in the American Southwest. The Imperial forces on board reacted badly to the spatial displacement, and the Phoenix Empire captured the seven in the Sahara. Rama-set plans to begin mass producing the weapons in a short while, and is fired by the Imperial's tales of a great galactic Empire. The Imperials in America kept their heads, and three of them found refuge in Lone Star. Two other walkers were captured by Pecos Raiders, one of the others was destroyed by a pair of dragons, and the last one was stolen by a pack of Grendels. The Stormtroopers and other Imperials have found a nice home in Lone Star, and Prosek, like Rama-set, is dreaming of mass-producing them for his own armies. Meanwhile, Northern Gun, Triax, Naruni Enterprises, and others have learned of the AT-ATs existance, and desperately wish to gain one for their own. THE IMPERIAL WALKER AT-AT/All Terrain Armored Transport Model Type: IM - 304 Class: terrestrial Heavy Assualt and Troop Transport Crew: Three; pilot, co-pilot/gunner, and officer. Troops Payload: 30 to 40 Stormtroopers MDC by Location: Legs(4): 500 each Head Guns(2): 150 ea Chin Guns(2): 120 ea (need called shot at -3 to hit) Rear Turret: 150 Head: 400 Reinforced Pilot's Compartment: 250

Underbelly: 700 *Main Body: 1500 * Depleting the MDC of the main body will destroy the machine. Note: The AT-AT is armored with laser resistant materials; all lasers do half damage. A variable laser will be able to do full damage if it can find the right frequency, and each AT-AT's armor is forged differently, i.e. one frequency won't work on another walker. SPEED: *Land*: 80 mph *Water*: AT-ATs float! The legs fold up against the underbelly, and the AT-AT cruises on the surface of the water, typically at about 10mph. This ability is rarely used, as dropships can deposit AT-ATs wherever they need to go, and they rarely need to ford rivers; using an AT-AT at sea is idiotic. The ability was built into the vehicle in case it was cut off without support or outnumbered and needed to flee. Most rebels don't expect these machines to be waterworthy. But they are, barely. *Air*: Flight is not possible STATISTICAL DATA: *Height*: 15 m *Width*: 5 m *Length*: 20 m *Weight*: 200 tons fully loaded *Cargo*: Rather than troops, the walker can carry cargo *Color*: Typically slate grey, with a red window across the "eye" *Power System*: Nuclear; 20 years *Black Market Cost*: Unavailable at present... WEAPON SYSTEMS: 1) Main Guns(2): located under the "chin" of the head, the main guns are heavy blasters with a 180d arc of fire due to the swiveling neck of the machine. Primary Purpose: Assault Secondary Purpose: Defense Mega-Damage: 2D6x10 per single blast; 4D6x10 per double blast Rate of Fire: Equal to gunner's hand to HTH attacks per round Maximum Effective Range: 3 miles Payload: Effectively unlimited Bonus: +2 strike 2) Secondary guns(2): located on the sides of the head, looking like ears, they have a 360d arc of fire; heavy rail guns, they are usually used to mow down infantry. Primary Purose: Defense Secondary Purpose: Assault Mega-Damage: a 30 round burst inflicts 1D4x10 MD; a double burst does 2D4x10 MD Rate of Fire: Equal to number of gunner's HTH attacks Maximum Effective Range: 3000feet Payload: 12,000 rounds per cannon; drums are housed in the main body and feed the ammunition through the head into the guns. It would take an experianced mechanic 20 minutes to reload a drum

3) Rear Light Ion Cannon on top of the walker's back end is a small turret with a 360d firing arc, primarily used to pick off fighters Primary Purpose: Defense Secondary Purpose: Assualt Mega-Damage: 1D4x10 per blast Rate of Fire: Equal to number of gunner's HTH attacks Maximum Effective Range: 4000 ft Payload: Effectively Unlimited 4) Both Prosek and Rama-set are considering beefing the walkers up with missile launchers, flame projectors, and shields, but have made little headway with adapting the stellar technology as of yet. They will wait until they see how new machines work in the field before adding any modifications. Not that the AT-AT needs any modifications, as any veteran of the Battle of Hoth will tell you... SENSORS OF NOTE: Long range communications, radar, radar tracking, combat and targeting computer, infrared and thermo-imaging graphics, external audio pickup and loudspeaker, telescopic zoom, distress beacon, spotlights/searchlights What do you think? Questions, comments, criticism, sarcasm, and nitpicking should be sent to X8CG@MUSIC.STLAWU.EDU aka Gargoyle VIVAT GRENDEL! Anybody else interested in converting Star Wars material to Rifts, please do. Such a wealth of ideas should not be ignored...and there are other things to do besides Jedi( there are two or three versions floating around, aren't there?) How about alien descriptions like in Aliens Unlimited? More Imperial equipment? Mandalore Body Armor? Huh?

