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Thaumathrope A Rare Human Mutation for RIFTS In certain places were P.P.E. levels are chronically high (i.e.

Rifts Earth, Phase World, certain worlds in the 3 Galaxies system), a strange new human adaption has been born. Although some believe that this is a relatively new phenomenon, it has actually been occurring for as long as humans have existed. The reason for this is the rarity. Approximately 1 in 50 000 000 live human births in areas of high P.P.E. has been a Thaumathrope. In the past, perhaps once a millennium, a Thaumathrope may have been born at a Ley Line Nexus. But since the erupting of the Ley Lines, it has become possible for Thaumathropes to be born nearly anywhere on Rifts Earth. It is entirely possible for a Thaumathrope to live out their entire life without ever knowing that they are different from other humans. The only indications that they may be different is an odd weakness that overcomes them if they remain too long in areas with absolutely no ambient P.P.E. This is because the Thaumathropes are a unique form of P.P.E. parasite. Some experts have theorized that the Thaumathropes are some sort of odd defence mechanism of the human race against excessive profusion of magic; because unlike Psi-Stalkers, they arent P.P.E. vampires. They cannot take P.P.E. from people, creatures or magical items Their sustenance is Raw Magic. (although they still need food and water as any normal human does) A Thaumathrope can be detected as children, by the fact that they have abnormally low P.P.E. levels; rarely more than 4! However, this doesnt hinder them, since they naturally absorb P.P.E. from the environment (3 P.P.E. per day as children, 2 P.P.E. per day as young teens, and 1 P.P.E. per day as adults). Because of this low Psychic Potential, Thaumathropes can never use magic, or develop psionic powers. If a Thaumathropes P.P.E. levels ever reach 0, and they still cant get any from the environment, then they begin to start consuming their own life essence to fuel their unique existence. A permanent loss of 5 HP replaces 1 P.P.E. However, feeding off their minuscule P.P.E. Base, or their Hit Points, is painful and debilitating to them. They are reduced to 1 attack per melee, no combat bonuses, and are -4 on all combat rolls. Thaumathropes are a bane to magic users, since they absorb the P.P.E. of every spell directed at them. All but 1 P.P.E. of any spell that targets them is consumed by the Thaumathrope. Although the cosmetic effects of the spell may still seem to occur (i.e. a bolt of flame may shoot from a mage to the Thaumathrope), the Thaumathrope is not affected by the spell whatsoever. Even area affect spells can feed the Thaumathrope. 1 P.P.E., or 10% (whichever is greater) of the cost of the area effect spell is absorbed. The spell will affect all other targets normally, but will have no effect on the Thaumathrope. Area Effect Spells that target things other than the Thaumathrope (i.e. Calm Storm) will still work normally when he is in the area only magic where the direct manifestation of the psychic energy is consumed. Although a Thaumathrope can store psychic energy to nourish itself in areas of low P.P.E., is not an efficient P.P.E. battery any amount in excess of 25 P.P.E. bleeds away naturally into the environment at a rate of 1 P.P.E. per minute. This causes no ill effect to the Thaumathrope, nor to those around him. However, if the P.P.E. levels ever exceed 50 P.P.E., the most fearsome aspect of the Thaumathrope manifests. The Thaumathrope transforms into a daemonic-like monster, filled with animalistic rage. It still retains the magicabsorbing powers of its human form, but it also gains supernatural toughness, strength, and a devastating breath weapon. The Thaumathrope will attack everything and anything about it, until it naturally bleeds away the P.P.E. in excess of 50; at which time, he reverts to his human form, his clothing torn and shredded, with no recollection of what he did while in the Thaumonster form. The Thaumonster has an I.Q. of 1; it will mindlessly attack friend and foe alike. It cannot understand speech, but it may respond to telepathic contact. Thaumathropes of Principled or Scrupulous alignment may be able to restrain their Thaumonster rage from harming a true innocent (save vs. Pain 14+). As a Thaumathrope gains experience, he may gain more control of his Thaumonster form. Regardless of the Thaumonsters I.Q., the transformed being is in a constant state of Frenzy. It has an overwhelming desire to destroy and kill; one that cannot be denied only directed. Thaumathrope Alignment: Any Attributes: I.Q. 3d6; M.E. 3d6; M.A. 3d6; P.S. 3d6; P.P 3d6; P.E. 3d6; P.B. 3d6; Spd. 3d6 (Attributes supernatural in Thaumonster form) Hit Points: Human standard