Imperial AT-ST Walker based on the Star Wars films by (C) Lucasfilm, Ltd. In their extensive military campaign, the Galactic Empire soon came to realize that while the incredible power and versatility their AT-AT Walkers proved that they were indispensable, their size made them difficult, if not impossible to use on planets with dense foliage. Their great bulk also made the idea of a sneak attack nothing more than a frequent joke. To overcome these problems, their engineers developed a smaller, faster version capable of maneuvering in areas that would be difficult to use one of the larger Walkers in. This design was based upon the Old Republic's AT-PT Walker, but upgraded with many

new weapons and defense systems. Like its much larger cousin, the AT-ST Walker can instill awe and fear in a battle, easily overshadowing the heaviest infantry. Their maneuverability has proved valuable to resourceful pilots, who can take their vehicles into the densest of jungles, through swamps and bogs, and in areas where the ground is too weak to support the great bulk of AT-AT's The AT-ST's appearance, with its heavy weaponry and shielding, has recently not only become a dreaded sight in the Star Wars universe, but also in that of Rifts Earth. A small series of openings into their dimension has brought around fifty of these dreaded vehicles to our dimensions, possibly even more. The Coalition has captured several and begun analyzing their technology, hoping to mimic it and mass produce these assault craft. Several others are in the hands of countless mercenaries, militant groups, foreign governments, and black market dealers, making the craft an uncommon, but not completely unknown weapon in Earth's ever-increasing arsenal. IMPERIAL WALKER All-Terrain Scout Transport Model Type: ISW-124 Class: Scout Walker Crew: 2, one pilot/gunner and one gunner Troops Payload: none MDC by Location: *Main Body/Head: 500 Entry Hatch: 50 Head Guns (2): 80 each Chin Gun: 75 Concussion Grenade Launcher: 75 **Undercarriage: 200 **Legs (2): 200 each Feet (2): 75 each Foot-Mounted Blades (2): 35 each *Depleting the MDC of the Main Body/Head area will destroy the vehicle. AT-ST Walkers are covered in a special, laser-resistant shielding, meaning they only take half damage from laser or light-based attacks. **Depleting the MDC of either of the legs or the undercarriage will drop the AT-ST to the ground, making it completely immobile, however it can still fire its weapons SPEED: *Land*: 90 mph *Water*: none, but can float on water in an emergency *Air*: no flight capability STATISTICAL DATA:

*Height*: 25ft *Width*: 8ft *Length*: 12ft *Weight*: 10 tons *Cargo*: minimal, only enough space for survival rations for each crew member *Color*: slate grey with black plates over "eyes" *Power System*: 5-year nuclear battery *Black Market Cost*: difficult to find, approximately 19,000,000 credits on the black market WEAPON SYSTEMS: 1) Head-Mounted Laser Cannons (2) These two cannons are swivel-mounted, one on each side of the head. They are controlled by the gunner and can be set to fire simultaneously or be aimed and fired independently. They rotate 360 degrees, allowing shots in front or behind of the vehicle Primary Purpose: assault Secondary Purpose: defense Mega-Damage: 5D6, or 1D6 X 10 for a double blast Rate of Fire: equal to gunner's HTH attacks Maximum Effective Range: 6000 feet Payload: effectively unlimited Bonus: +3 to strike 2) Chin-Mounted Lasers A powerful assault weapon controlled by the pilot, this weapon swivels up and down and can point 45 degrees up or straight down without any lose of accuracy, as well as pointing right and left as the head swivels, allowing the gun to hit anything within the forward half of the vehicle. Primary Purpose: assault Secondary Purpose: defense Mega-Damage: 6D6 Rate of Fire: equal to pilot's HTH attacks Maximum Effective Range: 3,000 feet Payload: effectively unlimited Bonus: +2 to strike 3) Concussion Grenade Launcher A small, swiveling gun mounted on top of the head, this device looks relatively weak and unimpressive compared to the rest of the Walker, but is actually its most powerful weapon. The launcher is normally fired by the gunner, but can be aimed by the pilot with only marginal lose of accuracy. Primary Purpose: assault Secondary Purpose: defense Mega-Damage: 1D6 X 10 to a 30ft area Rate of Fire: maximum of 2 per melee Maximum Effective Range: 700 feet Payload: 30 concussion grenades Bonus: +3 to fire (by gunner) or +1 to fire (by pilot)

4) Foot Claws (one per foot) Sharp, almost animal-like claws are mounted on the tip of each of the Walker's feet. Their original intention was to help slice through thick, jungle vines and short trees for easier mobility, but they have already proven to be very useful in combat, as well. Primary Purpose: jungle clearance Secondary Purpose: assault Mega-Damage: 2D6 per kick, or can step on targets for 5D6 Rate of Fire: equal to pilot's HTH attacks Maximum Effective Range: ten feet Payload: unlimited Bonus: +2 to strike for kick, -1 for stomp SENSORS OF NOTE: Long range communications, radar, radar tracking, combat and targeting computer, thermo-imaging graphics, external audio pickup and loudspeaker, telescopic zoom, distress beacon, spotlights/searchlights

TIE Fighter by DreamFox based on the film "Star Wars" by (C) Lucasfilm, Ltd. The Twin Ion Engine Space Superiority Fighter is the backbone of the Galactic Empire's navy. These small ships have many advantages including speed, maneuverability, and the fact that they are mass produced faster than they can be destroyed. The original design was developed near the end of the Old Republic by Republic Sienar Systems, but once the Empire took over, the design, as well as the company, were confiscated, modified, and put into action. The result is a fast and deadly ship, especially in large numbers, that is recognized throughout the Known Galaxy and feared greatly by any who oppose the Empire. In more recent times, an Imperial Star Destroyer, carrying a full wing of TIE's (that's 72 ships) crashed through a dimensional breach into Rifts Earth. The capital ship immediately came under attack from CS ships and launched several squadrons of TIE's in defense. The Destroyer had already been severely crippled and was unable to participate very well in the fight. The ship's captain, Ian Parlov, panicked and ordered the ship away at top speed, leaving 24 of his fighters in the enemy's hands. Most of the fighters were destroyed, but not before

depleting the attacking Coalition forces. The 13 who survived limped their way to the NGR, where they were able to find shelter and help. These ships have been modified and repaired so many times in the last few years, the only connection they have with their old design is outside appearance. As for the remaining ships and Captain Parlov, that is for another time. In addition to those Fighters brought in by Parlov, a large number were also brought into the Graveyard area of the orbital community by the infamous "Sienar Disaster" (see the information on Sienar Station for details). Many were shot down by hunter/killer satellites, but those whose pilots were alert and watchful, made it out in one piece. Their are now 301 TIE Fighters in and around "The Zone" of Rifts space. Imperial Twin Ion Engine Fighter Model Type: Sienar Fleet Systems TIE/In Class: space superiority fighter Crew: one Passengers: none MDC by Location: *Cockpit/Main Body: 200 **Solar Panals (2): 80 each Laser Cannons (2): 30 each *Depleting the MDC of the main body will completely destroy the craft **Depleting the MDC of one Solar Panel means the ship will be difficult to pilot, -40% to all piloting rolls, if both are blown off, the ship will not be able to maneuver at all. SPEED: *Air*: MACH 2 *Space*: MACH 4 *Water*: Surprisingly, TIE Fighters were designed so that they could also operate underwater in case of emergency, however, their speed and handling both suffer, 50 mph, and -15% to all piloting rolls TMF: (note: for use only in campaigns using HU or TMNT flight combat rules) 3 underwater, 6 in an atmosphere, 7 in space STATISTICAL DATA: *Height*: 10 ft (main body sphere only), 22 ft including solar panals *Width*: 21 ft *Length*: 12 ft *Weight*: 2 tons *Cargo*: 140 pounds (about six cubic feet) *Color*: dark bluish-gray with black viewport and solar panels *Power System*: solar powered, 4 hour battery *Black Market Cost*: 8,500,000 credits WEAPON SYSTEMS:

1) Dual Laser Cannons A pair of guns mounted below the "bubble" cockpit and controlled by the pilot. They can only fire simultaneously. Primary Purpose: assault Secondary Purpose: defense Mega-Damage: 5D6 per simultaneous blast Rate of Fire: equal to pilot's HTH attacks per melee Maximum Effective Range: 4 miles Payload: effectively unlimited Bonus: +2 to strike SENSORS OF NOTE: Long range communications, radar, radar tracking, combat and targeting computer, distress beacon, spotlights/searchlights

TIE Interceptor

by DreamFox based on the Star Wars films by (C) Lucasfilm, Ltd. A vast improvement over the original TIE design, Interceptors are built to be even faster, more agile, and deadlier than any fighter before them. Like their older cousins, they almost immediately came to be known across the galaxy as weapons to be feared. The Empire mass produced these vehicles, with little care as to how many were destroyed. They proved to be radically more impressive than even some capital ships when sent out in large numbers. Their familiar spherical design with bent-wing solar panels grants greater mobility than the older, flat-wing design and proves to be a smaller target to hit. Several Years after the Battle of Endor and the fall of the Empire, one of Sienar System's primary shipyards was hit by an incredibly powerful magnetic storm that tore it apart. This "Sienar Disaster" went down in the record books as one of the most destructive storms in galactic history based on the fact that several ships and parts were completely destroyed, apparently without a trace. The reality behind the "Sienar Disaster" was that it was a powerful Ley Line storm that sucked a large number of starfighters, gunboats, and even a few shuttles through into the region known as the Graveyard in orbit around Rift's Earth. Those vessels without pilots were targeted by the killer satellites littering the area and sent crashing to the Earth far below. Those ships with pilots, very good pilots, were able to escape the carnage and make it to the safety of the orbital community. Those refugees, all employees of Sienar industries, were able to band together to

form their own small, exclusive space station. They jealously guard their technology and refuse to sell to anyone in the orbital community, although they commonly sell their services as armed escorts and couriers. There are currently a total of 217 TIE Interceptors among the orbital community, all under the control of Sienar Station. As for the Interceptors that fell to Earth, no one's quite sure. There were well over one hundred unmanned TIE Interceptors alone, so it is likely that at least one of these ships survived mostly intact. Twin Ion Engine Interceptor Model Type: Sienar Industries TIE/fc Class: space superiority fighter Crew: one Passengers: none MDC by Location: *Cockpit/Main Body: 250 **Solar Panels (2): 90 each Laser Cannons (2): 30 each *Depleting the MDC of the main body will completely destroy the craft **Depleting the MDC of one Solar Panel means the ship will be difficult to pilot, -40% to all piloting rolls, if both are blown off, the ship will not be able to maneuver at all. SPEED: *Air*: although space is their preferred backdrop, Interceptors fly quite well in an atmosphere, as well, their maximum speed is MACH 3 *Space*: MACH 4.5 *Water*: like its predecessor, TIE Interceptors can operate underwater in case of emergency, gaining maximum speeds of up to 75 mph TMF: (note: for use only in campaigns using the HU or TMNT flight combat rules) 3 underwater, 6 in an atmosphere, 8 in space STATISTICAL DATA: *Height*: 10 feet (cockpit sphere only), 17 feet including solar panals *Width*: 24 feet *Length*: 21 feet *Weight*: 3.5 tons *Cargo*: 160 pounds (about nine cubic feet) *Color*: dark blue with black viewport and solar panels *Power System*: solar powered with six hour battery *Black Market Cost*: 12,00,000 credits and up WEAPON SYSTEMS: 1) Dual Laser Cannons A pair of lasers, even more powerful than that of its predecessor, are mounted beneath