S.D.C.: by O.C.C. Natural A.R.: None M.D.C.: None as a human, HP2 in Thaumonster form Horror Factor: None as human (magic users who know their nature face HF: 10); 15 in Thaumonster form P.P.E.: 1d4+1 Natural Abilities: P.P.E. Batteries. Stores up to 25 P.P.E before it starts bleeding it off at a rate of 1 per minute. Immune to all magic; including energy created by magic or special effects induced by magical item. This includes harmful and benign magics. Absorbs all but 1 P.P.E. of all spells directed at them (even those that create and direct energy/projectiles towards the target), and 10% of Area Effect spells cast on them (spell effects other targets normalls). Thaumathropes also have an innate, instinctive sense of the ambient P.P.E. of an area. He will feel uneasy and irritable in areas with extremely low or no P.P.E., and a feeling of euphoria in areas of high P.P.E. This can be used as a very coarse way of locating Ley Lines or Nexus Points. Combat: 2 attacks without training, plus any gained by Hand to Hand training and/or boxing Bonuses: None as a human; see below for Thaumonster bonuses Psionics: None. Cannot use psionics. As a non-psionic, they need a 15+ to save vs. psionics Average Life Span: Human standard Height: Human standard Weight: Human standard O.C.C.s: Any that do not require psionics or magic. Habitat: Anywhere there are high natural levels of P.P.E. Enemies: Magic Users, Dragons, Splugorth, Demons and any other being the uses magic Allies: Human standard Notes: Any time that a Thaumathrope transforms into a Thaumonster, it will automatically eject all bionics, cybernetics and implants from its body, and normal, living versions of those organs and limbs will grow back within 1d8 melees. Note that if a bionic heart is ejected, the Thaumonster will die before a new heart will grow in. Bio-Wizard implants/parasites will not bond with a Thaumathrope; they will die immediately upon contact with the Thaumathropes body, due to all of their P.P.E. being drained out of them. Thaumonster Form

Any time that the Thaumathropes P.P.E. levels exceed 50, it grows into a hulking, monstrous creature, full of mindless rage. The growth into the Thaumonster destroys what the character is wearing; even MDC material. The Thaumathrope remains in its Thaumonster form until its P.P.E. levels drop to 50. (as per the normal Thaumathrope P.P.E. bleed of 1 per minute). The Thaumonster is in a perpetual Frenzy, and will lash out at friend or foe, inanimate object or innocent bystander. Thaumathropes of Principled or Scrupulous Alignment may restrain their rage from targeting true Innocents by rolling a save vs. pain (14+) in each instance.

Alignment: effectively Diabolic; although more intelligent Thaumonsters may be Aberrant Horror Factor: 15 Add 40% to height, and weight triples Hit points double and become M.D.C. Bio-Regenerates 3d6 M.D.C. per melee. Severed limbs regrow within 1d8 melees Add 25 to PS, and 12 to PE (become supernatural) +2 attacks per melee, +1 initiative, +2 strike/parry/dodge, +4 roll +2 vs. psionics, immune to Horror Factor, immune to magic Claws/Talons add 2d6 MD to supernatural strength, Bite does 4d6 MD, Horn gore does 1d8 MD Breath Weapon Attack. Does 3d6+1d6/level. Range 200 ft., 15 spread (can hit multiple targets). Chose one of the following Breath Weapons at character creation:

Laser/Photon Blast: (causes a blinding flash (blocked by polarized vision) Lasts 1d4 melees, -5 strike, -10 parry/dodge, 50% chance of falling every 10 ft. moved

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Fire: sets flammables on fire 89% Cryonic/Freeze Blast: covers all surfaces with a 60 S.D.C. coating of ice. Chance of slipping as per Sheet of Ice spell (Rifts Conversion book, page 80) Electrical/Particle Blast: Arcs through conductible materials (doing 1/10 damage). Stuns unshielded targets (-1 attack, -1 strike/parry/dodge for 1d4 melees), shorts out unshielded electronics Cone of Force: Invisible (-6 to dodge), and knocks back all targets not anchored to the limit of the cones range

Each level, the Thaumathrope can roll a save vs. psionics (15+, with any M.E. bonuses), to try to gain some level of control over its Thaumonster form. Each time the character succeeds on this roll, his Thaumonsters I.Q. increases by one (Starts at I.Q. 1). If he rolls a 1 on this roll, then he loses some level of control, and the Thaumonsters I.Q. drops by one (minimum 1). At I.Q. of 4, it can begin to understand simple speech in its native tongue, but it still rage-filled. Others might be able to convince it to direct its rage at a specific target. At I.Q. of 6, it can recognize close friends and will avoid directly hurting them. It can understand its native language, and a tiny bit of any other language that it knows. Although the Thaumonsters mouth and larynx is not suited for speaking, it can make growls that sound like Yes, No, Bad, Good, Kill, Hurt, Stop, Me, You, Crush, etc. I.Q. of 8 is the maximum a Thaumonster can ever achieve (must still roll each level to see if he loses some level of control). At this level, the Thaumonster can communicate like a 4 year old child. However, it is still subject to the unstoppable rage. However, it can direct that rage at specific targets, and recognize specific friends and foes. Whatever the Thaumonsters I.Q., its target of choice will always be the one that last targeted him with magic.

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