the cockpit. Like the original TIE Fighter, it can only be fired in simultaneous shots. Primary Purpose: assault Secondary Purpose: defense Mega-Damage: 5D6 + 10 per simultaneous blast Rate of Fire: equal to pilot's HTH attacks Maximum Effective Range: 6 miles Payload: effectively unlimited Bonus: +3 to strike SENSORS OF NOTE: Long range communications, radar, long range radar tracking, combat and targeting computer, distress beacon, spotlights/searchlights

TIE Bomber

by DreamFox based on the Star Wars films by (C) Lucasfilm, Ltd. One of the more recent developments in TIE technology, the bomber is designed for use against capital ships and ground targets rather than ship-to-ship combat. Its larger, two cylinder body design holds a large amount of projectiles designed to take down targets quickly and it's bent-wing design allows for better handling for avoiding turbolaser blasts. The original design for the TIE Bomber was proposed by Sienar Fleet Systems at the beginning of the Emperor's reign, but was rejected as not being effective enough to handle any sort of hard core battle. A few prototypes quickly proved this theory wrong when single squadron of Bombers, accompanied only by four Interceptors, attacked and destroyed three Rebel frigates. Upon seeing this, Emperor Palpatine ordered the craft be put into full production. Since then, the TIE Bomber has become an important support of the Imperial Navy and proved to be able to handle ground support as well as space combat. TIE Bomber pilots must be completely fearless, considering that they are sitting on top of over a ton of explosives. In the Sienar Disaster, a large number of these craft were rifted into Earth's orbit, in the region known as the Graveyard. The killer satellites of the area immediately went to work, taking down large numbers of these slower craft and sending their battered hulls plummeting towards Earth. The heavy amount of explosives on board the Bombers meant those who survived the long fall to Earth blew themselves and anything else within half a mile into unidentifiable pieces.

The precious 60 who escaped intact aided in the construction of Sienar Station and became an important part of its defense and escort services. Twin Ion Engine Bomber Model Type: Sienar Fleet Systems TIE/br Class: space and ground support craft Crew: one Passengers: none MDC by Location: *Cockpit Pod (right): 200 **Missile Pod (left): 240 ***Solar Panels (2): 90 each Laser Cannon: 30 Concussion Missile Launcher: 40 Proton Torpedo Launcher: 50 *Depleting the MDC of the Cockpit will destroy the craft completely **Depleting the MDC of the Missile Pod will destroy the craft as well as detonating all the explosives inside, doing a total of 3D6 X 100 damage to everything within 100 feet ***Depleting the MDC of one Solar Panel means the ship will be difficult to pilot, -40% to all piloting rolls, if both are blown off, the ship will not be able to maneuver at all. SPEED: *Air*: not very fast, but suffers very little when placed in an atmosphere, MACH 1 *Space*: MACH 1.5 *Water*: as with all the other TIE versions, the Bomber was designed to operate underwater as emergency support for aquatic operations, top speed is 50 mph TMF: (note: only for use in campaigns using the HU or TMNT flight combat rules), 2 underwater, 5 in an atmosphere, 6 in space STATISTICAL DATA: *Height*: 11 feet (cockpit cylinder only), 18 feet including solar panals *Width*: 32 feet *Length*: 22 feet *Weight*: 6 tons *Cargo*: minimal, missiles occupy most available space, 100 pounds, about 4 square feet *Color*: dark blue with black viewports and solar panels *Power System*: solar, five hour battery *Black Market Cost*: none available on black market, but would be around 13,000,000 credits without missiles if available WEAPON SYSTEMS: 1) Laser Cannon A light weapon mounted on the pilot's pod. It is intended to defend the TIE while on the way to its target or to serve as offense when all missiles are spent. Primary Purpose: defense

Secondary Purpose: assault Mega-Damage: 4D6 Rate of Fire: equal to pilot's HTH attacks per melee Maximum Effective Range: 1 mile Payload: effectively unlimited Bonus: +2 to strike 2) Concussion Missile Launcher One of the Bomber's two primary weapons systems, concussion missiles are used are solid-impact warheads rather than their energy equivalents. Very useful for hitting a target without having to worry about energy shields, but do relatively minor damage in comparison to their energy equivalents. Primary Purpose: assault Secondary Purpose: defense Mega-Damage: 2D6 X 10 Rate of Fire: maximum of twice per melee Maximum Effective Range: 40 miles Payload: 18 missiles Bonus: warheads track on their target once locked, adding +5 to strike 3) Proton Torpedo Launcher A very powerful missile made of compacted energy, these are the Bomber's primary weapons against large ships. The only disadvantage to these is that they impact on energy shields instead of passing through like concussion missiles. Primary Purpose: assault Secondary Purpose: defense Mega-Damage: 4D6 X 10 Rate of Fire: maximum of twice per melee Maximum Effective Range: 60 miles Payload: 12 missiles Bonus: warheads track automatically on their target, granting a +5 to strike SENSORS OF NOTE: Long range communications, radar, radar tracking, combat and targeting computer, distress beacon, spotlights/searchlights

TIE-RAC based on the concepts of the Star Wars films by (C) Lucasfilm, Ltd. After completing repairs and reconnaissance of their new home, the captain and crew of the Imperial Star Destroyer Righteous soon came to realize that if they were to ever take over this incredible world of technology and magic, they would need much more powerful weapons themselves. They realized that successful military strike with their current craft, although effective, were somewhat costly and weakening them slowly. They needed

something with bigger weapons, stronger body, and better capabilities under close combat. The result was the new Twin Ion Engine Rapid Assault Craft. By applying new technologies they had acquired since their arrival in this strange realm, they created one of the most powerful personal fighters to be seen in the atmosphere. They have been specially designed to operate in an atmosphere rather than space, although they are still capable of operating within a vacuum. The craft has the familiar spherical cockpit and bent-wing design of the TIE Interceptor, but with large, rectangular missile pods on either side of the cockpit and a trapezoidal solar fin set along the center of the TIE's top. There are now only six of these craft, each one already having been extensively field tested and proving to be even more capable than the original design projections had predicted. Plans are underway to commandeer a robot manufacturing plant somewhere to begin mass producing these craft. These plans are still on the back burner, however, due to the Imperials' lack of knowledge about the defensive forces near various facilities. Twin Ion Engine Rapid Assault Craft Model Type: Righteous Design TIE-RAC Fighter Class: atmospheric superiority fighter Crew: 1 Passengers: none MDC by Location: *Cockpit/Main Body: 300 **Solar Panels (3): 900 each Missile Pods (2): 75 each Laser Cannons (2): 35 each Railgun: 60 ***Shields: 600 *Depleting the MDC of the Cockpit/Main Body will completely destroy the craft **Depleting the MDC of one Solar Panel with make controlling the craft difficult, reducing all piloting rolls by 25%, destroying two will reduce piloting rolls by 50%, destroying all three panels will make the vehicle impossible to maneuver, sending it crashing to the ground ***The shields defend the craft against any energy-based attacks, including lasers, ion blasts, particle beams, fire, electricity, ect. Magical blasts do half damage to the shields and half to the hull. This design of shield projector is similar to the new magnetic shielding installed on the Righteous itself, meaning it will also block metal bullets, missiles, ect. All the MDC must be drained from the Shields before any blasts hit the vehicle itself. Shield regenerates 30 MDC per melee

SPEED: *Air*: built for best performance in an atmosphere, the TIE-RAC can reach up to MACH 4 in an atmosphere, also capable of flying backwards at speeds of MACH 1 and slower *Space*: the vehicle has yet to be tested in a vacuum, but best projections say it should be able to reach about MACH 5 *Water*: unlike the previous TIE designs, the RAC is not built for emergency water combat (although plans are underway for TIE Aquatic), they are watertight, but other than that, they are at the mercy of the tides and winds TMF: (note: for use only in campaigns using the HU and TMNT flight combat rules) 8 in an atmosphere, predicted to be 6 in space STATISTICAL DATA: *Height*: 18 feet including fin *Width*: 24 feet *Length*: 17 feet *Weight*: 4 tons *Cargo*: minimal, 100 pounds, about four square feet *Color*: dark blue with black viewports and solar panels *Power System*: solar with six hour battery *Black Market Cost*: not available on black market WEAPON SYSTEMS: 1) Dual Laser Cannons The primary assault weapon of the TIE-RAC is mounted below the cockpit. As with the Fighter and the Interceptor, they can only fire simultaneous blasts. Primary Purpose: assault Secondary Purpose: defense Mega-Damage: 5D6 +10 per simultaneous blast Rate of Fire: equal to pilot's HTH attacks per melee Maximum Effective Range: 6 miles Payload: effectively unlimited Bonus: +3 to strike 2) Heavy Railgun One of the new systems that had integrated Rifts technology with Imperial, the Imperial railgun design fires out steel spikes at a speed of MACH 2. The weapon is a large, square barrel located just above the pilot's viewport. Primary Purpose: assault Secondary Purpose: defense Mega-Damage: 2D6 X 10 per 20 round burst or 2D6 damage per single round Rate of Fire: standard Maximum Effective Range: 4,000 feet Payload: 600 rounds (enough for 30 bursts) Bonus: +2 to strike 3) Inter-Tech Missile Launcher A specially designed and still-experimental system that allows the pod to fire off

weapons of nearly any design, making the craft, overall, very versatile when it comes to ammo needs. There is one pod on each side of the spherical cockpit. Primary Purpose: assault Secondary Purpose: defense Mega-Damage: as per missile type (concussion missiles do 2D6 X 10, Proton Torpedoes do 4D6 X 10) Rate of Fire: as often as twice per melee Maximum Effective Range: as per missile type (concussion missiles: 40 miles, proton torpedoes: 60 miles) Payload: six missiles per pod (twelve total) Bonus: Imperial missiles have tracking warheads, giving them a +5 to strike SENSORS OF NOTE: Long range communications, radar, radar tracking, combat and targeting computer, external audio pickup and loudspeaker, telescopic zoom, distress beacon, spotlights/searchlights

Imperial Gunboat by DreamFox based on the Star Wars films by (C) Lucasfilm, Ltd. Early in the Galactic Empire's existence, the admirals soon came to realize that while their TIE Fighters were a deadly force due to their numbers, they were ineffective for special-purpose missions and surgical strikes. They needed a small craft, but with enough weapons and shielding to be able to combat large-scale forces. What their engineers came up with was the Gunboat. Although only slightly larger than the standard fighters, the gunboat armed and armored better than assault shuttles and troop transports. The design is similar to the Lambda-class shuttle, with two side wings and a small vertical fin perched on top of the main body, but much smaller. The original purpose of the gunboat was to be for distant strikes against targets that needed to be captured "live" (something very difficult for the TIE designs), but they soon proved themselves to be versatile enough to be used as support craft in normal battles and for patrolling border regions. With the fall of the Emperor and the spread of the remaining Imperials into the fringes of the galaxy, these craft are becoming rarer and rarer, and all the more valuable to the warlords. Thankfully, a bare minimal number of these powerful craft have yet to make it to Rifts Earth, and all are under the direct command of Captain Parlov (see the entry on

the Righteous). The Coalition would love to get their hands on such a craft if the opportunity arose and would immediately set to work analyzing the technology and learning how to build a fleet of the gunboats. Imperial Gunboat Model Type: Sienar Fleet Systems 2L Mini-Gunship Class: Assault Gunship/Support Craft Crew: 2, one pilot/gunner and one navigator/gunner Passengers: 3, most room is reserved for weapons systems MDC by Location: *Main Body: 900 Wings (2): 150 each Ventral Fin: 80 Laser Cannons (2): 50 each Ion Cannons (2): 40 each Missile Launchers (2): 90 each **Shields: 1,800 * Depleting the MDC of the Main Body completely destroys the craft **The shields defend the craft against any energy-based attacks, including lasers, ion blasts, particle beams, fire, electricity, ect. Magical blasts do half damage to the shields and half to the hull. Shots with metal bullets, missiles, ect. will do full damage to the hull. All the MDC must be drained from the Shields before any energy blasts hit the vehicle itself. Shield regenerate 50 MDC per melee SPEED: *Air*: MACH 3.5 *Space*: MACH 4, equiped with hyperdrive unit, allowing speeds of up to 30 lightyears per hour *Water*: can operate underwater, but is slowed considerably and is difficult to handle, 60mph, -30% to piloting rolls TMF: (note: only for use in campaigns using the TMNT and HU flight combat rules) 1 in water, 5 in air, 7 in space STATISTICAL DATA: *Height*: 12 feet (27 with fin) *Width*: 24 feet *Length*: 42 feet *Weight*: 7 tons *Cargo*: minimal, only enough space for survival supplies for crew and passengers *Color*: dark gray with black windows *Power System*: 5-year nuclear battery *Black Market Cost*: not available WEAPON SYSTEMS: 1) Laser Cannons (2)

The Gunboat's primary weapons for most assaults, the dual laser cannons are mounted just below the cockpit and can be controlled by the either pilot of navigator. Primary Purpose: assault Secondary Purpose: defense Mega-Damage: 5D6 single shot or 1D6 X 10 for simultaneous blast Rate of Fire: equal to gunner's HTH attacks per melee Maximum Effective Range: 6,000 feet Payload: effectively unlimited Bonus: +2 to strike 2) Ion Cannons (2) Powerful weapons mounted over the cockpit, ion cannons are used to cripple targets rather than destroying them. If a craft takes more than 40 points of damage from an ion cannon in one melee, the craft saves vs. 15 or higher or all electrical systems short out, crippling the craft for 2D4 melees. Primary Purpose: assault/crippling targets Secondary Purpose: defense Mega-Damage: 2D6 for a single shot or 5D6 for double blast Rate of Fire: equal to navigator's HTH attacks per melee Maximum Effective Range: 4,000 feet Payload: effectively unlimited Bonus: +2 to strike 3) Missile Launchers This system is normally reserved for forward attacks on installations or capital ships. One missile pod is mounted to either side of the main body and is normally fired by the navigator, although the pilot can fire them in an emergency with a -2 to strike. They are normally armed with Concussion Missiles in order to get by energy shields. Primary Purpose: assault Secondary Purpose: defense Mega-Damage: Concussion Missiles do 2D6 X 10, Proton Torpedoes do 4D6 X 10 Rate of Fire: maximum of 3 per melee Maximum Effective Range: concussion missiles: 40 miles, proton torpedoes: 60 miles Payload: eight missiles per pod (total sixteen) Bonus: Imperial missiles have tracking warheads, adding +5 to strike SENSORS OF NOTE: Long range communications, radar, radar tracking, combat and targeting computer, loudspeaker, telescopic zoom, distress beacon, spotlights/searchlights

Lambda-Class Shuttle by DreamFox

based on the Star Wars films by (C) Lucasfilm, Ltd. Quite possibly the most extensively used passenger shuttle used in the Star Wars universe, Lambda-class shuttles are easily identifiable, three-winged design that makes them resemble and upside-down "Y". These shuttles were those used most commonly by the Galactic Empire and the New Republic afterwards. They are well-shielded, armed, and relatively fast, making them ideal for transporting diplomats and ferrying troops into battle. The ship requires a pilot, co-pilot/gunner, and navigator/gunner and can haul large numbers of troops comfortably to and from battle sights, along with all the equipment they need. With the recent Rift activity in the world of the New Republic, several of these ships have been lost to the world of Rifts Earth. The Star Destroyer Righteous, as well as the Sienar Disaster both ended up bring a few of these crafter through. In addition, several have also been lost in the depths of space, supposedly lost to pirates or cosmic storms, when they were actually pulled through small Rifts into a new world of science and magic. Emperor Prosek has one of these as a personal escape craft in case of emergencies. The Splugorth have captured several and are studying the technology. A few have also turned up in the dimensional market, as well. Lambda-Class Shuttle Model Type: Imperial Industry Lambda-Class Shuttle IV Class: armed passenger/troop carrier Crew: 3 Passengers: 20 MDC by Location: *Main Hull: 800 **Wings (3): 260 each Laser Cannons (4): 50 each ***Shields: 1,200 *Depleting the MDC of the Main Body destroys the craft **Depleting the MDC of one wing will also destroy the laser cannon on its tip ***The shields defend the craft against any energy-based attacks, including lasers, ion blasts, particle beams, fire, electricity, ect. Magical blasts do half damage to the shields and half to the hull. Shots with metal bullets, missiles, ect. will do full damage to the hull. All the MDC must be drained from the Shields before any energy blasts hit the vehicle itself. Shield regenerate 30 MDC per melee SPEED: *Air*: capable of speeds of MACH 2 in an atmosphere

*Space*: faster in space, capable of MACH 3.5, but hyperdrive engines allow them to travel at up to 40 lightyears per hour *Water*: these shuttles are incapable of operating effectively underwater, although they are airtight and can hide underwater and move along slowly in a pinch, about 40mph TMF: (note: only for those campaings using the HU and TMNT flight combat rules) 3 in air, 5 in space STATISTICAL DATA: *Height*: 18ft (not including wings) *Width*: 20ft (not including wings) *Length*: 64ft *Wings*: 34ft long each *Weight*: 12 tons *Cargo*: 7 tons *Color*: slate gray with black windows, but can be painted as per customer's wishes *Power System*: nuclear 10-year battery *Black Market Cost*: 25 million credits WEAPON SYSTEMS: 1) Laser Cannons (4) Four pivoting lasers are mounted on board the shuttle for defense. One is mounted on the wing tips of each of the side wings, with the other two pointing forward from either side of the cockpit. The two wing-mounted guns need to be controlled by a separate gunner, but the forward lasers may be fired by the pilot. Primary Purpose: defense Secondary Purpose: assault Mega-Damage: 5D6, 1D6 X 10 for double blast from forward cannons Rate of Fire: equal to gunner's HTH attacks per melee Maximum Effective Range: 8,000 feet Payload: effectively unlimited Bonus: +2 to strike (no bonus for pilot) SENSORS OF NOTE: Long range communications, radar, radar tracking, combat and targeting computer, telescopic zoom, distress beacon, spotlights/searchlights

Imperial Escort Shuttle by DreamFox based on the Star Wars films by (C) Lucasfilm, Ltd. Designed and put into use shortly after the initial Lambda-class shuttle was developed by the Empire, Escort shuttles are larger, faster, and better armed. They are reserved for transporting the most valuable cargo and government officials. These

ominous, dark figures are instantly identified as objects of fear by some, and treasuretroves by others. Similar in design to their predecessors, with the same inverted-"Y" design, but with the tips curving forward. The body is larger, but thinner and with more curves. The idea was to create a style of ship that would reflect the kind of dark power the Emperor represented. Now that the Emperor is dead and his forces scattered across the universe, these craft are rarely seen. The New Republic and various pirate groups control a small number of these ships, mostly remodified, but the vast majority are still unaccounted for, most likely in the hands of the various Imperial warlords. A precious few of these craft have managed to find their ways to Rifts Earth. Most are either in the hands of Sienar Station in The Zone, or Captain Parlov and his crew. The NGR has happened across the battered remains of a crash-landed escort shuttle (one of the ships blasted out of the Graveyard immediately after the Sienar Disaster), and has been trying to repair it, with relatively little luck. Triax has one of these ships, which it has been hiding from its government, and are getting close to understanding the technology behind it. Imperial Escort Shuttle Model Type: Imperial Navy 12Z Escort Shuttle Class: armored transport Crew: 4, one pilot, three gunners Passengers: up to 15 with full equipment MDC by Location: *Main Body: 1,500 **Wings (3): 350 Laser Cannons (3): 50 each Rear Turbolaser Turret: 100 ***Shields: 3,000 *Depleting the MDC of the Main Body destroys the craft **Depleting the MDC of one wing will also destroy the laser cannon on its tip ***The shields defend the craft against any energy-based attacks, including lasers, ion blasts, particle beams, fire, electricity, ect. Magical blasts do half damage to the shields and half to the hull. Shots with metal bullets, missiles, ect. will do full damage to the hull. All the MDC must be drained from the Shields before any energy blasts hit the vehicle itself. Shield regenerate 30 MDC per melee SPEED: *Air*: MACH 4

*Space*: MACH 5, but hyperdrive allows it to move at speeds of 45 lightyears per hour *Water*: capable of hiding out underwater and even slight maneuvering, 65mph, -10% to piloting rolls TMF: (note: only for campaigns using the HU and TMNT flight combat rules) 2 underwater, 6 in the air, 7 in space STATISTICAL DATA: *Height*: 21 feet (not including top wing) *Width*: 31 feet (not including wings) *Length*: 84 feet *Weight*: 23 tons *Cargo*: 4 tons *Color*: dark gray to black with black windows *Power System*: 7-year nuclear battery *Black Market Cost*: not available WEAPON SYSTEMS: 1) Laser Cannons (3) One laser is mounted on the tip of each wing and can swivel to hit virtually anything no matter what its position to the shuttle. The two cannons on the lower wings are linked and controlled by one gunner, whereas the top is fired separately Primary Purpose: defense Secondary Purpose: assault Mega-Damage: 5D6 for single cannon, 1D6 X 10 for dual cannons Rate of Fire: equal to gunner's HTH attacks per melee Maximum Effective Range: 6,000 feet Payload: effectively unlimited Bonus: +2 to strike 2) Turbolaser Turret The single, swiveling gun mounted on the rear of the craft was designed to add extra support and deter craft from following it. It is controlled by a separate gunner. Primary Purpose: defense Secondary Purpose: assault Mega-Damage: 8D6 Rate of Fire: equal to gunner's HTH attacks per melee Maximum Effective Range: 8,000 feet Payload: effectively unlimited Bonus: +3 to strike SENSORS OF NOTE: Long range communications, radar, radar tracking, combat and targeting computer, telescopic zoom, distress beacon, spotlights/searchlights

Speeder Bike

by DreamFox

based on the film "Return of the Jedi" by (C) Lucasfilm, Ltd. Speeder Bikes are quick and highly maneuverable vehicles developed in the Star Wars universe. They hover above the ground on repulsorlifts, allowing them to move across rough terrain with no ill effects. They are built more for speed than protection, making them extremely popular with teenagers and thrill seekers. In many worlds, speeder bike racing is a very popular sport. These light, quick vehicles are also favored by both the Imperial and New Republic militaries for reconnaissance and scouting. These military models are equipped with light armor plating and a light laser weapon, but are not built for combat and don't last long in a real fire fight. In more recent years, a freighter hauling several hundred of these machines was landed on by an unfortunate Shifter who, in a panic, shot back to Rifts Earth and brought the entire freighter with him. He was captured by the ship's crew and accidentally killed before he could explain what had happened and send them back. It took some time for the workers to get used to this new world, but they were finally able to incorporate themselves into a medium-sized city just outside the Coalition's borders. They scrapped the freighter and sold the parts, but the speeder bikes were sold completely intact to a wide variety of individuals. The workers, with their nice little profit, have settled in and have since taken a liking to their new home. The bikes are now found throughout North America, with a few in Europe and Atlantis. Nightfalcon Speeder Bike Model Type: Ikas-Adno 22-B Nightfalcon Class: speeder bike Crew: 1 Passengers: 1 MDC by Location: *Main Body: 50 (70 for military models) **Forward Stabilized Array: 10 Medium Laser (military models only): 20 *Depleting the MDC of the Main Body will completely destroy the vehicle. **Depleting the MDC of the Stabilizer Array (the weird fins at the front of the bike) will cause the pilot to loose most control over the vehicle, all piloting rolls are made with a -45% penalty, however, the array is small and constantly moving target, requiring a called shot at -3 to strike MOVEMENT:

*Top Speed*: 290 mph *Maximum Flight Ceiling*: 70 feet TMF: (note: for use only in campaigns using the HU and TMNT flight combat rules): 7 STATISTICAL DATA: *Height*: 1.5 feet *Width*: 1.5 feet *Length*: 8 feet *Weight*: 170 pounds *Cargo*: surprisingly, these vehicles do have some cargo space, carry up to 9 pounds of cargo, or about 1.5 cubic feet *Color*: depends on the customer's preferences, military bikes are normally brown, black, or gray *Power System*: rechargable battery, enough for 48 hours of flight, recharges in 4 hours when connected to a larger power source *Cost*: 900,000 credits (1,500,000 credits for military speeders on the black market) WEAPON SYSTEMS: 1) Medium Laser (only available on military speeder bikes) Primary Purpose: defense Secondary Purpose: assault Mega-Damage: 3D6 Rate of Fire: equal to pilot's HTH attacks Maximum Effective Range: 1,000 feet Payload: effectively unlimited as long as battery is charged Bonus: none SENSORS OF NOTE: Long range communications, radar, radar tracking, headlight

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